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Duke Zhou (founder of Confucianism in the late Shang and early Zhou dynasties)

Duke Zhou
Duke Zhou (year of birth and death unknown), surnamed Ji, name Dan. He was the founder of the Western Zhou Dynasty, an outstanding statesman, militarist, thinker, educator, "Yuansheng", a pioneer of Confucianism, the fourth son of King Wen of Zhou Ji Chang, and the younger brother of King Wu of Zhou Ji Fa. The manor was in Zhou, so it was called Duke of Zhou.

Granted in Qufu, stay in the ruling dynasty, the eldest son Bo Qin was granted. King Wu died, King Cheng was young, and Duke Zhou was Regent. Uncle Guan, uncle Cai, and uncle Huo were not satisfied and united with Wu Geng and Dongyi to rebel. He led his division in the eastern expedition, calmed down the rebellion, and after the extermination (today's east of Qufu in Shandong Province), he enfeoffed the princes on a large scale and built zhouluoyi (today's Luoyang in Henan Province). As the main creator of the Western Zhou Dynasty's system of laws and regulations, he advocated "clear morality and cautious punishment" and ruled the country with "Rites", which laid the foundation of "the rule of Chengkang".

The achievements of Duke Zhou in his life are summarized in Shangshu Da Zhuan as follows: "one year to save the chaos, two years to conquer Yin, three years to practice Yan, four years to build Hou Wei, five years to run Zhou, six years to make rites and music, seven years to become king." The comments can be found in Dagao, kanggao, Duoshi, Wuyi and Lizheng in Shangshu.

Life of the characters

Assist King Wu

Zhou GongDan is the younger brother of Jifa, King Wu of Zhou Dynasty. When Jichang, King Wen of Zhou, was still alive, the Duke of Zhou was very filial, loyal and benevolent. When Ji Fa ascended the throne, the Duke of Zhou often assisted his prime minister Ji Fa and dealt with a lot of government affairs.

During the reign of King Wen of Zhou Dynasty, the people of Zhou Dynasty had already begun to struggle with the Shang Dynasty. At the beginning, Jichang gained the trust of Xin, King Zhou of Shang Dynasty. The king of Yin ordered Jichang to have the right to attack with bows, arrows, axes and axes. Ji Chang was ordered to die seven years later, and Ji Fa ascended the throne. He still took Duke Tai Wang (Jiang Shang) as his national teacher and Duke Zhou as his assistant. Tai Gong Wang and Zhou Gong were the most effective assistants of King Wu. Zhou GongDan was the brother of King Wu, so he always discussed with him on military affairs and other difficult matters.

In February, the year of King Wu's official accession to the throne, King Wu secretly contacted Duke Zhou in Fengdi. King Wu thought about destroying business day and night, and quietly considered how to get the cooperation and response of the princes. King Wu worried that when the time came to overthrow the Shang Dynasty, it would be easily lost. It was like in autumn, when the crops were ripe, if they were not harvested, the grains would fall to the ground automatically. Duke Zhou replied, "the decisive factor is virtue. For Zhou people, the most important thing is to respect heaven's destiny, not to offend the princes far and near, and not to lose the princes who have been reconciled. We should continue to cultivate morality and not be at ease, otherwise it will be difficult to clean up. ". King Wu planned to destroy the merchants, but he was also worried that some things could not be done well. One day in January of the second year after he ascended the throne, King Wu called Duke Zhou to him again and said to him, "I've always been afraid of business. I don't know what it is. Listen to the world and work hard. " He said that he was on guard against Yin people sooner or later, but he didn't know the best way. King Wu asked Duke Zhou for advice, so as to listen attentively and work diligently for the world. Therefore, Duke Zhou admonished King Shunde to do something.

In the ninth year of King Wu, with the assistance of Duke Zhou, King Wu went to the east to attack merchants and sent troops to Mengjin. The Zhou army made the God Lord of King Wen of Zhou, which was carried in a car and placed in the central army. King Wu called himself "Prince Fa" and said that he was following King Wen's order to carry out the expedition and did not dare to specialize in it. So he announced to all the officials that they should be respectful and faithful, inherit the virtues of their ancestors, and specify rewards and punishments, so as to better complete the task. It is easy to be familiar with the terrain and route, which is conducive to the northern expedition of the Army crossing the river in the future. It can also test the reality of the Shang Dynasty and the reaction of the princes. This alliance came unexpectedly to 800 princes. This is a better impetus for King Wu to strengthen his determination to destroy business and continue to cultivate morality.

In the Mengjin (now Mengjin County, Luoyang City, Henan Province) alliance and oath held, the thought of respecting virtue of Duke Zhou was also reflected. King Wu first offered sacrifices to the gods and reviewed the army eastward until he reached Mengjin. This operation is the first large-scale graduation of King Wu after he ascended the throne.

Ke Yin Jianzhou

King Zhou of Shang Dynasty didn't deeply realize the infiltration of Zhou people into the East. He still frequently attacked Dongyi, refused to admonish and disguise the wrongdoers at home, indulged in wine and women, and made a mess of domestic politics. After the death of King Wen of Zhou, King Wu of Zhou ascended to the throne. With the help of Duke Zhao and Duke Bi, he watched the soldiers in Mengjin and met the princes of the world. This was a kind of general exercise before the attack and also a kind of trial.

In the 11th year of King Wu, in December of the second year after watching the army, with the help of Duke Zhou and others, King Wu led 300 chariots, 3000 Huben and 45000 Jiashi to pass through Mengjin and reach the pastoral area of King Shang. In the early morning of Jiazi in February 1046 BC, King Wu gathered people to take an oath in the pastoral area in the suburbs of Shang Dynasty. The oath is the "pastoral oath" in the book of history.

King Zhou sent troops to resist. As a result, the Zhou army turned around and rushed back to kill, and the Zhou army was defeated. King Zhou boarded the deer terrace and burned himself to death. The next day, the Duke of Zhou took the big Yue and the Duke of Zhao took the small Yue. Around King Wu, he announced to heaven and the people of yin that King Zhou was guilty, and officially declared that the Yin Dynasty was doomed. The Zhou Dynasty replaced King Wu as the son of heaven. [9]  。 At this time, the position of Duke Zhou was second only to King Wu, and his big Yue was a symbol of power.

After the destruction of the Shang Dynasty, the king of Wu divided the area under the direct control of the Shang Dynasty into three parts, where he was under the control of Wu Geng Lu, the son of King Zhou. Wei is in charge of CAI Shudu, while Wei is in charge of Guan Shuxian, which is called "three supervisors" in history (some say that Guan Shu, Cai Shu and Huo Shu are called "three supervisors"). But it is said that Huo Shu is one of the "three supervisors", which is not recorded in historical records and Hanshu. Uncle Guan's fiefdom is in charge, and uncle Cai's fiefdom is in CAI. The son of Duke Zhou was granted the title of Bo Qin. Fengtaigong looked at Yingqiu. He was granted the title of Zhao Gong to Yan.

Divide Shaanxi and govern it

King Wu died two years after he destroyed the Shang Dynasty. The Duke of Zhou was afraid that people in the world would betray the imperial court when they heard that King Wu was dead, so he ascended the throne and took charge of the state affairs for King Cheng. Guan Shu and his brothers spread rumors in the kingdom that "Duke Zhou will be unfavorable to Cheng Wang." Duke Zhou told Duke Wang and Duke Zhao that "King Wu died early and King Cheng was young. It was only for the sake of stabilizing the Zhou Dynasty that I did so." In the early Western Zhou Dynasty, the Duke of Zhou assisted his son, King Cheng of Zhou, in the eastern expedition to wipe out the state of Yan, which was rebellious with Wu Geng. He enfeoffed the eldest son of the Duke of Zhou, Bo Qin, to the native land of the state of Yan, and established the state of Lu with the title of "Lu" in the early Zhou Dynasty. The capital of the state was Qufu, and its territory was in the south of Mount Tai and now the south of Shandong Province.

At that time, the Western Zhou Dynasty was very unstable, so Zhou GongDan and Zhao Gongyu decided to divide Shaanxi into two parts. "Shan" refers to the area of Sanmenxia, and "shuijingzhu" refers to the area of old Shanzhou city (Shanmo), while "kuodizhi" refers to Shanyuan (zhangbianyuan, Shanxian County, Sanmenxia). At that time, Duke Zhou and Duke Zhao agreed to chisel a stone pillar with a height of 3.5 meters and plant it at the boundary, which is called "pillar as boundary". The Duke of Zhou and the Duke of Zhao divided the rule of the Zhou Dynasty into two administrative regions: the East and the West. The Duke of Zhou managed the East and the Duke of Zhao managed the West. This stone pillar, which was planted at the boundary at that time, is the earliest boundary stone in China.

After Zhou Zhao divided Shaanxi, Zhou GongDan could use his main energy to guard against the rebellion of the adherents of Shang Dynasty and stabilize the newly expanded territory in the East; and the responsibility of Zhao Gong was to further develop the agricultural production in the middle reaches of the Yellow River, establish a consolidated economic rear, and relieve the worries for the Zhou Dynasty to further expand its territory.

The second eastern expedition

Guan Shu and Cai Shu colluded with Wu Geng, the son of King Zhou, and joined the Dongyi tribe to rebel against the Zhou Dynasty. The Duke of Zhou was ordered by Cheng Wang to March eastward and wrote Dagao. Duke Zhou successfully appeased the rebellion of the third prison, killed Guan Shu, killed Wu Geng, and exiled Cai Shu. He accepted the adherents of Yin, granted uncle Kang to Wei, and granted the Weizi to Song Dynasty, so that he could perform the sacrifice of Yin. After the Duke of Zhou conquered Guan Cai, he took advantage of his victory and marched to the East, destroying more than 50 countries, such as Yan (today's Qufu in Shandong Province), and driving Feilian to the seaside to kill him. From then on, Zhou's power extended to the seaside. Pacifying Huaiyi and other areas in the East will be completed in two years. All the princes lived in the Shun Zhou Dynasty.

King Wu only attacked the core of the Shang Dynasty. It was not until Duke Zhou's eastward expedition that his peripheral forces were swept away. Although there were about 50 states destroyed in the three-year eastern expedition, the consolidation and expansion of the occupied territory was still after the enfeoffment of the same surname. After the eastern expedition, the Zhou people were no longer the "small state Zhou" in the west, but became a great country with sea in the East, Huaihe River Basin in the South and Liaodong in the north. The signs of zhougongdong stormed the lower reaches of the river, stirring the pattern of the original clan. Some of Xu fled to Jiangnan (now Jiangxi); some of Dongyi were driven to Huaihe River Basin; Ying family moved to the West; Chu fled to Danshui River Basin. The battle of the eastern expedition was cruel and fierce. The soldiers followed the Duke of Zhou in the eastern expedition, and the axe cut a gap. Even though they had suffered a lot from the battle, they were very lucky to live. The soldiers of the eastern expedition yearn for their hometown. Once they return home, their hearts are full of reverie. The book of songs · CHENFENG · Dongshan is a vivid portrayal of this psychology. It's no longer a situation of internal and external difficulties. Before the battle, the situation of "being swayed by the wind and rain and being only heard by the voice" was no longer the same.

To screen Zhou with fan

After Zhou GongDan's rebellion, in order to strengthen the control over the East, he formally suggested that King Cheng of Zhou move the capital to Luoyi (now Luoyang). At the same time, a large number of Shang Dynasty nobles captured in the war, namely "Yin stubborn people", were moved to Luoyi, and Zhaogong was sent to garrison eight divisions in Luoyi to strengthen supervision over them. How to rule the conquered areas is a big problem after the victory of the war. The destruction of Xia by the Yin people and the destruction of Yin by the Zhou people were all caused by the destruction of the surrounding feudal states of Gongwei capital. For example, Wei, Gu and Kunwu in the late Xia Dynasty were all vassals of different surnames, "Wei, Gu Jisha, Kunwu and xiajie". Li, Ying and Chong in the late Shang Dynasty were the defenders of the Western Shang Dynasty. After the fall of King Wen of Zhou, King Wu could drive straight to the Muye near the capital of Shang to destroy Zhou. The rebellion of Wu Geng, the state of Yan and Huaiyi showed that the old clan leaders could no longer be used in important areas, and the most reliable members of the Zhou clan had to be enfeoffed to the Gongwei capital around the capital, which was essentially different from the enfeoffment in the period of King Wu.

After the establishment of the capital Luoyi, Zhou GongDan began to implement the policy of establishing a state. He successively established 71 vassals, and granted 15 brothers and 16 meritorious officials of King Wu to be vassals in order to defend the royal family. In addition, the system of well field was widely carried out in the feudal China, which consolidated and strengthened the economic foundation of the Zhou Dynasty.

Zhou GongDan appointed his younger brother Kang Shuwei as the king of Wei, and ordered him to garrison the ancient Shang ruins to manage the adherents of the Shang Dynasty there. He was divided into seven clans of Yin people: Tao, Shi, fan, Kai, fan, Ji and Zhongkui. Most of them were clans with some handicraft expertise. Uncle Kang not only had a large area, but also had eight divisions to prevent the Yin people from revolting again. Jiang Taigong was originally granted the title of Marquis of Qi, duyingqiu (now North of Linzi, Shandong). The land granted to Taigong by Duke Zhou was "to the sea in the East, to the river in the west, to Muling in the south, and to Wudi in the north." At the same time, he also had the privilege of levying and felling specially. "The five Marquis and the nine uncles are actually entitled to levying." There were also many small countries near Yingqiu. When Taigong was granted the title, the dongyilai people competed with him for land. Qi destroyed these small countries one after another and became an Oriental power. The same surname Zhao Gong of Zhou was granted to Yan. The eldest son of Zhao Gong was granted the title only after the rebellion was ended, and his capital was built in Ji (today's Beijing area). Yan was a barrier to the East and north of Zhou Dynasty. Its establishment can cut off the contact between the old clan of Shang Dynasty and Guzhu state, which is the same surname in the north.

Neutrinos did not participate in the three prison chaos. After Zhou Gongping rebelled, he ordered him to represent the descendants of the Yin people and worship the former Duke and king of Yin. He founded his country in Song Dynasty (now Shangqiu, Henan Province). Later, Song Dynasty became a famous power. In the west of Song Dynasty, there are Qi states with the surname Si (descendants of Xiayu, now Qixian County in Henan Province), in the southwest there are Chen states with the surname GUI (descendants of Yushun, now Huaiyang in Henan Province), and in the north there are some small states. The Song Dynasty was surrounded by other countries.

In addition to the above-mentioned countries, the Duke of Zhou also enfeoffed a large number of countries with the same surname and countries with different surnames. According to "Xunzi · Ruxiao", Duke Zhou "established 71 States and 53 people lived alone with Ji surname." In Zuo Zhuan, in the 24th year of Duke Xi, Fuliang said, "the second uncle of Duke Zhou was not salty, so the feudal relatives ruled over Zhou. Guan, Cai, Cheng, Huo, Lu, Wei, Mao, Dan, Gao, Yong, Cao, Teng, Bi, yuan, Feng, Ying, Wen Zhizhao. Han, Jin, Ying, Han, Wu Zhimu also. All, Jiang, Xing, Mao, Huang, and Ji were the descendants of Duke Zhou It can be seen that there are many countries, large and small, which were enfeoffed by the Duke of Zhou.

Bodu Dingding

According to the inscription of he Zun, after King Wu of Zhou destroyed the Shang Dynasty, he proposed the idea of establishing a capital in the center of the world because he could not control the eastern area where the old Shang people were widely distributed. For this reason, King Wu could not sleep at night and sighed to the Duke of Zhou: "I have no time to sleep because I have not determined the natural protection.". In order to consolidate the new regime, King Wu of Zhou once inspected the "residence of Youxia" in the area of Yishui and Luoshui, preparing to build a new capital, but failed to fully implement it and left. After the Duke of Zhou conquered Yin for the second time, the expansion of the vast eastern territory urgently required the eastward shift of the ruling center. The Duke of Zhou inherited the will of King Wu and built Luoyi. After the eastern expedition, the matter became more urgent. The Duke of Zhao went to the prime minister's house first, and "the Duke of Zhou restored his divination, built his camp, and lived in Jiuding. He said, "in this world, the four sides pay tribute to each other, and the way is the same."

Luoyi is located in the center of Yiluo basin where Yishui and Luoshui flow through. The terrain is flat and fertile. It looks at Longmen Mountain in the South and Mangshan Mountain in the north. Surrounded by mountains, the terrain is dangerous. Yi, Luo, fan, Jian four water confluence. According to the throat of east-west traffic. Down the river, you can reach the hometown of Yin people. Shunluoshui can reach Qi and Lu. There are Ru and Ying rivers in the south, which can reach Xuyi and Huaiyi. The Yiluo basin is indeed a good place to build a capital.

In the fifth year of Zhougong's reign, zhouluoyi was officially built on a large scale. On the fifth day of March, Zhao Gong first came to Luoyi. After divination, he located the city at the intersection of Jianshui and Luoshui, and then planned the specific location of the city outline, ancestral temple, Dynasty and city. On May 11, the planning was successful. The next day, Duke Zhou came to Luoyi and inspected the planning of Xinyi. He made a new divination. The divination indicated that in the West and the east of Jianshui, the new capital was built on the Bank of Luoshui. As for the process of Zhou Gongying's building Luoyi, there is also a brief description in Shangshu: according to zhaogao in Shangshu, one day in February 1039 BC, King Cheng of Zhou sent Zhaogong, a Taibao, to Luoyi to survey the capital base, which is called Xiangzhai. On March 5, the Duke of Zhao arrived in Luoyi. After getting the auspicious omen of "Bu Zhai", he officially laid the foundation [19]. On March 12 of the same year, Duke Zhou came to Luoyi. On the 21st, after holding a grand sacrificial ceremony, he issued an order to build Luoyi to the nobles of the Shang Dynasty and the leaders of the vassal states. Since then, the large-scale construction of "Dayi week" began.

The Duke of Zhou made rites and music
Luoyi, built by Duke Zhou, is known as "Chengzhou" or "Xinyi". It is a large-scale capital city. According to the book of Yizhou, zuojie, "hori square is seven hundred and twenty-two feet, while Luofang square is seven hundred and seventy-seven miles. He thought that the world's largest society was "to set up a mound in the southern suburbs and build a large society in the Middle Kingdom". The main buildings in the city are Taimiao, zongmiao (Wenwang Temple), kaogong (Wuwang Temple), Lushu, Mingtang and so on. The architectural structures of these palaces and temples are the same as "si'a, Fandi, Chongkang, chonglang, ChangLei, Fuge, Zaoshui, Sheyi, lvying, Hualu". There are also different passageways in the city, such as "neijie, xuanjie, Ditang, yingmen, kutai, xuancuo". It took about a year to complete. Therefore, the original city of Hubei, north of the Jia mountain, it is also known as "Jia". The new capital is the residence of the king of Zhou, also known as the "King City". In the eastern suburb of Xinyi, to the east of Gushui, the residence of Yin people was called Chengzhou.

According to Shangshu LuoGao: "in December of that year, Luoyi was initially completed. The Zhou Dynasty held a grand celebration ceremony. The Duke of Zhou led the officials to make them familiar with the etiquette in the old capital, and then followed the king to the new city. In Xinyi, King Cheng of Zhou began to meet the princes with Yin rites, and offered sacrifices to King Wen in Luoyi, Xindu. These rites were very grand and orderly.

establish rules for ceremonies and compose appropriate music for different occasions

After the completion of Luoyi in Chengzhou, the Duke of Zhou called all the princes to hold a grand celebration. Here he officially canonized the princes of the world, announced various rules and regulations, and planned the long-term stability of the Zhou Dynasty.

According to Kang Hao, a great biography of the book of history, "the Duke of Zhou lived for three years and made rites and music. The Duke of Zhou would make rites and music, but he couldn't do it for three years. The gentleman was ashamed of his words and didn't follow them. He was ashamed of his deeds and didn't follow them. I'm afraid the world will know nothing about it. When he made a small work, he was afraid that he would not be able to promote his father's merits and virtues. Then he went to Luoyang to see the world. So the four princes led their groups and attacked each other. The Duke of Zhou said, "is it true to show him the strength of service, and is it true that Kuang Dao is happy to show him the propriety?" And then dare to do rites and music. "

During the Regency period of Zhou Gong, on the basis of inheriting the dance "Wan", he first presided over the production of the dance "Xiang", which extols the martial arts of King Wu, and the dance "Zuo", which represents the division of duties between Duke Zhou and Duke Zhao, which is collectively called "Dawu". In the seventh year, Luoyi was completed. In order to sacrifice King Wen, Duke Zhou presided over the traditional dance "Xiang" with new poetry, which represents the martial arts of King Wen "Elephant" dance.

"Li" emphasizes "do not", that is, the so-called "respect"; the role of "music" is "harmony", that is, the so-called "kiss". There are two aspects to consolidate the unity of Zhou people. The central problem to be solved by rites is the distinction between the superior and the inferior, that is, patriarchal system. Furthermore, it is the establishment of inheritance system. Because there was no strict inheritance system, Duke Zhou could be called "King Xian", and Guan and Cai could betray the royal family because of competing for the throne. Xiao Bang Zhou had to consider the experience and lessons of the great Bang Yin, and the Duke of Zhou knew the history of Xia Yin like the back of his hand. In the Yin Dynasty, the number of the special sacrifices of the ancestors and the brothers and the final brothers was limited. They were divided into two groups, the son and the mother. The coexistence of Yin's younger brother and his son led to the "chaos of the Ninth World". It's a biological law that the younger brother will have to pass on the son after all. There is a contradiction between zhuanzi and zhuandi, that is, to pass on the elder, to pass on the younger and to pass on the virtuous. There is also a contradiction between Chuandi's son and Chuanxiong's son. The existence of these contradictions often led to Royal strife, which in turn led to the decline of royal power, and the country soon became a monarch. After Kangding, the Yin Dynasty went through Wu Yi, Wen Ding, Di Yi and di Xin (Zhou), and obviously abolished the system of Chuandi and established the system of chuanzi. The patriarchal system will inevitably lead to the strict etiquette of maintaining father's respect and son's inferiority, brother's respect and brother's inferiority, son's respect and princes' inferiority. This kind of etiquette is the externalization of subordination. On the other hand, it also plays a role in consolidating the patriarchal system. Its purpose is to maintain the patriarchy and the rule of the emperor of Zhou. Anyone who violates the specific provisions of etiquette, living room, clothing, utensils and so on will be regarded as indecent and illegal. If the emperor of Zhou was able to grant the people and the territory, it must be based on the state-owned land. "Under the heaven of PU, is it the land of the king? Is it the land of the king? Is it the Minister of the king?" (the book of songs · Xiaoya · Beishan) is not a fiction in the era when the literary and martial arts of the Duke of Zhou flourished. The result is that "there are no herds in the fields"; the land is not allowed to be bought and sold, which probably comes from Duke Zhou. If the Duke of Zhou could grant Jiang Taigong the privilege of levying and felling, then "the ritual and music expedition came from the emperor" might have been established by the Duke of Zhou or earlier. In order to strengthen the central dynasty's rule over local areas, the canonization, hunting, pilgrimage, gongna and other systems were probably determined by the Duke of Zhou on the basis of summing up the experience of previous dynasties.

To become a king

Zhou GongDan Regent six years, when the king has grown up, he decided to return to the king. Before returning the government, the Duke of Zhou wrote Wu Yi, warning the king of Cheng not to indulge in sound and color, ease, play and hunting. Then "return the government to become a king, and the official position will be in the north.". After Zhou GongDan abdicated, he devoted his main energy to making rites and music, and continued to improve various laws and regulations. In the second year, that is, the seventh year when Duke Zhou became king, Duke Zhou completely handed over the throne to King Cheng. The dialogue between Duke Zhou and King Cheng in zhaogao and LuoGao is probably recorded by the historian at the ceremony of abdication of Duke Zhou and King Cheng. When the country was in danger, he stepped forward to shoulder the heavy responsibility of the king. When the country turned the corner and embarked on the smooth development, he resolutely gave up the throne. This kind of fearless and selfless spirit has always been praised by future generations.

However, the Duke of Zhou did not let go because of his abdication. Of course, King Cheng urged him to stay, and he constantly warned him, the most famous of which was Shangshu Wuyi. At the beginning of Wu Yi, it is said that only when you know the hard work of farming can you understand "villains". Their parents are diligent farmers, but their children do not know the hardships of farming, they will be greedy for comfort and even false birth, and even insult his parents, saying: "old people, do not know anything." Such unfilial words were never allowed to be said at that time. Kanggao also mentioned that people who are unfilial and unfriendly should be punished. To be a supreme ruler, we should know the hidden suffering below, otherwise we will do absurd things. The Duke of Zhou then cited sun Zujia, the famous emperors of Yin Dynasty, such as Zhong Zong Tai Wu, Gao Zong Wu Ding and Shang Tang. He was either solemn and fearing, diligent and self-restraint, "dare not be desolate and peaceful", or he was a villain for a long time, who could protect and benefit the small people, dare not insult the widows and widows, and they could enjoy the country for a long time. Later, the king of Yin was born at ease. He didn't know the hard work of farming, but was greedy for pleasure, so they didn't enjoy the country for a long time. Then the Duke of Zhou raised the modesty and reverence of the king of Zhou and Wang Ji, especially mentioning that the king of Wen, who wore poor clothes, was frugal and took part in agricultural labor, could "protect the small people, benefit the fresh, widowed and widowed". From morning to noon, he sometimes had no time to eat, in order to unite the people. He didn't dare to roam and hunt, and didn't ask for anything special, so he enjoyed the country for a long time. The Duke of Zhou warned future generations not to indulge in "watching, leisure, traveling, and hunting". He could not tolerate himself and said, "let's have fun for a while. We can't be confused with wine like Zhou of Shang Dynasty.". If you don't listen, you will upset the former king Zhengfa and lead to the resentment and curse of the people. Someone told me, "villains hate you and scold you." If you want to say that you have made a mistake, you should examine yourself deeply. You should not be angry. You should not kill innocent people or punish innocent people indiscriminately. Otherwise, the same resentment concentrated on you, the consequences are unimaginable.

After three years of administration, the Duke of Zhou lived in Fengdi for the aged and soon got seriously ill. Before he died, he told him, "I must be buried in Chengzhou to show that I can't leave Chengwang until I die.". When Duke Zhou died, King Cheng wanted to bury him. The sky was a thunderstorm and the wind was blowing, and the grass was exhausted. The people of China were afraid. After Duke Zhou was buried in King Wen's cemetery, King Cheng said, "this means that I dare not take Duke Zhou as a minister.".

Main achievements

From the historical documents handed down, Zhou Gong's achievements are mainly in military affairs. When the Zhou Dynasty was not stable, Zhou Gong conquered Yin twice, unified the East, and established a military center with Cheng Zhou as the center; politically, he established the system of direct leader and enfeoffment with patriarchal clan system as the core; culturally, he made rites and music and collected the great achievements of Zhou rites.

Military achievements

Second keyin

In the third year after the annihilation of Yin, in 1024 BC, uncle Guan and uncle Cai encouraged Wu Geng Lu's father to rebel against Zhou. In response, there were dozens of Eastern States, such as Xu, Yan, Huaiyi, which had close relations with Yin and Shang Dynasties. This is an extremely heavy blow to the Zhou Dynasty, which has just been established for more than three years. If the rebellion is not overcome, the Zhou Dynasty will face great difficulties, and the achievements established by King Wen of Zhou for decades will be destroyed. The Zhou royal family is in a precarious situation. Within the royal family, there are also some people who are skeptical of Zhou Gong's claim to be king. This situation of internal and external attacks made the Duke of Zhou in a very difficult situation. First of all, Duke Zhou stabilized the interior, maintained unity, and convinced Duke Wang and Duke Zhao. After unifying the internal opinions, the Duke of Zhou launched an eastern expedition in the second year (1023 BC) to attack Guan, Cai, and Wu Geng to stabilize the rule of the Zhou Dynasty.

Taking the destruction of the Shang Dynasty and the "three prison" and other armed rebellious activities as a mirror, Zhou Gong paid special attention to the political and moral education, governance education and diligent education of the slave owners and their children. He called for "respecting morality and protecting the people", "supporting the heaven", "punishing with caution", "filial piety and morality" and "striving for agriculture without escape". He advocated giving full play to the educational role of "song" and "Gao" to the slave owners and the common people, and put forward some suggestions The principle of performance evaluation and selection of officials.

Eighth division Garrison

After conquering Yin for the second time, the Duke of Zhou thought it necessary to expand the armed forces directly under the state, so he reorganized the army of the three prisons and built another eight divisions, mainly composed of Zhou people, stationed in the political center of Heluo area with the newly built Chengzhou as the center, guarding the emperor of Zhou, so it was called "Chengzhou eight divisions". The eighth division of Chengzhou, after the eastern expedition of Zhougong of the Western Zhou Dynasty, began to garrison the army of Chengzhou (Luoyi, now Luoyang, Henan). About 20000 people. The main task is to pacify Nanyi.

The Duke of Zhou moved the Yin immigrants to Chengzhou City, incorporated the troops stationed in the hometown of Shang in the Western Zhou Dynasty, and established the eighth division of Yin, about 20000 people. The main task is to pacify the East and monitor the adherents of Yin.

At the same time, the sixth division of the West was established to defend the west land, which was the place where the people of Zhou Dynasty rose. Because it was located in the west, it was called the sixth division of the west, which was mainly composed of the people of Zhou Dynasty.

The eighth division of Chengzhou, the eighth division of yin and the sixth division of the West were commanded by the nobles or officials appointed by the emperor of Zhou. It can be seen that Zhou Tianzi had more than 100000 troops, which effectively ensured the normal operation of the slavery state machine.

Political economy

Zhougong Temple
In the construction of political power and various systems, the Duke of Zhou inherited the previous system and formulated a complete set of rules and regulations, such as feudal system, patriarchal system, minefield system, etc., which were orderly, so that there were great differences between monarchs and ministers in politics: there were big and small clans in patriarchal system; there were public and private fields in economy, so that the people did not lose their farmland.

Before the Duke of Zhou, the system of Di Zhang was not established. It was Ji Li, not Taibo and Zhongyong, who succeeded the king. King Wu had a brother named Boyi, but King Wen took King Wu Ji Fa as his prince. Since the Duke of Zhou, there have been "Chengwang, Kangwang, Zhaowang, Muwang, Gongwang, Yiwang", except Xiaowang, all of them are heirs to Youwang, which is not accidental. The establishment of this system, that is, the eldest son inheritance system, should be attributed to the Duke of Zhou. After the establishment of the eldest son inheritance system, only the eldest son has the right of inheritance, which legally exempts the Zhishu brothers from competing for the throne and plays a role in stabilizing and consolidating the ruling class order. The eldest son succession system is the core content of patriarchal clan system. Combining patriarchal system with political system, Duke Zhou established a complete superstructure serving slavery. The emperor of Zhou is a great leader in the world, and the princes of Ji surname are small masters to the emperor of Zhou. These vassals were the most important ones in their own country, and the same surname of Qing and Fu Fu were the minor ones. In this way, they formed a pagoda like structure. The top of it was the emperor of Zhou. One of the purposes of the feudal lords with the same surname in the Zhou Dynasty was to form a political structure combined by blood ties, which was a big step forward than the alliance form in the Yin Dynasty. In the Zhou Dynasty, the same surname did not marry, and the emperor of Zhou regarded the different surname princes as nephews and uncles. Blood marriage formed the ruling system of Zhou people.

Cultural achievements

In culture, the Duke of Zhou put forward the moral standard of "be clear about morality and be cautious about punishment" and formulated complete etiquette and ceremony. In addition, the Duke of Zhou proposed "respect morality and protect the people", made rites and music, and established rules and regulations. His comments can be found in various chapters of the book of history, such as Jin Dan and Wu Yi. Duke Zhou also contributed to the creation of the book of changes. The Duke of Zhou was respected by Confucius and regarded as a sage by Confucianism. The thought of Duke of Zhou played a fundamental role in the formation of Confucianism.

Perfect rites and music

The making of rites by the Duke of Zhou is one of the most important achievements in his life. Ceremony originated very early. The word "Li" has appeared in Oracle Bone Inscriptions in the Yin and Shang Dynasties. According to Shuowen Jiezi, Li is also a kind of performance, so it is judged that the initial ceremony is only a specific ceremony for people to pray for ghosts and gods. In order to meet the needs of sacrificial order, the Duke of Zhou formulated different behavior norms between the superior and the inferior, between the elder and the young, and between the relatives and the strangers according to the blood relationship and hierarchical status. The "Rites" of Duke Zhou weakened the original meaning of "serving God to bring happiness" and finally became the basis and standard of patriarchal hierarchy.

Confucius once said, "Zhou Dynasty is based on Yin rites, so we can see the profit and loss." the rites and music in early Zhou Dynasty were inherited from Xia and Shang Dynasties. However, in early Zhou Dynasty, the Western Zhou nobles headed by Duke Zhou gradually determined, supplemented, collected and became a legal system. "The book of rites · ritual vessels" says: "three hundred classics and three thousand Quli." The rites and music of Xia and Shang Dynasties are mainly used for worship and celebration; Shuowen Jiezi says: "rites, shoes, so things are God and happiness." "Xunzi · Li Lun" says: "to serve heaven and earth, to respect our ancestors and to develop our teachers are the three principles of Li.". The rites and music revised by the Duke of Zhou were mainly used to maintain the social hierarchy and promote moral ideals. Rather than making music with rites, the Duke of Zhou reformed Yin rites to adapt to the new regime.

Zhou Gong's ritual music was not only the music used to transform the sacrificial ceremony and replacement ceremony of Yin people, but also involved all aspects of ideology and social system. Wang Guowei said: "the system of the Zhou people is very different from that of the Shang people. One is the system of establishing the son and the emperor, which leads to the patriarchal system of mourning, the system of feudal children, and the system of the emperor, the son and the princes. Second, the system of temple number. Third, the system of not marrying the same surname. " These social systems, different from those of the Yin Dynasty, were not necessarily made by the Duke of Zhou himself when he made rites and music, but gradually formed in specific practice. However, what the Duke of Zhou did during the Regency period laid the foundation for the social system of the Zhou Dynasty.

It can be seen that the making of rites and music by the Duke of Zhou is not a pioneering work without cause, but a set of adjustment of patriarchal system, human relations system and behavior standard system, which is based on the summary of previous experience, combining the old rites of Xia and Shang Dynasties with the original habits of the Zhou family.

Music, as an unavoidable part of human feelings, develops with human civilization. In China, music has been in China for at least nine thousand years since Jiahu Bone Flute formed a complete scale. Music not only reflects and expresses people's feelings, but also shows a variety of functional meanings. However, it should start from Zhou Gong to show that music is used for ritual purposes. There is no ceremony and custom in music. When music and ritual are combined and fixed to form a routine and style, according to the hierarchy concept, in the process of using music, according to the number of musical instruments and the number of people carrying music and dance, it becomes the fixed trend under the concept of "for use". Therefore, the tradition of using music in China has formed two dominant systems, namely ritual music and folk music. The so-called music is divided into rites and customs, just because there is a system of rites, music is used to show the meaning of vulgar music. In this sense, Zhou opened the functional classification of music in the national sense.

Respect the heaven and protect the people

The Duke of Zhou paid more attention to the lower common people than to the princes. After the rebellion of pingsan prison, Duke Zhou granted his younger brother Kang Shu Chaoge to the capital of Shang. In order to consolidate the rule of Zhou, the Duke of Zhou successively issued various proclamations, from which we can see that the Duke of Zhou summarized the ruling experience of Xia and Yin and formulated various policies. The Duke of Zhou had given three notices to Uncle Wei Kang, kanggao, Jiugao and Zicai.

He warned the young Kang Shu that the Shang Dynasty was destroyed because King Zhou was addicted to alcohol and prostituted his wife, which led to the confusion of the court platform and the righteousness of the princes. "When you go to the Yin Ruins, first of all, you should visit the elders and ask them for the reasons for the rise and fall of the Shang Dynasty. Second, you must love the people," he said Zhou GongDan wrote the above instructions into three chapters, kanggao, Jiugao and Zicai, and gave them to Kangshu as rules. The reason why the Duke of Zhou wrote the three proclamations to Uncle Kang was that, firstly, uncle Kang ruled the hinterland of the Yin people, and the problem was the most acute and complex; secondly, it was the first place that the Duke of Zhou conquered, and it was also the place where the Yin people concentrated under the three supervisors against Zhou, and after the victory of the war, uncle Kang was awarded earlier. Kanggao, Jiugao and Zicai can be regarded as Zhou Gong's policy program for the newly conquered areas. The purpose of the three chapters is to "respect the heaven and protect the people" and "be clear about morality and be cautious about punishment", so that the Yin people can settle down after two successive upheavals and engage in normal agricultural production and commercial activities. But it's not just indulgence. It's not polite to drink and be unfilial and unfriendly. After he arrived at the Yin Ruins, he kept in mind Zhou GongDan's advice, lived frugally, took good care of the people, and made the local officials live and work in peace and contentment.

The purpose of kanggao is to stabilize the people of Yin Dynasty, and the whole content of kanggao is nothing more than "clear morality and cautious punishment". King Wen of Zhou had the world only because he was not afraid to insult widows and widows. The "sage king" of the Yin Dynasty was also to pacify and protect the people. One of the concrete contents of Mingde is to protect the Yin people. "Cautious punishment" is to act according to law, including the reasonable elements of Yin Law. Punishment can not be abused, some cases need to consider five or six days, ten days to determine. As for those who kill people and steal goods, those who are "unfilial and unfriendly" should be punished without amnesty. In the proclamation, it was repeatedly emphasized that "the people are well-being", "protecting the people", "enriching the people" and "common people". He warned him to be diligent and not to be greedy for ease. "Destiny" is not fixed. Only when we can "be clear about morality and be cautious about punishment" can we have destiny. "Ming De Shen punish" is not business as usual, but consider the Yin Law, promote the Zhou law, make the Yin people "as new people".

Jiugao is aimed at the popularity of drinking in Yin people. It took a lot of food to make wine, which was intolerable to Zhou people who started from agriculture. The Duke of Zhou is not completely forbidden to drink. He can still drink a little when there are sacrificial ceremonies. Group drink is not good, can not let go, to catch all "to belong to Zhou", "to kill". "Give it to kill" is that I will kill, but I will not. So "return to Zhou" is not to give the impression of Yin people as "the boy sentenced the murderer". This is consistent with "protecting the people" and "pacifying the people". We should guide the Yin people to "yishuji", that is, to grow crops, or "zhaozhaozhaoniu, Yuanfu Jia", to do business and support their parents. The first king of Yin Dynasty, from Chengtang to Diyi, did not dare to "escape from leisure", not to mention the party drinking. As for the drinking of craftsmen, it's another matter. Don't kill them. Let's educate them first. It is very clear that we should treat them differently in policy.

Zicai also advocates "Mingde" and opposes "Houwang's killing". As for the people, they should not harm or maltreat each other, but "as for respecting the widows, as for belonging to women, they should be tolerant.". If the upper and lower levels do not abuse and kill, they will "respect the few" and "cooperate with each other in order to accommodate them", which will naturally lead to a stable situation. The formation of this situation is not easy to obtain. We should be as diligent as farmers in weeding, land preparation, and field drainage. We should also be as diligent in building walls, painting mud on the walls, and covering grass on the top, as well as craftsmen in managing utensils, working diligently in Xiusi, and then painting black and red paint. In a word, only by using morality and protecting the people can we be king for thousands of years.

There is a basic idea throughout the three chapters, that is, to stabilize the Yin people, not to give them an image of maltreatment and killing, to punish them carefully, and to engage in according to law. As for reforming the bad habit of drinking, one is to restrict, the other is to guide, and the third is to treat it differently. As a ruler, we should be diligent.

Kanggao, Jiugao and Zicai were the political strategies of the Duke of Zhou for the conquered areas, while Duoshi was the policy for the indomitable people who moved to Luoyi. After the completion of Luoyi, how did these indomitable people who built the city rise and fall. It's a matter on the agenda. Duoshi is a proclamation issued by Zhou Gong to Yin Wanmin. This paper is divided into two parts. The first paragraph is to attack the heart and make the indomitable people of Yin obey the rule of Zhou people. The reason is that you Yin scholars are not good, God gave me "Xiao Bang Zhou", not that I "dare to Yiyin life" or "dare to seek the throne". This is just like that your ancestors replaced Xia Jie with soup, which is also "God does not protect" Xia Jie. Don't blame me when I move you from Tianyi merchants to the West. I have pity on you, which is also the destiny of heaven. The second paragraph is to announce a way out for them, so that they can live in peace on the spot, with your fields and your houses. "There is still soil in your country, and you would rather work." If you are obedient, virtuous and appointed. God will pity you, otherwise, you will not only lose your land, but also I will put God's punishment on you.

Pilgrimage to Ming Tang

In ancient times, to build a capital city, it was necessary to set up a building that looked like heaven and earth and was round above and around. It is the palace of Buzheng, with four households and eight bamboos, so that the sound education can reach four places, which is called Mingtang. "Kao Gong Ji · craftsman" Zhou Ming Tang Tiao Zheng's note: "Ming Tang, Ming Church of politics and religion." Cai Yong's "Mingtang Yueling Zhangju" records its multiple functions: "Mingtang is the great temple of the emperor, so sacrifice. The imperial family of Xia Hou, the imperial family of Yin, and the imperial family of Zhou are all in the imperial family. Therefore, if we take the appearance of the main room, we will call it the great temple; if we take the main room, we will call it the great room; if we take the hall, we will call it the Ming hall; if we take the learning of the four seasons, we will call it the University; if we take the round water, we will call it Biyong. Although the names are different, they are actually the same. " The book of songs · Zhou Song · I Jiang shows that he once "worshipped King Wen in Ming Tang".

In the early Zhou Dynasty, Mingtang was the most important place for the princes. When the princes met Duke Zhou in the court of Fangguo, the Duke of Zhou stood facing south as the son of heaven with an axe screen on his back. According to the rank of Duke, marquis, uncle, son and man, the nobles of the princes successively stood on the middle steps opposite Duke Zhou. The East-West steps and the East-West steps, the Yi, man, Rong and di stood outside the East, South, West and north gates, and the farther Jiucai stood outside yingmen in the south Every time the four fortresses came to the throne, they just told the new emperor to take the throne. There was no fixed position.

It is no doubt that such a meticulous and meticulous arrangement of the etiquette of the princes' Pilgrimage to the emperor can make clear the hierarchy between the emperor and the princes, so that they can take their place in order to maintain the ruling order. This is the goal of Zhou Gong's ritual system. As for the time and content of this Mingtang activity, mingtangwei said that Duke Zhou "in the sixth year, the princes of the dynasty made rites and music in the Mingtang, and presented measurement, but the world was full of clothes." "Zhou Song · preface to Qing Temple" said: "Qing temple, also worship King Wen. The Duke of Zhou became Luoyi and the princes of the dynasty. He led people to worship King Wen Kong Yingda's "Shu" said: "in the fifth year of Cheng Luoyi's reign, the princes in the sixth year of Ming Dynasty did the same thing as those in Ming Tang Wei." In the book of rites, Ming Tang Wei recorded that Yu Ming Tang, the Duke of Zhou, was part of a series of celebrations in the year following his successful construction of Luoyi. In addition, he also led the princes' temples to offer sacrifices to King Wen, issued measures, promoted the unification of government orders, and made rites and music as the focus of his work in this year. As a result, Zhou Gong's career reached the peak of success.

Historical evaluation

Jia Yi, a great thinker in the early Han Dynasty, commented on the Duke of Zhou, saying: "King Wen has great virtue but failed, King Wu has great virtue but failed to govern. Duke Zhou has great virtue and great merit. Before Confucius and after the Yellow Emperor, Zhou Gong was only one person who had a great relationship with China. " The Duke of Zhou once assisted King Wu of Zhou to destroy business and King Cheng of Zhou to govern the country. After King Wu died, King Cheng was young, and he was Regent. After calming down the rebellion of the three prisons, the feudal government established Zhou (Luoyi), made rites and music, and became a king. It played a key role in consolidating and developing the rule of Zhou Dynasty, and had a profound impact on the development of Chinese history.

At that time, Duke Zhou was not only a statesman and militarist, but also a versatile poet and scholar. His brothers Guan Shu, Cai Shu and Huo Shu colluded with Wu Geng Lu Fu, the son of Zhou of Shang Dynasty, and other Oriental Yi people such as Xu and Yan to rebel. He was ordered to leave the army and, three years later, put an end to the rebellion and expanded his influence to the sea. After the construction of Luoyi. It is said that he made rites and music, formulated and improved the patriarchal system, enfeoffment system and other systems, which further consolidated the slavery in the Western Zhou Dynasty.

Since the spring and Autumn period, the Duke of Zhou has been regarded as a saint by the rulers and scholars. He is respected as the founder of Confucianism and one of the most revered ancient sages of Confucius. In the Analects of Confucius, it is recorded that Confucius said: "even if it is, I will decline! After a long time, I will never dream of Duke Zhou again. " Mencius first called the Duke of Zhou "the ancient sage". It is obvious that he is highly respected to discuss the Duke of Zhou with Confucius. Xunzi took Duke Zhou as a great Confucian, and praised Duke Zhou's virtue and talent in Xunzi · Ruxiao. Liu Xin and Wang Mang of the Han Dynasty changed the name of Zhouguan to Zhouli, believing that it was written by Zhougong, which was his achievement in the peaceful and prosperous times of the Western Zhou Dynasty and put Zhougong's status above Confucius. Until the Kaiyuan period of Tang Dynasty, Emperor Xuanzong, who had a strong desire for power, could not tolerate Duke Zhou being in charge of politics when King Wu died and King Cheng was young, so he ordered to cancel the qualification of worshiping Duke Zhou in Confucian temple and replace it with Confucius. In Tang Dynasty, Han Yu advocated Confucian "orthodoxy" and put forward the order of Yao, Shun, Yu, Tang, Wen, Wu, Duke of Zhou, Confucius and Mencius.

Zhou GongDan formulated and carried out a set of rules and regulations to maintain the patriarchal clan system of monarchs and ministers and the hierarchy. The system of succession of the eldest son was established, that is to say, the eldest son inherited the throne of the emperor of Zhou. At the same time, he enfeoffed other commoners as princes and officials. The relationship between them and the emperor is the relationship between the local government and the central government, between the small clan and the large one. Strengthening the rule of the central government is the so-called ritual and music system. What Confucius pursued in his life is this kind of orderly society, which has influenced the later generations for thousands of years.
