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What foreign nationalities were there in the Western Zhou Dynasty

1、 Su Shen, the Northeast nationality in ancient China. Also known as Xi Shen, Ji Shen. It is said that the times of Shun and Yu were connected with the Central Plains. During the reign of King Wu of the Zhou Dynasty, Sushen paid tribute to the "arrow stone" and submitted to the Zhou Dynasty. In Shang and Zhou dynasties, it was in Heilongjiang, Wusuli River Basin and Changbai Mountain area. It is generally distributed in the north of Changbai Mountain, Songnen Plain in the West and the middle and lower reaches of Heilongjiang in the north. In Songnen Plain, there may be preliminary farming. After the Warring States period, yilou, Wuji, Pei and Nuzhen were regarded as Sushen system or closely related by historians. It is famous for producing GONGYA and mink. He once paid tribute to Shang and Zhou. After Zhou destroyed Shang, he submitted to Zhou and had frequent contacts with central plains. In the ninth year of Zhaogong in Zuozhuan: "Su Shen, Yan, Hao, I am a native of northern China." "Yilou, the ancient country of Sushen, also has five grains, hemp cloth, red jade and good mink. Without a ruler, there are adults in each city. It is located between the mountains and forests. The soil is extremely cold. It is often cave dwelling. It is expensive to live deep. You can go to nine ladders. Good to raise pig, eat its meat, clothing its skin. In the winter, apply rag ointment to the body, several points thick, to keep out the wind and cold. Xia was naked and covered his front and back with a ruler. He is filthy and dirty. He lives in the toilet. Although there are few kinds of people, they are brave and brave. They are good at shooting in dangerous mountains, and they can get into people's eyes. The bow is four feet long and powerful as a crossbow. The arrow is one foot and eight inches long. The blue stone is the arrowhead. When the arrowhead is poisoned, the person in the middle will die. Then they would take a boat, and they would be good at banditry, and the neighboring countries would be afraid of danger, but the soldiers would not be able to serve them. " According to the biography of Beishi Wuji, "the kingdom of Wuji is located in the north of Koguryo. It's called Wuji... From the east of funei, the arrows are all stone arrowheads, that is, the ancient Sushen family." 2、 Huaiyi is an ancient ethnic minority living in Huanghuai and Jianghuai areas of eastern China during the Shang and Zhou dynasties. Before the Xia Dynasty, he lived in today's Shandong, Hebei and other places, known as Dongyi. There is a legend that Chi you, the famous tribal leader, was defeated and disintegrated in the battle of Zhuolu with Yanhuang tribe. One part of him integrated into Yanhuang tribe, and the other part of his family moved to the South and settled down in the Huaihe River Valley, which was called Huaiyi. In the following hundreds of years, the Huaiyi nationality constantly struggled with the Han nationality in the Central Plains. The combination of time and war not only integrated the advanced science and culture of the Han nationality, but also gradually retreated to the south of the Yangtze River and mixed with the local "Miao Man nationality", forming a branch of Baiyue, which is today's Miao nationality. Nowadays, there are still stories of their ancestors' arduous trekking and migration, such as "crossing Hunshui River (Yellow River)". These stories were embroidered on the clothes by the hardworking and brave Miao people, which inspired them to work hard for generations. 3、 Baiyue, also known as Baiyue nationality, is the general name of different ethnic groups related to ancient Yue people living in southern China. It is also called Baiyue and ZhuYue in literature. In ancient Chinese, it often refers to the south. In the treatise on crossing the Qin Dynasty, "the land of Baiyue is taken from the South", and in the treatise on picking herbs, "the land of ZhuYue is the fruit of peach and plum in winter". In the ancient books of pre Qin Dynasty, the aborigines in Southeast China are often referred to as "Yue". As Mr. Lu simian pointed out, "from the south of the river, it is Yue.". In this vast area, there are actually many tribes and different castes, so the aborigines in different areas have different names, or "Wuyue" (Southern Jiangsu and Northern Zhejiang), or "Minyue" (Fujian), or "Yangyue" (Jiangxi and Hunan), or "Nanyue" (Guangdong), or "Xiou" (Guangxi), or "Luoyue" (Yue) South and North and south of Guangxi), etc. Therefore, "Yue" is also known as "Baiyue". There are more than one hundred words.

Yue is Yue, which was widely used in ancient times. Yue and Yue, ancient pronunciation such as wut, Wat, wet. It is called "human" by ancient Jiangnan aborigines. The more "human" means. The hundred of Baiyue is a majority, a divisor, not a definite number. Baiyue is a general term for all ethnic groups in the south. In the Xia Dynasty, it was called "Yu Yue"; in the Shang Dynasty, it was called "man Yue" or "Nan Yue"; in the Zhou and Qin Dynasties, "Yue" not only refers to "Yue State", but also refers to all the ethnic groups in the south. In the Zhou Dynasty, it was called "Yangyue" and "Jingyue"; in the Warring States, it was called "Baiyue". "From Jiaozhi to Kuaiji, there are different castes in Baiyue.". Before the Warring States period, the name "Qimin" first appeared in Zhouli: zhifangshi. Min is the name of Yue nationality in Ancient Southeast China. Xu Shen said in ShuoWenJieZi: "Fujian, Southeast Vietnam, snake species.". In the Han Dynasty, the biography of Xu Yanzhong, the father of Yan Zhu and Wu Qiu, recorded that Wang An of Huainan admonished to invade Fujian and Yue, saying: "Yue is not a city, but a city in the valley, in the bamboo groves." if you look at the mountains and rivers and fortresses on a map, you can't go far, but only hundreds of miles away. You can't stop the dangerous woods. " "There are many snakes and beasts in the forest." According to these records, the ancient Baiyue people gathered in towns and villages, scattered in mountains and rivers, deep forests and bamboo groves, and between valleys. "Zhou Li, Dong Guan Kao Gong Ji" has the name of "Wu, Yue". Wang Huijie in yizhoushu also has the names of Dongyue, OuRen, Yuyue, Gumei, Qie ou, Gongren, Haiyang, Cangwu, yuequ, Guiguo, Suzi, chanli and Jiujun. Lu Shi, written by Luo MI in Song Dynasty, specifically explains the ethnic names of Baiyue: "Yuechang, Luoyue, Ouyue, ouai, and Ou, Xi'ou, for people, Mu Shen, Kuifu, Qinren, Cangwu, yuequ, GUI, Suzi, chanli, Haigui, Jiujun, Jiyu, Beidai, puju, Quwu are weibaiyue. Now living in southern China, all the ethnic groups belonging to the Zhuang Dong language family and the Miao Yao language family have a certain degree of origin with the ancient Baiyue people in terms of language and cultural customs. In addition, some scholars believe that some ethnic groups in today's Indochina Peninsula, such as Thai in Thailand, Lao in Laos, Shan in Myanmar, Jing and Mang in Vietnam, and even Taiwan aborigines belonging to the South Island ethnic group, are closely related to the Baiyue ethnic group to a certain extent. 4、 Dog Rong dog Rong: ancient clan name, also known as Yu Yu, ancient active in today's Shaanxi, Gansu area, between Yu and Qi. By the end of the week in the west, the long-term farming and peaceful environment made the monarch indulge in immorality, play with things and lose heart, and play with the warlords. As a result, king you of the Zhou Dynasty was attacked and killed by the fierce and savage Hourong clan, and Baosi, the king's favorite concubine, was captured. The "Jiuding" treasure, which symbolizes the highest power and status of China, was also plundered to the grassland by Hourong, and the northwest of Fenghe and Haohe, the capital, was occupied by Hourong. The Western Zhou Dynasty, which was strong for about 300 years, fell. Since then, the dog army has become the most terrible enemy of the Chinese nation, until the Tang Dynasty, the Central Plains also referred to all the northwest nomads as "dog army" and "Rong Di". During the reign of emperor Zong of the Tang Dynasty, Dr. Taichang Liu and his wife Shangshu said: "the dog soldiers committed the crime of Guan Du long and entered the capital without blood blade..." During the period of emperor Dezong of Tang Dynasty, Minister Liu Hun said to Emperor Dezong, "Rong Di, jackal, is not an oath." The word "dog" of "gourong" has the strong insulting characteristic of Han nationality, and the saying that Rongdi is a "jackal" also accurately points out the wolf character of gourong or Rongdi nationality. At the beginning of the spring and Autumn period, gourong became a strong enemy of the state of Qin. Later, one of the Canrong's branches moved to the Mongolian grassland and became one of the Earliest Nomads in the Mongolian grassland. The study of Chinese nomadic people, nomadic spirit and nomadic totem must also begin with the Hun meat porridge and dog army.

According to the literature, the gourong nationality is the oldest nomadic nationality in Northwest China, which claims that its ancestor is er Bai dog and takes Bai dog as its totem. It belongs to the West Qiang nationality and is a close relative of the ancestors of Yanhuang nationality. As early as the Yanhuang period, the Canrong nationality was the strong enemy of the Yanhuang nationality. There is a record in the book of the later Han Dynasty: "in the past, Gaoxin had the enemy of Canrong. The emperor suffered from the invasion and violence, but the expedition was not successful." Gao Xin is the great grandson of the Yellow Emperor and the father of Emperor Yao. According to the records of Houhanshu, in the Han Dynasty, there was a large population of white wolf country in Xirong. By the time of Emperor Ming of the Eastern Han Dynasty, "White Wolf More than one hundred other countries, with more than 1.3 million households and more than 6 million people, voluntarily belonged to the Eastern Han Dynasty. The white wolf king also ordered people to write three poems, collectively known as the White Wolf song, dedicated to the emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Therefore, the White Wolf Kingdom is a variety of the gourong Kingdom, the white wolf king is the descendant of the gourong Kingdom, and the White Wolf tribe is a tribe that worships the White Wolf and takes the white wolf as its totem. The existence of the White Wolf country can also prove that the white dog worshipped by gourong is probably the white wolf. According to historical records, the gourong people were extremely savage and fierce. According to historical records, the ancient Qiang people, the mother of the gourong people, also worshipped the dog totem. Volume 190 of Zizhitongjian says that in the early Tang Dynasty, there were "Baijian, baigouqiang and other Qiang people sent envoys to pay tribute", and in the Tang Dynasty, "Baigou and other Qiang people set up Wei and Gong prefectures.". This shows that the ancient Qiang people also worshipped white dogs. In fact, from the perspective of ethnic classification, the gourong nationality is the Western Qiang nationality. In Shuowen Jiezi, Xu Shen said: "Qiang, Xirong Shepherd is also a minority." Therefore, Canrong is Xiqiang, and Xiqiang includes Canrong. Then the above-mentioned "dog Rong", "white dog" and "White Wolf" are all western Qiang. It can be concluded that the Western Qiang nationality is a nomadic people with white wolf or white dog as totem. Therefore, today's Mongolian and Qiang people who worship Wolf Totem are all descendants of Canrong.
