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How did empress Lu change from a simple village woman to a poisonous woman? His temperament changed greatly after he was captured by Xiang Yu

In 188 BC, Liu Ying, the only 22-year-old emperor of Han Dynasty, died. Lu immediately held a grand funeral for him. But at the funeral, Zhoubo and Chen equality officials noticed a strange phenomenon - Lu, who always dotes on his son, even a tear does not flow. But Lu Hou's strange behavior, but these experienced all kinds of war officials scared sweat.

The officials in the early Han Dynasty were all fighting in all their lives. Frightful to the ear and the blood of the head, why was she frightened by this woman's family after Lu? This is because Lu did a terrible and inhuman thing not long ago, that is, turning Liu Bang's favorite princess, Mrs. Qi, into a "human *". Facing this murderous Hummer, the beast in human skin, who can not be afraid of?

When, Lu Hou was only a simple peasant woman who was a teacher and a child, who was in charge of housework. What is it, let this once kind woman become so bloodthirsty? What is it, let this once have no political experience woman, become so strong, even the meritorious minister also looks at her? And this is to start from the marriage of Lu Hou and Liu Bang.

Lu Hou, born in 241 BC, was 15 years younger than Liu Bang. Lu pheasant was born in a family. She was famous for peeping. When she grew up, even the county magistrate of Peixian wanted to marry her. However, Lu Taigong, father of lvphe, did not agree. Once, Lu Taigong held a banquet, and all the celebrities in Peixian county participated in it, including Liubang, the pavilion chief of Sishui.

Liu Bang, although a civil servant in Qin Dynasty, had a small income and was so poor that he would even drink on credit. As usual, the party in Lu family is to pay a greeting of 1000 yuan, even the county magistrate. But Liu Bang? But he was cheeky to attend the party, and he didn't give a penny.

In this regard, Lu Taigong not only does not worry, but also married his baby daughter to Liu Bang. Facing the question of his wife, Lu Taigong said: "what does a woman know? I am good at meeting each other. Although Liu Ji is a rogue, she has a big and precious appearance. Let him be our son-in-law, and Lu will be happy. "

So why Lu Taigong married his daughter to Liu Bang is really looking at Liu Bang's face? It is not. Although Liu Bang is poor and has no official title, he is the local local leader of Peixian County, and has a great relationship with local heroes, such as Xiao He, Cao Shen, xiahouying and so on. Compared with the county magistrate of Qin Dynasty, he was still in Peixian county.

In this way, Lu pheasant married to Liu's house. Liu Bang, who was a man who was not a man, had given birth to a widow a private son Liu Fei as early as he married. After marriage, Liu Bang's bad habits were not changed, and he didn't go home for three days and often haunted outside. Even if Liu Ying and Princess Lu Yuan were born, Liu Bang did not ignore.

Without the help of men, LV pheasant can only feed on its own. As a former big lady, lvphe learned to do farm work and mend clothes. At home, she raised her children and filial piety to her grandmother, and she was a perfect daughter-in-law. Soon after, Liu Bang was convicted of his private release of prisoners and was exiled in Mangdangshan. Lu pheasant, despite his hard work, gave him meals every day.

After the chaos in the late Qin Dynasty, Liu Bang took the snake uprising and put it into the anti Qin industry. Lu pheasant, Gonggong Liu Taigong and a pair of children still live in Peixian. After the fall of Qin Dynasty, Liu Bang was named king of Han Dynasty. He had intended to take back his family in Peixian. However, Xiangyu, in order to restrict Liu Bang, deliberately sent soldiers to block, and finally he could only stop.

Shortly after the Chu Han war broke out, Liu Bang was defeated by Pengcheng. At the time of defeat, Liu Bang wanted to transfer lvphe and others. However, the powerful Chu state iron riding was behind him, and finally Liu Bang rescued only Liu Ying and Princess Lu Yuan. Lu pheasant and Liu Taigong were both captured by Xiangyu and became hostages.

As a woman, she was deeply trapped in the enemy camp. Although LV pheasant would not be killed, it was absolutely threatened and insulted. With the burning of the war, Xiangyu even threatened to kill Liu Taigong and lvphe repeatedly. In Xiangyu camp, Lu Hou was afraid and suffered from hard work, and I didn't know how many tears he shed.

But Lu Zhi is a strong woman, she has not given up the hope of life. She has always believed that her husband will be her own, and she will be able to reunite with her beloved children.

Three years later, Liu Bang and Xiang Yu signed a contract in chaku, and then LV Zhi and Liu Taigong were released and finally returned to the Han camp. However, LV Zhi is desperate to find that Liu Bang has had many new lovers since he was in custody. Among them, the most favorite is Mrs. Qi, who is beautiful and good at dancing. On the contrary, Liu Bang has long lost interest in empress Lu.

Not only that, Liu Bang is more and more indifferent to the crown prince Liu Ying, because he prefers Mrs. Qi's son, Liu Ruyi. Liu Bang even wanted to abolish Liu Ying and make Liu Ruyi the crown prince.

As early as in the Chu Han war, Liu Bang kicked Liu Ying and Princess Lu Yuan out of the carriage in order to save his life, saying that it was to reduce the weight. Had it not been for the protection of marquis Teng and Marquis Xia, Liu Ying and Princess Lu Yuan would have died long ago. After Liu Bang defeated Bai mountaineering, he even wanted to force the married Princess Lu Yuan to divorce and sell her to Xiongnu Huodun Chanyu as Queen.

Empress Lu could not imagine that Liu Bang would be so ruthless. You know, empress Lu helped Liu Bang with the housework. His brothers and clansmen, such as Lu Ze, contributed a lot to Liu Bang's career. The credit of iluze was enough to be king. But when Liu Bang became emperor, he wanted to abandon empress Lu's mother and son.

Since ancient times, the fate of the Empress Dowager and the crown prince has been miserable. Once Liu Ruyi becomes the crown prince, empress Lu and Liu Ying will die without a burial place. Liu Ying has always been weak and useless. Therefore, empress Lu had to be strong and overcome Xiao San. If they lose, Liu Ying, Princess Lu Yuan and the family of Lu will all become Mrs. Qi's mother and son.

As a result, empress Lu completely blackened, and she completely transformed from a peasant woman into a political figure. As the Western proverb says, "no ruler is born. A ruler learns to rule only by ruling."

Because of empress Lu's shrewdness and toughness, Liu Bang reexamined her value and regarded her as his right arm. Liu Bang himself took charge of Luoyang and suppressed the heroes in Kanto. At the same time, let empress Lu stay in Guanzhong and suppress the unsettled meritorious officials.

As a left behind queen, empress Lu was cruel and ruthless, even Han Xin and Peng Yue died in her hands. Among them, Peng Yue was chopped into meat sauce and distributed to other uneasy princes under her instruction. This is what an ordinary woman can do? From this we can see that empress Lu has changed. For the sake of power and protection of her children, her humanity is gradually fading away and becoming a devil step by step.

In addition to cruel means, empress Lu was also good at political tactics. She managed to win over her brother-in-law fan Kuai and Mou Sheng Zhang Liang, and planned the famous "four haos of Shangshan" event in history. Through the incident of "four haos in Shangshan", Liu Bang fully realized the horror of empress Lu. Because he knew that the influence behind empress Lu was unfathomable, and he knew that even he could not invite the "four haos of Shangshan". Therefore, he gave up his plan to make Liu Ruyi the crown prince and said sadly to Mrs. Qi:

"Empress Lu is really in charge."

Through painstaking efforts, empress Lu kept her son's throne, and at the same time, she was also trusted by Liu Bang. Before Liu Bang's death, he held back all the people and handed over Liu's family to empress Lu. Because he knew that the meritorious officials were not at ease. Liu Ying would only be fooled around by them, and only empress Lu could subdue them.

After Liu Bang's death, empress Lu really controlled the overall situation, and the meritorious officials could only shiver under her lewd power. Without Liu Bang's restriction, empress Lu finally showed her bloodthirsty paws and attacked Mrs. Qi, Liu Ruyi and all those who threatened her son's throne.

First she poisoned Liu Ruyi, then cut off her limbs and turned her into a human *. Perhaps only cruel, can one understand their years of resentment. Moreover, he slaughtered Liu Bang's son wantonly, and Liu you, king of Zhao, and Liu Hui, king of Liang, died one after another. Liu Fei, the king of Qi, was scared to death by Empress Lu.

Empress Lu's cruelty makes her enjoy the pleasure of revenge, but it eventually leads to an accident: Emperor Huidi of Han Dynasty Liu Ying was scared out of mental illness after witnessing the tragedy of Madam Qi, and finally died young.

After her beloved son died, according to common sense, empress Lu should cry darkly. But empress Lu has been immersed in politics for too long. She has already lost her humanity and forgotten how to love. Compared with the sadness of losing her relatives, empress Lu is more afraid of the loss of power. How can empress Lu, who lost her son as a support, keep her power in the hands of ambitious meritorious officials?

In her panic, empress Lu even forgot to cry. In front of her son's death, although empress Lu reluctantly cried, she could not shed a tear.
