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Chiyou, the chieftain of the Jiuli tribal alliance in ancient times, is also the leader of the cattle totem and bird totem clans. He has 81 brothers (about 81 clans) with extraordinary skills and is good at fighting. Ben and Yandi belong to the same tribe. They left Yandi because of contradictions and developed on their own. It is said that Chiyou had a strange dream and was ordered by heaven to fight against Yanhuang, and defeated Yandi. So Emperor Yan and Emperor Huang united to fight against the enemy. In the end, Chiyou led 81 brothers to reorganize the Allied forces and went north to resist the Yellow Emperor's tribe. They launched a fierce battle in Zhuolu. Yanhuang tribe introduced and independently developed all kinds of copper and iron weapons and made good use of the terrain and weather. Yinglong killed Chiyou. Finally, Yanhuang tribe defeated Chiyou again and integrated the people. From then on, the glorious history of Chinese civilization began.

Biography editor

In ancient times, Chiyou led the Jiuli tribe to develop farming, smelt copper and iron, make five soldiers, create all kinds of Arts, create tomorrow's way, and educate people, making outstanding contributions to the formation of early Chinese civilization. In Zhuolu County, Hebei Province, there are some remains of Chiyou tomb, huangdiquan (Hanquan), Chiyou sanzhai, chiyouquan, baguacun, dingchetai, Chiyou xueran mountain, TUTA, shangxiaqiqi, Qiaoshan and so on. It is also said that Chiyou does not refer to a person, but the name of the tribe. Most scholars believe that Chiyou is real, but some historians believe that it is fiction

Character tribe

In the places where Chiyou tribe lived, there are records of settlements (the so-called "city" in later generations), tombs, sacrificial temples and other relics. Tracing back these relics, we can find out the activity areas of Chiyou tribe, so as to reveal the clues of its descendants.

The records of Chiyou city can be found in Zhuoshui article in shuijingzhu Volume 13: "Zhuoshui comes out of Zhuolu mountain, which is called zhanggongquan in the world. It flows through Zhuolu County in the northeast, so it is in the south of the city According to the land records of Wei Dynasty, there is Chiyou city six miles southeast of Zhuolu city. The spring does not flow in the abyss, and the rain flows into the spring. He also quoted "Jin Taikang geography records" as saying: "sakizumi is also a place name. Spring water flows northeast, and Chiyou spring will, water out of Chiyou City, the city has no East. Therefore, Zhuolu is now located in Zhuolu County, Hebei Province. Zhuoshui remains to be tested. Chiyouquan is in today's Zhuolu county. Osaka spring is located in Yanqing County, Beijing. Xinhua County has Chiyou Wuchang and so on. In particular, it can be used as an animal or a post, also known as the sakizumi family. It is said that he is a descendant of Emperor Yan. The surname is Jiang. For the most ferocious of the princes, he began to use gold (copper) to make all kinds of weapons. He fought with the Yellow Emperor in Zhuolu (now Southeast of Zhuolu, Hebei Province), and was defeated and killed. In other words, he was the king of Jiuli in SHAOHAO's time. The battle of Zhuolu was killed by the Yellow Emperor. It was buried in two places, one in Wenshang, Jining, Shandong Province, and the other in Juye, Shandong Province.


The ninth volume of Chuxueji quoted guicang Qishi as saying: "Chiyou comes from amniotic fluid, with eight arms and eight toes. He ascends Jiunao to cut down kongsang, and the Yellow Emperor kills it in Qingqiu.". Later, the Dragon Fish River map (quoted in volume 78 of Taiping Yulan) said: "there are 81 Chiyou brothers, and they have animal body, human language, bronze head, iron forehead, eating sand and stone". The book of Shuyi said: "Chiyou eats iron and stone", "human body has ox hoof, four eyes and six hands, ears and temples are like swords and halberds, and head has horns". The two horned ox head is also a dragon in the traditional dragon culture. It is said that the dragon is a horse faced ox head. Similarly, Gonggong legend is that the northern water god is a kind of water dragon. As the saying goes, "the Chiyou brothers are 80 people" (Longyu River map) or 72 people (Shuyi Ji), then the Chiyou of God is like a giant tribe on earth.

And "Huanglan · tomb records" says: "Chiyou tomb, in Taiqian County, Puyang County, Henan Province, in the city of Kaixiang Township, Shouzhang County, Dongping county (today's shiwuliyuan Town, Yanggu County, Shandong Province), is seven Zhang high and is often worshipped in October. There are red Qi, such as a piece of red silk, the people's name is Chiyou banner. Shoulder spleen grave, reunion in Juye County, Shanyang, the size of the tomb and so on. It is rumored that the Yellow Emperor and Chiyou fought in the field of Zhuolu. The Yellow Emperor killed them in different places, so they were not buried. It is also rumored that the fact that the Yellow Emperor killed Chiyou was that Chiyou (a Shandong native) would sacrifice his life to wear Chiyou's clothes at the place where Chiyou was seriously injured (near liushuzhuang) and commit suicide by hitting a cliff. He pursued his troops to Chiyou and identified his clothes as Chiyou. Zhenchiyou was buried in Fanshan Town, Zhuolu. "

"Fengchan book" records that Qi worshiped eight gods, "three said soldiers, worshipped Chiyou.". Chiyou eventually entered history as the God of war.

Legend of characters

Chiyou is the chieftain of Jiuli tribe in ancient times. In Chinese mythology, he is the God of war!

It is said that Chiyou fought against Emperor Yan and defeated him later. So Emperor Yan and Emperor Huang united to fight against Chiyou. Chiyou led 81 brothers to fight with the Yellow Emperor in Zhuolu, and was defeated by Yanhuang tribe.

It is said that Chiyou has eight feet, three heads and six arms, a bronze head and iron forehead, and is invulnerable. He is good at fighting with swords, axes and swords. He never dies and is extremely brave. The Yellow Emperor can't fight against the enemy. Please help him to break it. It's a river of blood. Chiyou was killed by the Yellow Emperor. The emperor cut off his head and buried it. His head was turned into blood maple forest. Later, the Yellow Emperor respected Chiyou as the "warlord", the God of war. The Yellow Emperor painted his image on the military flag to encourage his troops to fight bravely, but he was originally a subordinate of Yan Emperor. Because Yan Emperor didn't think highly of him, he separated from Yan Emperor and formed his own tribe.

In Chinese history, there are abundant records of Chiyou legend in ancient books since the spring and Autumn period, but there are often contradictions. According to these records, Chiyou was the leader of Jiuli tribe in ancient times. According to yizhoushu and Yantielun, scholars speculate that Chiyou belonged to the clan group of Taihao and SHAOHAO. Chiyou has eighty-one brothers (probably eighty-one tribes, seventy-two in a word), who are brave, good at fighting and powerful.

It is said that Chiyou, with a face like an ox's head and wings on his back, is the leader of the cattle totem and bird totem clan. He had eighty-one brothers, all of whom had bronze heads and iron forehead, eight arms and nine toes, all of whom had extraordinary abilities.

In ancient books, Chiyou is most mentioned in the fierce battle with the tribal alliance headed by the Yellow Emperor. There are three specific situations. The first theory can be seen in the historical records of the five emperors, that is, after the Yellow Emperor defeated the Yan Emperor in the battle of Hanquan, Chiyou was in chaos, and the Yellow Emperor defeated Chiyou in the battle of Zhuolu, thus consolidating the position of the son of heaven.

The second theory can be found in yizhoushu tasting wheat, that is, Chiyou expelled CHIDI (Yandi), CHIDI sued Huangdi, and the two emperors killed Chiyou in Zhongji;

The third theory can be seen in Shanhaijing dahuangbei Jing, that is, Chiyou fought against the Yellow Emperor, and the Yellow Emperor ordered Yinglong to fight. The two sides fought in the field of Jizhou, and Chiyou was defeated and killed.

There is no doubt that Chiyou and the Yellow Emperor fought against each other, though there are some differences. The war process is more tortuous and full of myth. Chiyou is good at fighting, "making five weapons, changing clouds and fog", "making fog for three days", Yellow Emperor "nine battles and nine victories" and "three years city". "Dragon Fish River map" records that the Yellow Emperor "defeated" Chi you, "but looked up to the sky and sighed, heaven sent Xuannu to teach the Yellow Emperor soldiers to believe in the talisman", that is, relying on the power of the goddess "Xuannu" to win. It is said that with the help of the guide made by the queen of the wind, the Yellow Emperor's chariot discerned the direction in the fog and won the victory.

Chiyou's ending is said to be defeated and killed, or submit to the Yellow Emperor and take charge of military affairs! Later, the world was in chaos again. The Yellow Emperor painted the image of Chiyou to deter the world. The world thought that Chiyou was immortal and lived in the Yellow Emperor's shogunate, so "all nations in all directions were conquered.".

The battle between Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor and Chiyou is an extremely important event in the age of Chinese legend. After the victory of the Yellow Emperor, he unified the Central Plains and became the Chinese orthodoxy.

Cultural area

1. Han nationality

Although Chiyou has a negative image in Confucian classics, there is a tradition of worshiping Chiyou in myths and legends. Hebei and Shanxi in North China have a lot of worshiping activities. For example, Ren Fang's shuyizhi in the Southern Dynasty recorded that Jizhou (today's Hebei) had the musical name of Chiyou opera, where people wore ox horns to offset each other; in villages in Taiyuan, people sacrificed Chiyou God.

It is said that Chiyou was defeated in the war and had a different head. There are many tombs, namely "Chiyou tomb", and there are also people's sacrifices. Juye County of Shandong Province also invested in the reconstruction of Chiyou tomb and the construction of "Chiyou square" in 2001.

According to the fact that Chiyou was the sixth Prime Minister of the Yellow Emperor and was in charge of heaven, it became a kind of astrological name, known as "Chiyou banner". According to the description of Lu's spring and Autumn Annals, historical records, Sui Shu and other documents, Chiyou banner should refer to a comet, which is a sign of war.

2. Miao nationality area

Since ancient times, the Miao people have worshipped Chiyou as their ancestor and echoed Chinese myths and legends. There is a legend of "gechiyelao" in Miao's Sichuan Guizhou Yunnan dialect area. "Gechiyelao" is also translated into "gechiyoulao" (Miao Dialect: GID chiB yeul laol), which means grandfather and old man, and "Yelao" means hero,

"Ge Chi Ye Lao" does not mean "Chi You".

Famous Battles 

Since there is no written record of Chinese history in the primitive society, Chinese historical books and records since the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period and even today can only be traced back to the Neolithic Age 5000 years ago and the Yellow Emperor Period of patriarchal clan commune stage according to historical legends. In the initial period, Chiyou was worshipped by the God of war in the past dynasties. However, in the official orthodox history, Chiyou was obliterated. He always regarded the Yellow Emperor and the Yan Emperor as the ancestor and the first king of the Chinese nation.

At the end of the primitive society, in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River in China, there were many primitive people in ancient times. After generations of survival and reproduction, through hard work, they gradually formed a tribal alliance more than 5000 years ago. This tribal alliance is called "Jiuli", with Chiyou as its leader. "Guoyu · Mengyu" notes that: "Jiuli, Chiyou's disciples. It is said that Chiyou is the king of Jiuli in the annotations of Shu Lu Xing Shi Wen, Lu Shi Chun Qiu Dang Bing and Zhan Guo CE Qin. With the help of their superior geographical conditions, they constantly worked hard to develop, so as to continuously improve their productivity, continuously develop their social economy, and become a powerful tribe in the East. Fan Wenlan, a famous historian, wrote: the legendary ancient Chinese residents, "the people who live in the south are called" barbarians. ". Among them, the Jiuli nationality first entered the central region. Jiuli should be the alliance of nine tribes, and each tribe contains nine brother clans, a total of 81 brother clans. Chiyou is the leader of the Jiuli nationality, with 81 brothers, namely 81 clan chiefs It's a powerful tribe with fierce beasts as its totem There was a long-term tribal conflict between Yandi and Jiuli. Jiuli people expelled Yandi people until Zhuolu. Later, the Yandi nationality, together with the Huangdi nationality and the Jiuli nationality, launched an unprecedented tribal war in Zhuolu at the end of the primitive society - Zhuolu war. In the early days of the war, because of the lack of troops and the unaccustomed and unaccustomed to the terrain and climate, the Yellow Emperor "won nine battles with Chiyou"; later, the Yellow Emperor created a guide car to identify the direction, and greatly increased their strength, so that they turned defeat into victory. In the end, the two sides fought a decisive battle in Zhuolu, Jiuli was defeated, and its leader Chiyou was also captured and killed.

After the defeat of Jiuli, its power declined greatly. In the period of Yao, Shun and Yu, they formed a new tribal alliance. This is the "three Miao" in the history books. The development of the three Miao tribal groups finally formed the tribal emirate.

According to the records of "Chiyou punishes the Miao people" in the book of Zhou · Lvxing, "there is the virtue of Miao recovering from Jiuli" in Guoyu · Zhengzhu, "Sanmiao, after Jiuli" and so on, the relationship between "Jiuli" and "Sanmiao" has been shown. According to the book of rites, Yi Shu, Yin Fu Xing, Zheng Zhu, "after Miao and Jiu Li "Sanmiao" and other words directly point out that "Sanmiao" is a descendant of Jiuli. After the Song Dynasty, some people associated Miao man with Sanmiao, such as: "Miao people, the descendants of ancient Sanmiao"; "Miao people, the descendants of Sanmiao"; "Kao Hongmiao pan, according to the boundary of Chu, Shu and Qian provinces, namely, the ancient Sanmiao legacy".

The biography of Xiqiang in the book of the later Han Dynasty says: "the origin of Xiqiang comes from Sanmiao, and the surname of Qiang is different. Its country is near Nanyue. There are four evils of Shun and Liu, three dangers of migration, and Qiang in the west of heguan. " That is to say, the Qiang people are descended from the Sanmiao people, and belong to other branches of the Jiang family. According to historical records, the surname Jiang was the original Jiang nationality in the northwest area, later called Qiang, and then gradually moved south and West. The Qiang people who moved southward, those who came to Sichuan and merged with the local ethnic groups are called Qingqiang. Some of the Qiang people who moved southward, those who came to Sichuan and merged with the local Qing people are called Qingqiang, and some of them moved from Sichuan to Guizhou and Yunnan. Today, the Qiang people in western Guizhou are known as Qiang, but they still call themselves Miao. The origin of the Qiang people in Yunnan is similar to that of the Qiang people in western Guizhou. The public name of the Qiang people is Qiang, and they still call themselves Miao. It can be seen that Qiang is the descendant of Jiuli and Sanmiao, and chiyoudang is the ancestor of Qiang. After the death of Chiyou, the Yellow Emperor and his descendants regarded Chiyou as the "soldier leader" and the "God of war" to respect and remember him. "Lu Shi · Hou Ji Si · biography of Chiyou" says that "the sages of later generations wrote that they were" like respecting Yi people, thinking they were greedy for military forces. " Luo Ping notes: "the God of Chiyou's Tianfu is unusual in shape and type. There are many images of Chiyou in the three generations of Yi ware. It is the army of the corrupt.". "Dragon Fish River map" said: "after the spirit, the world will be disturbed. The Yellow Emperor then painted Chiyou to win the world. It is said that Chiyou will not die in the world, and all the nations in all directions are in the shape of a sword. " It can be seen that after Chiyou was captured and killed in the Jiuli tribal alliance strategy, the Yellow Emperor and his people used the image of Chiyou to intimidate all over the world, thus turning Chiyou into their own patron saint and worshiping and remembering Chiyou.

A considerable number of people have long cherished Chiyou to varying degrees. According to folklore, Chiyou has always been a long cherished historical figure. "The romance of Su's family" says: "Jizhou people call Chiyou God, and folk people often play; during Qi and Wei dynasties, Chiyou God was sacrificed in Taiyuan villages; during Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty, Taiyuan people also set up ancestral temples for Chiyou;. Today, in Zhuolu County, Hebei Province, there are still Chiyou tombs, Chiyou steles, Chiyou ancestral halls, Chiyou temples, etc., which are deeply cherished by the local people.

Main achievements

Chiyou made an important contribution to material civilization. At that time, the Jiuli tribal alliance under the command of Chiyou lived in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River and the Yangtze River. It was a tribe growing up in the face of the Haihe River. It was the most powerful tribal alliance among the three tribal alliances at that time. Material civilization had made great progress. With the help of local geography, climate, water and other favorable conditions, they invented grain planting, which has begun to develop from collecting, fishing and nomadic to agriculture. This is a great progress in history and civilization, and a major contribution to ancient civilization.

World Heritage

In the book of Taiping world · Hedong Road 7, there is an objective description of the county: "Chiyou city is 18 Li south of the county Its city is now destroyed. Therefore, Anyi county is located in Anyi Town, Yuncheng City, Shanxi Province.

The records of the tomb of Chiyou can be found in the record of the tomb of Huanglan: "the tomb of Chiyou, in the town of Kaixiang, Shouzhang County, Dongping, is seven feet high and is often sacrificed in October. There are red Qi, such as a piece of red silk, the people's name is Chiyou banner. Shoulder Bi grave reunited in Juye County of Shanyang County, the size of which is similar to that of Kaizhong. Shouzhang Town, Yanggu County, Shandong Province, was governed by Shouzhang County in Dongping during the Three Kingdoms period. Juye County of Shanyang is now located in Juye County of Shandong Province.

The records of Chiyou temple can be found in the book of Fengchan in historical records. Emperor Qinshihuang's East tour, Fengtai mountain, Zen Liangfu, ritual Temple Qi eight gods. Among the eight gods, "the third is the leader of the army, the temple of Chiyou.". Chiyou is in Lujian township of Dongping, the western border of Qi. Now Dongping County in Shandong Province is the old one. In addition, according to the article of Shouliang (Zhang) County in the eastern County in the geography annals of the Han Dynasty: "Chiyou temple is in the Northwest (Su), and there is a city of Qu". At the time of shouqibing in Dongjun of Han Dynasty, "the ancestral temple of Yellow Emperor Chiyou was in Peiting". Pei county of Qin Dynasty is governed by Pei county of Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province. Peixian east across Weishan Lake and Shandong.

In yizhoushu tasting maijie, there is a saying that "Chiyou was ordered by Yu SHAOHAO". "Yu" here is interpreted as "Bian". In the house, the eaves are the buildings, while in the country, the eaves are the buildings. It means that Chiyou tribe was once arranged to live in the edge of SHAOHAO tribe. At that time, SHAOHAO tribe lived in Qufu. In the second year of Zuo Zhuan, Du Yu Annotated: "SHAOHAO ruins, Qufu is also in the city of Lu.". Chiyou is in the west of SHAOHAO.

"Shuyi Ji · Vol. 1" says: "in Taiyuan villages, there is no need to sacrifice the God Chiyou. "In the Han and Wu dynasties, there was a Chiyou God in Taiyuan Therefore, its custom is "Li Ci". Another record: "today there is a famous Chiyou opera in Jizhou. Its people are twos and threes, and their heads are matched by horns. In the Han Dynasty, Jiaodi opera was made to cover its remains. In the Qin and Han Dynasties, Taiyuan county was set up, belonging to Bingzhou. Jinyang, the first county, was governed in today's Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province. Jizhou in the Han Dynasty was located in the south of Hebei, the south of Shanxi and the north of the Yellow River in Henan Province.

"Hometown of the north" refers to the cold and barren land in the north, which can be seen in Shi Xiaoya Xiangbo and also in yingdashu: "the air of the northern Taiyin is cold and has no soil hair, no vegetation and no place to live in.". It shows that some Chiyou descendants were moved to the north. According to Tao Ketao's the spring and Autumn period of felt village - Xiongnu chapter, Chiyou is the title of Xiongnu in the legendary era. The meat porridge expelled by the Yellow Emperor to the North should be Chiyou. Sima Zhen's Shi Ji Suoyin explains meat porridge: "the name of Xiongnu is also the name of Shangrong in Tang Dynasty. It is also called smoked porridge in Xia Yue Chun Wei, Yin Yue Gui Fang, Zhou Yu Yu Yu, and Han Hun". In the book of Zhou, the first emperor Ji: "emperor taizuwen, Yuwen, taboo Tai, black otter, was born in Wuchuan. It first came from the Shennong family of the Yan Emperor, which was destroyed by the Yellow Emperor, and its descendants lived in shuoye. According to the book of the new Tang Dynasty, the prime minister's genealogy table, Yuwen's family comes from the Hun's Nan Danyu.

In ancient times, there was Qiu you state, which was destroyed by Zhibo of Jin State in 457 BC. In the biography of chulizi in historical records, it is recorded that "Zhibo attacked Qiu you and left guangche behind. Because of the consequent use of soldiers, Qiu still died.". Today, there is the ruins of Chouyou state in the northeast of Yuxian County, Shanxi Province. Qiu you is close to Chiyou, and his kingdom may be built by Chiyou descendants.

Emperor Century records that Emperor Yan's Shennong family was buried in Changsha Tea Town. The tea town is now Chaling County, Hunan Province, on the west side of the Luoxiao mountains on the border of Hunan and Jiangxi. Ancient Sanmiao also lived between Hunan and Jiangxi. According to the biography of Wu Qi in historical records, "the residence of Sanmiao in the past, left Dongting, right Pengli.". Dongting is Dongting Lake and Pengli is Poyang Lake. Therefore, it is very likely that Sanmiao is a group of nomadic farming tribes developed from the descendants of Shennong or Chiyou.

The beginning of "Sanmiao" is Zaiji, which includes "Shangshu · Yushu": "running through Sanmiao in Sanwei". Kong yingdashu: "Sanmiao, the name of the country, after Jinyun.". This so-called "national name" is actually a tribal name. Jinyun clan is a clan name in the Yellow Emperor tribe, which later developed into a tribe name. "Justice in historical records" case: "the Yellow Emperor had Xiong Guojun, named Xiong, Jinyun, Dihong and Dixuan. It directly refers to Jinyun as the Yellow Emperor. According to the collection of historical records, the Yellow Emperor was also named Xuanyuan. "Jinyun, the official name of the Yellow Emperor", was annotated by Du Yu in the 18th year of Zuozhuan. This so-called "official name" actually refers to the name of the Yellow Emperor tribe. "Zuozhuan · Zhao seventeen years" records: "in the past, the Yellow Emperor's family was named after Yunji, so it was named after Yunshi.". That is to say, the name of the military establishment (Yunshi) of the tribe with the clan as the unit and the name of the tribe's public office (Yunming) held by the clan.

"Shiji Ji Ji Jie" quoted Ying Shao as saying: "the Yellow Emperor was ordered to have Yunrui, so it is necessary to record events with Yunrui. The spring official is Qingyun, the summer official is Jinyun, the autumn official is Baiyun, the winter official is black cloud, and the middle official is HuangYun. List the official names of spring, summer, autumn and winter, such as Zhou Li, spring official Zongbo in charge of sacrificial rites and music, Xia official Sima in charge of administration and military affairs, autumn court in charge of criminal law and ban, winter court in charge of air traffic control project construction. This kind of official name of taking cloud as the official name of the tribe was held by each clan in the early Yellow Emperor's tribe. After the Yellow Emperor became the leader of the tribal alliance, the official name of the tribal alliance held by each tribe, as recorded in Guanzi · five elements, was called "then" (Tianguan), "Chi" (diguan), "Tu Shi" (chunguan), "situ" (Xiaguan), "Shi" (Xiaguan)“ Sima (autumn official) and Li (winter official). Today, there is Jinyun County in Zhejiang Province, where there is Jinyun Mountain. It is said that it is the place where the Yellow Emperor visited the immortals.

Guangyun interprets "channeling" as "releasing", which means exile. "Three dangers", Kong Anguo said: "the mountain of Hispanics", refers to the remote place. There are "three dangerous mountains" in Shanhaijing xishanjing, and Guo Pu notes: "now in Dunhuang county". In the Han Dynasty, Dunhuang county was established, and now Dunhuang City in Gansu Province was ruled. There are Sanwei mountains in the northeast of Dunhuang City, and now it is called Sanwei town. "Historical records of the Five Emperors" records: "the number of Sanmiao in Jianghuai and Jingzhou is chaotic. So Shun GUI said to the emperor, please He moved three Miao to three perils to become Xirong. "Rong" originally refers to the valley in the mountains, and it is used to refer to the people, that is, the people living in the valley in the mountains. Today, the so-called "mountain people" are also. Xirong is the people of Xifang mountain.

Chiyou is the name of a farming tribe which was active in Shanxi, Hebei and Western Shandong at the end of the primitive society of China. Chiyou tribe is the descendant of Shennong clan, belonging to Yandi tribe alliance. It is said that Chiyou tribe is good at smelting metals and making weapons. The battle between Chiyou tribe and Huangdi tribe failed. According to Guanzi, Chiyou tribe joined the tribal alliance headed by the Yellow Emperor and held important public office. According to shiyiji, Zou's and Tu's are the surnames that can be found among their descendants.

From the description of the legends of Chiyou and Sanmiao, we can see that there was a large-scale stirring movement among tribes in the end of primitive society in China, which was composed of gathering, fighting, integration and migration. This stirring movement has resulted in the inseparable situation of some of China in the stage of origin and formation.
