Historical China is a cultural information website with Chinese history as the core, providing ancient Chinese history, economy and culture, Chinese medicine health care, painting and calligraphy, antique, religious philosophy, etc.

Huangdi, the ancestor of humanity

Huangdi (2717-2599 BC): the leader of the ancient Chinese tribal alliance and the co leader of the Chinese nation in ancient China. The head of the five emperors. He was honored as the "ancestor of humanity" of China. It is said that he was the son of Shaodian and Fubao. His original surname was Gongsun. Later he changed his surname to Ji, so he was called Ji Xuanyuan. Living in Xuanyuan hill, it is called Xuanyuan family. It was built in Youxiong, also known as Youxiong family. Some people also call it "Dihong".

According to historical records, the Yellow Emperor was named the Yellow Emperor because of his virtue. Huangdi's great achievement of unifying China by unifying the Chinese tribes and conquering the Dongyi and Jiuli nationalities goes down in history. During the reign of the Yellow Emperor, he sowed all kinds of crops and plants, vigorously developed production, and began to make clothes and crowns, build boats and carts, make music, and write Huangdi Neijing.

The birthplace of the Yellow Emperor is recorded in ancient literature in Xinzheng, Henan Province, Shouqiu, Shandong Province and Tianshui, Gansu Province. Modern academic circles speculate that the birthplace of the Yellow Emperor is Huangling, Liaohe and so on.

Life of the characters

Early experience

The Huangdi; Yellow Emperor, 2717-2599 BC. The birthday of the Yellow Emperor is the third day of the third month of the lunar calendar (February 2, when the Dragon rises; March 3, when Xuanyuan is born). He is the forefather of the Chinese nation, the forefather of the humanities, and the leader of the tribal alliance in ancient China. The son of Shaodian and Fubao, with Ji as the surname, has the Rui of tude, and is honored as Huangdi. It is recorded in historical records of the Five Emperors: "born with spirit, weak with speech, young with favoritism, long with sensitivity, and mature with wisdom. At the time of Xuanyuan, Shennong family declined. The princes attacked each other and tyrannized the people, while Shennong's Fu Neng Zheng. Therefore, Xuanyuan is used to fighting, in order to not enjoy, princes xianlaibin from. Chiyou is the most violent, Mo Neng cut. When Emperor Yan wanted to invade the princes of the mausoleum, they returned to Xuanyuan. Xuanyuan is to cultivate virtue, to invigorate the army, to govern five kinds of Qi, to pacify all the people, to go all the way, to teach Xiong to fight with Yan Emperor in the field of Osaka spring. Three battles, and then the ambition.

According to a large number of historical records and cultural relics, the Yellow Emperor unified the world, established China, built civilization, cherished things and people, and was respected as the ancestor of Chinese culture by later generations. Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor descended on Xuanyuan's hill, and his capital was located in Youxiong. In the Han Dynasty, Xuanyuan's hometown temple was built in front of Xuanyuan hill in Beiguan, Xinzheng.

According to legend, the birthday of the Yellow Emperor is the third day of the third month of the lunar calendar. It is said that the yellow emperor ascended the throne in 2697 B.C. when he ascended the throne, he was 20 years old. According to this, it is estimated that the Yellow Emperor was born in 2717 B.C. It is said that the Yellow Emperor appeared to be an extraordinary God when he was born. Not long after birth, he was able to speak. By the time you're 15, you've got everything. In 2697 BC, the 20-year-old Yellow Emperor inherited the throne of Xiong Guojun. After the Yellow Emperor became the leader of the clan, the Xiong family's power developed rapidly and formed an independent Yellow Emperor tribe. In the process of development from Jishui to the East, Huangdi tribe inherited the agricultural production experience since Shennong, developed the primitive agriculture to a high prosperity stage, and made the tribe develop rapidly. Because he invented xuanmian, it is called Xuanyuan.

Unify China

In the later period of Emperor Yan's Shennong's administration, the tribes in the Central Plains attacked each other, and the wars continued. The Yellow Emperor took advantage of the times to defeat different tribes, and the leaders of the other tribes came to him one after another. The Yellow Emperor was in the middle of the Yuan Dynasty. Emperor Yan lived in the west of Taihang Mountain. Chiyou is the monarch of Jiuli, living in the East. Emperor Yan and Chiyou fought for the lower reaches of the Yellow River. The Yellow Emperor fought nine battles with Chiyou in three years, but failed to win. Finally, the Yellow Emperor assembled in Zhuolu to fight with Chiyou, and the battle was very fierce. With the help of general Fenghou and Limu, the Yellow Emperor finally captured Chiyou and won the victory, unifying the tribes in the Central Plains. The capital is in Zhuolu. After the war, the Yellow Emperor led his troops into the Jiuli area, and then at the top of Mount Tai, he joined all the tribes in the world and held a grand ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven and earth. All of a sudden, big worms and big mole appeared in the sky, and his color was still yellow. So he called himself the king of tude, and the color of tude was yellow, so he called himself the Yellow Emperor. Huangdi is located in 2697 BC. Taoism regards this year as the first year of Daoli.

Good governance

After the Yellow Emperor established the world, he formulated the official system of the state. For example, the central official named Yun, who was in charge of clan affairs, was called Qingyun, and who was in charge of military affairs, was called Jinyun. He also set up the left and right supervisors to supervise the tribes in the world. Fenghou, Limu, Changxian and Dahong were appointed ministers to govern the people. He often offered sacrifices to mountains and rivers. He calculated and worked out the calendar with yarrow. One of the achievements of emperor Xuanyuan is "five kinds of Arts". "Five kinds" refers to "millet, millet, Shu, wheat and rice". According to the legend of ancient history, Shennong could only grow millet and millet, while Huangdi could grow many kinds of food crops, which indicated that Huangdi had further developed the primitive agriculture at that time. Later, in the tribe of Ji surnamed with Huangdi as its ancestor, there appeared a leader who made outstanding achievements in agriculture - abandon. It is said that he was the ancestor of Zhou people and was respected as Houji. He knows different kinds of soil, knows how to pull out weeds, and also knows how to select good varieties.

The distribution of agricultural settlements in prehistoric China shows the characteristics of living along small rivers. According to archaeological findings, wells first appeared in the first and second layers of Hemudu site, which is equivalent to the lower layer of Songze culture. Their 14C dating is about 5700 years ago. This is a swamp with high water level in the Yangtze River Delta. It is easy to see water without deep excavation. It is not surprising that wells were first invented here. However, in the lower water level of the Yellow River Basin, it is more difficult to dig wells, and the significance of wells for agriculture is far beyond that of wells in the Yangtze River Delta. However, about 5000-4000 years ago, wells were generally found in the Longshan period cultural sites in the Yellow River Basin, which shows that wells have played a significant role in the economic life of the Yellow River Basin. For example, the ancient wells discovered at the ruins of Kuili in Luoyang and Baiying in Tangyin are more than 4000 years ago, which are basically consistent with the age of the Yellow Emperor. The development of agricultural production in the Yellow Emperor era also set the basic direction of the later development of Chinese culture, forming a unique Chinese civilization based on agricultural civilization.

Take the dragon to heaven

In his later years, the Yellow Emperor invented the tripod. When the first tripod was cast, a dragon suddenly flew down from the sky. The Dragon had powerful eyes and long, silvery whiskers. The whole dragon was shining with gold. When it came, it seemed to bring ten thousand pieces of gold forging, which covered the whole sky.

The Yellow Emperor and his ministers were very surprised. The Dragon slowly approached the Yellow Emperor, and his eyes became very gentle. He suddenly said to the Yellow Emperor, "the emperor of heaven is very happy to see that you have pushed Chinese civilization forward, so I am specially sent to take you to heaven to meet the emperor of heaven. "As soon as the yellow emperor heard this, he nodded, stepped on the dragon's back, and said to the officials," the emperor of heaven is going to summon me. Take care. Goodbye. " "Let us follow you! "With that, the ministers rushed up, hoping to climb on the dragon's back and follow the Yellow Emperor. But the Dragon twisted its body and threw all the people down.

The Golden Dragon and the Yellow Emperor quickly flew into the sky and disappeared in the clouds. The officials had no choice but to watch the Yellow Emperor ascend to heaven. A minister looked at the sky and said thoughtfully, "not everyone can get on! Only a great man like the Yellow Emperor is qualified! "Later, in memory of the emperor, people called the place where the yellow emperor ascended to heaven" Dinghu. ". After long quding lake, the emperor died because of "long quding Lake".

Political initiatives


The Yellow Emperor was in power for a long time, with strong national power, political stability and cultural progress. He had many inventions and productions, such as writing, music, calendar, palace, boat, clothes and guide car. It is said that Yao, Shun, Yu, gaotao, Boyi and Tang are all his descendants, so the Yellow Emperor is regarded as the common ancestor of the Chinese nation.

According to Chinese historical records, after Emperor Yan, he unified all Chinese tribes. He calculated the calendar, taught the people to plant grain, promoted writing, made branches, musical instruments and created medicine. Jishi: the emperor made Da Nao Jiazi, and used ten Heavenly Stems and twelve Earthly Branches. The lunar calendar (Jiazi, Yichou and kuihai, a period of 60 years) was used in Jishi, that is, the 60th anniversary of Taoism.

Huangdi established the ancient state system: eight families were divided into one well, three wells were one neighbor, three neighbors were one friend, three friends were one Li, five li were one city, ten cities were capitals, ten capitals were one division, ten divisions were prefectures. The whole country was divided into nine states. There were 120 official positions in charge of the state, including Sangong, sanshao, Sifu, Sishi, Liuxiang and Jiude. For officials at all levels, "six prohibitions" and "emphasis" means excessive, that is, "emphasis on sound, color, clothing, fragrance, taste and room". In particular, the establishment of "ministers of nine virtues" to educate the people of nine virtues, that is, to serve as judges and prison officials in Houtu, to punish those who commit serious crimes and to behead those who commit serious crimes.

1.Mathematics: subordinate to the first number, set the system of weights and measures.

2.Army: after the wind, you can grasp the strange picture and start to make the array.

3.Music: Linglun took the bamboo from the valley as the pipe, and set five tones and twelve rhythms, which is in line with today's music.

4.Clothes: Leizu, the imperial concubine of Yuan Dynasty, began to raise silkworms and made silk clothes.

5.Medicine: discuss pathology with Qibo and write Huangdi Neijing.

6.Writing: Cangjie began to make writing, with the method of six books.

7.Cast tripod: cast tripod in Jingshan (located in the middle of Shaanxi), divided into nine states.

8.Well: the ancients also owe the invention of well to Huangdi.

9.Others: invention of boat, arrow, house, etc.


The Yellow Emperor had many inventions in agricultural production, mainly in the implementation of the farmland system. In order to prevent disputes, the Yellow Emperor redivided the land of the whole country into the word "well", one of which was "Gongmu", owned by the government, and the other eight were "private fields", which were planted by eight families. The harvest was paid to the government, and the well was dug through soil. Farming system should be carried out in farmland, planting 100 grains in time, inventing pestle and mortar, opening up gardens and nurseries, planting fruits, trees and vegetables, planting mulberry, raising silkworms, raising animals and birds, and grazing. In terms of sewing and weaving, he invented looms and made clothes, shoes and hats, tent, felt, gunyi, fur, canopy, armor, flag and armour. In terms of pottery making, it makes bowls, dishes, cauldrons, steamers, plates, pots and stoves. In the aspect of smelting, we smelt copper, making bronze tripods, knives, coins, Zheng, Yao, bronze mirrors, bells and blunderbusses. In terms of architecture, the palace, Luan hall, court, Ming hall, Guan, Ge, Castle, building, gate, step, silkworm room, ancestral temple, jade room palace, etc. were built. In the aspect of transportation, we make boats. In terms of military equipment, it manufactures knives, spears, bows and arrows, crossbows, six flags, flags, five flags, horns, banners, talismans, cloud ladders, sculls, swords, and archers. Daily life, cooked food, porridge, rice, wine, meat, scale, Dou, rules, ink and inkstone, Jian, felt, Zhan, Yin, Zhu, huodeng, bed, mat, cufu, etc.

Character evaluation

The Yellow Emperor was honored as the "ancestor of China". Liu Yimou commented that the age of the Yellow Emperor was the most prosperous period before the flood: "from Suiren to Tang and Yu floods, although there was no definite number of calendar years, it should be no less than thousands of years in terms of meaning. Therefore, if we look at the production together, we will be surprised by the number of ancient sages; if we look at the period separately, we will see the rudeness of the early people. At the time of sacrificing and farming, although there were Qin and Se, Wang and Gu, Lei and Ge, their life was simple. By the time of the Yellow Emperor, the sages were flourishing, and the palace, clothes, boats, arrows, documents, pictures, calendars, and arithmetic began to work together. So before the flood, the time of the Yellow Emperor was the most prosperous. " During the period of Emperor Huang and Emperor Yan, the Chinese people gradually formed the Huaxia nationality, so they all regarded them as the common ancestors of the Huaxia nationality, so the Chinese called themselves "descendants of the Yellow Emperor". Every year, sacrificial activities are held in the mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor in Shaanxi Province, and ancestor worship activities are held in Xinzheng, Henan Province.
