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The Suiren family is a member of the Suiming Kingdom, with the surname of Feng and the name of Yunluo. The Huaxia people are one of the five families. Suiren, who drilled wood to make fire, became the inventor of artificial fire in ancient China, taught people cooked food, ended the history of ancient human beings drinking blood and hair, created Chinese fire civilization, and was regarded as the "ancestor of fire" by later generations. In addition to "Three Emperors and five emperors" in Shangshu Dazhuan and other works, he was listed as the first of the three emperors, honored as "emperor" and honored as "Suihuang". In Taoist literature, Suiren is called "renhuang": the emperor born Dihuang, and Dihuang born renhuang. Fuxi, Shennong and other five emperors are their descendants. Suiren, the son of Youchao, was born to Fuxi and Nuwa. He is the grandfather of Mi Fei and nu Deng (ren SI).

According to the Chinese history table and the chronology of three emperors and five emperors, the first year of Suihuang was 4464 B.C., and Suiren's reign lasted for 110 years, so it can be inferred that his reign was 4464-4354 B.C., and 6482-6372 B.C. According to the records of Chinese history, the Suiren family lived in the middle and late Paleolithic period, which initiated the prehistoric fire civilization. Suiren's capital was established in Shangqiu, Henan Province in the early stage, and later moved to nanzhuangtou site in Baoding, Hebei Province. Therefore, Shangqiu is known as the birthplace of Chinese fire culture and awarded the title of "hometown of Chinese fire culture" by China Federation of literary and art circles. After his death, Suiren was buried in Suihuang mausoleum, 3 li southwest of Shangqiu ancient city. There are written records in Chinese civilization that the history of using fire began with the Suiren family, which is the first ancestor of the Chinese nation to discover fire.

Character experience

In ancient times, Shangqiu was called Suiming state, where Suiren family and others recuperated. Suiming state-owned Suimu, qupan Wanqing, clouds out of it. There are birds pecking at flint wood, which can make fire. Suiren's Epiphany, so he broke down the branch to make a fire. Therefore, Shangqiu is the first place where suirenshi started to make fire artificially.

In the Paleolithic age hundreds of thousands of years ago, China entered the primary stage of primitive society. Primitive man

Hunting for necessities of life with rough stone tools. At that time, people ate the raw meat of animals or the roots or leaves of plants, and wore animal skins or things woven with plants. Use stones as weapons to resist the invasion of wild animals. Because raw food, vulnerable to disease, people's life expectancy is very short. At that time, due to the burning of phosphorus in animal carcasses, the spontaneous combustion of bare coal caused by surface pressure, and the large-scale burning of forests caused by absorbing the heat of the sun under extremely dry conditions, primitive humans could often see the fire light, and sometimes continuous forest fires. But at that time, people did not know fire. They regarded fire as a monster and unknown. They walked around fire and lived away from it.

With the increasing population, a wise man finally appeared in Shangqiu. The reason why he is called a wise man is that he has behaviors beyond ordinary people. When others walk around the fire, they will go where there is fire. When others avoid fire, they often live where there is fire. When others pick up small animals that are killed by fire, they always throw them away. When they find small animals that are killed by fire, they always tear some meat and put it in the mouth to taste. Through long experience, he found the magic of fire. When it's cold, people are more comfortable when they are near the fire or in the sun. When eating cooked animal meat, it has less bad smell than raw animal meat, and has better taste and comfortable stomach. So he called on the people around him to put the captured animals or plant roots on the fire and roast them, so that human beings gradually overcome the habit of eating raw. He led the people around him to get close to the place with fire or bask in the sun when it was cold, so that human beings found a way to resist the cold.

The wise know fire and its wide use. But the fire in nature is not everywhere. It exists at any time. No matter how big the forest fire is, it will go out. In order to make human beings find and use fire everywhere and at all times, the wise men began to explore the method of making fire by hand. After thousands of experiments, they finally found two methods: drilling wood to make fire and lighting stone to strike fire, so that the ancestors of the Chinese nation mastered the technology of using fire and making fire. Because most of the wood used for making fire is flint wood, so people regard the inventor of artificial fire technology as "flint", which is called "flint man's family". Ancient people believed in Sui, followed Sui, and soon formed an ancient human clan headed by Sui, which was called "Suiming kingdom" by later generations.

The Chinese nation has a long tradition of worshiping the "ancestor". The discoverers of fire and those who teach people to use fire technology respect them as "Suihuang" and "Huoshen" or "huozu".

Main achievements

Manual ignition

The phenomenon of fire has existed in nature for a long time. When volcanoes erupt, there is fire; when thunder and lightning strike, there is fire in the woods. But primitive people began to see the fire, not use, but scared to death. Later, I occasionally picked up a wild animal that was burned to death by fire. It tasted delicious. After many experiments, people gradually learn to use fire to eat, and try to save the fire so that it can not be extinguished all the year round. The earliest primitive people didn't know that by using fire, everything was eaten raw, not even the fruits of plants. Even the wild animals were eaten raw, even with hair and blood. Later, fire was invented.

Artificial fire is a great invention. Since then, people have been able to eat cooked food at any time, and the variety of food has increased. It is said that Suiren also taught people to fish. It turns out that things like fish, turtles, mussels and clams, which are raw and have a fishy smell, can't be eaten. With the method of making fire, they can be cooked and eaten. With fire, human beings began to live cooked food, which caused a great change in physiology and completely separated human beings from animals. With the application of fire, human beings began to use nature to conquer nature, thus enriching human food, further developing the organic structure of human body, complicating the brain structure and bringing intelligence into play. In Han Feizi's five beetles, it is said that "there is a work made by a sage, who drills a flint to make fire, so as to melt the smell of fishiness, and the people are happy with it, making the king the world, and the name is Suiren." [6]

Knot a rope

About 30000 years ago, Sui Renshi invented the rope rubbing technology, created "knot rope to record events", named animals, established a platform for preaching and trading. At that time, there were no words, and many things in life were all memorized by the brain, but after a long time, some things were often forgotten. Suiren twisted the soft and tough bark into a string, and then arranged dozens of strings to hang in one place, tying knots on it to record events. Big things make a big summary, small things make a small summary, what happens first is on the inside, and what happens later is on the outside. In order to record more things, suirenshi used the natural colors of plants to dye the string into various colors. Each color represents a kind of things, making the things recorded clearer.

Naming of animals

Before Suiren, people called all animals "worms". After careful observation, the animal was divided into four groups: the flying animal in the sky was called "bird", the animal running on the ground was called "beast", and the reptile with feet was called "worm", and the reptile without feet was called "*".

Ten inventions

Suiren left ten important inventions for later generations

"Drilling wood for fire", and then invented "flint for fire".

He began to make the history of the great mountain, and observed the astronomical phenomena at the top of Kunlun mountain. He named the mountains and rivers after tomorrow road. Suirenshi observed the stars and offered sacrifices to heaven in Kunlun Mountain and found the "way of heaven". Inspired by the way of heaven, Sui Renshi began to name all the things in the mountains and rivers, and there was a "tunnel". The virtue of heaven and earth breeds all things, and man is the God of all things. Suiren's surname was named after Feng, which restricted the marriage and mating of human and made a strict distinction between human and beast. This is the early human ethics, that is, "humanity.". From the way of heaven to the way of tunnel, from the way of heaven and earth to the way of humanity, this is the view of the way of heaven that "two lives, three lives, three lives all things". Heaven, earth and man begin with anonymity and become famous. Famous people are enlightened and civilized.

Take the right pivot tianb (a star in the constellation Draconis) as the Polaris.

The "clan totem emblem system" was founded. The surname was Feng and the surname was Hao. About 26000 years ago, cherren's Vega (Lyra a) was Polaris.

Invention of the sun calendar made of Sasaki.

He invented "Hetu", "Luoshu" (koyoyelao created "Hetu", konoyelau created "Luoshu") and astrological calendar to create early human symbols. (Note: some of them are the works of Tuogu, and not all of them were invented by him. Some of them were created to respect him.)

Invention of "Tao Wen" and creation of "ten days dry".

The establishment of eight rope standard guibiao calendar.

The discovery of Tiangang, Tianji, Taiji seal and Taiji vortex cosmic biochemical model.

Summarize the great discoveries of the way of heaven and establish ancient civilization.

Historical status

Suiren's invention of artificial fire ended the history of ancient human beings drinking blood and created a new era of Chinese civilization. He was honored as Suihuang and the "ancestor of fire". The invention of fire made human beings have the warmth that can be created, provided weapons and conditions for the gathering of ancient human beings, and provided the root for the generation of human social thought. The invention of fire created the gestation period of Chinese culture.

fields of operation

"Taiping Yulan" volume 869 quoted the "corpse" as saying: "the Suiren go up to watch Chenxing (that is, Xinsu), and down to observe Wumu, thinking that fire is also." What is the corresponding place of the Chenxing in Suiren's view? "Zuozhuan · Zhaogong seventeen years" said: "if the fire, the four countries should be, in the Song Wei Chen Zheng Hu. Song Dynasty, the ruins of Dachen; Chen, the ruins of Taifu; Zheng, the ruins of zhurong. It's all fire. " The meaning is very clear. Dachen is a big fire. Shangqiu, the capital of the state of song, is the division of dachenxing. It can be seen that the location of Suiren's view of Chenxing should be in Shangqiu (now Suiyang, Shangqiu) of the state of song. [7]

Mr. Wang Dayou, a famous historical and cultural scholar, said in his article on the culture of three emperors and Five Emperors: "Shangqiu is located between 34 ° 23 'and 24' north latitude, which is the ancient navel line, which determines that this place has geographical advantages that other places do not have. The Suiren family established the first capital of China in tangguyanggu in the suishui valley of ancient Shangqiu. " Therefore, "suishui in Shangqiu is the birthplace of suirenshi in the East and the capital of Suiming state.".

According to the research of experts, Suiyang was the central capital of Qushui and suishui River Valley when Suiren was the emperor. The areas under its jurisdiction include today's eastern Henan, Southwest Shandong, northwest Jiangsu and Northwest Anhui. According to the research of other experts, the suirenshi's activity area is very large. From the northwest to the Central Plains, there are suirenshi's footprints. Rezet is one of its main activity areas. Huangfumi wrote in the emperor's century: "in the world of Suiren, there are traces of giants from Leize.". "Zhou Li" notes: "Lei Ze in Chengyang.". "Historical records of the Five Emperors" said: "Shun farming Li mountain, fishing Lei Ze." "Geography records of the Han Dynasty" states: "Jiyang County, Chengyang County, Leize in the northwest." Juancheng and Heze of Shandong Province, which belong to the ancient Leize area, are close to Suiyang, Shangqiu, which was the central capital of suirenshi at that time.

Distribution of descendants

The late Suiren's branches are almost all over China, among which the important families are Huaxu, huxu, Qiuyi, Leize and so on. It is mainly distributed from Dunhuang, Sanwei mountain, Shulehe mountain and Yanzi mountain in the west, to Laji mountain, Riyue mountain, Chengxian County, Lixian County, Kangxian county and Fengxian County in Huangzhong in the south, to Huayang in the south of Qinling Mountain in the west, and to Shandong and Jiangsu in the East.

Suiren's lineal descendants include Feng surname, Yi surname, Yun surname, Yi surname, Yin surname, Ying surname, Zi surname and Luo surname.
