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Is Wei Liao an outstanding strategist?

Mr. Wang Liqun wrote on page 8 of "Qin Shihuang II": "his strategic thinking accelerated the pace of Qin's extermination of the six states, and let the military power Zhao destroy the Great Wall. Who is this man? He is the strategist Wei Liao. "Wei" is Guo Wei, the highest officer in charge of military affairs in the state of Qin; "Liao" is his name.

Page 9: "with the keen observation of his outstanding military strategist, Wei Liao saw that Ying Zheng was cruel, lack of benevolence, and had the heart of tiger and Wolf - he was humble when he used people, and he would eat people when he got the goal."

Page 10: "Wei Liao wrote Wei Liao Zi, which is one of the most famous military works in the pre Qin period. In the Song Dynasty, Wei Liao Zi, Sun Zi and Wu Zi were the most important military textbooks

The above text gives such a conclusion: Wei Liao, the author of the military book "Wei Liao Zi", is the highest military officer of the state of Qin, and is an outstanding strategist; his strategic thinking accelerated the pace of Qin's extermination of the six states; he saw that the first emperor of Qin was cruel, lack of benevolence, and had the heart of tiger and wolf.

Is that true? Obviously, Mr. Wang Liqun is wrong.

First, is Wei Liao, an official under the first emperor of Qin Dynasty, the author of Wei Liao Zi!

It is recorded in the book of war weiliaozi that the king of Wei Hui once asked weiliaozi who wrote the book of war about military affairs. Wei Huiwang was a contemporary of Qin Xiaogong. More than 100 years ago, Wei Liaozi, who talked about military affairs with Wei Huiwang, could not talk about military affairs with Qin Shihuang.

Let's take a step back and explain for Mr. Wang: in ancient times, there were unknown literati who wanted to make their works recognized by the king and spread them. There were often cases of pretending to be famous writers, and there were also cases of using dialogue with the king or celebrities to elaborate their thoughts. Can it be explained that the author of Wei Liao Zi was Wei Liao who spoke to the first emperor of Qin Dynasty, and the military book records that the king of Wei Hui asked Wei Liao about military affairs, which is just a writing technique?

Generally speaking, this explanation can be established on the premise that the military monarch is not king Hui of Wei, but Marquis Wen of Wei, marquis Wu of Wei, or anyone else. Why?

Because since it is under the guise of a monarch to consult the military, the author will of course find a successful and respected monarch, so that he can raise his own value and attract the attention of other monarchs; or find a monarch whose country is weak when he succeeds and becomes strong when he dies, so as to prove the effect of the author's military theory.

In Wei Liao Zi, the military King Wei Hui was asked. On the contrary, the kingdom of Wei that he took over was the prosperous foundation of his grandfather Wei Wen Hou and father Wei Wu Hou, but it went from bad to worse in his hands. Especially in the famous battle of Guiling and Maling, the state of Wei was defeated and never recovered. If Wei Liao writes military books in his name, its propaganda effect should be counterproductive, so it is difficult to establish the theory of pseudonym.

The author of the book of war "Wei Liao Zi" can't be Wei Liao who spoke to the first emperor of Qin Dynasty, and Wei Liao won't write the book of war under the guise of King Hui of Wei. Based on this, we can come to the conclusion that Wei Liao who spoke to the first emperor of Qin Dynasty is not the same person as the author of the book of war "Wei Liao Zi". It is believed that "Weiliao was born in the reign of King Hui of Liang Dynasty" in the book of Sui. Wei Liao, who spoke to the first emperor of Qin Dynasty, was just an unknown lobbyist in Daliang.

Second, is Wei Liao an outstanding militarist? The answer is No.

There are few records about Wei Liao in historical books, but only one paragraph of less than 200 words is recorded in the book of the first emperor of Qin. The full text is as follows: "for Wei Liao of Daliang, the king of Qin said:" with the strength of Qin, the princes are like the kings of counties. But I was afraid that all the princes would follow each other. This is why King Zhibo, Fu Chai and min died. I hope that the king will not love his property, bribe his powerful officials, and disturb his plans. But if he loses 300000 yuan, the princes can do it. " According to his plan, the king of Qin saw Wei Liao's high ceremony, clothes, food and drink were the same as Liao. Liao said: "the king of Qin is a man with accurate bee, long eyes, sincere bird, jackal, little kindness, tiger and wolf heart. He is easy to get out of people's house when he lives in an appointment, but he is also light cannibalism when he gets ambition. I cloth clothes, but see I often body from me. Sincerity made the king of Qin aspire to the world, and the world was a captive. You can't travel with him. " I'm going to die. Qin Wang Jue, Guzhi, thought that the Qin State's captain, died with his strategy. And Liz uses it. "

Obviously, in the record of less than 200 words, there is no military talent of Wei Liao. It would be rash to praise Wei Liao as an outstanding militarist.

Third, did Wei Liao's strategic thinking accelerate the pace of Qin's extermination of the six Kingdoms? The answer is no doubt.

According to the records of historical records, the only thing Wei Liao did for the state of Qin was to put forward a proposal in the 10th year of the first emperor of Qin to bribe the important officials of the six countries with money. However, many people have put forward such a proposal to Qin Shihuang. As early as the first year of Emperor Qinshihuang, Lisi had suggested that Weiliao should have been there for nearly 10 years. Not only suggestions, but also results. Biography of Li siliezhuan in historical records: after Li Si proposed to the king of Qin that he should use money and sharp sword to deal with the important ministers of the six kingdoms, the king of Qin agreed with him very much, "the king of Qin took Bai Si as the long history, listened to his plan, and sent counsellors to persuade the princes with gold and jade. Princes and celebrities who can be rich, thick left knot, refused, sharp sword stab. The king of Qin made his good generals follow him. The king of Qin was a guest minister. "

Weak Dun, Yao Jia have also proposed, and have been praised by the first emperor of Qin, but also personally to implement. If the strategy of alienating the important ministers of the six States really accelerated the destruction of the six states by Qin Dynasty, Li Si should be the first to win the first prize. The concrete implementation of weak Dun and Yao Jia also contributed a lot. Wei Liao was only a quarter at best, and he was suspected of plagiarism. Isn't it absurd to say that Wei Liao's strategic thought accelerated the pace of Qin's extermination of the six Kingdoms?

Fourth, did Wei Liao serve as the highest military officer of the state of Qin? There is evidence to cite, but it is difficult to establish.

In the Tang Dynasty, Zhang Shoujie annotated the word "Guowei" in Shiji Zhengyi, saying: if the Han Dynasty is a Taiwei, the ratio of the general to the army is also high. However, Zhang Shoujie is not the truth, many of his notes have been proved to be wrong. There is something wrong with this explanation. First of all, it is recorded in Zhao Shi Jia that Sergeant Xu Li won the battle after giving good advice to General Zhao she. The king of Zhao appointed other captains, and above him there were bigger military officers Zhao she and Lian Po. Lian Po was the superior general of Zhao at this time. In the state of Qin, shortly after his debut, Bai Qi was appointed as a national captain by King Zhao of Qin, and then he was promoted. It can be seen that Guowei is not the highest military officer of a country. Secondly, Wei Liao, the national captain, was granted to him by the first emperor of Qin when he always wanted to leave. After he was granted the title, Sima Qian said, "the soldier used his plan, but Li Si used his work." Wei Liao's role is to make suggestions, and Li Si is responsible for the specific implementation. Wei Liao is just a consultant. What's more, Wei Liao was a flash in the pan, and Qin Shihuang's 26 year war of reunification never appeared again. On the other hand, if we look at the appointment of Wei Liao as the supreme military commander, it does not conform to the rules of appointing officials by Qin Shihuang. Even Li Si, who has been promoted from Changshi, Keqing, Tingwei and Zuo Prime Minister for 30 years, immediately appointed the top military officer to Wei Liao, a new comer, which is not reasonable.

Mr. Wang should not accept the obviously unreasonable annotation without discrimination.

Fifth, did Wei Liao see the cruelty and lack of benevolence of the first emperor of Qin Dynasty? Did he have the heart of tiger and wolf?

I don't want to talk about this one. As I explained in "real Qin Shihuang: outwitting the six Kingdoms", Wei Liao secretly scolded Qin Shihuang. I didn't accept such a secret conversation that he wanted to kill his head and destroy his family.

To sum up, Wei Liao was a lobbyist at the end of the Warring States period. He made some suggestions, but the first emperor of Qin was reasonable. Because someone had put forward and done so for a long time, he didn't give Wei Liao money or other officials. Out of respect for the guests, the first emperor of Qin made some gestures on food and clothing. Wei Liao is not satisfied to leave. In order to prevent Wei Liao from taking away the secrets of the state of Qin, the first emperor of Qin had to give Wei Liao a false position, that's all.
