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Han Xin plays psychological warfare

In March, 205 B.C., Wei Bao, the king of the Western Wei Dynasty, surrendered to Liu Bang, who led the Wei army to the East. After a while, Wei Bao asked Liu Bang for leave, saying that his mother was ill and he wanted to go back to take care of her for a few days. Liu Bang agreed. Unexpectedly, as soon as Wei Bao arrived at his capital, Pingyang (Linfen City, Shanxi Province), he immediately blocked the Yellow River Ferry and surrendered to Xiang Yu. In August, Liu Bang sent his professional diplomat Li Shiqi to persuade Wei Bao to return to Xingyang. Wei Bao didn't listen. He said that the king of Han was arrogant and insolent. He took pleasure in humiliating others and scolded princes and ministers just like Lao Tzu scolded his son. Lao Tzu would never be angry with him again in his life!

Liu Bang appointed Han Xin as Prime Minister of Zuo, Guan Ying and Cao Shen as assistants to attack the state of Wei.

Yi Zilu said: it's fun to see this place. Liu Bang saw the Confucian students and pulled off their hats to use as urinals. He even yelled at such "King level" characters as Wei Bao. Obviously, Wei Bao's strength was poor and his face was not thick enough. He was basically eliminated on this stage.

Liu Bang asked Li Shiqi, who is the general of the state of Wei?

Li Shiqi said, Bai Zhi.

Liu Bang said, how can you resist Hanshin when you are still wet!

Who is the cavalry commander?

Li Shiqi said, Feng Jing.

Liu Bang said that he was the son of general Feng Wuxuan of Qin Dynasty. Although he had two talents, he couldn't do it.

Who is the infantry commander?

Li Shiqi said, "it's a good idea.".

Liu Bang said that he is not Cao Shen's opponent. If so, I have nothing to worry about.

Han Xin also asked Li Shiqi, Wei Congress will not use uncle Zhou as a general?

Li Shiqi said that it was Bai Zhi who was really practical in the state of Wei.

Han Xin said, ha, it's just a child who doesn't succeed.

The Han Army marched eastward from the capital of Liyang. Wei Bao heavily guarded Puban (Yongji County, Shanxi Province) and monitored the Han Army in Linjin (East Dali County, Shaanxi Province). Han Xin assembled troops and ships on the West Bank of the Yellow River, claiming to cross the Yellow River by force. When the Wei army concentrated its forces and prepared to fight, Han Xin sent another strong brigade from Xiayang (Hancheng City, Shaanxi Province) in the north to take a big wooden urn to cross the river and surprise attack the Wei rear base Anyi (Xiaxian County, Shanxi Province). Wei Bao was shocked and quickly led the troops back to meet Han Xin. In September, Han Xin launched a fierce attack, captured Wei Bao alive and escorted Xingyang. All the Wei land was pacified. The Han government set up Hedong county (Xia County, Shanxi Province), Shangdang county (eldest son County, Shanxi Province) and Taiyuan county (Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province).

Yi Zilu said: this battle is the first battle of Han Xin's command clearly recorded in historical materials. Liu Bang was able to let Han Xin fly alone, assisted by Guan Ying and Cao can, which shows that Han Xin has shown his ability to take charge of one side of the army before. We should pay attention to that Han Xin never fought hard in war, but he won all his wits; Han Xin paid special attention to intelligence work in the war. Zhao Kuo was inferior to him in this respect. In the first battle of Changping, he didn't even know his opponent was white. How could he not be defeated; Han Xin has different tactics for different opponents in the war, and knows quite well what kind of goods he is leading. From a certain point of view, he is not only a great general, but also an excellent psychoanalyst.

In addition, Guan Ying and Cao can were the first people to follow Liu Bang in the incident, and Cao was also the direct lineage of Peixian county. Of course, when they became Hanxin's deputy, it was mainly a strategic consideration, but we can't rule out that Liu Bang checked Hanxin and prevented Hanxin's rebellion at any time. This kind of thing, I don't know. For example, Wei Bao, who came down, you don't know when he became an enemy from a friend.

On the other hand, uncle Zhou in Han Xin's mouth doesn't know who he is. Even Han Xin attaches great importance to him. He must be a famous person. Wei Bao can't use this person, which means that Wei Bao can't do better.

When the Han army was defeated in Pengcheng and retreated to the west, Chen Yu realized that Zhang Er was not dead, and immediately betrayed the king of the Han Dynasty (see my essay Liu Bang's good hand is rotten).

Han Xin pacified Wei and sent people to Liu Bang to ask for 30000 more troops. He planned to go north to Yan (King of Yan Zang DA) and Zhao (King of Zhao Zhao Xie), strike the state of Qi (King of Qi Tian Guang) in the East, and then cut off the grain supply of Chu army in the south. With Liu Bang's permission, Zhang Er was sent to lead the troops to reinforce and attack Zhao and Dai states northward. In September, Han Xin defeated Dai Jun in Kaihe (Heshun County, Shanxi Province). Han Xin defeated Wei and Dai, and Liu Bang sent his elite troops to Xingyang to resist Chu army.

In October 204 BC, Han Xin and Zhang Er led the army to attack Zhao. After hearing the news, Zhao Xie, king of Zhao, and Chen Yu, king of Dai, were in jingxingkou (West of Jingxing County, Hebei Province). Xing, the mountains suddenly interrupted, the two mountains close, easy to defend difficult to attack, is a military natural danger. The Taihang Mountains have a total of eight Xing, Jingxing is the fifth Xing, and the valley is like a well).

Guangwu Jun Li zuoche (also a general at the level of God of war, so the grandson of Zhao General Li Mu's family has great fighting genes) persuades Chen Yu to say that Han Xin and Zhang Ercheng have won the battle and left their country for an expedition, and they are very sharp. I heard that "soldiers are hungry when they are provided with military provisions from thousands of miles away; The army will often be short of food when they collect firewood and mow grass to cook. "On the Jingxing road today, vehicles can't run side by side, cavalry can't form a line, and the marching troops are hundreds of miles apart. According to this situation, the food and grass with the army will surely fall far behind the big troops. Please give me 30000 people and horses to cut off the other party's supplies by taking the path, while you dig deep trenches and build high barracks and can't get out. In this way, they can't go in front and there is no way back. In less than ten days, I can present the heads of Han Xin and Zhang Er.

Chen Yu always called his army "a teacher of benevolence and righteousness", and he despised using conspiracy and intrigue. Therefore, Han xinbing was very few and exhausted. He avoided such an army and did not attack. What should other princes think of me? How can I lift my head up in the future?

Hanxin sent someone to spy on the news secretly. He learned that Chen Yu did not adopt the strategy of Li zuozhou. He was so happy to jump his feet and waved his troops straight into Jingxing dangerous road and set up a camp 30 miles from Jingxing mouth.

The clothes give the resume said: the intelligence work is too important. However, there are still some doubts. How can Zhao Jun know so easily with such confidential military information? And, even if you get this information, how can you judge the truth or not? Only if Han Xin knows Chen Yu fairly, can he make a corresponding judgment.

At night, Hanxin sent the troops to set out, and selected 2000 light cavalry soldiers, each holding a red flag, and went up the hill from the road to hide, and observed the trend of Zhao Jun; And warned them that when Zhao saw our army retreat and fled, they would come out and chase us. You would take the opportunity to rush into the camp of Zhaojun, take the banner of Zhao army out and insert the red flag of Han army.

Then ordered breakfast on the spot, said, today after defeating Zhao Jun, the whole army will have dinner!

Where the people will believe, the heart secretly smiles, the mouth flatters, all said, good!

Han Xin said that Zhao Jun is in danger of seizing. If we don't see the banner drum of our commander-in-chief, he will never attack our vanguard troops, I am afraid to scare me away (in ancient times, the pioneer has the pioneer's flag drum, the general has the general's flag drum). So, first, 10000 people were sent out, and after crossing the river (peach river), they were lined up on the waterfront. Zhao Jun saw on the barracks and laughed (in the military method, the land with water on its back is a kind of "Jedi". Once the army backs on the river, it will become a "abandoned army". The Jedi will abandon the army, and it must be killed. There are strong enemies before the cover, and there is no way back. Chen Yu Su knows the martial arts and can't he laugh at the enemy when he sees such a major mistake.

The sky is very bright, Hanxin has played the banner drum of general, and the drum and music are loud and the sky opens Jingxing mouth. Zhao Jun opened the camp door to meet the attack, and fought for a long time. Hanxin and Zhang Er pretended not to be able to support them and fled to the waterfront. Peach Water barracks let them in, and then again attack Zhao Jun to fight. Zhao Jun was indeed in full swing, fighting for the banner and drum thrown down by the Han Army, chasing Han Xin and Zhang Er. Behind the Han army is the river, can not retreat, only death, Zhao Jun can not conquer for a moment. When the 2000 cavalry sent by Hanxin saw all the Zhao army out to pursue the war profits, they immediately rushed into the Zhaojun camp, pulled out all the Zhao army flags and put on 2000 red flags of the Han army. Zhao Jun could not capture Hanxin and Zhang Er, and he wanted to return to the camp. However, he saw that his camp was full of red flags of Han army. He was panicked and thought that the Han Army captured Zhao Wang zhaoxie and a group of generals, and then he broke down in a hurry. The Han Army then attacked and defeated Zhao Jun, captured Zhao Xie alive and killed Chen Yu.

The generals offered the first rank and captives of the enemy, congratulated Hanxin. Some asked, "the troops should be arranged on the right and back, and the front and left are facing the water". But the general asks us to set up the array with water on the back. What is the tactic?

Han Xin said that this tactic is also in the military, but you did not pay attention to it! Is it not in the military law that "the dead land of depression and the afterlife, the place where it died and then exists"? Moreover, our army has not been well trained (Liu Bang took the elite and left Hanxin with a bunch of weak soldiers). In fact, a group of ordinary people went to fight and put them in the dead place, and they must fight for their lives; As long as they are given a living line, it will be troublesome. It must be a fight. How can I expect them to fight for the battle!

All the general will listen to it, and they are very happy and sincere. They all say that the general's strategy is unique in the world. We will follow you later!

Clothing gives the resume said: so-called water impermanent shape, Hanxin uses soldiers, such as water. The methods of Wei, Dai and Zhao were different. Later, Fu Yan killed Qi and ate Xiangyu, all of which were won by surprise. However, no matter how the war is fought, Hanxin always insists on the psychological war of big fight, dealing with Zhao Jun and seizing its camp; Against Xiangyu, all around; Especially with an old and weak army, he inspired fighting with "fighting against the water" and killed 200000 Zhao Jun at one stroke. We can only say that Hanxin has a very thorough understanding of human nature and human psychology. However, Hanxin is better at the grasp of collective psychology, which is called "Hanxin leads soldiers, more benefits", and the speculation and control of individual psychology is obviously not at the same level as Liu Bang, who can only take 100000 soldiers at most.
