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The establishment of matriarchal clan commune

Consanguineous marriage was gradually restricted and clans gradually formed. The matriarchal clan commune, the first period of the clan system in the new stage, was completely established.

At that time, a matriarchal clan commune had a common female ancestor. As all members can only confirm their own biological mother, adult women have become the main body of determining the lineage of their own clan generation by generation. Adult men disperse to other clans to seek spouses and practice group marriage. Within each clan commune, there was an unstable division of labor according to gender and age. Young men are responsible for hunting, fishing, protecting collective safety and other tasks that require great physical strength. However, the heavy tasks of collecting food, guarding residential areas, barbecue food, sewing clothes, providing for the aged and raising children fall on women's shoulders. They are the leaders of the primitive Communist economy of the clan commune, and they play a leading role in determining the consanguinity of the clan, which is the characteristic of the formation of matriarchal clan commune.

Such a social structure was adapted to the extremely low level of productivity development at that time, so it was popular in the cultural development stage of the late Paleolithic age. Sites like Zhiyu and shandingdong reflect the development of matriarchal communes at that time.
