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There is another story behind Dayu's flood control!

 The story of Dayu's flood control has become a household name. Dayu is a flood control project. In the 13 years of flood control, he went through his family three times without entering. He successfully controlled the flood and made the people live and work in peace and contentment. Thanks to the flood control, Dayu was elected as the leader of the tribal alliance. Based on his foundation, Dayu's son Qi established the Xia Dynasty.

Up to now, we still have no very favorable evidence to prove the existence of the Xia Dynasty, but more and more archaeological excavations show that the Xia Dynasty exists, but we still need solid hammer evidence.

In fact, Dayu's flood control was not as simple as expected, because in the period of Yao and Shun, it was the era of tribal alliance, and there was no unified country. Various tribes or clans scattered in various parts of China, and the Yellow River flowed through a wide range of areas, which undoubtedly caused great difficulties for Dayu's flood control.

The reason why Dayu's father Gan failed in flood control was that he used the method of blocking. However, we can't blame the ancients for this, because in the face of a big flood, the common way he thought of was to build a dam to block the flood.

But the flood is different from the small stream. The flood is very destructive, so it can't be blocked only by blocking. The key is to dredge. This was put forward by Dayu when he summarized the reasons for his father's failure after he accepted the task of water control, but the method of dredging is still very difficult, which can be seen from Dayu's 13 years of water control.

Dayu's flood control mainly faces two problems. One is the huge amount of works. The other is that the Yellow River flows through a wide area, which is under the jurisdiction of different tribes. Therefore, if you want to control the water by dredging, you must obtain the consent of these tribes and the support of these tribes. Otherwise, you can only rely on the part of the people led by Dayu, It is very difficult to accomplish this arduous task.

In the process of flood control, Dayu's wife made great contributions. Dayu's wife was a Tushan woman, that is, a woman from the Tushan clan of Dongyi. In Huaiyuan County of Bengbu, Anhui Province, Dayu abandoned sleep and food, and he was still unmarried at the age of 30. This is not to say that in ancient times, even now he is married late. When he arrived near Anhui Province, he met the powerful Tushan clan. If he could unite with the Tushan clan, it would not only be good for water control, but also the evidence would be very helpful for the whole tribal alliance.

Maybe this is fate. When Dayu arrived here, he met nvjiao of Tushan family. They fell in love at first sight, so they got married. Dayu only lived at home for four days, and then went out to control the flood again. But the marriage between Dayu and nvjiao played an important role. Gaotao, who was a prison officer in the tribal alliance at that time, was a member of Tushan clan, and naturally became Dayu's wife Help.

It is because of the role played by Tu Shan's nvjiao that ordinary people gradually deify her, saying that she is a Nine Tailed white fox, which is still recorded in the book. There is no doubt about this statement. They are all figures and deeds of ancient times, which are recorded in Wu Yue Chun Qiu

When he arrived at Tushan, he was afraid that he would lose his degree at the end of the day. So he said, "I will marry you." There are nine white foxes built in Yu. Yu said: "the white, I also dress. The nine tails are the evidence of the king. Tu Shan's song says: "suisuisuibai fox, jiuweihe. My family is Jiayi, and the guests are king. I build a family and a family. In the time of heaven and man, you can do it here. " That's clear. Yu married a woman of Tushan clan, which was called nvjiao. Take Xin Ren GUI Jia, Yu Xing. In October, a girl gives birth to a son. Qi Sheng does not see his father, weeping day and night.

In fact, it's very easy to understand. Although Dayu met Nine Tailed white foxes in Tushan, Dayu thought that Nine Tailed white foxes were his destiny. Even Nine Tailed white foxes became the symbol of the "Nine Five", so they got married. After they got married, nvjiao left a son for Dayu, namely Qi.

The combination of Dayu and Tushan clan made Dayu very powerful. Although Dayu worked very hard to control the flood, and he never entered his family for three times, in the process of controlling the flood, Dayu traveled all over the mountains and rivers, and met many tribes, which laid a solid foundation for the later alliance. At the same time, due to Dayu's strong strength and the support of Tushan, the surrounding tribes were very weak After the death of Dayu, Qi had enough power to gain the throne.

According to these legends, there is a very coincidental plot, Qi's mother is Nine Tailed white fox, that is to say, Yu or Qi established the Xia Dynasty, Nine Tailed white fox has great credit, is the solid strength behind Dayu, it can be said that the Xia Dynasty flourished because of the Nine Tailed Fox.

Shang Tang destroyed Xia and established Shang Dynasty. For Xia Dynasty, Shang Dynasty was the enemy, which is a coincidence. In mythology and legend, the fall of Shang Dynasty was completely because King Zhou favored a woman named sudaji, who was possessed by Nine Tailed Fox. It can be said that Nine Tailed Fox avenged Xia Dynasty.

Of course, all of the above are mythical coincidences. At least we can't prove the existence of the Nine Tailed Fox at present, but Tu Shan's help to Dayu is real.
