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Why didn't the Great Wall fall for a thousand years?

To say that the most magnificent building in China is the Great Wall. This 2,000-year-old historical dragon is like an old man who has gone through infinite vicissitudes of life. Seeing him rising from a tall building, seeing him treating guests, seeing his building collapsed. Compared with the current buildings, there were no precision instruments, no such professional geologists, no reinforced concrete, and only the blood, sweat and hands of the people. Compared with today's short-lived buildings, how did Mr. Qin Shihuang ensure the quality of the Great Wall, allowing this behemoth to stand for more than two thousand years, and still look down at today's high-rise buildings? This starts with the Great Qin Empire 2000 years ago.

After Qin Shihuang unified the six countries, he himself believed that the only threat he faced was the nomads in the north who were good at riding and shooting. In order to effectively prevent these guerrillas from coming to harass, Qin Shihuang decided to build a permanent defensive structure on his territory, which is the Great Wall. This is a project that is more arduous and vast than the Maginot Line. The crime is in the present age and the merits are in the future. However, what Qin Shihuang never expected was that the real Great Wall was in the hearts of the people. The internal decay and disintegration were the greatest enemy of the Great Qin Empire. There is nothing more like this in all dynasties and dynasties. He thought that by building this wall, he would be able to stop the invasion of foreign enemies, but he didn't know that because of this wall, he completely lost the popular support. Just like the classic line in the classic movie Shawshank Redemption, there are some things that the wall can't stop.

In order to be able to build the Great Wall, Qin Shihuang used the power of the entire empire and sent General Meng Tian to complete this task. Without excavators, cement, and steel bars, how did the ancients accomplish this vast project? First of all, they adopted the human sea tactics. At that time, General Meng Tian had 300,000 troops, plus millions of migrant workers recruited from all over the country (accounting for 1/20 of the country’s total population). It took more than five years and cost about 1 trillion yuan today. For the price, the Great Wall was built. The project cost mentioned here refers to the pure cost of the project. Excluding workers' wages, casualties...a series of miscellaneous things. If calculated according to today's project cost, I am afraid that no one can calculate its actual price. How many people died on the Great Wall? It can be said that meat buns beat dogs and they never go back. There are very few people who can come back alive, and in the later stage, tens of thousands of people will go home alive. How much are the lives of these people? Can data be used to show it? It is no exaggeration to say that the Great Wall is the most expensive project in the history of mankind, and there is no one before and after.

In order to ensure the quality of the project, Qin Shihuang set up a perfect supervision mechanism. A brick of the Great Wall is about 30 kilograms. How about such a giant to test its quality? Put two bricks flat on the ground, leaving a gap of half a brick in between, and then put a whole brick Placed on this brick, a dangling is formed at the bottom. Take another brick and let it fall freely to hit the big brick being propped up at the distance between the person and the shoulder. If the brick below is broken, the life of the brick worker will end. The Great Wall is more than 2,000 years ago. The bricks are not stones, they are artificially fired, and there is no cement wrapper on the outside. In the past 2000 years, wind and rain, earthquakes and oxidation... They were not completely corroded. What quality is this? The brick houses we build now can last for 200 years. How many more? High-rise buildings, newly built communities , How many years can it last?

At that time, there was no cement. Why didn't the Great Wall peel off and crack and deform like some buildings nowadays? The ancients used a method that transcended the times, that is, the glutinous rice mortar king. This is a composite material that is more expensive than military cement. In the ancient times when productivity was so low, to complete such a binder, the following things were needed: hydrated lime, glutinous rice, and crushed sand. It's not difficult to get these things today, but two thousand years ago, how much manpower and material resources would it take to build these things by hand to support such a huge project? We all know that lime has a strong adhesion, and then put glutinous rice. Boil it in a large pot and mix it with lime and sand and stir it into mud to make up the gap between the bricks. Just today, how much is glutinous rice per jin? I have to make it into porridge. At that time, ordinary people could not eat enough to feed the Great Wall. Can this cost be measured by money? Many experts say that the reason why the Great Wall can stand for a thousand years is because of the king of glutinous rice and mortar. So why don’t you use this technology for high-rise buildings today? It's not because of materials at all, and the role of people is the first.

Not only the Great Wall of Qin Shihuang, but also many unknown ancient tombs were accidentally dug during construction, and heavy excavators were powerless. Why? The Great Wall is great not because of how strong it is defensive. . It is because every brick on the Great Wall possesses the blood and sweat of the working people. Under the oppression of power, people's wisdom and potential have reached their limits. Under the threat of life all the time, does anyone dare to build tofu dregs projects? Meng Jiangnv's crying at the Great Wall is just a legend. In order to ensure the smooth progress of the project, piling is indeed a shortcoming in ancient times. Meng Jiangnv’s husband was buried under the Great Wall. Was it intentional? Or was it unfortunately killed? Even if it is an accident, the human body does not have solid and durable building materials. Why should the human body be buried under the foundation of the Great Wall? A series of questions , Can't explain it now. Many of us only know how to extol the greatness of the Great Wall, but we don't know the price paid for building the Great Wall.

The demise of the Great Qin Empire was not defeated by Liu Bang, but by him on the wall. This wall not only fails to block foreign enemies, but it isolates people's hearts. In order to build such a magnificent building, the Great Qin Empire has almost exhausted all of the country and all the hearts of the people. This is the real reason for his demise. In today's engineering, why does no one dare to use Qin Shihuang's method? Readers already know the answer.
