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The Zhou Dynasty’s political institutions and central government

The king of Zhou was the highest representative of the slave countries. The important assistants around the king of Zhou include Taishi, Taifu and Taibao, which are collectively called "Sangong" or "Shibao". For example, taigongwang, an important counsellor of King Wen and King Wu of Zhou Dynasty, was honored as "the teacher worships the father". When he became king, the Duke of Zhou was the teacher and the Duke of Zhao was the protector. Until the time of King Kang, Zhao Gong was still a Taibao. Shibao was in charge of all the princes and officials to serve the king of Zhou, enjoying a high political position.

The official position of directly assisting the king of Zhou in the management of political affairs is taizai. When he became king, the Duke of Zhou served as a grand master and also as a prime minister. Taizai is the head of the government and has the power to take charge of government affairs.

Under taizai, there were many officials, among whom the most important administrative officials were still situ, Sima, Sikou and Sikong. In addition to the management of land reclamation, the division of minefields and slave farming, situ also managed the delimitation of fiefdoms and military affairs. Sima was responsible for collecting military taxes, managing chariots and driving horses. Sikou is in charge of criminal law. Sikong is responsible for the management of Baigong and the construction of civil engineering and water conservancy projects. They also had many subordinates, who were in charge of various specific affairs, and were held by the middle and lower nobility, forming a huge ruling body.

There are not many historical materials about the government organization of the Western Zhou Dynasty in the two classics of poetry and book, but the materials in Jin Wen have been summarized for a long time. Although a large number of bronzes with inscriptions have been found recently, the results compiled by svizhi and Guo Moruo are still useful in terms of official titles (svizhi, 1947; Guo Moruo, 1954:21-75). According to the results of Si's collation, this paper mainly introduces the official duties, and classifies them into the following categories.

1. Miscellaneous workers in the palace

① Zai, Dazai. In Zhouli, the official position of the family leader is very rich, and they belong to the Palace officials, such as paoren, Gongren, Shifu and nvyu. From Cai Yin: "in the past, even if the former king ordered his daughter to take charge of the king's family, now I'm ordering her to take care of her If you die outside the king's house, you don't dare and don't hear. If you go in and out of Jiang's order, you can see it and order it immediately. You don't have to tell me first, but you don't dare to celebrate and tell me again. " (Shirakawa, 1968b:

Although he was also in charge of the royal family, his actual position was still in charge of the inner court. CAI was also in charge of Baigong, whose status was not high, and he was under Yiyin's concubines (Bai Chuanjing, 1969c: 68). The name of Zai became the first assistant in later generations. The origin of Zai was nothing more than the general manager of the inner court. Because he was a close minister, he could go in and out of the king's order (or the latter's order), so he developed into an important confidant.

② Good husband, caterer and butcher. In Zhouli, Shanfu, the diet of the king, is often confused with Zaifu by name. Sun Yirang's explanation is very clear under the provision of "Tianguan Xu" in Zhouli Zhengyi. In shichending, Shanfu and xiaochenguangou are juxtaposed, and they are still in the position of Shanfu (Bai Chuanjing, 1968a:18). However, the duty of Dake Ding and shanfuke was already the order of the cashier king, and their nature was the same as that of Zai (Bai Chuanjing, 1969c: 498-500). Siweizhi noticed that the good husband was often the one who was called by the king to receive the minister's work in the ceremony, which was in line with the duty of "giving the king's order". Switzee, 1947:3).

③ Little minister, little boy. In the oracle inscriptions of Yin Dynasty, Xiaochen was a very prominent official. Xiaochen in Jinwen is still a humble family official, such as Chen Ding, a teacher quoted above. Xiaochen is listed with good husband and official dog. But there were also some important ministers, such as Jing of Jing Yin, who was originally a minor minister and was ordered to shoot with Xiaozi Fu and foreign servants in the Academy. Besides the practice of shooting, Wang also gave a bow to Jing (Bai Chuanjing, 1966c: 124-138). He was probably a favorite of Cheng Kang, perhaps because of shooting. "Boy" is common, and there are also boys among those who are still shooting.

④ Servant, great servant. There are foreign servants in Jing. Another Yin: "if the king said," if you order a woman to be a teacher, she will be like an official, a servant, and a neighbor. " (Bai Chuanjing, 1966c: 115-116) the servant was subordinate to Sima in the army. In Zhouli, Sima Guan belongs to Sheren, Lifu, situ and Siyou, which is exactly the same as this inscription. The servants were also found in Shikai Ding. Shikai's servants didn't go out to fight from the king. The commander Bai Maofu ordered him to punish them (Bai Chuanjing, 1966:

753—756)。 The original meaning of servant is servant, but in the inscriptions of Jin Dynasty, it is specialized in shooting. In the case of division and brigade tripod, the servants seemed to be a combat unit of their own. Of course, they were no longer soldiers.

2. Professional department

① Soil, family and soil. He ordered his daughter to be the heir of the land, and the official heir of the land (Bai Chuanjing, 1967c: 414) Jitian is a special field for the Wang family to hold farming ceremony. "Zhou Yu Shang" in Guoyu describes the ceremony of Jitian in detail. Situ is responsible for the transfer of manpower. "Zhou Yu Shang" also describes that situ's task was to "assist the brigade" and to mobilize manpower when he was working on the investigation of the population. There are only two cases of situ in the inscriptions of Jin Dynasty. One is Shan Bo, the heir of Yang Yin. One is Nan Zhong, the heir of Wu Ding (Bai Chuanjing, 1968b: 83). Situ in Guoyu and other ancient books are all about land in Jinwen. The original intention is not to manage people, but to manage land. So free box: "order free for soil, diehuan, Wu shemu." (Bai Chuanjing, 1968:460) managed the forest, hunting ground and pasture in Zheng area. With: "Wang Ming with, about Wu Dafu, Si Yilin Wu Mu, from the east to Yu River, Juemin as Xuanshui." (Bai Chuanjing, 1969a: 330) did not specify the same official title, but the official Wu Dafu's position was almost the same as that of exempting, and he was also in charge of the land resources in a certain area. Ladle pot: "Wang Hu Yin's book order ladle said: more is the ancestral writer, succeeding Tu Yu Cheng's teacher." (Bai Chuanjing, 1968b:149) chengliuqi division is the standing army of Zhoushi in Chengzhou. Its duty is to manage the land resources of the Sixth Division. According to Liu Ding of Nangong, there were pastures, Yu Ze and fields in the Sixth Division (Bai Chuanjing, 1969b: 465). As an heir to the land, he could be one of the three ministers of the royal family. Thirteen years pot: "Wang Cai Cheng Zhou Si Tu Chu palace." The house of situ can hold a ceremony for king Linxing, whose status is high. Princes also have their heirs, such as Zha situ (Bai Chuanjing, 1963a:153) of Kanghou, and so on. There are also their own heirs in different cities. The master said: "if Wang Ruo said: the master is the first, then the king will order nvzha to inherit the Tu, and the official to inherit the dark. Now Yu Jiazhao is the master." (Bai Chuanjing, 1969a: 346) in the land negotiation of San's panjiyasan, both sides had their own officials and Heitu was present (Bai Chuanjing, 1968c: 199).
