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Yingbu said to Liu Bang: I want to be emperor!

In July 196b. C., Wang yingbu of Huainan rebelled.

Before that, in the first month of this year, Han Xin, the Marquis of Huaiyin, was killed by the three ethnic groups of Yi, and yingbu was already shocked. In March, Peng Yue was also conquered by the three ethnic groups of Yi. Liu Bang made Peng Yue's meat into meat sauce and distributed it to the princes. When the envoys arrived in Huainan (six counties in the capital, six reading roads), Wang yingbu was hunting. When he saw the meat sauce, he was so scared that he secretly sent people to deploy troops to prepare for any emergency in other counties. One of yingbu's favorite concubines went to see a doctor because of illness. The doctor and the Chinese doctor (senior state official) Ben he (Ben read like Ben) lived in the opposite door. Ben he will prepare a gift, accompany pet Ji in the doctor's home drinking. But yingbu suspects that Ben he has an affair with Chongji and wants to punish him. Ben he, aware of this, ran away in a hurry, took the government post car and went straight to Chang'an. He reported that yingbu's appearance had been revealed and asked to kill him before he started.

It's not a question for the British cloth whether it's anti or not. Of course not!]

Yi CI Lu said: the original is "he Naihou feed legacy, from Ji drink doctor". We don't know whether Ben Hebei's gift is for the doctor or for Chongji. The ancient prose is refined, but it is often too refined to be understood. Huainan King's beloved concubine wants to treat her illness. Instead of calling a doctor to the palace for treatment, she goes to the doctor's house and then drags her sick body to drink with the Chinese doctor. It seems that the story of dog blood has only been seen in the drama of brain damage.

Liu Bang read his report letter and discussed with Xiao He. Xiao He said that yingbu would not do such a thing. He was afraid that it was a false accusation from his enemy. He could arrest Ben he first and secretly send someone to investigate yingbu. British cloth found Ben he fled, suspected to expose his treason secret. Soon after, the envoys of the imperial court came to inquire and found out a lot of problems, so they killed all the family of Ben he and set up a rebellion.

Liu Bang received the report of yingbu's rebellion, pardoned Ben he and appointed him general. Liu Bang summoned the generals to ask for countermeasures. They all said that if he sent troops to attack and killed the boy, what can he do! Xia Houying, the Ruyin Marquis, called on Xue Gong, the Prime Minister of the state of Chu, to ask him for advice. Xue Gong said that of course, yingbu wanted to fight back.

Xia Hou Ying asked, the emperor ceded the land and granted him the title of king. What's the reason for rebellion?

Xue Gong said that the emperor killed Peng Yue not long ago, and Han Xin, Han Xin, Peng Yue, and yingbu earlier. They all got the same credit. The two men were dead, and yingbu suspected that it was his turn to rebel.

Yi Zilu said: Xue Gong's words are not very clever. With Liu Bang's mind, don't you know why yingbu rebelled? Therefore, there must be something strange in arranging for Duke Xue to come out and do such a work.

Xia Hou Ying told Liu Bang what he said. Liu Bang then sent Xue Gong to ask him about his plan. Xue Gong said that he had three strategies for yingbu's rebellion. If he adopted the best policy, the east of Gushan would no longer be owned by the Han Dynasty; If he adopts the best policy, it is hard to predict who will win or lose; If he adopts the worst policy, then your majesty can rest assured.

Liu Bang asked, what is his best policy?

Xue Gong said that if he captured Wujun (Southern Jiangsu Province) to the East, seized the land of the old Chu state (Southern Henan Province) to the west, seized the land of the old Qi State (Eastern Shandong Province) and the old Lu state (Southwestern Shandong Province), ordered Yan state (northern Hebei Province) and Zhao state (Southern Hebei Province), and then stuck to it and stopped attacking, the east of Gushan would not be in the hands of the Han Dynasty.

Liu Bang asked, what is his best policy?

Xue Gong said that he conquered Wujun to the East, seized the land of the old Chu state to the west, and annexed the old Korea (central Henan Province) and the old Wei state (Northern and Eastern Henan Province). Master the grain storage of aocang (beiaoshan granary, Xingyang City, Henan Province) and block Chenggao (Sishui Town, northwest of Xingyang City, Henan Province). The two sides confront each other and win or lose.

Liu Bang asked, what is his worst policy?

Xue Gong said that he captured Wujun to the East and Xiacai (Fengtai County, Anhui Province) to the West. Then send the baggage back to the rear area of the country of Yue (Zhejiang Province), and make an alliance with the king of Changsha, then your majesty can rest assured.

Liu Bang asked, what kind of tactics will he use?

Duke Xue said that he would make a bad policy.

Liu Bang asked, why?

Xue Gong said that yingbu was originally a prisoner of Lishan Mountain and tried his best to climb up to wangjue. He was the kind of short-sighted person who only cared about himself and ignored the future, so he would take the worst strategy.

Liu Bang said, good!

So he granted a thousand families to Duke Xue. He ordered the king of yingbu to be abolished and his son Liu Chang to be king of Huainan (the capital was changed to Shouchun) to replace yingbu.

[back then, they were all brothers]

Yi Zilu said: to be honest, I really can't understand what Xue Gong's three strategies mean. If Hanshin and Peng Yue want to fight back, they can also help him. Now, the world is in uniform, and there is only one English cloth left. Why can he share the world equally with Liu Bang by fighting East, West, North and south? Huainan country has a small territory and a small population. Considering strategic resources, there is no possibility of success. Liu Bang's victory over Xiang Yu is based on three advantages. First, hold high the banner of justice. Does yingbu have it? Second, does the British cloth have a broad united front? Third, does the British cloth have a stable rear? Xue Gong's three strategies are inexplicable! If it's of any use, it's a bad strategy to form an alliance with the king of Changsha, because yingbu died in the hands of the king of Changsha later. As for saying that yingbu was originally a prisoner of Lishan Mountain and short-sighted, so he had to adopt the worst strategy, it is nonsense. Liu Bang was originally a village cadre, so he was better than the criminal. Where did he go? Zhu Yuanzhang, born as a beggar, is not more short-lived than he is after a meal? I really don't know what it means when Tai Shi Gong asks Xue gong out to say something.

At this time, Liu Bang is ill, want to let Prince Liu Ying out. The guests of the crown prince, Tang xuanming (dongyuangong), Zhu Hui (qiliji), Cui Guang (xiahuanggong) and Zhou Shu (Mr. Jiaoli), visited lvshizhi (empress Lu '. You go to empress LV and take a chance to cry in front of the emperor. Tell the emperor that the war between yingbu and the emperor is not so fierce. Our generals fight with the emperor. One by one, let the prince command these people. It's just like letting the sheep drive the wolf. Who will listen to the prince! If imbu knew that the prince was in charge, he would beat the drum and drive west. Emperor, although you are ill, you still have to go out. Even if you lie in the car to command, the generals dare not do their best. For the sake of his wife and children, the emperor should go in person!

[Huidi Liu Ying. Liu Bang didn't look up to his son until he died

Lu Shizhi asked to see empress Lu all night. Empress Lu immediately cried to Liu Bang in tears and said it according to the meaning of the four guests. Liu Bang said, I know this boy can't do it. He should be Laozi's boss!

Yizilu said: dongyuangong, qiliji, xiahuanggong and Jiaoli have something to do with them. We will talk about them when we talk about Emperor Huidi Liu Ying.

So Liu Bang personally led the army eastward. Zhang Liang, the Marquis of liuhou, was also ill. He reluctantly got up and sent it to Quyou (north of Lintong District, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province). He said to Liu Bang, "I should have gone out with you, but I'm really sick. Yingbu's men are all from Chu. They are fierce and fierce. Don't fight with him, boss! He also suggested that the crown prince Liu Ying should be given the title of general to control the troops in Guanzhong. Liu Bang said, Zifang, although you are not in good health, please try your best to help the prince. Then, Liu Bang ordered the conscription of the local militia of Shangjun (Yan'an City, Shaanxi Province), Beidi (Xifeng District, Qingyang City, Gansu Province), Longxi (Lintao County, Gansu Province), the reserve forces of Ba and Shu, and the police forces of the lieutenant (commander of the Capital Police District), 30000 people, as the prince's security forces, stationed in Bashang (Dongba River, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province).

Yi CI Lu said: Zhang Liang, a world hero. This farewell, on the one hand, expressed concern for the emperor, two people are close, almost a bit to explain the future feeling; More importantly, the second is to give Prince Liu Ying a title of general to control the troops in Guanzhong. What do you mean? In case Liu Bang is defeated or died in the course of war, the military power is not in the hands of the crown prince. It's easy to make trouble! So, it seems that Zhang Liang has long been away from the court, away from the secular world, and traveling with Junichiro. In fact, he has been paying attention to the situation of the court and playing chess at any time. His son is still a court official, so he has to pave his way. I always feel that Zhang Liangshan's death, on the one hand, is that he really knows and doesn't pay special attention to power and position; On the other hand, Liu Bang is not a killer, which is very important.

At the beginning of yingbu's rebellion, he told the ministry that the emperor was old and hated military affairs, so he couldn't come. Han Xin and Peng Yue are the only ones who can fight. Now, they are both dead. The rest of them are not worried.

As Xue Gong said, yingbu attacked Liu Jia (Liu Bang's cousin) who was king of Jing in the Wu area. Liu Jia Bai escaped and died in Fuling (northwest of Hongze County, Jiangsu Province). Yingbu coerced Liu Jia's soldiers and crossed the Huaihe River to attack Liu Jiao, king of Chu. Liu jiaofa's troops met Xu county (south of Sihong County in Jiangsu Province) and Tong County (northeast of Sixian County in Anhui Province). He divided the army into three branches and deployed in three places. Some people suggest that yingbu is a veteran of the battlefield, and the art of war says that the princes fight in their own territory, which is called "scattered land" (officers and soldiers don't have to fight to death, but the war is a little disadvantageous, and they all disperse in a crowd, throwing their relatives and friends, just opposite to the situation of Hanxin's backwater battle). Now, divide the army into three parts, and as long as one part fails, the other two armies will collapse immediately. How can they help each other? The general of Chu didn't listen. Sure enough, after being defeated by yingbu, the other two ran away. So the British army moved westward.

In October 195 B.C., Liu Bang and the British Army met in Qixi (collected in Nanqi County, Suzhou City, Anhui Province). The British army was very elite, so Liu Bang stood firm on the wall of Yongcheng. Looking from afar, the British army was just like Xiang Yu's army in those years, which was disgusted by Liu Bang. He and yingbu saw each other and asked yingbu from a distance, brother, why do you want to rebel? Yingbu is not ambiguous. He said, "I want to be emperor!"! Liu Bang was furious and the two sides fought. The British army retreated and fled across the Huaihe River. Although they stopped several times to fight again, they still could not win. Finally, he took about 100 people to the South Bank of the Yangtze River, and Liu Bang appointed generals to pursue them. The whole British cloth was defeated.

Yi CI Lu said: "I want to be emperor" is really a flash in the eye.

Yingbu is the son-in-law of King Wu Rui of Changsha (Wu Rui was first named king of Hengshan by Xiang Yu, and later named king of Changsha by Liu Bang). Liu Bang was granted eight kings of different surnames. Wu Rui's family was the only one left. We will discuss later). At this time, Wu Rui was dead and his son Wu Chen succeeded to the throne. Wu Chen sent someone to contact yingbu and said that he was willing to flee to Nanyue (Panyu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province) together with yingbu. Yingbu believed it and followed the envoy to Linxiang (Changsha City, Hunan Province), the capital of Changsha. When passing by Fanyang (Poyang County, Jiangxi Province), the people of Fanyang (whose name is unknown) killed yingbu in Zixiang (Poyang County).

Yi CI Lu said: yingbu, a small number of soldiers, without help, his rebellion is tantamount to suicide. However, it still needs to be reversed. Why? Because he has seen that the king of different surnames will be destroyed sooner or later. Why can Wu Chen cheat yingbu? It's not only because Wu Chen is yingbu's eldest brother-in-law, but also because he is a king of different surnames. He is also facing the danger of being cleaned up. Therefore, Wu Chen said that he wanted to escape with yingbu, which has high credibility.

Liu Bang asked yingbu why he wanted to fight back. There is no more nonsense in yingbu. The hard sentence "Lao Tzu wants to be emperor" really makes people applaud! At least, it's better to die than pen.

Gao Di triumphed and passed by Peixian. He stayed and held a banquet in Peigong. Old friends, fathers and elders, elder girls and family children were all called to accompany them to drink, share old love and laugh. When he had a good time, he composed his own songs and danced happily. When he was generous and sad, he shed some tears. high

Liu Bang returned triumphantly and passed by his hometown Peixian. He stayed and prepared a banquet. He invited his old friends, father and son to drink together. When he got drunk, Liu Bang built it himself (Jing Ke's brother Gao Jianli was playing with it)

The wind rises strongly, flies with clouds.

Back home in the sea of Vega,

You're a brave man.

[the painting is not good, it doesn't show the pathetic feeling of Gaozu]

While singing and dancing, Liu Bang was sad and shed tears. After that, he ordered the people in Peixian county to be exempted from taxes and servitudes and not to be levied for generations. Liu Bang had been drinking in Peixian for more than ten days before he left.

Yi Zilu said: Liu Bang's "gale song" has been read for a long time. This time, I feel more deeply. First, some people say that Liu Bang is basically illiterate. That's nonsense. Despite these three sentences, how many people can write better than him! Second, Liu Bang's heart is indeed filled with emotion. At a time of great changes, he raised his three foot sword and devoted himself to the cause of anti Qin. He defeated Qin in three years, defeated Xiang Yu in four years, and became emperor from a village level cadre. This emotion is not common people can feel. It's also a kind of feeling to drink with my folks after more than ten years away from my hometown. However, with the unification of the world, there are eight kings of different surnames in weijiahai, some died and some fell. Now, there is only one Changsha King Wu Chen left. Is it true that there are no fierce soldiers guarding the four directions? No Which brother is not a warrior? But these brave men must be killed one by one! Thoughts and this, how can not let go of elegy! How can I not shed tears! No matter how hard we try, we can't really feel this feeling.

Liu Bang, a true temperament, can drink and song, wanton tears.
