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Kuafu is one of the mythical and legendary figures in ancient China. It is well described in Chinese mythology and legend written by Yuan Ke, the father of Chinese mythology and Oriental mythology. During the period of the Yellow Emperor, in the northern wilderness, there was a big mountain named zaitan in Chengdu, where the descendants of the great God's Houtu lived. Kuafu people are warm-hearted, good at running, with great strength. Because they are tall and strong, they are also called giants. Relying on these conditions, they like to fight against injustice for others. Kuafu people helped Chiyou tribe fight against Huangdi tribe, but later they were killed by Yinglong. According to Shanhaijing, Yinglong killed Chiyou and Kuafu.

Related Legends

Version 1

During the period of the Yellow Emperor, in the northern wilderness, there was a big mountain rising from the ground, which was as high as the sky, so it was called "Chengdu carries the sky". The mountains cut rocks, the cliffs are shrouded in clouds, the pines and cypresses stand upright, a magnificent scenery. In this fairyland like mountain, there live the descendants of the great God, called Kuafu. They are tall and strong, and they like to fight against injustice. When Chiyou in the South was defeated by the Yellow Emperor and sent people to help the Kuafu people, most of them thought they should help the weak, so they decided to send troops to fight against the Yellow Emperor.

With the help of Kuafu people, Chiyou became more and more powerful. When he fought against the Yellow Emperor, he was in a stalemate. The Yellow Emperor's army was at a loss. So he went to Mount Tai to find gods to help him. A woman who called herself "Xuannv" came to see the Yellow Emperor and taught him the art of war. Then someone sent the red copper of Kunwu mountain to the Yellow Emperor for his sword making. This sword cuts gold and jade, and cuts iron like mud, showing the smelting technology of ancient bronze age. From then on, the Yellow Emperor used his learning to March and set up an array. In the battle of Zhuolu, he finally defeated the Allied forces and killed Chiyou. The remaining Kuafu people ran back to their original residence.

Soon, a serious natural disaster occurred on the earth. The sun was like a big fireball, which made the earth crack and the river and lake dry and desolate. All the Kuafu people went out to look for water to fight against drought, but the lake is dry. Where can we look for water? Kuafu leader was angry and vowed to take down the sun. Sun see Kuafu really angry, also a little flustered, speed up to the West. Kuafu's leader chased after him. The sun glided faster. On the one hand, it radiated heat from Kuafu, trying to stop him from moving forward. Although Kuafu was sweating like rain, he refused to stop. Chase, chase! Kua Fu has chased ten thousand li in a flash. Take a look at Yugu, the place where the sun is setting. "Look where you're going!" Kuafu is very happy!

The sun saw that there was no place to escape, sneered a few times, and shot all the heat at Kuafu. Kuafu was dizzy and dazzled for a while. In front of him, Venus burst out, his mouth was dry and his hands were soft. "Can't fall down!" Kuafu encouraged himself and bent over to drink from the Yellow River. He wanted to catch the sun after drinking some water. But when he drained the Yellow River and even the Wei River, he was still thirsty. Stubborn Kuafu determined to drink daze's water, and then to compete with the sun. Daze, also known as Hanhai, is a place where birds breed young children and change their feathers. As soon as Kuafu came to daze, he didn't bend down. He felt dizzy and fell down like a mountain.

Kuafu looked at the sinking sun with regret, sighed, threw his walking stick to the sun, closed his eyes and died. The next morning, the sun was rising in the East, and when he saw Kuafu, who was decadent and turned into a mountain, he could not help admiring his courage. Strange to say, Kuafu's walking stick turned into a peach forest with huge fruits in the sunlight.

Kuafu's pursuit of the sun is a kind of fearless spirit. Although it is unrealistic, it also shows the simplicity of people's mind and thinking in primitive society.

Version 2

In ancient times, there was a giant in the North named Kuafu. He had two yellow snakes in his ears and two yellow snakes in his hands. He lived on a desolate mountain.

Kua Fu was born to explore. One day, he suddenly had an idea to see what the sun looked like. He opened his legs and ran like a gust of wind. In the blink of an eye, he ran for hundreds of miles.

Kua Fu was too much of himself to catch up with the sun until Yu Gu. This is the place where the sun sets. The setting sun is like a ball of fire, which makes Kuafu's mouth dry. He was so thirsty that he ran to the Yellow River to drink. The water in the Yellow River was not enough, so he rushed to the Wei River. The water of Weihe River is dry, but it still doesn't quench thirst. He went to the Great Lakes in the north. I didn't have time to get to daze, so I was thirsty on the way.

When Kuafu died, he lost his crutch. The place where the crutch fell became a peach forest. Kuafu's body became a big mountain, called Kuafu mountain. Taolin and kuafushan are all in today's Lingbao City. Lingbao City was called Taolin County in ancient times. From the west of Hanguguan to Huayin, the peach forest was flourishing in 300 Li. Kuafu mountain is between linghuyu and Chiyu in the southeast of Yangping Town, Lingbao City.

Version 3

In ancient times, in the north of China, there was a majestic zaitan mountain in Chengdu, on which lived a giant clan called Kuafu clan. The leader of Kuafu clan is called Kuafu. He is extremely tall, powerful, strong willed and has extraordinary spirit. At that time, the world was desolate and backward, poisonous snakes and beasts were rampant, and people's life was miserable. Kuafu led the people to fight with the flood and beasts every day in order that the people of his tribe could live. Kuafu often catches the ferocious yellow snake to hang on own two ears as the decoration, takes pride in.

One year, it was a severe drought. The burning sun scorched the crops on the ground and dried the water in the river. People are too hot to live. Kuafu saw this situation, he set up his ambition, vowed to catch the sun, let it obey people's orders, better serve everyone.

One day, just as the sun rose from the sea, Kuafu started his daily journey from the east coast. The sun is spinning fast in the air, Kuafu is chasing like the wind on the ground. Kuafu kept chasing after him. When he was hungry, he picked a wild fruit to satisfy his hunger. When he was thirsty, he drank water to quench his thirst. When he was tired, he just took a nap. He has been encouraging himself: soon, to catch up with the sun, people's lives will be happy.

After nine days and nine nights, he was getting closer to the sun. The red and hot sun was on his head. Kuafu crossed mountains and rivers, and finally he was about to catch up with the sun in Yugu. At this time, Kuafu was very excited. But just when he reached out to catch the sun, he was so excited that he was haggard. Suddenly, Kuafu felt dizzy and fainted. When he woke up, the sun had long gone.

Kua Fu is still undaunted. He musters all his strength and is ready to start again. However, the closer he is to the sun, the stronger the sunlight is. Kuafu is more and more anxious. He feels that all the water in his body has been evaporated. The most urgent thing is that he needs to drink a lot of water. So Kua Fu stood up and went to the south-east side of the Yellow River. He fell down and drank the water from the Yellow River. When the water from the Yellow River was drained by him, he went to drink the water from the Wei River. Who knows, he did not quench his thirst after drinking the Weihe River. So he planned to go north to drink daze's water. However, Kuafu was too tired and thirsty. When he got to the middle of the way, his body could no longer support him, and he slowly fell down and died.

Ancient records

Shanhaijing: Overseas Beijing

Kuafu and the sun go away and enter the sun. Thirsty, want to drink, drink in the river, Wei; river, Wei insufficient, North drink daze. Before he arrived, Tao died of thirst. He abandoned his staff and turned into Deng Lin.

Kua Fu ran with the sun until the sun set. He felt thirsty and wanted to drink water, so he went to the Yellow River and Weihe River to drink. There was not enough water in the Yellow River and Weihe River, so they went to Daze Lake in the north to drink. Before I got to Daze lake, I was thirsty. His abandoned walking stick turned into a peach forest.

Shanhaijing, dahuangdong Jing

In the northeast corner of the great wilderness, there is a mountain called fierce plough mound. Ying Long is in the South Pole. He kills Chi you and Kua Fu, and can't go back. Therefore, the next few drought, drought and for the shape of the dragon, but the heavy rain.

On the northeast corner of the great wilderness, there is a mountain called xiongli tuqiu mountain. Yinglong lives at the southernmost end of the mountain. Because he killed Chiyou and Kuafu, he can't go back to the sky. Because there is no Yinglong in the sky, there is often drought in the lower world. In case of drought, people in the lower world dress up as Yinglong to ask for rain, and then they get heavy rain.

Shanhaijing dahuangbei Jing

In the wilderness, there is a mountain named zaitan in Chengdu. Some people took two yellow snakes and named them Kuafu. Later earth gave birth to faith, and faith gave birth to Kuafu. Kua Fu was not able to catch up with the sun. He caught him in Yugu.

If you can't drink enough, you will go to daze. If you don't come, you will die here. Yinglong killed Chiyou and Kuafu, but he went to the south, so it was rainy in the south.

In the wilderness of the north, there is a mountain named Chengdu zaitan. There was a man on the mountain, wearing two yellow snakes in his ears and holding two yellow snakes in his hands. His name was Kuafu. Later earth gave birth to faith, and faith gave birth to Kuafu. Kuafu tried to chase the shadow of the sun, and caught up with him in Yugu. I'm going to drink water from the Yellow River, but the water from the Yellow River is not enough. I'm going to daze, and I'm dying of thirst before I get there. Ying long had killed Chi you and Kua Fu, so he went to live in the south, so there was more rain in the south.

Shanhaijing Zhongshan Jing

Another 90 Li to the west, it is called Kuafu's mountain. Its wood is rich in bamboo and arrow, its animals are rich in cattle and sheep, its birds are rich in bird, its Yang is rich in jade, and its Yin is rich in iron. In the north, there is Lin Yan, named Taolin, who is a member of Guangyuan for 300 Li. The lake water flows out of Yan, and flows northward into the river, among which there are many jades.

There is a mountain named Kuafu mountain 90 miles west of Changji mountain. Most of the trees growing on it are palm trees, Phoebe and bamboos. The animals in the mountain are mainly cattle and sheep, and the birds are mainly Caragana. There are a lot of jade in the south foot of the mountain, and a lot of iron ore in the north slope. There is a forest in the north of the mountain, named Taolin, which is 300 Li in radius. There are many horses in the forest. The lake flows out of the mountain and then northward into the Yellow River. There are many jades in it.

Liezi Tang Wen

Kua Fu was not able to catch up with the shadow of the sun. He was driven to the corner of the valley. Thirst to drink, go to drink River, Wei. River, Wei insufficient, will go north to drink daze. Before he arrived, Tao died of thirst. He abandoned his staff and soaked his corpse with ointment and meat, and gave birth to Deng Lin. Deng Lin is thousands of miles away.

Kua Fu is too much for himself to catch up with the sun until it sets. He is thirsty and wants to drink water. He goes to the Yellow River and the Wei River to drink water. There was not enough water in the Yellow River and Weihe River. Kuafu went north to drink water from the Great Lakes. He died of thirst on the way to the great lake. His discarded walking stick, moistened by the flesh and blood of his body, turned into a peach forest. Taolin is thousands of miles in diameter.
