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Ancient primitive people

 Ancient type

By about two or three hundred thousand years ago, the human constitution had further developed. Although the primitive physical characteristics left over from the ape man did not completely disappear, there was significant progress and gradually approached the modern man. This is the "ancients" stage, also known as early Homo sapiens, which is equivalent to the Middle Paleolithic period in archaeology.

There are many ancient relics found in China, including Dali people, MABA people, Dingcun people, Xujiayao people and so on.

Dali man was discovered on the cliff of tianshuigou in Dali County, Shaanxi Province in 1978. There is a fairly complete skull fossil. It is an individual of young and middle-aged men and a representative of the transition form from ape man to ancient man.

MABA people were discovered in the cave of MABA dyke in Shaoguan, Guangdong Province in 1958. The skull fossil belongs to the middle-aged male individual, and has some characteristics of ape man in morphology. It is the earliest type of the ancients.

Dingcun people were first discovered in 1954 in Dingcun, Xiangfen, Shanxi Province. There are three teeth fossils belonging to a 12-year-old child. In 1976, a fossil of the posterior upper part of the right parietal bone belonging to a two-year-old infant was found at the same site. Dingcun people lived about 100000 years ago, which is an intermediate link between Peking man and modern Mongolian.

Xujiayao people were discovered on a cliff near Xujiayao village, Yanggao County, Shanxi Province from 1976 to 1977. There are about ten individuals of different ages. It not only has certain primitiveness, but also has the characteristics close to modern people. It was about 100000 years ago.

In addition, there are many Middle Paleolithic sites belonging to the ancient stage.
