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What are the outcomes of the four princes of the Warring States period? Whose end is the worst?

Among the "four princes of the Warring States period", Huang Xie, the emperor of Chunshen, died the worst. In his early years, he accompanied Chu Prince Xiong Wan as a hostage in the state of Qin for more than ten years. When the king of Chu was critically ill, he sent someone to the state of Qin to beg the king to put back Prince Xiong wan to inherit the throne, but the king of Qin refused. At this time, Huang Xie came forward to lobby the king of Qin. He is wise, first said to the king of Qin: King, you first let me go back to see if the king of Chu is really critically ill. The king of Qin felt reasonable, so he agreed to his request. Huang xiedang exchanged clothes with the prince and let him escape from the state of Qin. After returning to the state of Chu, Prince Xiong became king kaolie of Chu.

When the king of Qin learned that the prince had fled back to the state of Chu, he found out the cause and effect of the incident. He was furious and wanted to kill Huang Xie. Huang Xie is very resourceful and has already taken measures: he bribed Qin Zhao's beloved wife and Qin Xiang Fan Ju with a lot of money in advance. So he got a chance to escape to Chu. Because he shared life and death with king kaolie of Chu before, he made great contributions to his return to the state. So he became the Prime Minister of Chu.

When he was Prime Minister of Chu state, he made great achievements. He once convinced the king of Chu to send troops to help the state of Zhao solve the siege of Handan. Later, he personally led the Northern Expedition and destroyed the state of Lu. Because the concubines of King kaolie of Chu had not been pregnant for a long time, Huang Xiejing presented many beautiful women to King kaolie of Chu for the sake of the country of Chu. The purpose is to let these beauties continue the descendants for the king of Chu, and let the state of Chu have the heir to the throne. However, contrary to our wishes, these beauties' stomachs are not bulging!

Li Yuan was a powerful minister of Chu state. He was born in Zhao state, and later entered Chu state. He knew Chunshenjun's past and thought that he was a hot man. He gave his beautiful sister to Huang Xie, and soon Li Yuan's sister was pregnant. At this time, Li Yuan conspired with Huang Xie to give his pregnant sister to the king of Chu. After Li Yuan entered the palace, she gave birth to a boy. The king of Chu was in full bloom. He made the boy Prince (Huang Xie's son) and Li Yuan.

Li Yuan is a man who does everything to achieve his goal. Once he is successful, his selfishness will expand. He stares at the prime minister's position, but he is afraid of Huang Xie. So he trained the assassin in secret, aiming to kill Huang Xie and take his place.

In 238 BC, King kaolie of Chu died. Before that, Huang Xie was blocked in leading the Allied forces of six countries to attack Hangu pass of Qin Dynasty, and was ignored by King kaolie of Chu. Now when he heard that the king of Chu had passed away, he thought of their experiences of sharing weal and woe. Huang Xie went to the funeral regardless of everything.

Li Yuan was waiting for such an opportunity. He deliberately led Huang Xie into Jimen, killed him cruelly, cut his head and threw it out. Later, the ferocious Li Yuan killed his family. Huang Xie, a resourceful, informed and righteous Chunshen king, has come to such an end. His ending is really miserable.
