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Why did Da Qin die for the third generation? Will he be an emperor?

Five Dominations of Spring and Autumn, Seven Heroes of Warring States Period. To talk about the Qin Kingdom, it can be said that the famous generals such as Yun, Bai Qi, Wang Jian, Sima Cuo, Meng Tian, ​​Wang Lu, Meng Yu, Wang Ben, Li Xin, Nei Shi Teng, Meng Wu, Zhang Han and so on each showed their talents. To say that the best fighters are Bai Qi and Wang Jian, both of whom are among the four famous generals in the Warring States Period. Compared with Wang Jian, Bai Qi seems to be more powerful. He served as a general of Qin for more than 30 years, attacked more than 70 cities, and annihilated nearly a million enemy troops. He was named Wu Anjun, nicknamed the murderer and the god of war. But this God of War did not end well, and eventually fell apart, and was conspired to die by King Zhaoxiang Qin and Fan Ju. Compared with Bai Qi, Wang Jian relied on extraordinary political talents. He was not only a war commander, but also an emperor. In such a suspicious and brutal political environment of Qin Shihuang, he was able to end his life.

Wang Jian

Wang Jian, from Fuping, Shaanxi. As a figure of the God of War of the Qin Kingdom, Wang Jian can be described as victorious in all battles. Among the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period, the two hardest bones to chew were Li Mu, the God of War of the Zhao Kingdom, and Xiang Yan, the God of War of the Chu Kingdom. Both were defeated by Wang Jian. Let me talk about Li Mu, known as the "Last Great Wall" of the Zhao Kingdom. He once wiped out the hungry, defeated Donghu, and Jianglinhu, and killed hundreds of thousands of Huns. The Huns were scared to go to the border of Zhao to herd horses. Fighting against Qin, repeatedly breaking the Qin army, made Qin Shihuang a headache. If you go head-to-head, the God of War Wang Jian will never see his opponent. Wang Jian negotiated with Qin Shihuang and acted in an inconsistent plan. He used a lot of money to buy the close minister of Zhao Wang, Guo Kai, who had framed Lianpo, and again framed Li Mu as being suspected of surrendering to the enemy and treason. As a result, Zhao Wang Zhongji killed Li Mu and destroyed the Great Wall of Zhao himself. After Li Mu's death, the Kingdom of Zhao had no rivals for Wang Jian. Wang Jian took advantage of the momentum to attack, captured Zhao Wangqian, and the Kingdom of Zhao perished.

The Kingdom of Chu is one of the most powerful countries in the Warring States Period. Xiang Yu's ancestor, Xiang Yan, was invincible and invincible. He was also a very powerful figure. Qin Shihuang divided his troops and dispatched generals. Li Xin threatened that only 200,000 Qin soldiers would be enough to break Chu Chu, while Wang Jian believed that Qin soldiers would need 600,000 soldiers, and none of them would be indispensable. Li Xin was also a well-known general of the Qin State and the ancestor of the "flying general" Li Guang. He participated in the attack on Zhao, Yan, Qi and other battles repeatedly. He was trusted by Emperor Qin Shi Huang and was a young and promising young and strong faction. . In competing with Wang Jian for the "handsome seal", Li Xin and Meng Tian gained the trust of the first emperor and led two hundred thousand troops to defeat Chu. As a result, Xiang Yan was defeated and became a shame in Li Xin's life.

Qin Shihuang had to use Wang Jian, who had been disarmed and returned to the field. Wang Jian did not go out behind closed doors. The Shihuang insisted on asking Wang Jian to come out, but he insisted that he needed 600,000 soldiers from Qin, which was indispensable. This is basically all the national power of the Qin Dynasty, weighing on the biggest capital. If this battle fails and the country loses its power and insults the country, it is very likely that Qin will be wiped from the earth since then. The cruel and suspicious Qin Shihuang believed Wang Jian and sent 600,000 troops to make him go out in command. In order to relieve Shi Huang’s suspicion of “supporting his own self-respect”, Wang Jian asked Qin Shihuang six consecutive times for granting many fertile fields, beautiful houses, gardens, ponds, etc. during the process of dispatching troops, indicating that his meritorious deeds were nothing else but money and livelihood. Have a good and happy life. This is the origin of the story of "Wang Jian invited Tian". The story of Wang Jian’s invitation to Tian was later applied by Xiao He, stigmatizing himself and dispelling Han Liubang’s doubts. This time Wang Jian also used this method to relieve Qin Shihuang's doubts.  

Without any worries, Wang Jian tried his best to deal with the king of Chu and Xiang Yan. Although Xiang Yan is a famous general, but facing the war-god Wang Jian and 600,000 soldiers of the State of Qin who are like a wolf and a tiger, are they opponents? In the end, Xiang Yan was killed, Chu Wangfu was captured, and the powerful State of Chu was destroyed. In the process of pacifying the six countries, Wang Jian and his son Wang Ben participated in most wars. Except for Korea, the other five countries were destroyed by Wang Jian and his son. Compared with Bai, the God of War, Wang Jian, was "wise but not violent, brave but ingenious", so although he attacked the six countries, he did not leave a notoriety in history. What is he fighting for? Perhaps it was for the unification of the land of China, and most Chinese people also longed for unification and no war. Wang Jian complied with the general trend of the world. Moreover, Wang Jian, who had completed his historical mission, was immediately disarmed and returned to the field, just as he had asked Qin Shihuang for property before the War of Extinguishing Chu, he went home and became his rich man. An ambitious military strategist who does not need to use Zhao Kuangyin's "Release the Power of Soldiers with Drinking Wine" story, go home without complaint, this is probably Wang Jian's realm.  

Wang Jian's military merits, Wang Jian’s realm, were respected by Qin Shihuang. Emperor Qin Shihuang respected Wang Jian as an emperor. Wang Jian is a veteran of the Four Dynasties. He is not only a great military commander, but also an excellent strategy strategist. He once helped Prime Minister Fan Sui to take down his enemy Wei Qi without a single shot, and put down the rebellion between Chang'an Jun and Fan Yuqi with his three-inch tongue. The greatest achievement was to help Qin Shihuang win Lu Buwei, the prime minister, without causing much disturbance. The merits of Wang Jian, the founding heroes of Qin, can be said to be unparalleled. But Wang Jian is also a person who doesn't take credit for arrogance. Relying on his huge personality charm, he won the respect of Qin Shihuang, and he can't afford to harm him. Not only Qin Shihuang, he was the same thing as many Cheng, the historical records did not remember the person who hated Wang Jian. According to calculations, Wang Jian died in his nineties. In the age of sixty and seventy, he was a true birthday star. The birthday star fell on the head of the war god who killed millions of people, and it was also considered an eternal anecdote.  

Wang Jian helped Qin Shihuang lay down thousands of miles of rivers and mountains. Shi Huang thought that the Qin Dynasty would be forever, but he did not expect the death of the third generation. What is the reason for this? The direct reason is that the Qin Dynasty came out with Zhao Gao, who accused the deer as a horse and killed Zhongliang. For deeper reasons, Sima Qian pushed to Wang Jian. As an emperor, Qin Shihuang respected him so much. He only helped Qin Shihuang fight the world, but he didn't help Qin Shihuang sit down in the world. Tai Shi Gong commented on Wang Jian’s life’s failures with a reproachful vision, saying that he was wise to protect himself, only knowing that he had succeeded in retreating, but he did not "help Qin Jiande". National power forced Chen Sheng and Wu Guang to raise their arms, and all the people turned against them. If Wang Jian commented on Sima Qian in this way, wouldn't he be a saint like Zhou Gong, and he would be too demanding. In the Qin Dynasty, the government did not practice benevolence and morality. Although Wang Jian had the right to remonstrate, but the greater power of remonstrance rested with Prime Minister Li Si. He was the Premier of the State Council at the time, and the leader in governance. Wang Jian is an old man, so don't blame him too much.
