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Is Sanxingdui site the capital of Xia Dynasty? How to judge the origin of Sanxingdui site?

Xia Dynasty has always been a dynasty that people are very concerned about. If we can find out some detailed information of this dynasty, we will have more information for people to study ancient history. Although people often say Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties, they know very little about the Xia Dynasty. One of the reasons is the writing. Oracle bone inscriptions are not the earliest writing. There were other writing before that, but now they can't understand what it means. Therefore, they know even less about the Xia Dynasty. Now, there are two places that have caused disputes over the "capital of Xia Dynasty". Who is the real capital of Xia Dynasty?

"Guoyu · zhouyuxia" records: "xiyiluo exhausted and Xia died." According to the Bamboo Annals, later Jie conquered Minshan and got two daughters, but abandoned his Yuanfei yuluo. These two materials clearly point out the geographical space of Xiadu. So far, there are two places most likely to be identified as the capital of Xia: Luoyang, the site of Erlitou, and Guanghan, the site of Sanxingdui. Obviously, if the capital of Xia is located in Luoyang or Guanghan, the system of Xia history will be completely different. In Luoyang, it is in line with most people's traditional cognition; in Guanghan, it will subvert most people's traditional cognition. So, which is the real summer capital, Luoyang or Guanghan?

In the article "Erlitou culture has nothing to do with the search for Xia Dynasty! Breaking the historical time frame of historical records is the way out", the author talks about three reasons why Erlitou site will not be the capital of Xia Dynasty: first, Yiluo area, where Erlitou site is located, is the name of the Xia people's clan, which is not the capital of Xia Dynasty. Second, if we want to make sure that Zhenxun is the capital of the king, the sentence "taikangju Zhenxun" in Bamboo Annals can not be implemented in Erlitou site. Third, if Erlitou is determined to be the capital of Wang, the mainstream opinion of academic circles regards Yanshi mall as the capital of Tang, so it can not form a self consistent logic.

Since Erlitou can't be the capital of Xia, can the identity of Sanxingdui be determined? The so-called irregular name doesn't make sense. Now, on the basis of the theory of "Xia is divided into three sections" put forward in the parallel theory of Xia and Shang and Zhou, this paper talks about the name of Xia capital of Sanxingdui. Please criticize it.

1、 Mulberry in the sky

According to the view of "Xia is divided into three parts", Sanxingdui culture belongs to the king capital of Yu Xia alliance regime, which was destroyed by Hou Yi. In the fourth year of Xianggong in Zuozhuan, Wei Zhuangzi admonished the Marquis of Jin Dynasty and said that in the past, there was a decline of Xia, and Hou Yi moved to qiongshi, because Xia people replaced Xia government.

The name "poor stone" is also found in Lisao, but it is not mentioned by those who study Xiadu. In fact, qiongshi refers to "kongsang" mentioned in LvShiChunQiu and guicang. In Zuozhuan and diwangshiji, it is called "qiongsang", while in Huayang Guozhi, it is recorded as "Qushang". Its sound can be compared with the Khyung tshang in Shannan Tibetan, which means the residence of Shenniao. These contents have been discussed in "worship of divine bird and legend of kongsang", which can be referred to.

2、 Luocheng

In the article "talking about Shimao site, Huangdi culture and Eagle worship in Northern Shaanxi from Baidi theory of Zhou people", the author pointed out that khyun tshang was the name of Sanxingdui Dacheng by Rong people in ancient times, while today's Yi language group with Zhai people's origin called it lo33 zi21, which is literally translated as "Luoyi" or "Laoqiu". The Sanxingdui site has long been known as "Luocheng" in Guanghan Dynasty, and its reason must be here. From the perspective of national language, "Luocheng" is a mixture of Chinese and ancient Yi language, which means "city". If we consider the complex formation process of the Yi people, in fact, the name "Luocheng" can also be read in Baipu language, which forms the bottom of the Yi people, and its meaning is still the residence of divine birds. In other words, "Luocheng" and "kongsang" have the same meaning though they have different etymology.

According to archaeological materials, the Chinese name "Luocheng" existed in the Western Han Dynasty. In 1997, Tang Xingfeng, a villager of Xiaohan town in Guanghan City, found an iron bridge pier on the shiting river beach, on which was engraved with 16 characters: "Luojiang bridge in Guanghan county is built in the first year of Taishi." The first year of Taishi was 96 BC. From the end of 1983 to January 1984, a batch of Han bricks were found at the navigation station outside the South Gate of Guanghan county during the construction of the wall, on which the inscriptions of "Luocheng" and "luoguan chengluo" were also cast.

From the literature, the word "Luo" in Sanxingdui area has been recorded in the book of mountains and seas. For example, Zhongci Jiujing says that the head of Minjiang River is the mountain of nuji Luo water flows out of Yan River.

Luoshui is also called Luoshui. In geography of Hanshu, Luoxian County of Guanghan County, xiatiao said: "Zhangshan is the place where Luoshui comes out and Xindu Valley comes in the south. There are civil servants. "Mang said," I'm a Luo. " Luoshui, the shiting River, is one of the three main sources of Tuojiang River.

Jianshui river is the Yazi river which flows through the Sanxingdui site, and was called Yanjiang River in ancient times. The ancient pronunciation of Yi and Yan is the opposite rotation of the adjacent New York side, and their phonetic versions are similar. Therefore, Yishui in Guoyu can be regarded as the ancient name of Yazi river beside Sanxingdui site.

3、 Yangcheng

Both Bamboo Annals and Shiben have the saying of "Yangcheng, the capital of Yu". According to the pottery of "Yangcheng Cang ware" unearthed in Gaocheng town in the Warring States period, Yangcheng in Dayu period is the site of Wangchenggang. Wangchenggang site is the late Longshan culture. According to the system of historical records, the period from the late Longshan culture to the Warring States period spanned 1500 years, which is equivalent to saying that the culture of the northern and Southern Dynasties should rely on an object of the 21st century to verify its identity. Obviously, its credibility is very limited.

In the series of articles "deciphering the mystery of the Xia Dynasty Royal family's self claim from the perspective of historical linguistics", the author has explained that the Sanxingdui culture has distinct characteristics of sun worship, and the Xia royal family calls itself "the sun family", and explained the historical traces left by the Xia Royal family's self claim in its continued culture. It can be inferred that the name of Yangcheng should be the abbreviation of "the city of the sun", and its origin should be related to "the sun family".

4、 Auxiliary materials of Xiadu from the perspective of historical geography and historical linguistics

Sanxingdui site is the capital of Xia, which can be explained from many angles.

(1) From the perspective of geospatial

In the article "the legend of the Minshan earthquake in the late Xia Dynasty and the flood control by Dayu", the author has pointed out that the so-called yiluojie was caused by the collapse of the mausoleum caused by the Minshan earthquake, which blocked the flow of water. And after the collapse of the weir, the flood appeared, so Dayu began to control the flood. From the perspective of geographical space, the possibility of such natural disasters in Sanxingdui area is much greater than that in Erlitou area. Moreover, it is more credible to explain Dayu's flood control event in Minjiang River Basin.

(2) From the perspective of historical geography

The development of historical events and the activities of historical figures exist in a certain geographical space, but the ancient ethnic groups often migrate. Therefore, if we can capture the ethnic, historical, linguistic and geographical information contained in the place names in the historical research, we can provide more powerful support for the research conclusion. Now, let's elaborate on this.

a. Emperor Zhu moved to Laoqiu: the origin of the name "Chengdu"

After the destruction of Sanxingdui civilization, Jinsha culture rose in the western suburbs of Chengdu. Jinsha culture has a distinctive inheritance of Sanxingdui, which is well known by researchers engaged in Sanxingdui. In the decoding of Jinsha civilization, the author mentioned that the historical event of the rise of Jinsha civilization is called "Xia Qi Sha Yi" in Bamboo Annals and "Hou Zhu Fu Guo" in Zuozhuan.
According to Bamboo Annals, Emperor Zhu once took Laoqiu as his capital. If so, Laoqiu should refer to ancient Chengdu. So, does the name of Laoqiu have anything to do with the name of Chengdu?
According to archaeological materials, the name of "Chengdu" in Chinese characters first appeared in the Warring States period, while its earlier name was "Cheng". In 1985, Shen Zhongchang and Huang Jiaxiang jointly published "the origin of the name of Chengdu from the unearthed Warring States lacquer inscriptions" in Sichuan cultural relics, which was explained from the evolution sequence of lacquer inscriptions in the pre Qin period "Cheng Cheng Ting Cheng Shi Shu Jun Gong Guan".
As mentioned above, Laoqiu, the capital of Emperor Zhu, is pronounced in Yi language, which means "city". In ancient Chinese literature, there are many examples of Cheng and Cheng in common use, such as Zuo Zhuan, the father of Prince Qi in the 11th year of Wengong, Guanzi xiaokuang, lvshi Chunqiu Wugong, Lu Shijia and so on. Another example is "Ji Zi Cheng Yue" in the Analects of Confucius, Yan Yuan, and Liu Baonan's Justice: "Huang Ben's" Cheng "is" Cheng. " Therefore, considering the relationship between Jinsha culture and Sanxingdui culture, it is reasonable to infer that ancient Shu people used the word "Cheng" in Chinese to record their place of residence, which actually corresponds to the word "lo33 zi21".

b. The mystery of Luoni mountain, the origin of Yi Nationality

According to the ancient books of Yi people, such as flood, flood and dumi, and southwest Yi annals, the common ancestor of all branches of Yi people, apudumu, avoided the juloni mountain during the flood period. Luoni mountain is generally believed to be located in Zhaotong, Northeast Yunnan. According to the book of records of Dading Prefecture, Volume 47, the essence and end of an's family in Shuixi County:
There is a saying that those who wish the Ming Dynasty live in Tanglang mountain, and take cutting mountain passage as their career. For a long time, the road of Muba became open and gradually became a settlement, which was called "Luoyi" and "Luoyi mountain". The Yi people called the city "Ye" and the mountain "Bai", so it was called luoyebai.
Zhu Ming here, that is, Tu mu, means the king. Some scholars have translated the word "Luoyi" into Luoyi, Luoyi, Luoni, etc. its original language is lo33 zi21. In the legend of Taiyang family and Kaiming (next part), we have pointed out that Kunming people are closely related to Sanxingdui ancient people, which is the important source of the formation of today's Yi people, and the branches of Yi people all take Luoni mountain as their ancestral source. This shows that the word "Luoyi" in Dading Fu Zhi is in the same line with Luocheng in Guanghan and Cheng in Chengdu.
It should be noted that the present Zhaotong area was called "Zhuti" in ancient times, which coincides with the record that Du Yu married Zhuti and Liang's wife in Huayang annals. In addition, there is a special copper deposit with high radioactive lead in Zhaotong area and its surrounding areas. According to Professor Jin Zhengyao's research, this kind of special mineral was widely used in the early bronzes of Sanxingdui in Guanghan, dayangzhou in Xingan, Chengyang area in Hanzhong and Yinxu. These materials are undoubtedly worthy of the attention of the researchers of pre Qin history and national history.

c. The southward migration of the king of Shu and the "Luocheng" in the history of ancient Vietnam

After the Qin Dynasty destroyed Shu, one of the descendants of the king of Shu, Zeng went down to Jiaozhi (now in the north and south of Vietnam), and established the Shu Dynasty in the history of Vietnam. According to the literature, his king was called Shupan king of Anyang. Volume 37 of shuijingzhu quoted Jiaozhou Waiyu Ji as saying: when Jiaozhi had no County in the past, there were Luotian on the land. The land was raised and lowered from the tide, and the people cultivated and ate it, so it was named Luomin. Luowang and luohou were set up to govern all counties. Most of the counties are Luo generals, who are engraved with green ribbons. Later, the prince of Shu sent 30000 soldiers to beg for King Luo and Marquis Luo and serve them. The prince of Shu was called King Anyang because of his name.

In addition, Wu Shilian, a Vietnamese historian, said in the complete book of records of the great Yue: King Anyang, surnamed Shu, taboo pan, was born in Bashu. In 50 years of his reign, he sealed the river, and Luocheng is also a modern and ancient city. In the first year of Jiachen reign, in the 58th year of King Nan of Zhou Dynasty, the king merged Wenlang state and changed its name to Ou raccoon dog state. At the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, Wang repeatedly set up his army to attack xiongwang. The king was strong and brave, but he was defeated many times. The male king said to the king, "I have divine power. Shu is not afraid!" so he abandoned his military equipment instead of cultivating it. He needed wine and food for pleasure. When the Shu army approached, they were still intoxicated, but they vomited blood and fell into the well, and all of them came back to Shu. So the king built a city in Yueshang, which was as wide as a thousand feet and circled like a snail, so it was called Luocheng. Also known as Si Long City, people in Tang Dynasty called Kunlun City, the highest city.
In ancient Vietnam, Shu Dynasty called its capital "Luocheng", and the ancient sound of Luozi was quite similar to "Luo". In addition, from the perspective of archaeological culture, jade Zhang, jade yuan, jade Bi, jade Ge and other artifacts similar to Sanxingdui culture have been unearthed in Vietnam. As for the guanliu relationship between ancient Shu culture and Vietnamese culture, Zhang Hong, Peng Changlin, Lei Yu and other scholars have been involved.
In 1936, a gold seal was found in Thanh Hoa, northern Vietnam, with the inscription "King yisou of Jin Gui". These materials undoubtedly prove that the king of Shu moved to the south, and further prove that the name "Luocheng" in Guanghan, where Sanxingdui site is located, is very old.

5、 Summary

To sum up, the names of Luocheng in Guanghan, the site of Sanxingdui site, Cheng in Chengdu, Luoni mountain, the birthplace of Yi people and Luocheng, the capital of Shu Dynasty in Vietnam constitute a complete evidence chain. These materials fully show that the Sanxingdui site is the summer capital we are really looking for.
