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Regent of Zhou GongDan

Zhou Gong (?-1095 BC) surnamed Ji, brother of King Wu of Zhou, also known as Shudan. He was a famous statesman and thinker in the early Western Zhou Dynasty.
At the turn of yin and Zhou dynasties, Duke Zhou assisted King Wu of Zhou to overthrow Zhou and destroy Shang. In the second year after the founding of Zhou Dynasty, King Wu died. King Cheng of Zhou was young and was Regent of Zhou. He established Wu Geng, the son of King Zhou of Yin, in Yin, and ordered his younger brother to supervise the state. Uncle Guan, uncle CAI and uncle Huo were not satisfied, and they made a rumor that Duke Zhou "would not be good for children.". When King Wu was seriously ill, the Duke of Zhou tried to pray for him. He was willing to replace him with his body. The article was hidden in the golden chamber. Later, because of the natural disaster, King Cheng sent out the Golden Chamber of Teng. He found that Zhu Wen was a great inspiration and welcomed the Duke of Zhou. Guan Shu, Cai Shu and Huo Shu colluded with Wu Geng and the Oriental Yi people to rebel against Zhou Dynasty. Zhou Gong was ordered by Cheng Wang to go on an eastward expedition to "surrender the third uncle" and kill Wu Geng. He built Luoyi (now Luoyang, Henan Province) as the eastern capital and wrote Dagao to collect the adherents of Yin Dynasty. During the Regency period, the Duke of Zhou formulated a series of systems, such as: Guangfeng vassal state, successively granted 71 vassal states, such as song, Wei, Lu, Qi, Yan, etc., "feudal vassal state" effectively consolidated the rule of the Western Zhou Dynasty; making rites and making music, according to the characteristics of the Zhou Dynasty, made profit and loss on the etiquette, and improved various rules and regulations, which were later called "Zhou rites" or "Zhou rites" The canon of the Duke of Zhou had a profound influence on later generations.

Duke Zhou Zhou Gong accepted the lessons of the Xia and Shang Dynasties, and put forward many important political thoughts: he advocated the existence of "destiny", but repeatedly stressed that "only destiny is not in the ordinary", not to obey orders; "respecting morality" thought emphasized that rulers must cultivate morality, "match morality with heaven", not to be greedy for pleasure, "no well-being, no leisure", to know "the difficulty of farming"“ The thought of "protecting the people" realizes that "the will of the people is changeable, but the only way to win the will of the people is to carry out the policy of virtue;" be clear about virtue and be cautious about punishment ". While advocating" respect for virtue ", it also advocates" respect for the mind is punishment ". There should be some tough means to help people, but the penalty should be cautious. Zhou Gong's thoughts and comments are mainly concentrated in the Shangshu's Dagao, kanggao, Jiugao, Duoshi, Wuyi and Duoduo. These thoughts are one of the main theoretical bases for the later Confucianism to advocate "rule by virtue".

Confucius, the founder of Confucian school, highly respected Zhou Gong. Confucius once said: "if a man has the beauty of Duke Zhou's talent, he will be arrogant and stingy, and the rest will be insufficient." (the Analects of Confucius · Taibo) praised the Duke of Zhou, saying: "the Duke of Zhou is written and has the virtue of martial arts. He pursues the king and the king's season, and worships the former Duke with the gift of the son of heaven"; "the Duke of Zhou is filial!" (the book of rites, the doctrine of the mean) when Confucius was old and frail, he even sighed: "I am frail! For a long time, I will never dream of Duke Zhou again Due to the praise of Confucius, Duke Zhou became one of the most respected ancient sages by Confucian scholars, sometimes called "Zhou Kong" together with Confucius.

Zhou GongDan, surnamed Ji, surnamed Zhou, named Dan, posthumous Wen, also known as Zhou Wengong and Zhou Gong. The fourth son of King Wen of Zhou. In the early years of the Western Zhou Dynasty, the statesman was granted Zhouyi. Empress Wu Zetian was granted the title of "Baode king" in 690, and Emperor song Zhenzong was granted the title of "Wenxian king" in 1008.


Duke Zhou is said to have assisted King Wu in his military action against Yin. After King Wu conquered Yin, the capital area of Shang was divided into three kingdoms, I, and Wei. King Wu died three years after conquering Yin, and Zhou GongDan, Zhao Gong and Tai Gong Wang assisted his son Zhou Chengwang.

Guan Shuxian, the third son of King Wen, was the elder brother of Zhou GongDan. According to the system of elder brother's death and younger brother's death, Guan Shuxian should inherit the throne or Regent in turn after the death of King Wu. However, Zhou GongDan sent him and his fifth brother Cai Shudu to Shangji area (i.e., Huoshu's office was also sent to Shangdi), so Guan Shu and Cai Shu united with the remnant forces of Shang nationality and other Dongyi tribes (Shiji Guancai family) 》He was the son of the United emperor Xin (Wu Geng) and the king of Qin. He rebelled in the Shangji area and was known as the "rebellion of the three prisons" in history. They spread rumors all over the place, saying that "the general is not good for the children", "heaven falls on my family There are great difficulties in the western land, "Zhou capital, located in the west of Yin, cursed the Western Zhou state for great difficulties.

Three years later, Duke Zhou returned to the East China Sea to fight against the rebellion. He was the founder of Wu Geng and Guan Shu, exiled Cai Shu, abandoned Huo Shu as a common man, and extended his national power to the East China Sea, commonly known as "Duke Zhou's East China Sea expedition".

After the war, Duke Zhou built Luoyi of Chengzhou, which was called "east capital" to control the stubborn army of Yin Dynasty. "The great biography of the book of history" says that "the Regent of the Duke of Zhou saved the chaos in one year, conquered Yin in two years, Jianyan in three years, jianhouwei Xingshu in four years, established Zhou in five years, made rites and music in six years, and became king in seven years."

Duke Zhou once proposed "respecting morality and protecting the people", making rites and music, and establishing a system of laws and regulations. His comments can be found in various chapters of Shangshu, such as Jindan and Wuyi. Duke Zhou also contributed to the creation of the book of changes. The Duke of Zhou was respected by Confucius and regarded as a sage by Confucianism. The thought of Duke of Zhou played a fundamental role in the formation of Confucianism.

After Zhou Gong died, he was buried at the end of his life. In 2004, a group of suspected Zhou Gong's tombs was found in the Zhougong temple area of Qishan County, Shaanxi Province.

Regent of Zhou Gong

In 1042 BC, the crown prince of Zhou ascended the throne, that is, King Cheng of Zhou. King Cheng was young and was Regent by Zhou GongDan, the younger brother of King Wu. Whether the Duke of Zhou became a regent after King Wu of Zhou Dynasty has been a controversial issue in the field of Chinese political science since the Han Dynasty. So far, there are many different opinions. One is to agree that the Duke of Zhou was once a regent, while Xunzi, Shizi, Han Fei, Jian Bozan, Jin Jingfang, Gong Changwei and Guo Weichuan hold this view. The other is to think that the Duke of Zhou was not a regent The third is that the Duke of Zhou is regent, and he will be king when there is a big event, and Zheng Xuan holds this view; the fourth is that the Duke of Zhou and the king of Zhou are both regents, and Gu Jiegang holds this view; the fifth is that the Duke of Zhou is neither Regent nor king, and Wang Shenxing and Ma Chengyuan hold this view; the sixth is that the Duke of Zhou is regent, but not king Yang Xiangkui, Wang Guanying, Xia Hanyi, Zhao Ruying and Yang chaoming hold this view. Liang Qichao, on the other hand, fell into self contradiction.

According to the chapter of the book of history, King Wu of Zhou died of illness in the second year after conquering the Shang Dynasty. Duke Zhou set up an altar to offer sacrifices to the king Tai, Wang Ji and King Wen. He was willing to die by himself instead of King Wu. Soon King Wu died of illness. Prince Wu Song (King Cheng) was young, and Zhou GongDan became king.

Chao Fulin believed that the later generations could not believe that the Duke of Zhou was king because of the orthodox idea under the patriarchal system. He argued that the Duke of Zhou assisted the Regent of the king to understand. Chao Fulin believes that according to the records of the pre Qin historical documents, Duke Zhou was indeed called king. The book of the wood. According to the inscription of PNG Si Tu Zhen, "the king came to attack the Shang city, and extended the map of marquis Kang to Wei.". There are some records in the inscription of CAI Zun, such as "the king is in Lu". Gu Jiegang thinks that these are the direct evidence for the Duke of Zhou to be king.

"King" and other words are used in the book of history of Zhou when it describes the affairs of the Duke of Zhou. In the chapter of Dagao, the Duke of Zhou was called "Wang" when he described the eastern expedition. For example, "the king said:" Hoo Hoo! I'm so happy to see you in the imperial palace I'm going to fight with you to the East. ". Many scholars and many parties recorded that Duke Zhou returned to Ho Jing from Shang capital after he won the eastern expedition, and also used the title of "Wang". There is another chapter in kanggao, "Wang Ruo said: Marquis Meng, I am his younger brother, Xiaozi Feng". This chapter deals with the issue that the Duke of Zhou granted uncle Kang to defend the land after he pacified the rebellion of the third prison. Uncle Kang is the son of King Wen and the younger brother of Duke Zhou, so it is called "younger brother". The characters of Jiugao and Zicai are the same as kanggao. They all call Duke Zhou "Wang". "Luo Gao" contains, "only the birthday of Zhou Gong Bao Wenwu was ordered, only seven years." It refers to the great efforts of the Duke of Zhou to govern the civil and military affairs of the Zhou court, who was appointed king for seven years. "Han Feizi difficult two" contains, "Zhou GongDan holiday for the seventh year of the emperor." According to the book of rites Ming Tang, "Duke Zhou practiced the position of emperor to govern the world." Chao Fulin thought that the king of Zhou was an urgent measure because of the political situation at that time. According to Yang Kuan, it was not long before he conquered Yin, King Cheng was young, and the residual forces of Shang family and Fang kingdom were all over the East, so Duke Zhou became king. According to the book of yizhoushu Duyi, "Wang Yudan was passed on later. Wang said: "Dan! You Weizhen Dadi Today's angel son, but the two gods give me a spiritual period, not to Wei Youzi knows It's my brother's wife. I'm going to tell you where the tortoise is. " It is recorded that King Wu decided to pass the biography of "brother Prime Minister Hou" on Zhou GongDan and divined about it.

Chao Fulin thinks that the inheritance system of elder brother, elder brother and younger brother is quite common in the era before Duke Zhou. In the Shang Dynasty, it is common to see the inheritance system of elder brother, elder brother and younger brother. The inheritance system of elder brother, elder brother and younger brother was passed on to the third son, Ji Li, and King Wen to the second son, King Wu, instead of Boyi Kao's son. At the beginning of the Western Zhou Dynasty, the patriarchal system of inheriting the throne by his eldest son was not perfect. Therefore, it is not a matter of great treason that Zhou GongDan inherited the throne. Yang Kuan thinks that Sima Qian was not used when he wrote historical records because his elder brother died and his younger brother did not conform to the patriarchal system of the Zhou Dynasty.

Duke Zhou and dream

The word "mengzhougong" comes from the record in the Analects of Confucius: "Confucius said:" I am even worse! After a long time, I will never dream of Duke Zhou again. " Confucius said, "I'm very old, and I haven't dreamt of Duke Zhou for a long time." The "Duke of Zhou" here originally refers to Confucius' ideal of restoring the rites and music system of the Western Zhou Dynasty, but later generations directly linked "Duke of Zhou" with "dream". As Confucius said, "I don't dream of Duke Zhou any more" (I haven't dreamt of Duke Zhou for a long time), later generations often use "Duke Zhou" to describe people falling asleep.

The dream of Duke Zhou

"Zhougong dream interpretation" is a traditional dream culture, which predicts the future according to the content of dreams. In Zhougong jiemeng, a folk book of dream interpretation, dreams are divided into 15 categories: straight dream, Xiang dream, Yin dream, Xiang dream, Jing dream, sexual dream, human dream, Yi Gan dream, Shi dream, anti dream, borrowing dream, sending dream, transferring dream, sick dream, ghost dream and beautiful dream.


"Dream of the Duke of Zhou" folklore, a person is about to happen what important things, the Duke of Zhou to cast a dream. The allusion comes from the Analects of Confucius! I'm a loser! I haven't dreamt of Duke Zhou for a long time Later, the Duke of Zhou was called "mengshen".

"Dream of Duke Zhou" or "find Duke Zhou" is also used as a nickname for dozing. Taiwan students call it "Duke of Zhou" or "Duke of Zhou online", which also means "dozing off".
