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King Zhou without Tao and the soul of Lutai in Daji

 According to the existing documents and underground historical materials, Shang is the beginning of the history handed down by words. A large number of tortoise shells and animal bones with characters unearthed from Yin Ruins recorded in detail the customs, agriculture and war of the Yin people. The huge palaces, the scale of large tombs and the exquisite bronzes of the Yin Ruins all show that the Shang Dynasty was the heyday of slavery in China. In the Shang Dynasty, slaves had no human significance. They were treated as a kind of property by slave owners. The merchants especially worshipped their ancestors. The times of sacrifice were numerous and complicated, and many sacrifices were used. Sometimes as many as a hundred thousand people died. This shows the cruel class oppression. Slave owners are the people who have authority. The source of their authority is destiny. The direct expression of destiny is to seek the Enlightenment from ghosts and gods. There are tens of thousands of human bones in Yin Ruins. They have to do divination for everything. However, destiny is changeable, as the pinnacle of the development of China's slave society. Behind the peak is the cruel exploitation and oppression of slaves by slave owners, and the continuation of the peak is the inevitable result of the decline of slavery. In the history of more than 600 years of Shang Dynasty, Yin (now Anyang, Henan Province) was the longest capital, and Bo (now Yanshi, Luoyang, Henan Province) was the second capital after Yin. Before the establishment of the Shang Dynasty, Chengtang moved its capital to Bo, calling itself King Wu. In the following 100 years, the national strength of Shang Dynasty was flourishing. From Chengtang, jingtaijia, to Taiwu, the efforts of the Six Dynasties and eleven kings established an unprecedented powerful slavery country. Just after the establishment of the Shang Dynasty, a drought occurred in Wangji, which lasted for seven years. In this drought, the drought is very serious, the sun is burning, the rivers and wells are dry, the seedlings are not growing, the crops are not harvested, and the people's life is extremely difficult. Drought was originally a natural phenomenon. However, due to the backward science and technology in the Shang Dynasty, merchants could not explain these similar natural phenomena and regarded them as God's arrangement. As a result, both the court and the people prayed to heaven for rain as soon as possible to alleviate the drought, but there was no result. In the seventh year, Cheng Tang ordered the historiographers to set up altars in a lush mountain, and led Yi Yin and other ministers to pray for rain. However, Cheng Tang's praying for rain is still fruitless. Before the rain falls, he lets him divine the reason. Historians said, "in addition to sacrificing cattle and sheep, we should also sacrifice human beings." After hearing this, Cheng Tang said angrily, "I sacrifice divination and pray for rain for the sake of the people. How can I burn innocent people again? Let's replace it with me. " So Chengtang first ordered to burn the firewood for sacrifice, then cut off his hair and nails, bathed and cleaned himself, and finally prayed to heaven, "if I'm guilty, punish me alone, not my subjects." After praying, he walked to the burning firewood. Just at this time, it suddenly began to rain cats and dogs. Cheng Tang's spirit of self sacrifice finally moved God. As a result, businessmen express their warm support for him by singing. This is just a coincidence, just a very simple natural phenomenon, but Cheng Tang's spirit of self sacrifice is worthy of admiration and admiration. When Cheng Tang died, his eldest son, Tai Ding, died, and his younger brother, Wai Bing, became king of Shang. Wai-c died after only three years in office, and his younger brother Zhong Ren succeeded him. Zhong Ren died after four years in office. During this period, the power of the Shang Dynasty was in fact in the hands of Yi Yin, the minister. Yiyin also established Taijia, the eldest son of TAIDING and the eldest son of Chengtang, as the king of Shang. After Taijia's accession to the throne, facing the situation of obedience from all sides, good weather, and abundant grain, he began to feel feverish. He thought that the world was already peaceful. He didn't need to manage it. He just needed to enjoy it. He indulged in wine and sex, chasing dogs and rabbits. His grandfather Cheng Tang's practice is quite different from that of neglecting political affairs and trusting treacherous people. Yiyin then painstakingly told him the history of Xia Jie's cruelty and injury to the people, his fondness for his younger sister, his loss of virtue and the subjugation of the country, and how Cheng Tang opposed the cruelty, cherished the people and killed Xia Jianshang. However, Taijia couldn't listen at all. He still went his own way, eating, drinking and having fun. Yi Yin did not lose heart and continued to teach Tai Jia what to do and what not to do if he wanted to be a good king. This time, Taijia began to get tired of Yiyin's nagging all day, and accused him of meddling in his business, suspecting that he wanted to usurp the throne. After many times of criticism and education, Yi Yin failed. After much consideration, he imprisoned Taijia to tonggong on the outskirts of the capital. He was regent to deal with state affairs and accepted the worship of the princes. During the three years in tonggong, Taijia began to reflect and rethink Yi Yin's teachings. He gradually realized that his previous practice was inappropriate and was willing to reform. Therefore, Yi Yin personally went to tonggong to pick up Taijia, and returned it to him. After Taijia ascended the throne again, he changed his ways, followed Cheng Tang's example, and presided over the government conscientiously. As a result, the politics of Shang Dynasty was clear and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment.

King of Taijia
After the death of Taijia, the Shang Dynasty experienced four kings: woding, taigeng, Xiaojia and Yongji, showing signs of decline. After Yongji died, his younger brother Taiwu succeeded to the throne. In the seventh year after Taiwu's accession to the throne, a mulberry tree grew in the courtyard of the palace, and a valley tree grew under the mulberry tree, and both trees quickly grew into towering trees. This was an accidental phenomenon in the growth of plants, but the merchants did not have this knowledge of Botany. Moreover, the merchants were superstitious in ghosts and gods, so they regarded them as monsters. Taiwu was very afraid. Yinzhi (Yiyin's son, an important minister during Taiwu's reign) took the opportunity to persuade him: "I heard that no matter what kind of demons and ghosts, they would retreat when they saw the virtue of the emperor. These ominous signs may be that the king made some mistakes in governing the government. As long as the king can do a good job in politics, the monsters will naturally break free. " After Yin Zhi's admonition, Tai Wu made great efforts to govern the country, worked hard, and practiced morality, which made the Shang Dynasty rejuvenate and had the best situation since its establishment. Soon, the symbiotic tree, which quickly grew into a big tree in the sky, died as quickly as a flash in the pan. Since then, Tai Wu has more respect for Yin Zhi and will consult him for everything. The national fortune of the Shang Dynasty was booming. Pan Geng moved his capital from Tang Wu, king of Shang Dynasty, to pan Geng for ten generations, five times in the middle. Later scholars have different opinions on the reasons for moving the capital, one of which may be the struggle for the throne. From the sixth generation of Zhongding to the tenth generation of Yangjia, the struggle between the brothers for the throne became more and more fierce, and the politics became chaotic. The system of succession to the throne in the Shang Dynasty was a combination of "brother's death and brother's harmony" and "father's death and son's succession". The specific operating rules are as follows: after the death of the king of Shang, the throne will be inherited by his younger brother until he has no younger brother, and then it will be passed on to his son. As for whether it will be passed on to the son of the eldest prince or the son of the youngest prince, there is no custom. The rulers of the Shang Dynasty practiced polygamy. If a king of the Shang Dynasty was not short-lived, he would have many sons. In this way, there would be a struggle for the throne between his sons and nephews. Therefore, it is said in the book of records of the historian that since Zhongding, all the disciples abandoned their legitimate rights and set up their own disciples, which caused the chaos of the ninth reign of Yin you. Taking advantage of the internal chaos of the Shang Dynasty, the princes and Fangguo developed rapidly and competed with the Shang royal family. As slave owners, princes and nobles only eat, drink and play all day long, busy fighting for power, completely ignoring state affairs and the lives of slaves. The slaves who lived in deep water rose to revolt one after another and the society was in turmoil. The Shang Dynasty was beset with internal and external troubles.

When Yang Jia dies, his younger brother pan Geng stands. Pan Geng was an able monarch. He knew that the Shang Dynasty was in a very dangerous period. If he didn't carry out reform and curb extravagance, he was bound to decline. After a long time of thinking, pan Geng decided to move to Yin. Yin is located in the north of the Yellow River and the shore of Huan River. Politically, it is far away from the old capital, which can weaken the old power of princes and nobles, ease the internal contradictions of the ruling class, and get rid of the chaotic situation of competing for the throne. Economically, it is more conducive to the development of agriculture and animal husbandry to avoid the more waterlogged Surabaya basin. Strategically, it can better defend the northern region and the northwest region At the same time, it controlled the four princes. However, when pan Geng proposed to move his capital to Yinzhi, he was openly opposed by most princes and nobles, and some powerful nobles even incited slaves to make trouble.

King of Pan Geng

In the face of such a powerful opposition, pan Geng's determination to move the capital was not shaken, but more firm. He gathered the nobles who opposed the move of the capital together and patiently advised: "I want you to move, so that you can have a more long-term and stable rule, so that our people can live and work in peace and contentment, and make our country stronger. Nowadays, many princes and nobles only know how to spend their time and drink, and treat the common people like dirt. The common people are going to be unable to live. In the long run, they are bound to rebel! You don't understand my difficulties and my real intention. Instead, you are against moving the capital. What's more, you even incite slaves to make trouble in order to change my opinion. You are so confused! For example, if everyone gets on the boat and you don't want to cross the river, isn't that waiting for the boat to sink? In this way, not only will you sink into the river, but everyone will also sink into the river like you. What's the advantage of this? Now, the country is in a very critical juncture, and you are still focusing on immediate interests instead of long-term plans. Is that right? " Seeing that the nobles had no objection, pan Geng continued: "I'm going to move the capital to Yin. As we all know, Yin not only has fertile land, which is conducive to the development of agriculture, but also has a very important geographical location, which can better control the four princes and states. After moving the capital to this place, the common people can live and work in peace and contentment? Can't society be stable? Can't the country be strong? " (Book of history, pan Geng) although the princes and nobles were still a little unconvinced, they did not dare to raise any objection because of Pan Geng's firm attitude. As a result, the plan of moving the capital of Shang Dynasty was finally put into practice. Pan Geng crossed the Yellow River with princes, nobles, common people and slaves and moved to Yin. There, pan Geng began to rectify the politics of Shang Dynasty. They built houses with thatch, reduced exploitation, opposed the construction of palaces, and severely punished the luxury and corruption of nobles. The decline of the Shang Dynasty led to the revival of the situation, so pan Geng was known as the king of Zhongxing. In the following 200 years, the Shang Dynasty did not move its capital, so it was also called Yin Shang, or Yin Dynasty, but its real name was still Shang. After the collapse of Shang Dynasty, after more than 3000 years of ups and downs, Yin has long been a ruin. In modern times, people excavated a large number of Shang Dynasty relics in the area of Xiaotun village, Anyang County, Henan Province, proving that it was the site of Yin, so it was called Yin Ruins. Among the relics excavated from Yin Ruins, there are more than 100000 pieces of tortoise shells and animal bones, most of which are engraved with hard to identify symbols. After careful study by historians, philologists and archaeologists, it is believed that this is the oldest writing found so far in China, named oracle bone inscriptions. The discovery of Oracle Bone Inscriptions is of great significance. It not only proves the existence of the Shang Dynasty, but also provides reliable materials for the study of the social situation of the Shang Dynasty, especially after pan Geng moved the capital. It is also of great benefit to the study of the origin and development of Chinese characters.

After Wuding Zhongxing and Pangeng moved to Yin, the power of Shang Dynasty was on the rise. During the reign of Wuding, politics, economy and culture all developed unprecedentedly, and the national strength tended to be prosperous, which was called "the resurgence of Wuding".

King of Wuding

Wuding was the 23rd king of Shang Dynasty. It is said that when Wuding was young, his father Xiaoyi sent him to other places to observe the folk customs, increase his knowledge and train his talents in order to become a competent king. So Wuding came to the two sides of the Yellow River to observe the life of the local people and contact a large number of civilians and slaves. Sometimes, Wuding joined these people in agricultural labor. These life experiences made him understand the hardship of life and the difficulty of labor. Wuding was the best king after pan Geng, with great talent and lofty political ideal. There was a sage named Fu Shuo who was a slave. When he took part in the construction project, he was found by the hundred workers in charge of the project and recommended to Wuding. Wuding went to see the sage in person, and found that he really spoke very well. He was a genius who managed the world and helped the people. In order to appoint Fu Shuo as prime minister, Wu Ding did not care about anything for three years. He claimed to dream of a saint, and drew Fu Shuo's face, so that all officials could find it. Yin people believed in ghosts, and Wuding made Fu Shuo prime minister in this way, so the nobles did not dare to object. Facts have proved that Wuding's approach is very correct. Since Fu Shuo was promoted to prime minister, he wholeheartedly assisted Wu Ding, helped Wu Ding vigorously revitalize politics, economy, and culture, and eased the confrontation between slaves. As a result, Shang revived. After Wuding died, he was called Gaozong. Because Wuding was good at selecting and appointing talents, many famous officials gathered around him, such as Gan pan, Zu Ji and so on. Once, when Wuding offered sacrifices to make soup, a pheasant flew to the Ding and crowed. On the outskirts of Wangdu, there is a lush forest where birds often live. Therefore, it is very natural for a pheasant to come to the temple and sing. However, Wuding thought it was an ominous omen and was afraid that something bad would happen. Zuji took the opportunity to admonish Wuding: "please don't be afraid. Now, as long as you do a good job in politics, work hard and be thrifty, all the bad omens will disappear. " At that time, Wuding's sacrificial offerings were too abundant, but Zuji worried that he was extravagant, so he advised. Wuding was an open-minded king, who was very willing to accept the advice of his ancestors. Wise ministers often use natural changes to admonish the king, which has played a very good role. The story of pheasant chirping and symbiotic tree is similar. During the Wuding period, a series of expeditions were launched against the surrounding vassal states and Fang States, including Qiang, Tu, Ren, GUI, Hu and Jing Chu. This move not only brings stability to the country, but also brings people more stable living space. Of course, on the other hand, the war also caused many negative effects, such as wasting a lot of human, material and financial resources, increasing the burden of the people, intensifying class contradictions and so on. Therefore, to a certain extent, the large-scale war of Wuding sang the bleak song of twilight for the foundation of Shang Dynasty. The prosperity of Wuding was not only the peak of the prosperity of Shang Dynasty, but also the beginning of its decline.

The slave owner class of the Shang Dynasty was composed of slave owners at all levels headed by the king of Shang. In name, the king of Shang was the highest owner of the land and subjects in the whole country. He distributed the land and slaves to princes, nobles and vassals, so as to form the slave owners with different numbers of land and slaves. They cruelly squeezed and exploited the vast number of slaves, and lived a life of extravagance, extravagance and domineering.

What about slaves? They "are just tools that can speak, livestock are tools that can make sound, and inanimate labor tools are tools that are silent. This is the only difference between them.". (Marx's capital, Volume I). Slaves are the most heavily exploited and oppressed class in the society. They have no personal freedom at all. They are also a kind of property of slave owners. During the Shang Dynasty, there were many kinds of slaves, such as agricultural slaves, animal husbandry slaves, handicraft slaves and domestic slaves. Among them, the agricultural slaves were the main force of the "masses". The common words of "Zhong" and "Dazhong" in oracle bone inscriptions were determined by experts to be agricultural slaves in Shang Dynasty. Their work was mainly engaged in agricultural production. The character "Zhong" in oracle bone inscriptions has a sun above and three people below, just like many slaves working in the hot sun. When they were working in the hot sun, slave owners called "Xiaochen" in oracle bone inscriptions were supervising, urging and whipping. In addition to agricultural labor, they have to undertake all kinds of labor and receive all kinds of military training. In the animal husbandry and handicraft sectors, slave owners also worked a large number of slaves. In the slave owner's home, a large number of slaves served all aspects of life and production. Among the numerous slaves, only a few will get the favor of the slave owners and get rid of their miserable fate. For example, Yi Yin used to be a slave in his family, and later he was trusted by Cheng Tang; Fu Shuo was a sinner, and later he was appreciated by Wu Ding, so he was promoted to a member of the ruling class. In the Shang Dynasty, slave owners' inhumanity to slaves was mainly reflected in the system of human sacrifice and human sacrifice. During their lifetime, the slave owners greedily sucked the blood of the slaves; after their death, they buried a large number of slaves with them in an attempt to bring the exploitation and oppression of human life into the underworld, which is the system of human sacrifice. According to the tombs of the Shang Dynasty discovered so far, there are different numbers of martyrs in each large and medium-sized tomb (all of which are identified as the tombs of slave owners), ranging from a few to hundreds. At the time of sacrifice, some slaves were killed as sacrifices. This system of sacrificing slaves as "sacrifice" is the so-called human sacrifice or human sacrifice system. When Cheng Tang begged for rain, the historiographers planned to sacrifice. Oracle bone inscriptions also record various ways of human sacrifice, such as "Jiao Qie", which is to burn the female slaves alive with a blazing fire to pray for rain; "Shen Qie", which is to throw the female slaves into the water to worship God; "cutting Qiang", which is to kill the Qiang slaves to worship their ancestors. In the oracle bone inscriptions, there are 1992 records about the number of people, with a total of 13050 people. There are 1445 records about the number of people, with an estimated number of tens of thousands. From these records, we can have a glimpse of the number of human sacrifice in Shang Dynasty and realize the cruelty of slavery. In addition, when the slave owners laid the foundation for the palace and living room, they would bury some slaves, cattle, sheep and dogs around them to protect the firmness of the palace and the auspiciousness of the living room. Under the cruel exploitation and oppression of the slave owners, the slaves lived like cattle and horses, or worse than cattle and horses. These slaves with blood, flesh and wisdom began to resist the rule of slave owners in Shang Dynasty when they could not survive. Of course, their resistance was not able to organize a large-scale armed uprising like the peasants in the later feudal society. They only resisted the cruel rule of Shang Dynasty by means of sabotage and escape. In order to prevent the slaves from slowing down and escaping, the rulers of Shang Dynasty set up prisons, including beheading, laparotomy, cutting nose, burying alive, cutting feet and chopping into meat sauce. Among them, foot cutting was one of the most popular punishments in the Shang Dynasty. It cut the lower limbs from the ankle bone with a copper saw to show warning and punishment.

The slavery system of Shang Dynasty is undoubtedly an extremely barbaric and inhumane social system, which should be criticized and condemned. However, under the historical conditions at that time, the slavery system was the most advanced social system. It was the establishment and improvement of the slavery system that promoted the unprecedented prosperity and development of agriculture and handicraft industry in the Shang Dynasty, and created an extremely brilliant culture of the Shang Dynasty. The most representative is the bronze casting industry. The world-famous Simuwu square tripod is the pride of Shang culture. The cauldron is 7 cm long, 78 cm wide, 6 cm thick, 133 cm high and weighs 875 kg. The tripod body is made of thunder pattern, with dragon pattern coiled on it and Taotie pattern on its four corners. Imagine that in the Shang Dynasty, where science and technology were not very developed, without the cooperation of many slaves, meticulous division of labor and superior technology, how could the Simuwu square tripod have been born? Although the slavery system was full of evil blood, it also created a brilliant civilization. In this sense, it is an indispensable stage of progress in human history.

During the wudaowuding period of King Zhou, the system of succession of the eldest son was established. Before the king died, the eldest son was appointed as the heir to the throne, so as to avoid disputes on the issue of succession of the throne. After that, the kings were established as their eldest sons. On the one hand, it strengthened the royal power and reduced the disputes of succession to the throne; on the other hand, the establishment of the throne accelerated the decay of the ruling group and weakened the rule of the Shang Dynasty. Zhou GongDan, a great statesman in the early Western Zhou Dynasty, witnessed the process of the Shang Dynasty's gradual decline. When assisting King Zhou, he took the history of Shang Dynasty after Zujia as a reference, and repeatedly warned King Zhou: "the king of Shang Dynasty after Zujia, because he lived in a deep palace since childhood, did not understand the difficulties of farming, nor did he hear the voice of the people's suffering; he had a strong sense of superiority, and did not know how to learn how to be king, nor did he know how to listen to others' opinions. Such a king only knew how to indulge in enjoyment How can there be great achievements in music? How can it be sent to the Shang Dynasty? Not only that, because all of these Shang kings were licentious and enjoyed themselves, none of them lived a long life, but all of them were short-lived ghosts. The length of their reign was as long as ten years and eight years, and as short as two years and three years. " When pan Geng moved to Yin, he wanted to correct the nobility's corruption, but after Wuding, they were even more corrupt, reaching the highest level when King Zhou was king. Their general life is lust and hunting. They abandoned farmland to allow elk and birds to grow. They came up with all kinds of cruel punishments to extract property. They drank day and night, and the whole ruling class was addicted to alcohol. Most of the bronzes unearthed from Yin Ruins are wine vessels. From these numerous and exquisite wine vessels, it is not difficult to imagine that the rulers of Shang Dynasty were extravagant and addicted to wine. Just imagine, from the king of Shang to the middle and small nobility, they basically include all the rulers, big and small. Every day, from opening eyes to closing eyes, they only eat meat and drink wine in big bowls. Isn't this a walking corpse? As the ruler of a country, how unfortunate is this? The ruling class is so indifferent to progress and change. As the slave class at the bottom, when they have lost all means of life and production except shackles, and even their lives are not guaranteed, the only way out is resistance. The social conflicts were so fierce that the slave resistance was in the ascendant, and the rule of Shang Dynasty was on the verge of collapse.

King of Zhou

At the beginning of King Zhou's accession to the throne, he was still able to make great efforts and try to revive his former glory. He conquered Dongyi and spread the Central Plains culture to Jianghuai area. A large number of prisoners of war became slaves in the Shang Dynasty, which greatly promoted the development of agriculture, animal husbandry and handicraft industry in the Shang Dynasty. The victory of the war, however, dazzled King Zhou's mind, and he began to pursue a life of immorality and extravagance. In order to please Daji, another beautiful woman in history, he spared no expense to build a palace, pavilions, wine pools and meat forest, so that men and women could chase naked in the wine pool and meat forest (wine pool is to dig a pool big enough to sail, which is full of wine; meat forest is to erect many wooden piles beside the wine pool, on which there is roasted meat Delicious meat. King Zhou and Daji drank to their heart's content on the edge of the wine pool and ate meat to their heart's content in the meat forest. What's more, he even dehumanized the pregnant woman's stomach, took out the unformed fetus, and played for fun. It was so cruel, cruel, extravagant and licentious that it was beyond compare. It is often said that there will be many virtuous officials next to a wise monarch, while there will be a group of flattering officials next to a fatuous monarch. Of course, this is not to say that the virtuous and flattering ministers live in two different times, but because the wise monarch is close to the virtuous and far away from the flattering minister; the fatuous monarch is close to the flattering minister and far away from the virtuous. There were several flattering officials around King Zhou, such as Fei Zhong, man Lian, evil Lai and Chonghou Hu. They were all ministers in power, and they were deeply trusted because they were good at flattering and pandering to King Zhou and Daji. As a result, these villains cheated the common people and profited from it, which the common people hated to the bone.

King Zhou's behavior aroused strong dissatisfaction from the princes and ministers. There is a nine Marquis dedicated to King Zhou, a beauty, because she is not good at lust, in a rage, King Zhou killed her, and cut the nine Marquis into meat sauce. The other king raised an objection to King Zhou, who also killed him. Some Xibo Marquis (King Wen of Zhou Dynasty), the founder of the Western Zhou Dynasty, sighed to himself. Unexpectedly, he was heard by the treacherous villain and denounced. As a result, he was imprisoned for seven years. This is the famous "prisoner of Li" in history. Later, xibohou's subordinates repeatedly offered King Zhou's beautiful women, strange things, good horses and so on, so King Zhou put xibohou back to his vassal state. Weiziqi, King Zhou's half brother, admonished him: "we drink so hard, which not only destroys the virtues left by our ancestors, but also makes our people and ministers do a lot of careless things. If we don't stop at the precipice, our Shang Dynasty may be doomed. " King Zhou turned a deaf ear to Wei Ziqi's advice, so he had to leave him secretly. King Zhou's cousin Jizi also came to admonish him. Instead of listening, King Zhou imprisoned him. King Zhou's uncle is a good admonishment to Bigan, but the demented king ordered people to open Bigan's stomach and take out his heart to watch. King Zhou's cruelty and lawlessness frightened the ministers. Some pretended to be ill, some went to court but did not say a word, and some defected to King Wu of Zhou. King Zhou was even more unscrupulous to the ministers and the common people. If he wants to build a deer terrace, he forces people to work; if he wants to drink, he grabs people's rations at will; if he wants to eat meat, he forces people to hunt wild animals in the mountains and forests day and night. Love Princess Daji like to see the killing, he ordered people to use charcoal fire to heat the copper column, forced the people to hold the column crawling, until death, this is the infamous "gun branded punishment". The common people really can't live any longer, so they have to support the old and carry the young, wail and cry, and flee everywhere in search of paradise.

According to the literature, Xia Jie and Shang Zhou, the kings of Xia and Shang Dynasties, were not mediocre and incompetent. King Zhou was intelligent, eloquent and intelligent. He once fought with wild animals empty handed. But there are striking similarities between their atrocities. Some historians have already pointed out that this may be that later historians, in order to warn the emperors to be diligent in administration and punishment, deliberately count the crimes of Xia Jie and Shang Zhou, and associate their different things to achieve the purpose of warning. However, there is no doubt that King Zhou's atrocity has intensified the social contradictions. King Wu of Zhou, who has been waiting for the opportunity, is coming to him. A fierce revolution has quietly opened a corner of the curtain. After conquering the Western Marquis of Shang Dynasty and returning to Xiqi, King Wu was respectful to King Zhou and led the Marquis to pay tribute to Shang Dynasty to paralyze King Zhou. King Zhou was very happy with xibohou's performance. He specially gave him a thousand li field, bow, arrow, axe, Tomahawk and other weapons. In fact, this series of actions of xibohou to King Zhou were superficial, but secretly, he took this opportunity to expand his strength and save the capital instead. The politics of King Wen of Zhou Dynasty is just opposite to that of Shang Dynasty. He strictly prohibited drinking and hunting, and implemented the policy of enriching the people, which was to let workers have savings, so as to generate interest in labor. And make a law that forbids luring and hiding runaway slaves. This is one of the reasons why King Wen won the world and won the support of many vassal states. He was diligent in internal affairs, personally went to the fields to work, developed production, and strengthened national strength. At the same time, he conquered neighboring countries to relieve his worries. The Xibo Marquis went to the West and north to attack Canrong and MISHU, and then to the east to attack Li and Xie, thus opening up the channel for the capture of Zhou and directly approaching the Shang capital. Then xibohou returned to his master and destroyed Fang GuoChong, who was loyal to the Shang Dynasty in the West. He moved the capital from Xiqi to Chong and established Fengyi. So far, Xibo's prestige was greatly enhanced, and many princes betrayed King Zhou and surrendered to him. And xibohou? He still showed the appearance of obedience to King Zhou. At this time, the ministers of the Shang Dynasty were all aware of the pressure from Xiqi, which led to chaos. They admonished King Zhou one after another. However, King Zhou, who was addicted to sensationalism and belittled the enemy, ignored it and said, "how can a small country with a hundred miles in a place shake our country like an iron bucket?"

Xibohou was honored as King Wen of Zhou Dynasty by the descendants of Zhou Dynasty. He died before his ambition, but he laid the foundation and paved the way for his sons and grandchildren to invade the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. After the death of King Wen, zijifa inherited his unfinished business, which was King Wu of Zhou. Four years after King Wu of the Zhou Dynasty succeeded to the throne, he learned that the ruling group of the Shang Dynasty had disintegrated. He took the wooden master (wooden statue) of King Wen to kill Zhou. It is said that Zhou Xian sent spies to Shang to inspect the national conditions, and in return said that the bad guys were in charge of the government, which was extremely chaotic, and King Wu thought that the time had not come. It is reported that all the good people are expelled, Bigan is killed, Jizi is imprisoned, and the neutrino runs away. King Wu didn't think it was time. In the final report, the common people were afraid to speak. What's more, the main force of the Shang army was on an expedition to Dongyi, and the commercial capital was empty. This is definitely a good opportunity from heaven. Therefore, with the help of Jiang Shang and his younger brother Zhou GongDan, King Wu of Zhou decided to attack the Shang Dynasty.

In 1046 B.C., King Wu of Zhou led 300 chariots, 3000 Huben soldiers and 45000 soldiers. He also joined forces with small countries to march from Mengjin to the capital of Shang Dynasty. All the way through the customs, Zhou Jun successfully came to the pasture outside Shangdu. In Muye, King Wu of Zhou held an oath meeting and issued a long oath, counting all kinds of crimes of King Zhou, such as tyranny, cruelty, luxury and licentiousness. The oath said: "dear friends, gentlemen, listen to me, heaven and earth are the parents of all things, and man is the primate of all things. Only those who are especially intelligent can be the son of heaven. The son of heaven is like the parents of the people. He should love and protect the people. Nowadays, King Zhou of Shang is not respectful of heaven and people, but indulges in wine and sex, practices tyranny and injures the people; he listens to women's words and kills innocent people indiscriminately; he abandons his brothers of the same race, and uses crooks and villains; he kills Zhongliang indiscriminately and renovates the palaces and pavilions; he conquers Dongyi for a long time and consumes people's strength. Such a cruel, tyrannical and unruly monarch must perish. " After the oath, King Wu of Zhou commanded the army and attacked the Shang army. King Wu of Zhou approached the capital of Shang with his army. What about King Zhou at that time? But still with the beloved Daji and chongchen in Lutai to enjoy singing and dancing, drinking and making music. When his subordinates told him the news of Zhou Jun's pledge in Muye, he was flustered and quickly summoned his ministers to discuss countermeasures. At this time, because the main force of the Shang army was fighting against Dongyi in the southeast, he couldn't return for a moment, so King Zhou had to temporarily arm a large number of slaves in the capital and go to the front line. When the Zhou and Shang armies set up a battle in the pastoral areas, the slaves temporarily armed by King Zhou of the Shang Dynasty turned around and killed King Zhou of the Shang Dynasty with weapons. King Zhou was defeated and fled back to Chaoge with a few guards. At this time, King Zhou finally knew that he was in danger. So, he first put jade and other treasures around his waist, and then ate a big meal on the deer platform, and then set a fire and burned himself to death. Nearly 600 years of Shang Dynasty, it was destroyed in the hands of King Zhou, repeating the same mistake of Xia Jie's subjugation. Although King Zhou was the king of subjugation, Mao Zedong, a great man of the generation, gave him a high evaluation when commenting on the Twenty-Four Histories: "take King Zhou It's wrong to regard him as a bad man. In fact, King Zhou is a man of great ability and ability. He managed the southeast and consolidated the unity of Dongyi and the Central Plains. He has made great contributions in history. " At the same time, he also pointed out the lesson of King Zhou's failure: "King Zhou defeated the barbarians of Xuzhou and won the battle, but lost a lot. There were too many captives to digest. King Wu of Zhou took advantage of Xu's attack and a large number of captives defected. As a result, the Shang Dynasty died. " Guo Moruo, a historical archaeologist who earlier overturned the case of King Zhou, spoke highly of King Zhou when he visited Anyang in June 1959: I came to Huan River to remember Yin and Xin, and to unify China. Who will be involved in the Qianqiu case? In his refutation of Confucianism, he also said: "King Zhou, for example, has made great contributions to the development of our nation. In the last years of the Shang Dynasty, there was a grand historical event, that is, the management of the southeast, which was almost completely wiped out by historians since the Zhou Dynasty. In my opinion, the contribution to our nation is greater than that of the Zhou People's cutting down the business room. " In Guo Moruo's eyes, King Zhou's defeat and self Immolation is also "a tragedy of the end of a hero, much like the later Chu overlord He failed and burned himself. Doesn't that show his spirit? " King Zhou, the king of subjugation, is always worthy of our recollection and consideration
