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What is the final outcome of the four great generals of the Warring States period? The life of the most intelligent General Wang Jian

 "Who is determined by rise and fall is not the reason for prosperity and decline.". The division of tiger and wolf in Qin Dynasty stood out among the princes and asked the Central Plains. It is inseparable from the unremitting efforts of the emperors and ministers of the Qin Dynasty. However, the accompanying monarch is like a tiger companion. Most of the heroes have a bad ending. However, one of the four famous generals of the Warring States period, Wang Jian, is one of the four famous generals of the Warring States period. Today, let's take a brief look at Wang Jian's brief history.

So what is Wang Jian, and what stories are praised by later generations?

Historical records recorded that: Wang Jian, frequency Yang East township people also. That is, today, the northeast of Fuping, Shaanxi Province, is a famous general of Qin.

He is a small and good soldier, and he is the first emperor of Qin. It has made great contributions to the unification of the great Qin Empire.

His greatest glorious history is to attack Zhao, Yan, Wei and Chu, and set up a generation of prestige. Wang Jian has a proud record in his life. In Simaqian's words, it is a seven word generalization: "Wang Jian is general of Qin Dynasty, and Yi six countries." The seven characters of the book of history cover the fate of six countries, and Wang Jian's work can be seen.

Outstanding merit

1、 Attack Zhao.

When the trumpet of the unified war of winning the government sounded, Han Zhaowei had not had the bronze wall of that year, but Yu Wei of Zhao state was still there. For the unification of Qin Dynasty, Zhao is a headache.

Coincidentally, in the seventeen years (230 BC), the state of Zhao suffered from a severe drought and a serious famine. Qin sent soldiers to cut Zhao by chance, Wang Jian led the county soldiers down Jingxing.

Of course, Zhao also dare not to take lightly. Looking forward to that year, Bai Qi defeated Zhao Kuo to kill hundreds of thousands of Zhao countries to drop their soldiers, but bloody lessons, so I dare not take it lightly this time. Finally, General Li Mu and simashang were sent to fight.

It is well known that these two are not fuel-saving lamps, especially famous general Li Mu, which makes the Qin army, which has always been awe-inspiring, is also suffering.

Although Wang Jian is old and hot, Qin army and Zhao will have been around Li Mu for a long time, however fierce the Qin army is, it is difficult to take advantage of it in front of Li Mu.

Just as the so-called high is one foot high, and I don't know what to do, Wang Jian's brain hole opens up in a counter way: who is the straw that can overwhelm Li Mu? Woman.

Of course, this woman can not be a general woman, must be a woman who has a revenge with Li Mu and can blow the breeze of Zhao King's pillow. So the undercover of Qin developed the relationship to the queen of Zhao mourning the king Xiang.

Why is the queen so willing to serve? The historical records said that the woman once married, and after marriage, because of the life irregularities caused the clan internal disorder, became a widow and then fell into an advocate. But luck may be too good, somehow was eulogy Xiangwang to see, but also to return to the palace.

How can ministers agree with such a non ceremony, among which Li Mu, the most violent representative of the opposition, can agree.

It is said that the woman was lucky to have a son, Zhao Qian, who soon became Queen by virtue of her son GUI.

She had hated Li Mu and received the jewelry of Qin State transferred by Guo Kai. She would naturally find an opportunity to tell Zhao Wang bad words about Li Mu and persuade him to get rid of the nail as soon as possible.

But even if Zhao king is no longer dim and dissatisfied with Li Mu, he knows that Li Mu is important to Zhao state, and finally opens one eye to close one eye.

In the 11th year of Yingzheng, Qin army attacked Zhao state, and took nine cities, such as ye, and ye. Zhao mourned King Ben in bed. When he heard the news, he was very excited and died. The prince who was changed was successfully promoted to the throne. The queen was also successfully promoted to the empress. However, the woman still did not forget to repay Li Mu for nearly destroying her future.

In the 16th year of Yingzheng, a great earthquake occurred in Zhao. Under the double attack of natural disasters and foreign enemies, the people were in panic and the whole country was like a thin ice.

In the case of Zhao state in such a precarious situation, its rulers appear to be very idiotic. Empress Wang and Guo Kaixian spread rumors about Li Mu's desire to sell the country, and further made plans to falsely frame up Li Mu.

In the eighteen years of Ying Zheng, Wang Jian and Li Mu entered the stage of mutual holding. At this time, Wang Jian wrote a letter to Li Mu, which expressed his appreciation for Li Mu and revealed his intention of reconciliation. Although monk Zhang Er, who was unable to touch his mind, may be tired of war, hoping to talk about peace, or out of his sympathy for the same hero, and also replied a letter to show his heart. But I don't know that I am step by step into the trap set by the Qin and the Empress Dowager of Zhao. And Zhao Wang Qian thought that Li Mu wanted to join the enemy and sell the country. In the panic, he immediately followed a Chongqing purpose: to remove General Li Mu and simashang, and to replace them by zhaocong and Yanju.

Li Mu chose to resist the life. He obviously knew that the fate of Zhao was now in his own hands. As soon as he let go, the whole state of Zhao was finished. Unfortunately, the rulers of Zhao did not think so. Poor Li Mu was a hero martyr in his life, but he was collected for treason. "Historical records" said, "Li Mu is not ordered, Zhao makes people micro capture Li Mu, cut it."

Li Mu died in vain, and Qin replaced the commander of Zhao as he wished. Wang Jian was so vast that he killed Handan, the capital of Zhao. The new manager was too much to resist. Although the army of Zhao promised to resist, it was useless. Less than three months later, Qin army took Handan and cleared the whole territory of Zhao. Zhao Wang Qian has also become a prisoner.

The son of his brother-in-law, the son of his mother, Jia led hundreds of his clan to flee to the generation, and became the king of his own, and attached to the Yan state. After Qin killed the Yan state, he destroyed the worthless state of Zhao and destroyed the state of the dynasty.

For the destruction of Zhao, Wang Jian labored hard, and paid a lot of attention. Many people think that the success of the killing Zhao is that he has lost hundreds of thousands of Zhao countries and sent down his soldiers. Wang Jian is just a collection of skills. But it is very difficult to kill Zhao. The main reasons are as follows: first, Zhao has a strong national style and is still martial and wary; the second is that Zhao is captured by baiqikeng and hates Qin, so although its strength is insufficient, it has the heart of vowing to die in the first war. Under such a difficult situation, Wang Jian can break Zhao country greatly, and he has to say that he has made great efforts.

2、 Please take the swallow.

Qin army swept the Zhao country cold flow rolling, adjacent Yan country also already felt the shiver.

In the time of Yan state crisis, Yan taizidian stepped forward, he made friends with people of insight, and he was determined to break the Qin Dynasty to protect the country. Therefore, there was a famous Jingke in history to assassinate Qin. Unfortunately, this vigorous assassination ended in failure, not only did not understand the encirclement of the Yan state, but also completely angered the king of Qin Ying Zheng, thus accelerating its demise.

Yingzheng, the Qin king who hated Yan state, immediately increased the army to the old land of Zhao, and helped the army and the Wangjian tribe there, and gathered 400000 troops. Cross Yi Shui, and wipe out Yan state immediately.

The next year, take Ji City, and the king of Yan would like to flee to Liaodong. Qin will Li Xin led soldiers to chase, Prince Dan fled to Yan Shui, Yan Wang Xi had to kill Prince Dan Qin.

Qin Wang got the first level of Yan taizidian. Although he was balanced, he was not at ease.

After five years of Yan Yan Yan, Qin destroyed Chu state and released his hand, and sent Wang cardia to Liaodong to capture the king alive. The nominal Yan state also completely perished.

He was very happy and really at the war, and he also won the appreciation of Wang Ying Zheng of Qin.

3、 Play Wei.

Since ancient times, there has been a saying of "Laozi heroes and good men". This Wang's father and son have made a perfect interpretation of this sentence. This kill Wei Qigong, in this little young Wang Jian son of the leadership of the perfect customs clearance. But today's main role is Wang Jian, so I don't say that Wang Jian's son Wang cardia beat the origin of Wei.

4、 Attack Chu.

Wei state was destroyed, now the state of Chu should concentrate on the strength. Chu is the most powerful family in the six countries. It is a big trouble to fight.

Who expected it. The emperor was beautiful, and there was internal strife within the state of Chu. The new monarch, Chu Ailong, had been killed by his brother for only two months. The current king of Chu is not very popular and has no strong foundation.

After all, Chu is a big country. Before attacking Chu, Ying Zheng specially convened a seminar for all officials of civil and military to ask for opinions. At that time, the main characters were Wang Jian and Li Xin.

In other words. Li Xin is also a talent. He is Wang Jian's deputy general. He has built wonders in the war of destroying Zhao and Yan. Especially in the pursuit of Prince Prince Dan, only a few thousand light riding, then the father and son of the Yan king can not escape, which is very appreciated by the Qin king. Also, the young and crazy Li Xin also drifted.

"If you attack Chu, how many people do the general think it takes?" asked Li Xin

Li Xin thought without thinking: "not more than 200000."

Ying Zheng asked Wang Jian elder brother again, Wang Jian returned: "must 600000 can not."

After comparing the old and the young, Ying Zheng laughed: "General Wang is indeed old enough to be timid to this point!"

So soon, it was decided that Li Xin and Mengtian took 200000 troops to fight Chu.

Wang Jian elder brother was so despised, naturally very upset, he quit the official due to illness, told the old people to return to the countryside.

Who knows, under the command of the veteran Xiangyan, the Chu army chased Li Xinjun for three days and nights without stopping, which made the Qin army lose, lose the city and lose the general. The vast tiger wolf division ended up in a mess.

Wang Ying Zheng of Qin got news. After his anger, he rushed to Fengyang himself, apologized to Wang Jian and sincerely invited the old general to come out of the mountain.

The king sighed: "the oligarchs did not listen to the general's plan, and they were defeated. Chu army is advancing westward day by day. Although general is ill, can he bear to leave the oligarchs behind? "

Wang Jian said: "minister old and confused, king or choose another good general!"

Wang Ying Zheng of Qin said a lot, but saw Wang Jian or silence, so asked: "general but what is difficult to say?"

Wang Jian said: "the king must use his officials, not 600000 soldiers."

"No problem," Qin Wang waved This is the case.

In 224 BC, Wang Jian sent 600000 troops out of Xianyang. The king of Qin personally went to Baqiao to make a farewell. When the wine was full, Wang Jian asked the court to give him a lot of beautiful houses and gardens.

Qin Wang asked in a puzzled way: "what are the generals worried about poverty?"

Wang Jian said: "in the king's hands for the general, how much war he won't seal Hou. Therefore, when the king is trusting in his ministers, give them the inheritance of his children and grandchildren. "

The Qin King laughed.

Wang Jian sent emissaries five times before he left the border to ask the king of Qin to give it to the good field.

The generals under his hand were confused. Wang Jian revealed his heart and said, "the king is proud and does not believe in people. Now I give the soldiers all over the country to command. If I don't ask Tian Zhai to let him think I have no ambition, wouldn't I let him doubt me? "His generals had to sigh more about the wisdom of the old general after listening.

Wang Jian led a vast 600000 troops to the border of Chu state. Xiang Yan led the Chu people to fight and sent out all the troops. It seemed that it was called a commanding and morale rising. Wang Jian did not have the intention of excitement or panic, but ordered the troops to build a strong barrier defense, not to fight Chu army. Chu army had to retreat East because of its ineffective challenges for many times. At this time, Wang Jian waved the flag, and Qin army rushed on, and the poor Chu army was like a bird of surprise. After the terrible war, the king of Chu surrendered. Chu, who has always been proud, was taken down by the old general. After the war, the Qin King met each other several miles, and took over the dust to his elder brother himself.

Wang Jian's skillful plan in the battle of attacking Chu was a typical example of "waiting for work with ease". He moved in standby, and actively mobilized the enemy and created a fighter plane, and kept his nose in his hand until he was fully victorious. He has to be said to be a brave and resourceful soldier in war.

Birds are kept in the end.

In the twenty-six years of the first emperor of Qin Dynasty, Qin unified China. Historical books called "Wang and Meng Gong were many, and they were given to later generations." In the war of the unification of the six countries in Qin Dynasty, except South Korea, the other six countries were completed under the leadership of Wang's father and son. Compared with the Mongolian family, Wang Jian was more tied in the heart of the king of Qin.

Wang Jian also did not know the mind of the Qin king, the pain of the previous generation from the beginning has been in the past. He knew clearly that he, who knew the affairs of the king, should not covet the name behind him.

My brother recalled his life. They were all spent in the galloping sand field. For years, he has been fighting for success and life, but who is invincible forever! Thinking, a leaf in front of the door fell on his head, and he suddenly wanted to go home, so he covered a roll and said to go.

The wind and sand of history are still turning around, and the people who are on the road are fascinated by the road. But people don't know that, in the evening, there is a strong farmer at the foot of South Mountain of frequency Yang.

Summary: Wang Jian is a real sand field hero, and a wise man with great foresight. In war, he knew flexibility and quietly followed after the war. Because he is relaxed, not only to protect himself, but also to win the name behind his life, once became the later generations of people as an example of learning.
