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LV Buwei: the founder of the collusion between government and business


Lvbuwei (235 BC), Jiang surname, Lu family, name Wei. In the late Warring States period, famous businessmen, politicians and thinkers were later ministers of Qin and people from Puyang (now Puyang County, Henan Province). Lvbuwei is a big businessman of Yangzhai (Yuzhou City, Henan Province). His hometown is located in Daliu street, south of the city. He travels all over the country and buys at low prices and sells them at a high price, so he has accumulated thousands of gold family property. He is famous for his "strange goods can live". He helped Qinshihuang ascend to the throne, and was appointed the state of Qin Dynasty. He also organized the gatekeepers to write the famous "Lu spring and Autumn Period", with 3000 guests. That is, Lu Lan. It is also a representative of the thought of miscellaneous. Idioms: a word of gold.

Character history

In the forty years (267 years before), the prince mourned his death in Wei and was transported back to the state for burial in Zhiyang. In the forty-two years of King Zhao (265 years ago), he made his second son, Prince an, Prince of Prince. And the king of an has more than 20 sons. An Guojun has a very beloved concubine, set up her wife, known as Mrs. Huayang. Mrs. Huayang has no son. An Guojun has a son named Zichu, whose mother is Xiaji, and is not beloved. Zichu was sent to Zhao as a hostage to the state of Qin. Qin attacked Zhao for many times, and Zhao did not treat his son Chu with courtesy.

Zi Chu, the grandson of the Qin Dynasty, was a hostage in Zhao state. His car and horse and his daily wealth were not rich, and his life was embarrassed and very unhappy. Lu Bu Wei went to Handan to do business, and when he saw Zichu, he liked it very much, saying, "Zichu is like a strange goods, and can store up strange things. To sell at a high price (the quotation of the idiom "strange goods can live in". So he went to visit Zichu and said to him, "I can make your doorstep bigger." Zichu smiled and said, "you should first enlarge your own doorstep, and then you will enlarge my doorstep again!" "You don't understand," said lubuwei, "my court will wait for your great hall to be big." Chu Zi knew what lubuway said, and he sat down and talked deeply. "The king of Qin is old, and the prince of an is established as Prince," said Lu. I heard privately that the prince of an is very fond of Mrs. Huayang, who has no son, and only Mrs. Huayang is the only one who can choose to establish a prince. Now your brother has more than 20 people. You are among the middle. You are not favored by the king of Qin. You have been held hostage by the princes for a long time. Even if the king of Qin died and king an succeeded in the throne, you should not expect to compete with your elder brother and other brothers who were around the king of Qin in the morning and evening. " Zichu said, "that's it, but what should I do?" "You are poor and embarrassed, and you are here, and you can't give anything to your relatives and make friends with guests," said lubuwei. Although I am not rich, I am willing to take out thousands of gold to lobby for you to go to Qin State in the west, serve the prince of an and Mrs. Huayang, and let them make you prince. " Zichu then kowtow to thank you and said, "if you have achieved your plan, I would like to share the land of Qin and you."

Lu Bu Wei then gave 500 gold to Chu, as a daily life and for meeting guests; and he bought rare and strange things with 500 gold. He took himself to Qin to lobby for the visit to Mrs. Huayang's younger brother yangquanjun and sister, and gave everything to Mrs. Huayang. By the way, the guests of the princes and guests who are intelligent and talented are all over the world, and often say, "my son Chu sees his wife all day long, weeping and missing the prince and his wife day and night.". Lady is very happy. Lu Bu Wei took the opportunity to ask her sister to persuade Mrs. Huayang to say, "I heard that the beauty of others is used to serve others. Once the color is down, the love will decrease. Now, madam, you serve the prince, and are very beloved, but you have no son. You do not make a talented and filial piety among the prince's sons early at this time, and make him heir and treat him like a son of his own. Then, the husband is respected in the world. After the husband dies, his son will succeed as king, and will not lose momentum. This is what people say can be said Get the benefits of the world. Do not set up the root in the beautiful face, if wait for the appearance to fail, after the loss of love, although want to say a word with the prince, is it possible? Now Chu Xian can, the son, knows that the ranking is in the middle. In order, he can not be established as the successor. His mother is not beloved. She will be attached to his wife. If the wife can really promote him as the heir at this time, then your wife will be respected in Qin State in your life. " Mrs. Huayang heard that, when the prince was convenient, she said tactfully that Chu, the son of Zhao Guoguo, was very talented and praised by all the people who were in contact. Then I cried and said, "I was fortunate to fill the back house, but I was very sorry that I had no son, and I hope to be the heir of Chu, so that I can rely on it later." After the emperor agreed, he carved jade Fu with his wife and decided to establish Chu as the heir. Both the prince of an and Mrs. Huayang gave many gifts to Chu. Lu Bu Wei was invited to be his teacher. Therefore, his reputation became more and more popular among the princes.

Lu Buwei chose a beautiful and dancing Handan woman to live together until she was pregnant. Once, Zichu and lvbuwei drank wine. When she saw her, she liked it very much. He stood up and toasted lvbuwei and asked to give her. Lu Bu Wei was very angry, but I thought about it. He had already spent a lot of money on his family property for his son Chu. He took strange goods for fishing, so she gave the woman. The woman hid her pregnancy, and by twelve months she gave birth to her son, and became a government. Zichu made this Ji his wife.

In the fifty years (257 years ago), Zhao sent Wang Yi to besiege Handan. The situation was very urgent. Zhao wanted to kill Zichu. Chu and Lu Bu Wei conspired to give 600 Jin of gold to the city officials. They were able to escape and flee to the camp of the Qin army, so that they could return home smoothly. Zhao also wanted to kill his wife and son, and the wife of ezchu, the daughter of the rich family of Zhao, was hidden, so the mother and son had to live. In the fifty sixth year of Emperor Qin Zhao (251 years ago), he died. Prince an was the king, and Mrs. Huayang was the queen, and Chu was the prince. Zhao also escorts his wife and son Zhao Zheng back to Qin.

After a year of filial piety, Emperor an died of sudden illness only three days after his coronation, and was named Xiaowen king. Son Chu succeeded, he was king of Qin Zhuangxiang. The queen of Huayang, who was honored as the mother by the king of Zhuang Xiang, was named empress Hua Yang, and the born mother, Xia Ji, was honored as empress Xia. In the first year of the reign of Zhuang Xiang (249 years ago), lvbuwei was appointed as prime minister, and was named wenxinhou. 100000 households in Luoyang, Henan Province were regarded as his food cities.

After three years of his reign, the prince Zhao Zheng was established as king, honored lubuwei as the state of the state, and called him "Zhong Fu". The king of Qin was still young, and the Empress Dowager often had private relations with lvbuwei. There are thousands of slaves in the lubuwei family.

At that time, there were xinlingjun in Wei, Chunshen king in Chu state, Ping Yuan Jun of zhaoguoping, and mengchang king in Qi. They were all virtuous and dignitaries and made friends with guests. And in this respect, we should fight for a high and low level. Lu Bu Wei thinks that the Qin state is so powerful that it is not as shame as they are. So he also recruited Bachelor of Arts and people to give them preferential treatment, and there are up to 3000 people who eat under the door. At that time, there were many scholars in the various kingdoms who were able to argue, like Xunqing, who wrote books and made it popular in the world. Lubuwei ordered his diners to record what they saw and heard, and combined them into eight reading, six theories and twelve disciplines, with a total of more than 200000 words. I think it includes the history and present of everything in the world, so it is called "Lu spring and Autumn". And published in Xianyang city gate, hanging a thousand gold reward, invited guests from all over the world, if anyone can add or delete a word, give a thousand gold reward.

The Qin King's administration is growing, but the Empress Dowager has been more and more promiscuous. Lu Bu Wei, fearing that things might be exposed, and the disaster came to his head, secretly sought a man with a particularly large penis (lॸòi, short) as a doorman. He asked the actor to sing and dance and make fun of it from time to time. He asked him to wear his penis on the wheel of Tung wood to turn it and go. He thought of ways to let the Empress Dowager know the matter and seduce her with it. After the Empress Dowager heard, she really wanted to take him in the dark. Lubuwei went into the palace and pretended to let him report that he had committed the crime of being sentenced to the palace. Lu Bu Wei secretly said to the empress dowager, "you can let him pretend to be punished by the palace, and you can get him among the people who are in the palace." The Empress Dowager secretly gave many things to the officials who presided over the palace sentence, pretending to punish him, and pulling off his beard as eunuch, and thus he could serve the Empress Dowager. The Empress Dowager secretly adulterated him, and loved him in particular. Later, the Empress Dowager was pregnant. I'm afraid that others knew that it was not good to tell the divination. She needed to change the environment to avoid it, and then he moved to the palace of Yongdi to live in. He has been following the empress dowager, and he has received a very rich reward, and everything is decided by him. There are thousands of servants who wish to be the gatekeeper of the king, and thousands of them voluntarily become eunuchs.

In the seven years of Qin Dynasty (the first 240 years), the mother of the emperor Zhuang Xiang died. The queen of Xiaowen is called empress Hua Yang and he is buried in Shouling together with Xiaowen king. The son of empress Xia, Wang Zhuang Xiang, was buried in Zhiyang, so she was buried in the east of duyuan alone, saying "I can see my son East and my husband in the West.". In a hundred years, there will be a city of ten thousand households next to it. ".

In the ninth year of Qin Dynasty (238 years ago), some people reported that he was not an eunuch, and often had adultery with the empress dowager, and gave birth to two sons, who hid them. They also conspired with the Empress Dowager to say, "if the king of Qin died, he would have the son to succeed.". So the king ordered the judge to investigate the matter, to make the truth clear, and the matter was related to the relative state of lubuwei. In September of this year, all three families of the family of the family of the family of the family of the family were killed, and the two sons of the Empress Dowager were killed, and the Empress Dowager was moved to Yongdi for living. In October, the Qing Dynasty was removed from the position of Lu Bu Wei in October. When Mao Jiao of Qi persuaded Qin king, Qin King met empress dowager in Yongdi and returned to Xianyang, but he sent Lu Buwei out of the capital city to the seal of Henan.

After another year, guests and envoys from all the kingdoms came to greet lubuwei. Afraid that he launched rebellion, the king wrote to lvbuwei and said, "what do you do to the Qin State? Qin State granted you in Henan, where 100000 households live in cities. What kind of blood do you have to Qin king? And it is called the second father. You and your family all moved to Shu to live! " As soon as he thought that he had been forced gradually, he was afraid of being killed later, and drank wine and killed himself. Lu Buwei and Yi, who the king hated, died, and they sent all the visitors who moved to Shu to the capital.

In nineteen years of Qin Dynasty (229 BC), the Empress Dowager died, with the title of emperor and Empress Dowager. And Zhuang Xiang King buried in Zhiyang.

New theory

In Chinese history, there is a character who needs to be written in capitals. He is Lu Buwei, who was born as a businessman in the late Warring States period. As a businessman, he created a historical precedent for businessmen to engage in politics. It is not too much to say that he has changed Chinese history. As the biggest speculator in history, although thousands of years have passed, his life experience has a great influence on later generations. Even in modern society, his tactics, public relations means, self hyped advertising and other practices are still avant-garde, and are the model for those who dream of success to learn. Although some people will object to calling LV Buwei a hero of the world, he is definitely a strange man of all ages. Where is lubwich? Let me come with you.

1: The originator of merchants

Fan Li, the Duke of Tao and Zhu, was a good businessman. He was regarded as a symbol of the rich and was regarded as the ancestor of the merchants by later generations. But before he went into business, Fan Li was the general of Gou Jian, the king of Yue. After he retired, he would have a considerable amount of gold and silver as business capital. Therefore, there are objective conditions for his success in business. In contrast, LV Buwei started from scratch. At a young age, he became the richest man in Handan, the capital of the state of Zhao. Comparatively speaking, it is more appropriate to regard LV Buwei as the ancestor of merchants.

Lu Buwei, a self-made man, has not yet been able to find out how he got his first pot of gold. However, he became the richest man in a country before he got married. It is absolutely not by selling vegetables or meat buns. Combining with the history and the geographical position of Zhao state at that time, the analysis of Lu Buwei's way of making money is also very enlightening to the contemporary people, from which we can see that his business genius is worthy of the title of the originator of businessmen.

1. The theory of exotic goods can be found

LV Buwei is good at cheap in and expensive out, which is the minimum theory in business. It is difficult to make a fortune simply by this. The key to his success lies in his theory of rare commodities. He was able to put a person (the son of an Guojun, later the king of Qin Zhuangxiang). At that time, he was sent to the state of Zhao as a hostage and was known as a stranger.) As goods hoarding, what kind of things can't be done? At least one thing is certain. LV Buwei's original capital accumulation must have been accumulated by shady business. It remains to be seen whether there was any illegal financing, but I believe he was indispensable to those who sold illegal salt and smuggled jewelry, because they were all strange goods in the state of Zhao at that time.

2. First person in international trade:

Lu Buwei was a native of Wei state in the late Warring States period, but Wei state was a small country with underdeveloped economy, so he developed commodity trade to Zhao state, and established the company headquarters in Zhao state. At that time, the state of Zhao was the main traffic route of the feudal states, and the celebrities of various countries were gathered, and the economy was relatively developed. LV Buwei, who went abroad, chose Zhao as his own export trade country, which not only made LV Buwei the first person in history to develop international trade, but also showed his unique economic vision.

3. The founder of collusion between government and business:

LV Buwei, who is good at packaging himself, is close to the officials and nobles in order to reach the peak of his business. Most of the people who come and go to LV Buwei's residence are senior officials and nobles of the state of Zhao. Diplomatic envoys of various countries are also frequent guests of Lv's residence, which makes his business and officialdom have countless ties. While expanding his popularity, it also provides more opportunities for his business development It's a great opportunity. His way of business cooperation between businessmen and officialdom is still regarded as the first choice by many successful businessmen.

From the above three points, it is not difficult to see that LV Buwei is indeed the originator of businessmen.

2: It created a historical precedent for businessmen to engage in politics

As we all know, in ancient times, the status of merchants was relatively low. No matter how much gold and silver the merchants have, those high-ranking officials, nobles, scholars and scholars also despise him, which is difficult to be elegant. In order to change his position, LV Buwei decided to abandon business and go into politics in order to become an aristocrat. Under the circumstances at that time, it was very difficult for a businessman to achieve this step, but for LV Buwei, it was very easy to achieve success, creating a precedent for businessmen in politics.

As a businessman, if LV Buwei wants to succeed in politics, it is very difficult for him to achieve great success simply by bribing officials. Therefore, he decided to apply the business theory and political tactics of "rare goods" directly from the top, put all his eggs in one basket, and took the strange people of Qin state as his ladder to the top. At the same time, he spent a lot of money on packaging protons. He also played a trick of beauty, sending his beloved woman to a different person as his wife, so as to win the favor of the different person. This kind of attack means of going directly to the upper class and making money and beauty offensive is still followed by many people.

After pulling the protons into the arms of the Qin state, LV Buwei, with his huge financial resources, came to Xianyang, the capital of the Qin state, to make friends with the upper class, and vigorously publicize the ability of hyping protons. He also knew the importance of pillow style, bribed his beloved wife Huayang with a large amount of gold and silver, and successfully made protons ascend the throne of the Qin king, LV Buwei also achieved the goal of mixing into the upper class society, became the Prime Minister of the power leaning government and opposition, and achieved great success. As a businessman, it can be said that there is no one who can achieve such great success before and after. Nowadays, those who are successful in business all have a hobby in politics, and we can't deny LV Buwei's influence on them.

3: The most successful cultural communication agent

As the prime minister, LV Buwei wanted power and gold and silver, but he was still not satisfied because he had too little knowledge. Although he was the prime minister, he was still afraid of being looked down upon by later scholars and destroying his reputation. This was the last thing he wanted to see. It is not easy for LV Buwei, who is not deep in ink, to become a cultural person by writing his own books. In order to enter the cultural circle and become a Bachelor of Arts, Lu Buwei hired thousands of literati and scholars with a high salary to set up the Lu School of Arts. He specially wrote the spring and Autumn Annals of the Lu family named after his surname, which is a classic work that will be popular throughout the world and hard to change. It also brought LV Buwei's career to the peak.

4: The ancestor of advertising

Lu Buwei, born as a businessman, not only understands the importance of publicity, but also knows the great role of hype. Even a contemporary advertising master, he will certainly admire Lu Buwei's foresight in the advertising industry. Not to mention how he packaged the protons and made them the masters of a country, his hype and propaganda after the completion of Lu's spring and Autumn Annals made posterity feel inferior.

For thousands of years, LV Buwei has been misunderstood for offering a reward to change the word "Lu's spring and Autumn Annals". He thought that he wanted to show the excellence of the book. In fact, this view is very wrong. From the perspective of modern people, the purpose of LV Buwei's move is entirely for the hype and propaganda of the book Lu's spring and Autumn Annals. Thousands of years ago, LV Buwei had such a sense of foresight and was respected as the ancestor of the advertising industry, which is worthy of the name.

In a word, as a man who lived thousands of years ago, looking at LV Buwei's life, many of his views and ways of doing things are still advanced in modern times. Even some of the so-called successful people in modern times still have LV Buwei's shadow on their way to success. From then on, we can see that LV Buwei is indeed a wonderful man. However, LV Buwei, who had been successful all his life, was not so greedy as Fan Li, who retired bravely after reaching the peak of his career, and finally ended up with a tragic ending of suicide. This is also the biggest lesson LV Buwei left to us successful people, and it is also worth thinking twice about.

Small business depends on the people

Chinese business lies in the country

Business depends on politics
