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Did Xia Dynasty perish from natural disaster or man-made disaster? Why did an earthquake destroy Xia Dynasty?

As we all know, the first dynasty recorded in the official history of our country is the Xia Dynasty, about 2070 BC. Dayu, who made great contributions to the common people in the world, gained the position of tribal leader. After his death, his son Xia Qi took over the position of leader, and the family replaced the abdication system, so the Xia Dynasty was established.

If you count Dayu, the Xia Dynasty has passed on for 14 generations and experienced 17 kings. It has existed for 471 years, or 432 years. No matter how many years it existed, in short, when the last king of Xia Dynasty was Jie, the Xia Dynasty was subjugated and replaced by the powerful Shang Dynasty.

On the subjugation of Xia Dynasty. According to historical records, during the reign of King Jie of Xia, he was extravagant, spoiled his sister, ignored the government, abused the people's power, engaged in large-scale construction, did not regard the people as people, and frequently attacked the surrounding countries. "Jie didn't care about morality, but he hurt the common people. The common people were very sad." the Bamboo Annals says, "Jie built Qing palace, decorated Yaotai, made qiongshi and produced Yumen."

In the end, not only the tribal countries also hated Jie, but people also rose up and resisted one after another. Just when the Xia Dynasty was in danger, Xia Jie said: "there is a sun in the sky, just like I rule all the people. Is there a time when the sun will perish? I will perish when the sun perishes!"

As a result, people responded, "sun, when you will perish, I will perish with you." We can imagine how much we hate Xia Wang Jie. In a word, the Xia Dynasty died in the hands of this tyrant.

Of course, this argument is not unreasonable. To a certain extent, the decline of the country has something to do with the king. However, the rise and fall of the country depends on the monarch. A wise monarch makes the country prosperous, and the decline of the country must be due to the monarch's fatuity or brutality. This view of history obviously ignores the external factors, science and technology, the environment, the comprehensive national strength of the country, the operation mode of the regime and other factors.

In fact, the fall of Xia Dynasty was a combination of many factors. The tyranny of Xia Wang Jie was only a factor, in addition, the political system and mode was a factor. The Xia Dynasty is not a dynasty in a strict sense. It is a kind of alliance, and the control of the central government over the other country is very weak. After Fang was powerful, he could rise up at any time to overthrow the Xia Dynasty, and Shang was an example.

Of course, the Xia Dynasty's subjugation has a point that we can easily ignore, that is, natural disasters and environment. According to the historical records of Bamboo Annals, in about 1572 BC, in the tenth year of the reign of King Jie of Xia Dynasty, a rare astronomical phenomenon appeared in East Asia, which was recorded as "five stars staggered, in the night, meteorites such as rain, earthquake, yiluojie.".

For this matter, "the emperor's century" also recorded: "Jie licentious, disaster and see, two days fight shot, photo to move place, five stars wrong line, yiluojie, comet out, ghost cry in the country, Tang cut." "Lu Shi" notes: "the" sun and moon five star map "cloud, Jie last year, two days and fight, five stars crisscross, waste arrow flow, fire god see."

All kinds of signs show that one night in the 10th year of Xia Wang Jie, five planets appeared in the sky at the same time. This astronomical phenomenon is also known as "five stars in a row". Five star beads are not very rare. They appear about once every ten years. Meteorites, such as meteor shower, are not very rare. They also occur every ten or several decades.

However, it is rare that five-star continuous beads and meteor shower appear at the same time, which is the key. What is more important is that there was an earthquake at the same time, "earthquake, yiluojie". According to the present science, it can be inferred that the probability of earthquake in that year is very high. Because since 110000 years ago, there are many active periods in more than 300 paleoseismic data. One of them is the Xia Dynasty, which is also an active period. The Xia Dynasty is composed of 24 ancient earthquakes, distributed in the range of 212 years around 1766 BC.

Therefore, the probability of earthquake was very high, and it was precisely because of the earthquake that the Xia Dynasty was subjugated. It is clearly recorded in Guoyu zhouyu that xiyiluo was exhausted and Xia died.

Now let's sort it out briefly, which means that in the tenth year of the reign of King Jie of Xia, there was an astronomical spectacle of five stars in the sky and a meteor shower. At the same time, there was an earthquake, which led to the exhaustion of the river water, and then the Xia Dynasty was subjugated.

Well, the problem is that the Xia Dynasty was subjugated by the earthquake. In fact, we are very clear about the destructive power of the earthquake. The earthquake in that year probably destroyed the distribution of groundwater, and caused a large number of wells in Luoyang basin to dry up, followed by drought, no grain harvest and serious water shortage in Wangji of Xia Dynasty.

The logic is very simple: the earthquake changed the distribution of groundwater, led to the depletion of river water, and then caused serious drought and no harvest in the Xia Dynasty. In the end, the rich and powerful Xia kingdom was shocked almost overnight.

Of course, the earthquake can not cause nationwide damage, and other parts of the Xia kingdom can allocate food aid, rivers outside the Luoyang basin can also provide water, and heaven will send rain as usual to alleviate the famine in the Xia kingdom.

But it is a fact that the power of Xia kingdom was greatly weakened by this disaster. According to historical records, in the second year after the disaster, Fang state, which was dissatisfied with the Xia Dynasty, began a large-scale rebellion. Even the state-owned family of in laws of the Xia Dynasty also rebelled against the Xia Dynasty. What's more, there are more dissatisfied Oriental barbarians.

Xia Wang Jie was busy dealing with the rebellious Fangguo and the earthquake relief at the same time. Just when the Xia Dynasty was exhausted and unable to take care of it, the powerful merchants began to expand.

In the 15th year of King Jie of Xia Dynasty, the newly ascended King Dayi of Shang (the son of Shigui and the grandson of Shenren of Shang) led the Shang troops in Heji plain to cross Jishui from DiQiu and occupied the eastern border of Xia Kingdom territory, which is now Qi county of Kaifeng City, Henan Province. Then it began to encroach on the Xia Dynasty, and finally it came to the hands of the fourteenth generation sun Shangtang of Qi, who completed the destruction of Xia Dynasty and the establishment of Shang Dynasty.

Three thousand years ago, after a meteor shower, a country died. It was more a man-made disaster than a natural disaster
