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The grandfathers and grandsons of AI emperor of Han Dynasty sing double reed, and Wang Zhengjun's relatives are all out

Yi has the final say: Han Emperor Liu Ao, who was confused for more than 20 years, basically did not have any political affairs. His brothers Wang Zhengjun had the final say. This situation was completely reversed by Han AI emperor Liu Xin.

Eight years ago, Emperor Liu Ao was 44 years old and still had no successor, so he considered choosing one of his brothers and nephews to be the crown prince. At that time, there were only two people with the closest blood relationship, one was Liu Xing, the elder brother of Zhongshan Wang (capital of lunu, Dingzhou City, Hebei Province), and the other was Liu Xin, the nephew of Dingtao Wang (capital of Dingtao, Dingtao County, Shandong Province). Liu Ao discussed with a group of ministers and finally decided that Liu Xin would be the successor. On the ninth day of February, Liu Ao issued an imperial edict to appoint Liu Xin as the crown prince. He specially sent zhijinwu (commander of the capital Chang'an garrison area) Ren Hong to recruit Liu Xin to Beijing as dahonglu (Department of vassal Affairs).

Liu Xin wrote a letter of thanks saying:

I'm stupid. Where can I be the crown prince? Since the emperor has an order, I will try my best to stay in the Dingtao residence (the Dingtao office in Beijing) in the capital for the time being. Sooner or later, I will go to the palace to say hello. When the emperor has his own successor, I will immediately return to the feudal state to defend the territory for the emperor.

Liu Ao read and said, I know.

[do you remember what Xue Xuan, the former prime minister, said? Political ability is about talent

Yi Zilu said: Liu Xin is 18 years old this year. He is quite mature and basically has the necessary conditions to become an opera master. Although he became the prince, Liu Xin was not arrogant and impatient, quietly waiting for the arrival of sunset.

That day arrived soon.

Seven years ago, on March 18, Liu Ao died in Weiyang palace. On April 8, Liu Xin succeeded to the throne as emperor AI, Empress Dowager Wang Zhengjun as empress dowager, and empress Zhao Feiyan as empress dowager.

As soon as Liu Xinfu ascended the throne, he practiced frugality, reduced various expenses, took back the power Liu Ao was too lazy to exercise one by one, and personally ruled on political affairs. Ministers agreed that the Han Dynasty finally ushered in a Ming Lord!

Yi CI Lu said: ha ha.

Empress Dowager Wang Zhengjun ordered empress dowager Fu, Liu Xin's grandmother, and her mother Ding Ji to visit Liu Xin at Weiyang palace every ten days.

Yi Zilu said: it's necessary to explain why Wang Zhengjun's consent is needed when his grandmother and mother see their children. For the surname Liu, the royal family is the "big family", and the prince is the "small family". Liu Xin was originally a prince. After he passed on to Liu Ao, he became the so-called "big man". His identity became Liu Ao's son and Wang Zhengjun's grandson. Correspondingly, Empress Dowager Fu and Ding Ji were not Liu Xin's grandmother and mother. Therefore, Wang Zhengjun's agreement is necessary to meet Liu Xin.

Soon after, Liu Xin issued an imperial edict to ask the prime minister and Da Sikong where the mother (Empress Dowager Fu) of Liu Kang (Liu Xin's father) should live? Prime Minister Kong Guangsu has heard that empress dowager Fu is scheming, good at exercising power, and has a fierce temper. Liu Xin was raised and taught by her since she was a child. Liu Xin was able to succeed. Empress dowager Fu made great efforts (bribed former empress Zhao Feiyan and former great Sima Wanggen, and asked them to recommend Liu Xin in front of Liu AO). If such a ruthless role had too much contact with the emperor, it would certainly interfere in political affairs, Therefore, it was suggested that the Empress Dowager Ding Tao should build another palace to live in. But he Wu, the great Sikong, said, I think empress dowager Fu can live in the North Palace. Liu Xin followed he Wu's advice.

There is Zifang road in the North Palace (road is a road in the air. Please refer to my essay "what roads are the Chi Road, the straight road, the corridor, the road and the attic road of the first emperor of Qin Dynasty?" When she arrived at Weiyang palace, Empress Dowager Fu went to Liu Xin from Fudao sooner or later, asking for her honorary title and promotion of her relatives, so that Liu Xin could not act in a right way.

[Fudao is probably this type]

Yi Zilu said: before, we have never read that there were other palaces connected with the Weiyang palace where the emperor lived. Relatives could use their brains. What was the North Palace used to do?

One of the most important people in the palace is the people who look after their faces. Dong Hong, the Marquis of Gaochang, soon found a good opportunity to flatter him, so he wrote a letter saying:

The mother of King Zhuangxiang of Qin was originally Xia Ji, but later he was regarded as an heir by his wife Huayang. When he succeeded to the throne, Xia and Mrs. Huayang were honored as empress dowagers. Therefore, we should respect empress dowager Tao as empress dowager (King Zhuang Xiang is the father of the first emperor of Qin Dynasty, Ying Yiren, and the second empress dowager said that things can be seen in my essay "Lv Buwei has done the biggest venture capital business in history").

Liu Xin was very glad to see the memorial, and handed it to the relevant departments for discussion. Unexpectedly, the chief justice Ma Wangmang and the left general Shidan, who are in charge of the court secrets, jointly impeached Dong Hong. Dong Hong knew that the Empress Dowager was the most honorable title. Today, the world is unified, but he cited the case of the death of Qin as a reference, misleading the holy Dynasty, and being rebellious.

When Liu Xingang ascended the throne, his chair was still not hot. Seeing that the ministers in power were all against him, he had to agree with Wang Mang and Shi Dan. He dismissed Dong Hong from office and demoted him to civilian. When empress dowager Fu heard about this, she burst into a rage and forced Liu Xin to be honored (Empress Dowager Fu is now the Empress Dowager of the feudal state, and she wants the Empress Dowager of the Han Empire). So Liu Xin went to ask the empress dowager, Wang Zhengjun, to say that the Empress Dowager Fu was reluctant and insisted on honoring her. What do you think? Wang Zhengjun agreed to issue an imperial edict to respect Liu Xin's father and appoint Liu Kang, the king of Tao Gong, as emperor Gong.

The clothes give the resume said: from the fixed pottery Gong king to the Gong emperor, the identity has changed qualitatively, equivalent to Liu Kang has been the emperor. Thus, empress Fu naturally promoted to the emperor's mother.

In addition, Dong Hong's flattering is not wrong, but the timing is a little earlier, Liu Xin did not kill him, he Dongshan is up, sooner or later.

On May 19, Liu Xinfeng Fu was the queen, and she was the daughter of Fu Yan, the cousin of empress Fu.

Liu Xin said in an imperial edict:

Spring and autumn said that mothers are precious to their children. Therefore, we should respect the Empress Dowager of pottery as the empress Gong and Ding Ji as Queen Gong. They set up the left and right Zhan affairs, and the capital was like the Changxin palace and the central palace (the prince Wang Zhengjun lived in Changxin palace, and the empress Prince zhaofeiyan lived in the palace).

At the same time, he followed empress Fu's father as the emperor of Chongzu Hou, and Dingji's father was Hou Bao De. Ding Ming, Liu Xin's uncle, was named as Yang'an Hou, and his son Dingman was Pingzhou Hou, and Fu Yan, the father of empress Fu, was the Hou of Kong. He also granted Zhao Qin, the younger brother, the waiter and the doctor of Guanglu, the younger brother of zhaofeiyan, the empress of the emperor, as the new town marquis.

Seeing Liu Xin giving Fu and Ding two princes, Wang Zhengjun showed very low-key performance. She ordered Wang Mang, the chief executive, to resign and give a speech to Fu and Ding. Wang Mang wrote for retirement. Liu Xin sent a minister order (Secretary General of the court) to order Wang Mang to come out to serve. He also sent Prime Minister Kong Guang, commander konghewu, general left Dan and Wei Wei Fu Xi to report to Wang Zhengjun that the emperor was very sad to hear the imperial edict of the Empress Dowager! If the master does not come back to work, the emperor also plans to strike, not to go up!

Wang Zhengjun saw Liu Xin was still sensible, and told Wang Mang to perform his duties in the upper Dynasty.

[empress Fu is responsible for swearing, Liu Xin is responsible for bitterness]

The clothes give the performance and say: they are all the drama essence. If they participate in the Oscars, they will definitely win the movie emperor, the men and women, and the best director and screenwriter award. Wang Zhengjun let Wang Mang resign, but it is a kind of test. Liu Xin was not stupid and refused. If Liu Xin accepts Wang Mang's resignation at this time, the senior figures of the court are basically Wang Zhengjun's people. What situation will be faced later is hard to say. It is very difficult to say that he may be found a reason. According to Huoguang's abandonment of Han Emperor Liu He, Liu Xin will be abandoned directly. Although Liu Xin is young, he has a great political talent. He has no one around him and dare not to move lightly.

In addition, we found that no, Liu Xin decided to recall Wang Mang to the upper Dynasty, empress Fu did not come out to make trouble. That is to say, empress Fu is not scolding the street and throwing women, and for decades of court life, she knows what can be thrown and what can not be done. Further firmed my idea: Empress Fu and Liu Xin are actually playing Shuang Huang. The old woman is responsible for scolding the street for trouble in time, Liu Xin is responsible for pretending to be poor, pretending to eat tigers as pigs, making a noise and collecting one harvest. Neither grandson nor grandson are given nothing.

One day, Liu Xin set up a wine treat in Weiyang palace, and the interior ordered (the court interior officer) to set the seat of empress Fu beside the seat of the Empress Dowager Wang Zhengjun. The great Sima Wang Mang came to visit the scene. At the sight of this situation, he immediately blew up. He angrily scolded the inner minister and said that empress dowager Dingtao was just a concubine. How to sit side by side with the supreme empress dowager! Order the removal of the original seats and rearrangement. After hearing that empress Fu was angry, she refused to go to the banquet and hated Wang Mang into his bones. Wang Mang had to write again to ask for retirement.

The dress gave the resume and said, "Wang Mang said:" how can I be with the supreme concubine of Empress Dowager Ding Tao? " If the record is true, I will be angry. Empress Fu Ming Ming was the wife of Liu Jian, the emperor of the Han Dynasty. Wang Mang insisted that he was the concubine of the princes and kings, and that he was so despised that he had been sent to the throne for more than 180 thousand miles.

This time, Liu Xin did not give any more false and polite. On the first day of July, Wang Mang was approved to resign and gave him a car with 500 Jin gold and four horses to drive, and let him go home and rest. The official praised Wang Mang for his actions, and Liu Xin gave him more favors, and sent zhonghuangmen (Forbidden Palace attendant) to Wangmang's house for his job. Every ten days, Liu Xinzi has a table. In order to appease the family, he also ordered to increase the number of households of Quyang Hou Wang Gen, Anyang Hou Wang Shun, Xindu Hou Wangmang, Prime Minister Kong Guang and Da Shikong Hewu. Wang Mang is given special advance and in the event, he can meet the emperor on the first and 15th day of each month, and the etiquette in the meeting is as good as three gongs. He recalled the Hongyang Hou Wang Li and allowed to live in Beijing (in the first 8 years, Wang Liyin was sent back to the feudal state for the long affair. See the article "Wang Mang silently inserted a knife in the back of his cousin's waist").

But the power of a dime is not given

Clothes give the resume said: Liu Xinzhen is not the general strength. He gave great rewards to his old Wang family, including Kong Guang and Hewu, especially for Wang Mang, which was of high standard and was not double for a while. But there are two points to pay attention to: first, how much reward is OK,; Second,. We must not think that the yellow gate is sent to your house, is to help you to clean the ground running, that is, so surveillance! Here, except for Wang Zhengjun, he can not move, all people in the royal family have been far away from the power center.

However, it was not long before Jianping Hou Du Ye wrote books to attack Quyang Hou Wang Gen, Gaoyang Hou Xue Xuan and Anchang Hou Zhang Yu. Following, Lieutenant Li Jieguang said:

The king root family of quyanghou is powerful and noble. The three generations control the power. Five masters and horses are coming out. The world is racing to give a beautiful look at Wang's door. Wang Gen greedy tens of millions, rampant, extremely reckless, his private house was built extremely exaggerated, unexpectedly built a mountain in the home, and set up two markets! When hunting, let the slaves and the followers hold bows, and make it like the army. They even stay in the palace of the emperor at night! Wang Gen, with a dangerous mind, recommended his own relatives and books as a minister in order to manipulate the government of the dynasty. He masked the holy lords and blocked the relationship between his subordinates and the emperor. In addition, he had close contact with the vassal kings around the country, which totally violated the ancestral system. According to investigation, Wang Gen, as a close relative of royal family and a state minister, openly hired Yingyan and Wang Feijun, who married the female singers of the later palace before he died and was buried in the tomb, and also held a dance party at home; Wang Gen's nephew, Hou Wang Kuang of Chengdu, also openly employed the noble men who married the first emperor and the later palace as their wife. They did not have the courtesy of the officials and committed a crime of disrespect and immorality!

Liu Xin said that the first emperor treated Wang Gen and Wang Kuang uncle very well, and now they are ungrateful! Wang Geng had contributed to the strategy of stabilizing the country (referring to the proposal that Liu Xin should be the Prince), so he was sent back to the Fengguo (Quyang state, Huainan City, Anhui Province). Wang Kuang was robbed from the Lord and demoted as a civilian, and was sent to the original county (Yuan County, Wei County, now northeast of Daming County, Hebei Province). All those who were appointed officials recommended by Wang Gen and Wang Shang, the father of Wang Kuang, were removed.

In April, the first five years, Liu Xin ordered the prime minister Kong Guang to be deposed and demoted as a civilian. Zhu Bo, the imperial official, was appointed as prime minister, and Zhao Xuan, the Shaofu, took over as the imperial official.

Clothes give the performance said: Liu Xin works, step by step, sweep the inside and outside.

Restore the title of Donghong, the Hou of Gaochang

Soon, Zhu Bo and Zhao Xuan put forward suggestions for playing, and Liu Xin approved them.

Then, the brothers also played:

Wang Mang, the new capital, was a former master of the horse. He could not explain the righteousness of honor, suppress and belittle the honor, and hurt his Majesty's filial piety. He should be killed publicly. Fortunately, the pardon was exempt from death, but no more feudal lords should be given to the city, asking His Majesty to belittle him as a civilian.

Liu Xin said Wang Mang was a relative of the empress dowager, and was exempt from punishment and sent him back to the country of Fengguo (Xindu, now Southeast of Xinye County, Henan Province).

Another person reported that Wang Ren, the son of Wang Mang, Wang Tan, was sent back to the state of Fengguo (pinga, now northwest of Huainan City, Anhui Province) for hiding Zhao Zhaoyi (zhaohede, who was killed by Liu Ao, the emperor of chengdi and carrying pot and suicidal and exiled by his family).

[Liu Xin, the emperor of mourning, is still very effective]

In less than a year, Liu Xin cleaned up all the foreign relatives of Wang family name, while Wang Zhengjun did not see any performance. It's a little strange.

The old Wang family lost power and suffered continuous attacks, many people felt unfair for them. Yangxuan, the admonist official, said in his sealed book:

The first emperor (Liu AO), the emperor of the emperor, handed over the world to his majesty for the sake of his ancestors' basic business. He can say that he has profound virtues. The first emperor had great hopes for his majesty, and hoped that he would serve the Empress Dowager in his place. Now, the Empress Dowager is over seventy years old and has experienced many national funeral pains (Note: at least including husband Liu Fei and his son Liu AO). In order to avoid Ding and Fu, she has specially ordered his relatives to resign to go home. Even the pedestrians on the road will be moved to tears, let alone your majesty! If your majesty ascends to the distant view and sees the tomb of the first emperor, is it not ashamed!

Liu Xin read the book and was very grateful. He also named Wang Yi, the second son of the king Shang of Chengdu, as the Duke of Chengdu (Wang Kuang, the first son of Wang Shang, was taken as the Lord, and now it is inherited by Wang Yi again).

Clothes give the resume said: Seventy old woman, the person who is about to enter the earth, really no one put her in the eyes! However, after reading more historical books, you will find that life span, sometimes the most powerful weapon, when the powerful people die, you are still alive, you are the most powerful person. Wang Laotai has lived for more than ten years at once, and finally let the old Wang family come back.

In fact, Wang Zhengjun, except for his long life, did not see too clever political skills. But long life is enough.
