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Why did Mozi, who once dominated the Warring States period, disappear quickly?

If we look at all kinds of historical materials of China's two thousand years of feudal society, Mohism seems to be a simple name among all the schools of thought. Their records are always short. However, if we look into these brief records, we will be surprised to find that most of the major events in the Warring States period seem to have a continuous connection with this "simple" Mohist. Even at many points in the history of the Warring States period, it was this school that constantly burst out its mysterious power.

What's more amazing to modern people is that the book of Mohism, which records the theory of Mohism's words and deeds, collected scientific principles such as "pinhole imaging", "gravity movement" and "lever theory" two thousand years ago. Only with the theory of academic significance, it can be regarded as a leading era at that time. In the history of science and technology in ancient China, many epoch-making inventions and classic projects can be traced back to Mojing. Although this independent school of thought has been constantly covered in later generations, it is still an irresistible charm.

Why, in the magnificent Warring States period, such a brilliant school passed by like a star, and then disappeared quietly? All this, we should first talk about the founder of Mohism: Mozi.

1: Mystical Mohism

Compared with the mystical Mohist, the identity of Mozi has also aroused controversy. This generalist in the Warring States period, whose theory was once compared with Confucianism, also known as "distinguished learning". According to the records of the historian, he was a descendant of the nobility of the Song Dynasty. However, in modern times, foreign experts often came to join in and said that he was an Indian. It is because of an indisputable fact that Mozi is a man whose thinking is ahead of that time.

Mozi is named Zhai. Although he was a descendant of a noble, Mozi's family was already in a state of decline when he was born. He was born into a civilian family. He had worked as a shepherd boy and carpenter. Then he traveled all over the world from his youth and became a traitor after worshiping Confucianism. He not only debated with Confucianism all his life, but also drew up a strange team: his disciples were up to hundreds, mainly composed of urban civilians and farmers, Members are called "ink men", with strict discipline to the extreme, and even "go through fire and water, never die". Compared with the "schools" of their time, each of them is like a soldier.

Compared with Mozi's scientific thought which had received countless generations' attention, Mozi's ten major propositions at that time were more shocking: "universal love", "non attack", "respect for the virtuous", "respect for the common", "respect for the heaven", "serve the ghost", "be not happy", "be unnatural", "save use" and "save burial". Every time in the Warring States period, when fighting became a habit, it was refreshing. What he pursues is such a world without war, advocating frugality and even music disturbing people's mind. For the sake of the world, Mozi preached all his life, and even led Mozi's children to fight again and again to stop the war. Mohism became a well-known fighting group in the Warring States period.

Even after Mozi, Mozi, who pursued universal love, got involved in all kinds of disputes in the Warring States period and was constantly used by the politicians of the Qin and Chu dynasties. Nevertheless, the Mohist children's spirit of going through fire and water still deduces numerous exciting stories. Some believe that these generous "Mohists" are the source of Chinese Confucian spirit.

So, why did Mozi, even his school, remain silent in history in the next few thousand years? Perhaps, just look at the debate between Mozi and Confucianism.

2: Differences between Mozi and Confucianism

As a member of Confucianism in the past, where are the differences between Mozi and Confucianism?

First of all, it is "destiny". Compared with Confucianism, Mohism advocates "unnatural", that is, it does not believe in fate. Wealth and poverty are not predestined by heaven, but "strong must be noble", "strong must be full" and "strong must be warm". The order composed of aristocrats was smashed by "unnatural". From the "unnatural" extended, is Mozi's "respect for the virtuous" proposition, the so-called rulers, should be chosen by the people in their minds of the "virtuous.". Even "although the people who are in agriculture and industry, if they have the ability, they can do it." In other words, even manual workers and farmers should be recommended as long as they have talent.

What is more subversive is that the theory of "upholding the virtuous" has not even "let go" of the rulers. The so-called superior emperor, in Mozi's view, can also "choose the wise king of the world, as the emperor.". Officials at all levels can be "virtuous", the emperor can also be "virtuous", this novel proposition, just like a challenge to the hierarchical system at that time, so it also received Xunzi's "poor comments": slow poor and so on.

Compared with this kind of subversive political ideas, Mozi's philosophy of "three forms" is more antagonistic to Confucianism. On the issue of understanding things, Mozi put forward the concept of "three tables": historical experience, what he saw and heard, and the interests of the country and the people. Everything should be evaluated according to this standard. In the face of all kinds of political opinions of various schools of thought, it is natural to see a needle pointing at the wheat.

After Mozi, the later Mohist school further deepened Mozi's theory of "three forms": in the argumentation of things, Mohist School developed seven reasoning modes of "or, false, effective, creative, Mou, aid, and push", that is, to obtain the truth of things through hypothesis, metaphor, reasoning, analogy and other methods. This new mode of thinking is quietly boosting the development of Chinese civilization in the next two thousand years.

However, two thousand years ago, such Mohism was doomed not to be accepted by the rulers. Compared with Confucianism, Mohism stands on the opposite side of monarchy. Especially after the establishment of a unified state power, "only respecting Confucianism" has become the mainstream, and the space of Mohism has naturally become more and more narrow.

In contrast to such marginalization, Mozi's scientific thinking has been shining for more than two thousand years: his concept of the universe, his mathematical view of "limit" and "section", and his exploration of physical concepts such as "force" have far-reaching influence. Ancient Chinese science, once leading the world, is indeed following Mozi's path. Although Mohist Thought gradually disappeared after the Warring States period, its scientific spark still lit up the way ahead.
