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What kind of king was Xia Jie in history

After Jie ascended the throne, he moved the capital of the country to zhenxunqu, where Taikang lived. This Jie has great talent, but he doesn't do his job. He only used his cleverness to eat, drink and play. He was very brave, strong enough to straighten the copper hook and break the antlers, but he used his strength in hunting. Soon after he became king of Xia, he sent troops to enlist the Shi Family (in Tengzhou City, Shandong Province). Small Shi where can resist the Xia King's army, had to kowtow, request surrender. They heard that Jie loved beautiful girls, so they chose a beautiful woman named Meixi to present to Jie. This sister Xi was born in a charming and charming way. She was decorated with pearls and jewels, just like a fairy. Jie saw sister Xi, only feel dizzy, the soul flew out of the shell, without saying a word, immediately ordered the withdrawal of troops back home.
Jie got sister Xi this beauty, see her like the apple of the eye. He felt that the original palace was too simple and crude, so he ordered to enlist people from all over the world to build a luxurious palace. Xia Jie ran out of people's fat and cream, and the palace was finally built. The towering hall was too high for people to look up, as if it was about to fall down, so it was called "Qing palace". Although the palace was not built with gold and white jade, there were white jade carved beds, gold utensils, silk and Pearl treasures in it. It was also a golden room.
But Meixi just missed her hometown, parents and free life. In her eyes, the golden room was just a luxurious cage, so she often frowned and looked sad. In order to please her sister, Xia Jie's "intelligence" can be used. When he saw that Mei Xi was upset by the sound of Ding Dong Dong music, he asked the maids in court to move a piece of cloth, and they were chatting with each other, hoping that the "hiss, hiss, hiss" sound would make Mei Xi happy. When he saw Meixi's long sleeve dancing, he frowned and forced the maids and dwarfs to dance some strange and ugly dances, hoping to make Meixi laugh.
At this time, there was a ruler who was both a chronicler and an astronomer. The calendar prefect was called Zhonggu. Seeing that Xia Jie was so extravagant and extravagant, he was really worried about the fate of the Xia Dynasty. He went into the palace and cried and advised: "if the king continues like this, our country will die!"
Xia Jie laughed and said, "what nonsense are you talking about? I have the world, just like the sun in the sky. Does solar energy disappear from the sky? If solar energy disappears from the sky, I may perish. "
After hearing this strange truth, the minister did not dare to talk any more. After leaving the palace, he took his family and went to the state of Shang.
Speaking of Shang state, it was a tribe of barbarians who lived in the lower reaches of the Yellow River and flourished as early as the middle of the Xia Dynasty. The merchant's ancestor was once a "situ" deed in the period of Emperor Shun. During the period of Emperor Shun, the merchants still lived in fan (today's Tengzhou City, Shandong Province), and their grandson Xiangtu moved to Shangqiu (today's south of Shangqiu, Henan Province). The merchants were good at animal husbandry. At this time, agriculture was developed. The combination of agriculture and animal husbandry made the country strong immediately. Xiangtu took advantage of the opportunity that Taikang lost his position and Houyi and hanzhuo had no time to look east to expand their influence. In the past 100 years after Shangjia, the state of Shang began to March eastward and westward, and constantly strengthened its strength. Although it was nominally a subordinate of Xia Dynasty, it was actually a serious threat to the Xia Dynasty.
However, Xia Jie, a fatuous man, didn't pay any attention to the gradually powerful Shang state. He killed Guan longfu, who dared to admonish him. As expected, other ministers were obedient. They just rolled up their tongues and didn't groan. The villains who wanted to get promoted and made a fortune took out the skill of flattering and flattering. They sang praises and gave some devious ideas to make Xia Jie happy. In this way, the Xia dynasty became more and more out of control.
Xia Jie here is rebellious, but the eastern Shang state is trying to win people's hearts. At this time, the leader of Shang state was named Tang. Seeing that the Xia Dynasty was becoming more and more unpopular, Shang Tang made up his mind to replace it. This man is very talented and resourceful. He knew that the Xia Dynasty had existed for more than 400 years, and there were still many party members among the States, so he could not act rashly. Instead, he had to fight steadily, use both power and virtue, gradually pull over or swallow the States, and finally deal with the helpless Xia Jie.
Shangtang first defeated the neighboring Ge Kingdom, then conquered Xue Kingdom, zaowei Kingdom, Gu Kingdom and Kunwu kingdom. Xia Jie at this time just flustered, decided to drive personally. But Xia Jie was used to enjoying himself, and he would not give up enjoying himself even if he went to war. The beautiful women in the harem, the musicians and the dancers, and the things for eating, drinking and having fun were all with him. It took a lot of time just to prepare for them. In addition, good Ma Jian's chariots were given to his attendants first, but the soldiers' armored chariots and horses were not so good, which made the soldiers angry. The Xia army left the capital and moved eastward to mingtiao. Shangtang's army had already arrived. The two sides are fighting. The morale of Xia Jie's army was low. As soon as they met, they began to shake up. Shangtang led a fierce army to attack Xia Jie's central army. When Xia Jie sees the situation, he will withdraw with the beauty of the harem. This time, the Xia army collapsed and was out of control.
Xia Jie escaped the Yellow River with a small number of disabled soldiers and went to a small country called sanlongbai (in the northeast of Dingtao, Shandong Province). Shang Tang pushed forward step by step, and then moved his troops to conquer sanlongbai. Xia Jie had no place to support himself in the Central Plains, so he had to flee south. Shang Tang soldiers were divided into two routes, one was to chase Xia Jie in the south, the other was to take Xia Du in the West.
Xia Jie's bodyguards run and slip, but the pursuers behind them are still in pursuit. Xia Jie is so scared all the way that he is really in a mess like a bereaved dog. When he chose Nanchao (in the southeast of Shouxian County, Anhui Province today), Shangtang saw that he had become a loner, and was in the wilderness, so he could do nothing more. So he stopped chasing and only sent some soldiers to watch him.
The main force of Shang Tang went west to the capital of Xia Dynasty and impolitely took all the beautiful treasures, gold and jade in Xia Jie's palace. Most of the people in Xia capital also became slaves of Shang state.
Xia Jie became a prisoner under house arrest in Nanchao. A few years later, the tyrant died lonely in Nanchao like a wild dog.
The Xia Dynasty, which lasted more than 400 years, was finally replaced by another slavery Dynasty, the Shang Dynasty.
