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Shaodian (legendary figure in primitive society)

Shaodian: male, Huaxia nationality, one of the ancestors of Han nationality. It is also known as Xiong's family. According to Guoyu, his direct sons are Yan Emperor Shennong's family and Huang emperor Xuanyuan's family.

Mr. Ding Shan, a modern scholar, pointed out in his research on ancient Chinese religion and mythology that the ancient Shaodian people were small and shy, and the country was also shy, that is, the leader of the small country, the weak and small tribe and the Fang country. Shennong, Xuanyuan and Boyi are all the sons and grandsons of a certain country. Shennong is the Lieshan family, while Xuanyuan has the Xiong family.


Ancient names

Shaodian: the son of Fuxi and Nuwa. Peinv Deng (also known as Ren SI) was born to Emperor Yan, and Peifu Bao was born to Emperor Huang.

"The Yellow Emperor is the son of Shaodian."

"There is Xiong Guojun, the son of Shaodian," said Qiao Zhou in the collection of historical records

"Guoyu · Jinyu · 4" and "Shiben" record that "Shaodian married a woman of the family of Zhu, and gave birth to Emperor Huang and Emperor Yan, and his grandmother was Huaxu."

According to the stele of Sanhuang temple, "the Shaodian of fuxizi was the head of the dragon; when the Shaodian was moved to the East, the emperor worshiped Fuxi in Zhuanyu."

Tribal name

SH à o di à n: ancient tribal name.

"In the past Daye married shaodianzi and said Nu Hua Sheng Bo Yi", which means "before Daye married a woman named Nu Hua from Shaodian tribe and gave birth to Bo Yi".


Shaodian was the leader of the Youzhi tribe in the primitive society of China. Due to the birth of the Yellow Emperor, there was a bear, and the bear state was first granted (near Zhengzhou, Henan), so Shaodian was honored as the monarch of the bear state. Therefore, most of the historical materials call the Yellow Emperor Xiong's surname. In ancient times, women's surnames and men's surnames. Calling Huang Di You Xiong's family indicates that Huang Di is a descendant of Xiong Guojun Shaodian, and that the primitive society has entered the period of paternal society from matriarchal society.

The Historical Atlas of China Edited by Mr. Tan Qiyi indicates on the map of Xia and Shang dynasties that there are two major geomorphic features in Xiong's region: Yingshui in the South and Renyi mountain in the north. According to the records of geography of Han Dynasty, there is Da Yi mountain in Henan County, which covers Yu, MI and Xin counties Li Daoyuan, a geographer in the Northern Wei Dynasty, said exactly in his annotation to the water classic through field survey that "Da Yi is a mountain with CI mountain." Yuzhou City annals and Yuzhou City toponym annals record in great detail: Chuci mountain is in the north of Yuzhou, Huihui mountain in the north of Changzhuang Township starts and winds southeast. Dahongzhai mountain in the north of Qianjing township is divided into two branches: one branch goes out through Wuliang town and disappears at the junction of Xinzheng and Changge counties; the other branch goes from the south of Wuliang town and enters Xuchang County through Zhuge Township and Guolian township. In ancient times, there was no regional concept of our province, city, county and township today, so the Historical Atlas of China can only use natural landforms such as mountains, water, hills and gullies as boundaries to mark the geographical scope of the Bear Kingdom, Yingshui in the South and dayuanyi mountain in the north. It can be seen that the main areas where bears live are about 700 square kilometers to the north of Yuzhou, to the south of DAYISHAN, to the north of Yingshui, to the east of huihuishan, to the west of Gucheng and Guolian.

Zhuangzi, a philosopher in the Warring States period, once said that in the primitive society, "the people knew their mother and did not know their father, and they lived with the milu deer.". Therefore, there are several opinions about the birth of the Yellow Emperor. The most common saying is that Shaodian, the king of the state of Xiong, married two daughters of Qiao's family as his concubines. The first concubine was named Nu Deng, and the second was named Fu Bao. One day, the princess was playing in the Huating Pavilion when a dragon came to accompany her. Therefore, she became pregnant and gave birth to Emperor Yan, named Yugang. It is said that he could speak in three days, walk in five days, and grow all his teeth in seven days. At the age of five, he learned a lot about planting crops. However, because he was very ugly, "Niu Shou was a man with a fierce temper. Shaodian didn't like love very much, so he and nu Deng were raised by the Jiangshui river. Therefore, when Emperor Yan grew up, he took Jiang as his surname.

Besides, the second concubine attached treasure of Shaodian went to the countryside one day. Suddenly, there was a rainstorm and a big electric light. Xu Jiucai left and went around Beidou. As a result, Fu Baogan got pregnant, conceived for 25 months, gave birth to the Yellow Emperor, named Yun. The Yellow Emperor had a "river eyes and dragon face". He was eloquent and kind-hearted. He was very popular with Shaodian monarch, so he took him and Fu Bao to live by the Yinshui River. Fu Baosheng's beauty is very touching and is called Meiji by people. She often washed clothes and washed vegetables by the water. When people saw her more often, they called this section of the river Jishui. When the Yellow Emperor grew up, he took Ji as his surname and named it Jiyun.

When Emperor Yan grew up, he was brave and intelligent, so he became the leader of the tribe. He took "Niu" as the totem and marked it on the flag. The wizard said that he was prosperous by fire, so he was called Emperor Yan. It is said that Emperor Yan had a magic whip called "zhe whip". When he beat all kinds of weeds with it, the weeds showed their properties. In order to verify whether these herbs were poisonous and nontoxic, hot or cold, and what diseases they could cure, Emperor Yan tasted all kinds of herbs himself to test their effectiveness, so as to prevent and treat diseases for the common people of the clan. As a result, all the members of Yandi's clan were strong and developed rapidly. Yandi led his tribe to move eastward along the Weishui River and the Yellow River, passed through Hebei, Henan and Hubei, and even went to Qufu, Shandong Province. They defeated many small and weak tribes, and finally "settled their capital in Chen", which is now Huaiyang County, Henan Province.

When Huang Di grew up, he was nine feet away. He is honest and simple, good at benevolence and righteousness. He is respected by the tribal people. He was hailed as the tribal chief and became the successor of Youxiong kingdom. He made use of the natural geographical advantages on both sides of the Jihe River and the rich mineral resources to encourage the tribal people to develop agriculture and animal husbandry. He personally taught the people to sow grain, plant vegetation, domesticate pigs, cattle, sheep and dogs, which made Youxiong tribe prosperous When many small and weak tribes around him saw that he was good at benevolence and righteousness, made friends with his neighbors, and could unite people, they came one after another to join and submit, making Youxiong tribe gradually become the most powerful tribe in the Central Plains. The wizard said that he "ruled the world by virtue of the earth". The earth was yellow, so he was called Yellow Emperor.

In the Yangtze River Basin, a relatively powerful tribe, the "Jiuli" tribe, has emerged. Chiyou is the leader of the "Jiuli" tribe. There are 81 brothers. They are good at fighting. They are strong and ferocious. They are good at using sharp weapons such as knives, halberds, bows and crossbows.

Chiyou is cruel and likes to fight. When he saw Emperor Yan coming down from the south of Weihe River, he led his tribe to the north to fight for territory with Emperor Yan. He fought in Chenzhou. Emperor Yan could not defeat him. He defeated Qufu in Shandong Province. Chiyou chased Qufu. Emperor Yan retreated to Hanquan in Hebei Province. Chiyou continued to pursue him, and Emperor Yan fled to Zhuolu. At this time, Zhuolu was already the influence area of the Yellow Emperor's tribe, so he sent envoys to persuade Yan Di to surrender. Yan Di didn't listen, but fought with Huang Di in Hanquan. As a result, he lost three wars and had to surrender to Huang Di, so he made an alliance with Mangshan to fight against Chiyou. The Yellow Emperor personally led his troops to battle and led six tribes with bear, bottom, Hu, Hu and tiger as totems to attack Chiyou. It's said that Chiyou is "a man with a bronze head and iron forehead, eating sand and spitting fire", probably wearing armor, which is hard for ordinary people to win. However, while developing agriculture and animal husbandry, the Huangdi tribe had already developed mining and smelting. They usually used iron weapons to drill their troops. Therefore, they were not surprised at Chiyou's "copper head and iron amount".

When Chiyou saw that the killing was very difficult to separate, he used his magic to spray thick fog from his nostrils. For a moment, the sky was dark, the wind was strong, and thunder and lightning were mixed. It lasted for three days. At that time, all the members of the Yellow Emperor's army lost their way and could not distinguish the southeast from the northwest. Chiyou's members were in high spirits and took advantage of the momentum to fight fiercely. The Yellow Emperor immediately ordered Fenghou to make a guide car. On the car stood an iron villain with his arm pointed to the south. The Yellow Emperor's tribe immediately identified the direction. The six tribes were in high spirits and rushed out of the heavy fog. They killed the Jiuli tribe with "corpses all over the land, blood and pestle" and finally captured and killed Chiyou.

After the defeat of the Yellow Emperor in Chiyou, other tribes in the Yangtze River Basin surrendered to the Yellow Emperor. The Yellow Emperor was elected as the son of heaven in Busan, where he met with the princes of the world (i.e. tribal chiefs) and accomplished the immortal feat of unifying China. At the same time, the totem of the unity of the Chinese nation, that is, the flag, was formulated. At that time, it was suggested that the "bear" of the tribe with bears should still be used as the totem, and the Yellow Emperor denied this proposal. He believes that the totem of "bear" will hurt the feelings of the new tribes. In order to unite these tribes, he proposed to take snake as the main body, fish scale as the scale, turtle tail as the tail, lion head as the head, antler as the horn, and eagle claw as the claw, and named this new totem "dragon" to show the unity of all tribes. Later generations said that the Chinese nation is the descendant of "dragon", that is to say, it came from this.

According to historical records, "the Yellow Emperor married at 30.". He chose his concubines based on merit rather than appearance. He has four wives, and the contributions of several yuan imperial concubine Leizu and second imperial concubine Momu are the most. Leizu invented mulberry planting and sericulture, and Momu invented silk reeling and weaving. Under their advocation, people gradually got rid of the primitive life of covering their bodies with leaves and animal skins and put on soft, warm and gorgeous clothes.

The Yellow Emperor attached great importance to talents. He knew people well and gave full play to their skills and made many inventions. For example, Ming Cangjie made characters; Ming BOGAO mined copper and Ming ningfengzi made pottery; Ming chijiang made wooden wares and cauldrons; Ming Yiyi made cars; Ming gonggu made boats; Ming Rongrong made calendars; Ming Li made arithmetic first; Ming Rongyu made bells; Ming Xihe and Changyi observed the movement of the sun, the moon and the stars; Ming Qibo and Lei Gong compiled medical classics; and many other inventions such as palace, utensils and coffins Therefore, later generations praised him as "capable of making a hundred things". Although many inventions are still primitive and simple in today's eyes, it is not easy and precious for human beings to invent those advanced tools of production and life with a high degree of diligence and wisdom at the time when human beings gradually transited from a state of long-term ignorance to the beginning of civilization more than 5000 years ago. What's more, some inventions, tested by 5000 years of history, are still benefiting future generations and even become the common wealth of global human civilization.

There are many relics of the Yellow Emperor in Yuzhou, which are generally distributed in the south, North and middle regions. In particular, on Mount Juci in the north of the city, there are dozens of various relics of the Yellow Emperor, known as the "Yellow Emperor relics group".

Zhuang Zhou, a thinker in the Warring States period (369-280 BC), recorded the story of the Yellow Emperor's seeing Da Yi in the mountain of Juci in his book ghost of Xu Yuan. Da Kai (also writing Da Huai) is a man with great ability to govern the country. When the yellow emperor heard of his ability, he led Fang Ming, Chang Yu, Zhang Ruo and other six people to visit him. In a gully at the foot of Juci mountain, all seven people lost their way. When he saw a horse boy beside him, he asked him if he knew the mountain? The boy said, "I know." He asked him if he knew there was a man named da Kai? The shepherd boy said, "I know." The Yellow Emperor saw that although the shepherd boy was young, he said something extraordinary, so he asked him, "do you know how to govern the world?" The shepherd boy said, "the principle of governing the world is the same as that of herding horses. Only those who harm horses should be eliminated." The Yellow Emperor thought, "even the boy who often sees Da Kai has such insight. The knowledge of Da Kai is even more remarkable." So he was more thirsty for talent, and quickly bid farewell to the shepherd boy. According to his instructions, he found Da Kai in the mountain. Later, he became an important official of the Yellow Emperor. When the Yellow Emperor came back to find the shepherd boy, he couldn't find it. From then on, this ditch was called magou, which is now magou village of Qianjing township. The magou river passes through the village. There are many stone caves on both sides of the river. The main street between the north and the south is 300 meters long, and there are 200 households. At this time, the story of "the Yellow Emperor paid a visit to dakei" has been spread. It is precisely because dakei once lived in Mount Juci that some people call mount Juci mount dakei. The Dashan mountains are surrounded by streams, so they are called "Dashan mountains" and have been one of the eight scenic spots of Yu since ancient times. Dakei had a far-reaching influence in Yuzhou. The unearthed stone carvings of Tang and Song Dynasties show that today's Wuliang area was still called "dakei township" in Tang and Song dynasties Wulianglongmen gully flows through ancient towns, Guolian Township and Shanhuo Township and flows into qingluohe River, also known as Weishui River, which is Jishui recorded in historical records. It is said that this is the place where the Yellow Emperor lived with his mother Fu Bao for a long time when he was young.

Li Daoyuan (466-527), a hydrogeographer of the Northern Wei Dynasty, wrote the annotation to the water classic after a large number of field investigations, saying: "the yellow emperor ascended to mount Juci, ascended to the Hongdi dam, and was drawn by Shenzhi in Huagai and Tongyu." Ganoderma lucidum is a kind of fungus, which can be used for food and medicine.

Today, there is still a natural cave in the hillside of the sunny slope of Mount Juci, which is called "Shenzhi cave" by the masses. It is said that the Yellow Emperor once compiled a book "Materia Medica" in this cave, compiled many edible and medicinal fungi atlas, and spread in the world.

"Zhuangzi · in the chapter of forgiveness" says: "in the 19th year of the Yellow Emperor, guangchengzi was seen in Mount La of Kongtong. Mount Kongtong is located at the junction of Qianjing and Changzhuang Township, 20 kilometers northwest of Yuzhou City, with an east-west trend and an altitude of 669 meters. There are Qinglong mountain and Huoshi mountain in the East, aiheping mountain in the northeast, lenghua mountain in the southeast, Dianshan mountain in the South and Huashan Mountain in the West. The mountains are crisscrossed. Guangchengzi was a very knowledgeable philosopher in ancient times. In his early years, the Yellow Emperor needed to go to Yuanqiu mountain to collect a kind of medicine in order to cure the people of phenol nationality. However, there were so many snakes on the mountain that people did not dare to go there. Guangchengzi taught him a method, the whole body covered with realgar, the snake smell and avoid it. Later, guangchengzi lived in seclusion and became an immortal. After Emperor Huang established himself as the emperor, he heard that guangchengzi lived in Kongtong, so he went up to the mountain to see guangchengzi, and asked for the "best way" of heaven and earth, so as to promote the prosperity of grain and the peace of the country and the people. Guangchengzi then spread the classic of "nature" to the emperor, telling him that "all prosperity is born in the earth, but return to the earth". He should act according to the laws of nature, and be good at regulating yin and Yang, so as to make it peaceful and powerful. After the death of the Yellow Emperor, he wanted to go to the mountain to practice Taoism, so he took Leizu, the yuan imperial concubine, to say goodbye to the officials in Sanjia village of Qianjing Township, to go mountain climbing, to visit guangchengzi again, and to retire to the leisure temple. So far, there are many relics of the Yellow Emperor, such as "xiangdaochu", "dedaoan", "Guangcheng Temple", "niangniangdanpo" and "daxianguan".

Sima Qian said, "the Yellow Emperor ruled the people by following the wind, making great efforts in animal husbandry, being always the first and being great." Among the four important ministers, three of them are from the primitive tribes in the ancient land of Yuzhou.

Fenghou, a descendant of Fuxi family of Taihao, lives in the upper reaches of the Chuci river. One day, the Yellow Emperor had a dream that the wind had blown away the dust of the world. After waking up from his dream, the Yellow Emperor thought to himself, "the wind means to command the wind. If the dirt is removed, it will still be there. Can someone named after Feng help me to be in power?" So he visited sages everywhere, and finally got wind in Longmen Valley, and made him prime minister to lead the attack. After the wind, five banners were made: Green Dragon in the East, rosefinch in the south, white tiger in the west, black snake in the north, and yellow dragon in the center. They were used to distinguish the different divisions. They fought in an orderly manner and could attack and defend freely. Fengwang village, 3.5 kilometers northwest of Wuliang Town, was originally called Fengwang village, and Fenghuang mountain behind the village was derived from Fengwang mountain. Later, the food town after the wind was also sealed here, so a Yingfeng pavilion was built on Chengguan North Street, which means to welcome and see off the wind queen.

In fact, Li Mu is the shepherd boy whom Huangdi magou met. At that time, the Yellow Emperor was very surprised to see that he was young, but he had a lot of insight, and he spoke well. When he came back from his visit, he had a dream that he was driving tens of thousands of sheep to graze. The Yellow Emperor suddenly realized: "if you hold a powerful bow, you can drive tens of thousands of sheep. If you are good at herding, should the heaven be on the boy herding horses? He's supposed to be Li Ming Mu. " Therefore, he made great contributions to the unification of the Yellow Emperor. It is said that damuchang, 16 kilometers northeast of the city, on the north side of Mantou mountain and on the East Bank of Honghe River, was the ranch where Li Mu herded sheep. Later, people cut down the trees on the mountain and park them in the pasture. When the flood comes in the flood season, they use the Honghe River to transport them out. This place is called the big wooden farm.

It is said that Dahong tribe originally lived in Dahong village scenic spot in today's Jiushan township. "Keladuo" is the relics left by Dahong ancestors to resist foreign invaders. Hongchang Town, 30 kilometers southeast of Dahong Village Mountain, is the settlement of Dahong tribe after it moved eastward.

Juci mountain was the military base where the Yellow Emperor stationed troops to gather generals and visit the sages. Dahong, dakei, Fenghou, Limu, Changxian and other important officials of the Yellow Emperor all had military fortresses on the mountain. The main peak of Juci mountain is Dahongzhai, 788 meters above sea level. To the East is fenghouding, 765 meters above sea level, which is the easternmost mountain of Funiu mountain range. Since then, to the East, there is no higher mountain in the vast central and Eastern Henan Plain, known as "a pillar of heaven".

The south slope of fenghouding still has more than ten li of fenghoucheng city wall. The city wall is built according to the mountain. It's all made of stone. It's 6 meters high and 2 meters thick. It's tall and majestic. It's extremely precipitous. One man is in charge of the pass and ten thousand men are invincible. Along the city, you can see a lot of broken walls and canvases left by Yingpan, as well as ancient weapons such as stone balls and spears. At the top of the mountain, there are some natural landscapes, such as "Huangdi Royal Garden", "Huangdi daughter dressing table", "Huangdi visit Xianshi" and "Huangdi visit Xianshi".

According to the literature, at the latest in the late spring and Autumn period, people began to hold mountaineering and ancestor worship activities at this time. Temples, temples, palaces, temples and other sacrificial memorial buildings have been built in the past dynasties. Xuanyuan temple, Huangdi temple, Yousheng palace and Tongyao temple are all built before Ming Dynasty. The main hall of Xuanyuan temple at the top of the mountain is made of stone: stone walls, stone beams, stone columns, stone rafters, stone purlins, stone windows There are two plaques on the display of the statue of the Yellow Emperor in the hall. One is the "ancestor of humanity" and the other is "merit and virtue are equal to heaven". Many tourists at home and abroad have visited the scenic area of Juci mountain and said with boundless emotion: "Juci mountain has the danger of Huashan Mountain, the God of Mount Tai, and the beauty of Huangshan Mountain. It is the best place for Chinese people to climb mountains and worship their ancestors!"
