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Why Liu Bang and Huns and relatives

Loujing, the striking subordinate of Liu Bangqian, was once advised to see his mind. He gave a plan to say: "Hun is a man who is fierce and fierce. It is a man who will love beauty. Instead, he would send more Princess and beauty to make a great deal of peace with her. The next generation of this life is your grandson. You are the grandfather of the emperor. Everyone is relative, The Huns are no longer so bloodthirsty and belligerent. At least they will be a little bit of a mouse

Ha ha, this move is really making, and also play Chen Ping style "beauty plan", it can be said that is a pulse, or with beauty for peace that, as long as can keep Jiangshan, beauty is a thing, Liu Bang loudly praise: "this is high! That's what you do! "

Loujing, a man who also wears ragged clothes on the emperor, is a very personality person (Liu Bang likes people with ability and personality most, and he is absolutely unrestrained to reduce talents), and an important adviser of Liu Bang. He has three great contributions to the Empire in his life, namely, three strategies, namely, relocation, family and relocation. I listen to all three strategies, It also played a very important role in the political stability of Han Dynasty, which was just established. He had great achievements.

However, one Liu Bang did not listen to Lou Jing, that is, the time when Han Wangxin was chased and the Huns were surrounded by Mount Bai in Pingcheng for seven days and seven nights, and almost lost his life. At first Lou Jing opposed Liu Bang to send troops. He thought it would not be good for the Han Army to go, because the Huns were the master of fraud, and they were actually proved. It was a wonder.

Speaking of Huns, the nomadic people in the North who had made Liu Bang suffer from dumb losses. In fact, they took advantage of the opportunity to strengthen their own strength and gradually strengthened their strength at the time of the world dispute in Qin and Han Dynasties. Cunning and brave people were more than alone in taking the opportunity of fighting between Chu and Han in the Central Plains to take into account other fighting events, and quietly controlled the vast area of the northern part of the Xia state, and had more than 400000 elite cavalry, The appearance of a strong army at one time became the main military force in the north. When Han Dynasty was established, Huns became the biggest border trouble in the north of Han Dynasty, and the harassment was constant, and the war was frequent.

Why would Liu Bang be surrounded by Huns in the white mountain climbing? This question has a long story. We have picked up the question before. We will talk short here.

In the six years of Han Dynasty, the ambitious and ambitious people were forced to siege Ma Yi. Hanwangxin could not resist the iron hoof of Hun and declared surrender. In the next year, he colluded with Hun rebellion and attacked Jinyang. He saw that the local people would be threatened by Huns. In order to repair the anti bone child, Liu Bang had to take more than 300000 troops to fight against the enemy. When the army arrived in Jinyang, Liu Bang sent envoys to Huns to investigate the truth. Unexpectedly, the shrewd Hun only skillfully staged a good play of "Yin Qiang to show weakness". He deliberately hid the powerful generals like wolves, only to the Han Dynasty emissaries who came to spy on the military sentiment to see the old and weak soldiers of Huns, leaving the impression that the Huns were weak and incompetent and unable to fight. In his plot, it was a kind of weapon and not to be tired of fraud. The emissary who came back after the scouting of enemy feelings did not know that he had won the way of others. The emissary blinded by the surface phenomenon said that the Huns were weak and strong, and they said that they were blind and strong. The Han army would surely destroy the dead and decadent when they were drunk. He thought that the Huns easily defeated Han Wangxin, It will never be a mob. There must be some strange changes that we cannot understand. Therefore, he urged the masses to discuss that Huns intended to lure the enemy into the depth, and let the Han army get into their pocket "to fight for profits by the strange soldiers". In addition, it is also believed that the Han army should not attack lightly, otherwise, it will suffer great losses.

Originally Lou Jing was right. Liu Bang was inspired and bewitched by the so-called "seeing is real" of the emissary. As a result, we also know that the Hun army, dressed as a pig and eating tigers, was besieged by the Hun army who dressed as a pig and ate tigers for seven days and seven nights in the white mountain climbing in Pingcheng. Only by his persuasion can Liu Bang break out and finally lose and return to the enemy, we know Lou Jing's bitter heart and regret that he should not listen to his words, So because of his foresight and vision of Superman, Liu Bang promoted him to build a letter Hou, and sincerely asked him for a good plan to deal with the powerful Huns.

Loujing then analyzed the situation of the world for Liu Bang in detail, and thought that "if the world was initially established, the soldiers would not be able to win the war", that is to say, when the world was initially established, everyone just climbed out of the gunfire, and were a little tired of fighting. Moreover, because of the long-term civil war, the world was short of material and capital, so it was only necessary to implement the policy of "rest and raise living and living and interest" for peace and develop production, It is impossible to militarize any more. So he proposed the above-mentioned policy of "harmony with relatives", that is to say, it is the best policy to marry the first princess of Han Dynasty to Hun and to carry out "harmony". Especially after loujing returned from the Hun field investigation, he believed that Hun was indeed powerful, and that only 700 miles from Chang'an, the capital of Han Dynasty, his tribe could arrive at the iron hoof one night, which was too great for the national security threat of Han Dynasty. In order to alleviate this threat, send beautiful women, in other words, to replace peace with "beauty plan", Take a kind of gentle posture.

Therefore, Liu Bang, who was very strong at that time, had a strong sense of hard work, and made a "agreement with his relatives" with Hun. Han Dynasty married the patriarchal daughter as a princess to Shan Yu as the surname of Wu, and sent a large number of articles such as floc, wine, rice and other things to Huns every year, and entered into border trade activities with Huns, which greatly relieved the pressure of border defense. Later, the policy of "harmony with relatives" became a basic national policy which was implemented by Han Dynasty to Huns for a long time, and it did receive better results.

Since we talk about the historical term "harmony", we are willing to waste more time here. Because the "harmony" proposed and planned by Lou Jing, an outstanding civilian counselor of Liu Bang, can be said to be a landmark political event with epoch-making significance and become a classic historical event in the future, because it is its unique pioneering nature, That is to say, the large-scale and sustained "harmony" policy began in Han Dynasty. Although there has been a lot of debate and bad conclusion about this, there is no record in historical data, but it should be right to say that the large-scale and personal Han Dynasty were right.

Of course, the harmony and relatives have happened in history. Small-scale and sporadic ones often occur. The earliest ones can even be traced back to the reign of Zhou Xiang in 651 BC.

It is said that at that time, King Xiang of Zhou wanted to attack Zheng State, but he was afraid that the power was not enough, so he married daughter Di as Queen and became his family. In this way, he formed alliance with Rongdi army to fight Zheng together and formed military alliance by marriage to strengthen military strength. This was a kind of marriage action with obvious political purpose. Although it was not considered as false marriage in strict sense, But it is very different from the traditional marriage (and the parents can have children) in the real sense. This may be the earliest "harmony" event in history, which is the most direct political purpose. It is to say that marriage and beauty are exchanged for peace, in exchange for the reduction of political and military pressure of the country, This kind of typical political marriage is also a kind of naked political transaction behavior, which is basically independent of love.

So "harmony" is, in the word, a national level foreign affairs activity of marriage and marriage in the name of national peace. Therefore, it has a very clear political purpose and serves the ruling class. In history, it is considered that it promotes friendly exchanges among all nationalities and social economic and cultural progress, and is conducive to the unity of the country and the unity of the nation; It is a policy of humiliating compromise and surrender to sell the country, and there is no stand or human sentiment in sacrificing the personal interests of the princess.

Ha ha, this world thing is strange, what simple things to different people will become complex and become different.

There are two kinds of harmony in its form, namely, high climbing and lower marriage. When the national strength is weak, in order to please the strong enemy and ease the national conflicts, take the initiative to send the door (which has a high taste) to exchange for breathing opportunities; When the national strength is strong, in order to show good wishes to the weaker and smaller nations around, the other party requires that the princess be married purposefully to promote friendly ethnic exchanges, especially the policy of Huairou for the foreign rulers, so as to achieve the effect of "controlling the foreigners by foreigners".

So the political function of this kind of amiable is very obvious. In my heart, it is only sometimes that the Royal princesses who sacrifice their feelings and even happiness for the future of the country suffer. The government reduces the political pressure because of the beautiful women. So what personal life pressure have the princesses who were given to the Hu people alone? After all, there are obvious differences in the living habits and living background. Only the parties know the hardships in this case. Therefore, even the daughter of the emperor and aristocrat can not dominate their happiness, and become the victim of political struggle and military struggle. How high are their happiness indexes?

Alas, there is no way. People have no absolute freedom. Even Liu Bang's life can be taken away by the enemy at any time. Let alone personal feelings. To do business, sometimes there is a choice. Who is called beauty is also productive force?
