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King yu combating the flood

Dayu's flood control is a myth and legend in ancient China, a famous ancient flood legend. He was a descendant of the Yellow Emperor. During the period of the three emperors and five emperors, the Yellow River flooded. The father and son of GaN and Yu were appointed by the two emperors, Yao and Shun, Ren Chongbo and Xia Bo, to control the flood.

Dayu led the people to fight against the flood in natural disasters and finally won the victory. Facing the torrential flood, Dayu learned from the failure of flood control, changed the method of "blocking" and dredged the flood, which showed that he had the intelligence to lead the people to overcome difficulties; in order to control the flood, Dayu fought with the people all the year round, regardless of personal interests, and "went through the house three times without entering". After 13 years of water control, Dayu exhausted his efforts and physical strength, and finally completed the great cause of water control.

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Dayu, his name is Wenming. Yu's father's name is Gan. He is still a descendant of the Yellow Emperor. He is the most famous water control hero in ancient China.

When Yao was still alive, the flood in the Central Plains was boundless, inundating the crops, the mountains, the people's houses, and the people were displaced. Many people had to leave their homes. The flood brought endless disasters to the people. In this case, Yao was determined to eliminate the flood, so he began to visit people who could control the flood.

One day, he took his ministers to his side and said to them, "ministers, now the flood is at the head, and the people have suffered a lot, so we must stop the flood. Who do you think can take the responsibility?"

So the officials and the leaders of the tribes elected him. Yao had always thought that he was not credible, but there was no more suitable person at present, so he temporarily assigned the task of water control to him.

After nine years of flood control, the flood still did not subside. He was not only helpless, but also slow down, taking the arduous task of the country as a play. Later, Shun began to manage the government. The most important problem he met was to control the flood. He first changed his position and exiled him to Yushan. Later, he died there.

Shun also came to seek the advice of the ministers to see who could cure the flood. The ministers all recommended Yu. They said, "although Yu is the son of he, he is much more virtuous than his father. He is modest, polite, sincere and simple." Shun did not despise him because he was the son of Gan, but soon gave him the responsibility of flood control.

Dayu was really a virtuous man. He was not jealous because Shun punished his father, but gladly accepted the task. He secretly made up his mind: "my father brought suffering to the people because he didn't cure the water. I will try again."

But he knew what a great duty it was! How dare he slack off. In view of this special task, Shun also sent Boyi and Houji to assist him in his work.

At that time, Dayu had just been married for four days. His wife, Tu Shanshi, was a virtuous woman and agreed to go with her husband. Dayu said goodbye to his beloved wife in tears and embarked on the journey.

Yu led Boyi, Houji and a group of assistants to travel all over the mountains and rivers of the Central Plains at that time, leaving their footprints. Dayu felt that his father did not complete the great cause of flood control, but regretted that he had to complete the task in his hands. Along the way, he saw countless people struggling in the flood. He shed his tears in front of the displaced people again and again. When it comes to water control, people he knew and those he did not know would offer him the most precious things. Of course, he would not accept these things, but he felt that the people's affection was too strong, which also doubled his determination and confidence.

Dayu held the yardstick in his left hand and the rules in his right hand. He measured where he went. He learned from his father's experience of using the method of blocking to control water, and invented a new method of dredging and controlling water. The key point is to dredge the waterway, so that the water can smoothly flow eastward into the sea. Whenever Dayu found a place in need of governance, he went to various tribes to mobilize the masses to carry out the construction. Whenever the water conservancy project started, he worked with the people, ate at the construction site, slept at the construction site, dug mountains and dug rocks, and worked in the sky.

He lives a simple life, lives in a very short thatched cottage, and eats worse than ordinary people. However, he is the most willing to spend money on water conservancy projects. Whenever he is short of money to deal with a flood, he will fight for it himself.

Once he passed by his own house and heard the cry of a child. It was his wife, Tu Shan, who had just given birth to a son. How he wanted to go back and see his wife and child with his own eyes. But when he thought of the arduous task of water control, he only had to give a big gift to the hut in his home. With tears in his eyes, he galloped away on horseback.

According to the geographical conditions of mountains and rivers, Dayu divided China into nine states: Jizhou, Qingzhou, Xuzhou, Yanzhou, Yangzhou, Liangzhou, Yuzhou, Yongzhou and Jingzhou. His water control method is to treat the mountains and rivers of China as a whole. He first managed the land of Kyushu, which should be dredged and leveled, so that a large number of places became fertile land.

Then he managed the mountains, including Qishan, Jingshan, leishou, Taiyue, Taihang, wanglao, Changshan, dizhushan, Jieshi, Taihua and Dabie Mountains, to dredge the waterways so that the water could flow down smoothly without blocking the waterways. After harnessing the mountain roads, he began to dredge the water veins. Most of the rivers north of the Yangtze River left traces of his harnessing.

He paid attention to wisdom in water control, such as Longmen Mountain in the upper reaches of the Yellow River. Longmen Mountain is to the north of Liangshan Mountain. Dayu led the Yellow River water from Jishishan mountain in Gansu Province. When the water was dredged to Liangshan Mountain, it was blocked by Longmen Mountain and couldn't pass. After examining the terrain, Dayu felt that this place had to be cut, but what was the best way to do in Nuo Da's Longmen Mountain? Dayu chose the most labor-saving place and only opened an 80 step wide opening to lead the water through. Because the dragon's gate is too high, many fish against the water can't swim here. Many fish try their best to jump up, but only a few can. This is what our descendants call "carp leaping over the dragon's gate". It is said that as long as they can jump over the dragon's gate, the fish will immediately become a dragon flying in the air.

It took Dayu 13 years to control the flood. It was under his command that the roaring river lost its ferocity and flowed gently to the East. The once submerged mausoleum showed its grandeur, the farmland turned into a granary, and the people were able to build their houses and live happily and richly.

Later generations remembered his achievements, built temples and temples for him, and respected him as the "God of Yu". Our whole China is also known as the "Yu territory", that is to say, this is the place where Dayu once ruled.

Water control process

About 4000 years ago, China's Yellow River Basin was plagued by floods. Yao ordered him to take charge of leading and organizing water control work. He adopted the strategy of "water comes to earth to block" to control water. After he failed to control the flood, his only son Yu took charge of the task.

Emperor Shun said, "Yu! You'd better talk about it, too. " Yu Baixie said, "yes, king, what can I say? I think all day long about working hard. " Gao Tao said, "Oh, what kind of jobs are they?" Yu said: "the flood is connected with the sky. It encircles the mountains and submerges the hills. The people are engulfed by the flood. I took four kinds of transportation, cut down trees along the mountain road as road signs, and together with Boyi, I gave the newly captured birds and animals to the people. I dredged the rivers of Kyushu to make the big water flow into the four seas. I also dredged the small ditches in the fields to make the water in the fields flow into the big river. Houji and I planted grain together to provide grain and meat for the people. We should also develop trade and exchange needed goods, so that the people can settle down and the vassal states can be governed. " Gao Tao said, "yes! That's very kind of you to say

Later, Yu first took measuring tools such as ruler and rope to the main mountains and rivers in China for a close inspection. Dayu visited the east of Hebei, the east of Henan, the West and south of Shandong, and the north of Huaihe River. Once, they came to the southern suburb of Luoyang, Henan Province. There is a high mountain here, which is the afterblood of Qinling Mountains and extends to Songshan Mountain, the middle mountain. The mountains are strange, like a natural barrier from east to west. There is a natural gap in the middle of the mountain, and the trickle flows gently through the gap.

He also found that the Longmen pass was too narrow to pass the flood season, and that the Yellow River was silted up and the flow was not smooth. Therefore, Yu changed "blocking" to "sparing" with great boldness. That is to dredge the river and widen the gorge so that the flood can pass faster. Yu adopted the principle of "water control must be in accordance with the nature of the water, the nature of the water should go down and lead it into the sea". The water control thought of "drilling at high place and dredging at low place". According to the priorities, we set a sequence of governance, starting from the areas near the capital, and then extending to other places.

Dayu decided to concentrate the manpower to control the water and open the way in the mountains. Hard work has damaged stone, wood and bone tools. People's losses are even greater. Some are cut down by rocks, some fall to death when they go up the mountain, and some are swept away by floods. However, they are still unswerving and insist on splitting mountains. In these hard days and nights, Dayu's face was tanned, he was tired and thin, even the sweat on his legs and stomach was polished, and his toenails fell off due to long-term soaking in water, but he was still operating and directing. Driven by him, the progress of water control was so rapid that the mountains suddenly opened up, forming a confrontation between the two walls. The flood then flowed down thousands of miles, and the river became smooth.


Shanhaijing · haineijing: the flood is so terrible that it steals the land of the emperor to contain the flood without waiting for the emperor's orders. The emperor ordered Zhu Rong to kill Yu Jiao. When he was born again, the emperor ordered him to settle the island of Kyushu. Yu married Tushan's daughter and did not harm the public with his private interests. On the fourth day from Xin to Jia, he went back to harness the flood. Yu controlled the flood, connected Fuyuan mountain and turned into a bear. He said to Tu Shan: "if you want to pay, you can hear the sound of drums." Yu jumped on a stone and hit the drum by mistake. Tu Shan went to see Yu sitting on a bear and went away in shame. At the foot of the Song Mountain, it turns into a stone. Yu said, "my son!" The stone broke through the north.

Xia Benji in Shiji "marries Tu Shan" and "Yu's injury to his father and his failure to get punished is due to his hard work and anxiety. He lived outside for 13 years and did not dare to enter his family." Sima Zhen Suoyin: "in the book of records, it is said that" Tu Shan's female name is Nu Wa ", which means that Yu marries Tu Shan's female name as Nu Wa." It is also called "nvjiao" and "nvhu".

According to the book of history, Yushu, Yiji: "when Yu Chuang Ruo was married to Tushan, he was a member of Xinren and Guijia, and began to cry. To the son of Fu, you can only spend your time in the wasteland. "

Mencius · Xi Wengong Shang: "in the eighth year of Yu's reign, he passed his gate three times but did not enter."

"Lu's spring and Autumn Annals" says: "Yu married Tushan's daughter. He did not harm the public with his own interests. On the fourth day from Xin to Jia, he went back to harness the flood."

According to the records of Huayang state Ba Zhi, "Yu married Tu, and went away with Xin, Ren, GUI, and Jia. He gave birth to a son who was unable to see him. He went through his door three times and did not enter the house. When he was saving, Tu Shan in Jiangzhou was the same today, and the inscription of the temple of Emperor Yu existed."

Zhuangzi · Tianxia chapter: "in the past, Yu drowned the flood and broke the river to reach four Yi and nine states, and there were three hundred famous mountains. The book of history describes that Yu married the daughter of Tushan family. Only three or four days after his wedding, he set out to control the flood, and his son Xiaqi was born. He never met him. Mencius said, "Yu lived outside for eight years, but he did not enter his family three times." according to the records of the historian, "he lived outside for thirteen years, but did not dare to enter his family.". All of them show the arduous style of Dayu in flood control, and he was in the field of flood control, and had no time to care about his family and children's private affairs.

Water control relics

Yuhui village site, also known as Yuhui, is located on the East Bank of the Huaihe River at the southern foot of Tushan in the western suburb of Bengbu City, Anhui Province. According to the field investigation and development of the Institute of Archaeology of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, it is the largest Longshan cultural site found in the Huaihe River Basin, with a total area of 500000 square meters. Dayu lived in the period of Longshan culture. Tushan has not only the ruins of the assembly of princes, but also the ruins of Tushan's Kingdom, which married a female leader. There are also many relics, such as Yuwang palace, Qimu stone (i.e. Wangfu stone), TAISANG, fangfengzhong, yuxu, etc. on the mountain, Yuwang palace has a history of thousands of years, and famous scholars and officials of all ages, such as di Renjie, Liu Zongyuan, Wu Wenkui, Su Shi, Su Zhe, Song Lian, Deng Shiru, etc., all come here to visit And left a lot of poems and inscriptions.

Historical significance

Yu was the highest leader of flood control, but he worked hard for all the people in the world, holding tools, and fighting with the flood.

Dayu played an important role in the development of Chinese civilization. In the process of water control, Dayu overcame many difficulties and finally achieved success by relying on the concept of arduous struggle, making the best use of the situation, scientific water control and people-oriented. Thus, Dayu's spirit of water control was formed with the connotation of selflessness, national supremacy, people-oriented and scientific innovation. Dayu's water control spirit is the source and symbol of Chinese national spirit.
