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Humanistic Fuxi

 In China, there are probably not a few people who know Fuxi. Generally speaking, they can tell the legend that Fuxi and Nuwa got married to reproduce human beings in the remote times. As the legendary leader of the ancient tribal alliance, Fuxi is known as the "dragon ancestor". It is said in Shi Han Shen Wu that his mother Huaxu trampled on the "great trace" left by Thor in Leize and gave birth to him. Lightning is the shape of a dragon, thunder is the sound of a dragon, and Thor is the God of the dragon. "Shiyiji" said Fuxi "long head Xiumu, turtle teeth dragon lips.". In the book of three emperors, it is said that when Fuxi was born, "Longrui" appeared, so "Longji official was named as Longshi", that is to say, Feilong was appointed to make six books, Qianlong was appointed to make Jiali, Shuilong was used to level the soil and water, Huolong was used to make artillery, and Jianglong was advocated to lead the people. The beginning of the eight trigrams is also considered to be related to the dragon. "In ancient times, when Fuxi was in Fuxi, the dragon and horse came out of the river with a negative picture." referring to this picture, Fuxi drew eight trigrams.

I have summed up the spirit of the dragon as "fusion, happiness, harmony, forge ahead". By examining the relevant ancient books and folklore, Fuxi's actions are consistent with these eight words.

Let's start with integration. Fuxi is an integrated title. According to the painting of dunjia's opening mountains, after the Nuwa clan, there were 15 clans, including the dating clan, the Baihuang clan and the Zhongyang clan, who adopted the name of Fuxi. Fuxi is also the fusion of Fuxi family from the upper reaches of the Yellow River and Taihao family living in the lower reaches of the Yellow River, so it is called Taihao Fuxi family. Fuxi created a lot of inventions, which can not be accomplished by one person or one clan. It is the later generations who integrated the contributions of all the ancestors and clans into Fuxi. Fuxi is also the integration of ancestor worship and dragon worship.

Let's talk about Fusheng. Whether it's weaving nets, making books, creating eight trigrams, making musical instruments, or fixing marriage, calendar, solar terms, training cattle and horses, all Fu Xi did is to serve mankind and benefit all living beings.

Let's talk about harmony. It is said in the book of changes that Fuxi "looked up at the sky, looked down at the earth, looked down at the bird and beast, and looked down on the earth. He took all the things close to the body and far away, so he began to make eight trigrams to understand the virtue of the gods and the feeling of all things." This passage shows that Fuxi respected heaven and nature, wanted to know its laws, and wanted to act according to them. In a word, it is harmonious with heaven.

There's also striving. Fuxi lived and lived in many places. For example, there is Fuxi temple in Tianshui (ancient Chengji) of Gansu Province, which is called "Xihuang's hometown"; for example, there is Fuxi's saying of "moving to Chencang" in Baoji (ancient Chencang) of Shaanxi Province; for example, there is Renzong Temple (renzu Temple) on the peak of Lishan Mountain in Lintong of Shaanxi Province, which worships the statue of Fuxi Nvwa; for example, there is "Taihao ruins" in Huaiyang of Henan Province, there is Fuxi Nvwa temple, which has painted hexagrams; for example, there is Fuxi in Jinxiang and Danxian of Shandong Province Mausoleum This shows that Fuxi people migrated from west to east along the direction of the Yellow River. The process of migration is also the process of constantly opening up living space and forging ahead.

The Fuxi we discussed above is actually the Fuxi of humanities, that is, the Fuxi created by the people of all ages with culture. Then, is there a historical fact of Fuxi? I tend to have. It's just that five or six thousand years ago, after all, people were too far away, and there were no words at that time, so we can only speculate and imagine the situation of his old people according to the oral legends, scattered accounts and archaeological discoveries of generations. Such speculation and imagination are everlasting and endless.
