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Fuxi(One of the pioneers and three emperors of Chinese culture)

Fuxi, one of the three emperors, was the pioneer of Chinese culture. He was also the God of blessing the country with Nu Wa. Chu silk Secretary recorded him as the God of creation, which is the earliest recorded God of creation in China. The surname Feng, also known as Mi Xi, Pao Xi, Bao Xi, and Fu Xi, is also known as the sacrificial emperor, Huang Xi, and Fu Xi in historical records. In later generations, it merged with other gods such as Tai Hao and Qing di. In later generations, it was officially called "Tai Hao Fu Xi's family" by the imperial court. There was also a saying that Qing Di Tai Hao Fu Xi (the Oriental God). The son of Suiren family, born in Chengji, was settled in chendi. The age is about the middle and late Paleolithic. Fuxi is the ancestor of Chinese culture in ancient legends, the earliest King recorded in Chinese ancient books, and one of the originators of Chinese medicine.

It's said that Fuxi had a snake body, married Nuwa brother and sister, and had children. According to the changes of heaven and earth, he invented the eight trigrams of divination, and created words, ending the history of "tying ropes to record events". He also made ropes into nets for catching birds and hunting, and taught people the method of fishing and hunting. He invented harp and created songs. Fuxi died 111 years after he became king, leaving behind a large number of myths and legends about Fuxi.

Mysterious birth

It is said that Fuxi's birthday is on March 18 of the lunar calendar. There is a custom of offering sacrifices to Fuxi on March 18 of the lunar calendar in the Central Plains.

It is said that in ancient times, there was a girl named "Huaxu family" in Huaxu state. She went to a place called Leize to play. Occasionally, she saw a huge footprint and stepped on it curiously. Then she became pregnant. After 12 years of pregnancy, she gave birth to a son, who had the body of a snake, the head of a man, and was named Fuxi.

(Note: Fuxi Nuwa first appeared in the pre Qin literature, and Huaxu family only appeared in the later literature. Therefore, whether Fuxi Nuwa is the children of Huaxu family is still controversial in the academic circles. It is generally believed that the human attribute of Fuxi Nuwa is higher than that of God, while Fuxi in Chu silk books is the God of creation, which is the earliest born creature and has nothing to do with Huaxu family and Raytheon. Nu Wa was first recorded in the songs of Chu in the pre Qin period, which has nothing to do with Hua Xu.)

The ancestor of humanity

Fuxi had the sacred virtue of uniting and unifying all the tribes in China. His capital was set in chendi, and he was granted the title of Mount Tai. Fuxi took the body of a boa constrictor, the head of a crocodile, the horns of a stag, the eyes of a tiger, the scales of a red carp, the legs of a giant lizard, the claws of a goshawk, the tail of a white shark, and the whiskers of a baleen whale, and founded the totem dragon of the Chinese nation, from which the descendants of the Dragon came.

Fuxi looked up at the clouds, rain and snow, thunder and lightning in the sky, saw the strong wind and fog on the ground, and observed the birds and animals. According to the theory of the changes of yin and Yang between heaven and earth, he created the eight trigrams, which summarized all things between heaven and earth with eight simple but profound symbols. He imitated spiders in nature and made webs for fishing and hunting. He also created a way of writing instead of tying knots on a rope.

Fuxi formulated the human marriage system, implemented the dual system of men and women, and used deerskin as the dowry. In order to prevent promiscuous marriage and consanguineous marriage, Chinese surnames originated from then on and continue to this day.

Main achievements

From the records of ancient books and records, Fuxi's contribution mainly includes the following aspects:

1、 The creation of eight trigrams has opened up the source of Chinese culture. The holistic, intuitive way of thinking and dialectics of "harmony between man and nature" contained in Fuxi's eight trigrams are the origin of Chinese culture.

2、 People are taught to make nets for fishing and hunting, which improves the productivity of human beings. At the same time, it teaches people to domesticate wild animals, which is the origin of livestock.

3、 We should change the marriage customs, advocate the marriage etiquette of men employing women, and change the consanguineous marriage into extramarital marriage, ending the primitive group marriage state in which children only know their mother but not their father for a long time.

4、 At the beginning, characters were created to record events, replacing the previous form of tying ropes to record events.

5、 The invention of Tao Xun, Qin Se and other musical instruments, the creation of music ballads, music into people's lives.

6、 Divide and rule its ruling area, and appoint officials for social management, to provide reference for future generations to govern society.

7、 According to the records of Chu silk book in Changsha bullet depot, there was heaven and earth in Fuxi period, but it was still desolate. So Fuxi married a wife, gave birth to four children and named everything.

Evaluation of later generations

"Three Emperors and five emperors" are regarded as the first ancestors of the Chinese nation, and their genealogical order has been established from the spring and Autumn period to the Qin and Han Dynasties. In the lineage of "Three Emperors and five emperors", Fuxi ranked first among "Three Emperors" and "one hundred kings". There are records about Fuxi in Zuozhuan, Guanzi, Zhouyi, Zhuangzi, Guoyu and other pre Qin classics. In the official history, Sima Qian said in the preface of Taishigong in Shiji: "Yu Wen's ancestors said:" Fuxi is pure and thick, and he wrote eight trigrams of Yi. " It affirms the historical position of Fuxi.

In the past century, with the development of Archaeology and the study of ancient tribes, the academic community has a new understanding of the origin of Chinese civilization. Emperor Yan and Emperor Huang are the representatives of the Chinese people, and Fuxi is the ancestor of the Chinese people. As a thinker and inventor with great wisdom, Fuxi sought for the historical symbol of survival and development, and played an immeasurable role in the progress and development of Chinese civilization.

The famous scholar Lu You's evaluation of Fuxi's creation of heaven and earth begins with the first painting of Xihuang.

Historical status

Since ancient times, the three emperors and five emperors have been respected and sacrificed by emperors of all dynasties. As the first of the three emperors and the first of the hundred kings, Fuxi is a thinker and inventor with great wisdom, which has played an immeasurable role in the progress and development of Chinese civilization.

To this day, Fuxi Nuwa and Yanhuang are still the cultural ancestors of the country's solemn proposal to sacrifice. They are the common father and mother of the Chinese people. In 2008, Taihao mausoleum broke the Guinness world record with 820000 visitors per day, becoming the world's first temple fair. Every year, the state will send officials to participate in the ancestor worship ceremony (grand ceremony of public sacrifice to ancestors) together with the Chinese people of the three places on both sides of the Strait.
