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Three thousand years ago, the same line in the opposite direction, China staged a war of revenge

In 5000 years of Chinese civilization, from the Yellow Emperor period, the tribal alliance gradually developed into a country. The Yellow Emperor is recognized as the ancestor of China, and the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties are descendants of the Yellow Emperor.

Xia Dynasty lineage: Huangdi Changyi Zhuanxu Gan Yu, surnamed Si;

Yin Shang lineage: Huangdi SHAOHAO Juji DIHE Qi, surnamed Zi;

Zhou Dynasty lineage: Huangdi SHAOHAO Juji DIHE Houji, surnamed Ji.

Yu's son Qi established the Xia Dynasty, which is generally considered to be a country in the form of multi tribal alliance. During the establishment of the Xia Dynasty, Qi and Houji were both close relatives of Qi and served as officials in the Xia Dynasty. However, the country was very loose at that time, and all tribes could move freely. The core areas of Xia Dynasty were Dengfeng, Yu county and Luoyang plain near Songshan Mountain in the west of Henan Province, and the lower reaches of Fenshui River in the south of Shanxi Province. The ancestors of the merchants were mainly distributed in Shangqiu area of Eastern Henan, while the ancestors of the Zhou people were mainly in Shaanxi.

During the period of Yao and Shun, Qi helped Yu to control the flood, and was granted the title of Shang city to establish the Shang state. In the early Xia Dynasty, merchants moved north to Handan, Hebei Province. In the Xia Dynasty, he moved back to Shangqiu, and the sixth sun Wang Hai of Qi developed the trade of goods for goods, which made the Shang state gradually strong. At the end of Xia Dynasty, Shang had become a relatively powerful country in the East.

In the 15th year of Xia Jie, Shang Tang moved its capital from Shangqiu to Bo. Shang Tang first destroyed the alliance of Wei, Gu, Kun and Wu of Xia, and then went all the way west. According to Mozi and lvlan, Shangtang led nine chariots and 6000 elite people to attack Xia. Unable to resist, Xia gave up the capital of his country and fled to the West. Xia's army fled to mingtiao (West of Xiaxian County, Shanxi Province), and was defeated by the Shang army. Xia Jie fled to Nanchao and died.

Shangmiexia route is from east to west, along the Yellow River, through Shandong, Henan, Shanxi and other provinces.

After the end of Xia Dynasty, Tang returned to the capital of Bo, and formally established the Shang Dynasty.

After the fall of the Xia Dynasty, the remaining tribes moved to the northwest to establish the Earth Kingdom. One branch moved southward to Nanchao, in Yuling village of Kuaiji mountain in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province. The descendants of the surname of Xia Yu Si have been called yushouling for generations. One branch moved to the north, the wife of Jie, the son of Xia Jie, became the ancestor of Xiongnu. According to the oracle inscriptions, in the early Shang Dynasty, the king of Wuding conquered the earth for a long time, and built a large-scale city "Tang" in his hinterland "Tang soil".

Zhou and Shang originally belonged to Xia's vassal states, Shang replaced Xia, Zhou still regarded Xia as orthodox. After earth was destroyed, Xia's descendants fled to Zhou.

In the late Shang Dynasty, the rise of Zhou people, the contradiction between the two sides began to highlight. King wending of Shang (the grandfather of King Zhou) killed King Jili of Zhou (the father of King Wen of Zhou). King Wen of Zhou once attacked the Shang Dynasty, but failed. In order to avoid the danger of being attacked by the East and the west, Emperor Yi of Shang (the father of King Zhou) decided to marry the Western Zhou Dynasty.

Emperor B married his sister to Jichang and made him a new generation of xibohou (Western leader). Xibo Hou Jichang personally went to Weishui to show his respect for emperor Yi and the solemnity of the wedding ceremony. This is the historical "emperor Yi returns to his younger sister". Both sides of the political marriage were playing. King Wen of Zhou offered up Di Yi's younger sister. His real wife was Tai Si. Later, King Zhou of Shang summoned King Wen of Zhou to court song and killed his eldest son Jikao.

The successive wars of King Zhou of Shang Dynasty (emperor Xin) greatly consumed the national strength, further intensified the domestic contradictions, and the domestic forces were empty. At last, the people of Zhou waited for the opportunity of revenge. King Wu of Zhou played the flag of revenge for Xia Dynasty and set up troops to attack merchants.

From west to East, Zhou's route of exterminating Shang Dynasty was almost a copy of Shang's route of exterminating Xia Dynasty. It went eastward along the Wei River and Yellow River, crossed the Yellow River in Luoyang and Mengjin, and exterminated Shang Dynasty in the battle of pastoral areas.

In the 3000 year revenge war, the same line is in the opposite direction, and history repeats itself in China.
