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Why does Zhao Gao have a daughter as a eunuch?

Zhao Gao was a "historical celebrity" in the Qin Dynasty. Although his reputation was not very good, he was followed by such incidents as pointing deer as horses and tampering with imperial edicts. Just like Qin Hui, he was synonymous with sinister villains. When it comes to Zhao Gao's identity, many people will blurt out "eunuch". However, some people find that Zhao Gao has a daughter. Why does a eunuch have a daughter? Is it like Cao Cao who raised her instead of being her own child? What's the matter?

Is Zhao Gao a eunuch? I believe everyone has heard of the legend that Zhao Gao is a eunuch. Then, we all want to know whether Zhao Gao is a eunuch. If Zhao Gao is a eunuch, why does Zhao Gao have a daughter? Today, let's briefly introduce Zhao Gao's life. I hope you can learn more about Zhao Gao, a famous Eunuch in history.

The saying that Zhao Gao is a eunuch has probably been popular for thousands of years, but it is absolutely a mistake to spread false information. This mistake comes from people's Misreading of two records about Zhao Gao in historical records. One is that Zhao Gao's brothers were born in "hidden Palace"; the other is that Zhao Gao belongs to "official person" and "official nationality".

There is no mistake in Sima Qian's account. The problem is that some ignorant people in later generations just misread "Yin Gong" as Zhao Gao's brothers had been punished. Because they have to stay in the closed "silkworm room" for a period of time to avoid complications such as tetanus after being punished by the palace, so these scholars think that it means "hidden", and then connect with the word "Palace" behind it, they come to the absurd conclusion that "hidden Palace" is to be punished by the palace.

In fact, at that time, "hidden Palace" not only refers to another special place, similar to the reform through labor farms that existed in China in the last century, but also refers to the reform through labor workers. These people are pariahs whose status is lower than that of ordinary civilians and slightly higher than that of slaves.

The first emperor of Qin records that when the Afang palace was built, more than 700000 people were enslaved, that is to say, more than 700000 people were employed through reform through labor and prisoners. If seclusion is palace punishment, it's troublesome. Where can we find so many professional eunuchs to make hundreds of thousands of eunuchs? Besides, can eunuchs do such heavy work?

"Meng Tian biography" such records: "Zhao Gao, Zhao alienation is also. Zhao gaokun's younger brothers were all born in a secluded palace, and his mother was punished and humble for generations. " That is to say, Zhao Gao brothers were born in Yingong because his mother committed a crime and later became a reform through labor employee. According to the strict laws of the state of Qin, the Zhao Gao brothers were classified as an alternative at birth, that is, the family members of the reform through labor workers, also known as the "hidden Palace", which has nothing to do with eunuchs.

This is not my own blind, there are the Qin Dynasty decrees recorded in the "sleeping tiger land clouds dream Qin slips" and "Zhangjiashan Han slips" unearthed in the last century, and many scholars have conducted in-depth research on this. According to the famous expert of Qin history in the 20th century, Mr. Ma feibai pointed out that the word "hidden Palace" of "Zhao Gao brothers all born in the palace of hidden Palace" is a miswritten word of "hidden officials". Moreover, the "Palace" and "official" were originally used as fake words in ancient times, but they were not commonly used.

"Zhangjiashan Han Jian · two year order" states: "Sikou, Li Chen concubine no city Dan, Chong, ghost pay, baican crime, and officials for the reason of straightness and loss of punishment, all considered hidden officials." The "secretary" here is not the official name, but a kind of labor reform crime. Because of the crime, he is sentenced to the border area for security, and is responsible for serving the police to arrest the thieves. The male prisoner is called "Shikou", and the female prisoner is called "rushikou", and the term of imprisonment is two years.

"Concubines of officials" can be interpreted as officials and their families. They are also prisoners of labor reform. They are responsible for serving in the official government. They belong to civil servants outside the staff. The crime is the same level as the criminal officer and the term of imprisonment should be two years. "Chengdan" and "Chong" are the same level of charges. Male prisoners are punished for repairing the city pool and female prisoners are punished for pounding rice for grain processing. The term of imprisonment is five years of wearing the tools and four years without the tools. "Ghost salary" and "baican" are the same level of charges. Male prisoners are punished as temples, firewood and charcoal, and other miscellaneous services. Female prisoners are punished as temples or other institutions to pick rice, and the term of imprisonment is three years. "Hidden officials", namely, the hidden palace, we said before is equivalent to the employment personnel of the reform of labor.


Well, let's link these words to translate the sentence, that is, for those who have been sentenced to two years or less and less than five years, if they find that the judicial personnel have lost their judgment on justice and have provisions of illegal laws, they will be transferred to employment personnel through labor reform.

The question of "hidden Palace" is clarified, and then "eunuchs" and "eunuchs" are also mentioned below. "Eunuch" is a kind of ideographic word, which is the word "house" in structure and the foot of official character at the bottom. The combination of the two parts means the servant in the house, or "the house slave". Whose house slave? Of course, it is a man. Therefore, the original meaning of eunuchs is to serve people.

"The language of the state · Yue" records that King Gou Jian of Yue "went to the official with Fan Li in Wu." The meaning is that Gou Jian and Fan Li went to the state of Wu to serve the king of Wu. Later, eunuch gradually extended the meaning of the word "official, official, learning to be official", eunuch and so on. However, the eunuchs (also known as eunuchs and eunuchs) in the Qin and Han Dynasties were not specifically referred to eunuchs in the later generations, but all the male staff working in the court, including the counsellors (the counselors, the staff officers), the waiters (the military officers, the guards), the audience (the servants, the officers in charge of communication), etc.

On this point, it is clearly recorded in the biography of the officials in the later Han Dynasty: "in the Han Dynasty, the system of Qin was still followed, and the central government was set up as a constant servant. However, they also quoted scholars to take part in the selection. They all gave the silver mink to Shidian province. And high after the system, that is, Zhang Qing as a big ye, in and out of lying inside, by Xuanzhao order. During the reign of Emperor Wen, there were Zhao Tan and Beigong Bozi, who were very lucky. As for Xiaowu, I also love Li Yannian. The emperor had several banquets in the back court, or in the library, so he asked for the opportunity to play. Most of them were dominated by officials. "

The "scholars" and "officials" mentioned here, such as Zhang Qing, Zhao Tan, Beigong Bozi, and Li Yannian, are not eunuchs, but ministers favored by the emperor. When will the eunuchs (eunuchs and eunuchs) stop using normal men? "The biographies of eunuchs in the later Han Dynasty" records: "at the beginning of the Renaissance, eunuchs knew how to use eunuchs, and they didn't need to transfer other people." In other words, it was after Emperor Guangwu of Han Dynasty established the Eastern Han Dynasty.

"Official status" is not related to eunuchs, which refers to the books and documents recording the names and positions of officials. Zhao Gao belongs to the official family, which only means that he is the official official of the personnel department of zhengbajing. Moreover, Zhao Gao has children. His son-in-law Yan Le, Ren Xianyang Ling, once participated in the Wangyi palace coup. If he is a eunuch, can he have a daughter?
