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The first female general in Chinese history

Fu Hao, surname Hao (ancient pronunciation (Z ǐ), the same son's surname), is a kinship term. The female surname in the pre Qin period was written at the end. In Chinese history, she was the first female military commander and an outstanding female politician. "Fu" is a kinship term. The bronze inscriptions are also called "Hou Mu Xin" because her temple name is Xin, which is called Yi Xin, which is called "Hou Xin" in Zhou Ji oracle inscriptions. Zugeng, Zujia's mother generation "Muxin" is her.

A large number of oracle bone inscriptions unearthed show that in a series of wars between Wuding and the neighboring countries and tribes, Fuhao was ordered to collect soldiers on behalf of the king of Shang for many times and served as a general on the battlefield for many times. He once commanded 13000 troops to attack the Qiang side, captured a large number of Qiang people, and became the general who led the most troops in one battle. He took part in and directed major battles against Turkey, Pakistan, and the barbarians, and was often under his command. In the battle against Pakistan, he led the soldiers to set up an ambush and cut off the retreat of the army. When the soldiers defeated the army from the East, they drove it into the ambush and annihilated it. It is the earliest ambush recorded in the history of Chinese war. In the Shang Dynasty, when "the great event of the state lies in the worship of Yurong" (the 13th year of Chenggong in Zuozhuan), Fuhao was often ordered to preside over various kinds of ceremonies, such as offering sacrifices to heaven, ancestors, and holy spring. She was also an official of divination and an important member of Wuding ruling group. He led soldiers to suppress slave resistance. He tried his best to maintain the rule and privilege of the slave owners. He was favored by Wu Ding and was granted a place in other places to take on the responsibility of guarding the land and conscription. He died in Wuding period.

Therefore, Wuding liked her very much. After her death, Wuding was very sad and named "Xin" after her posthumous title. Later generations of Shang Dynasty respected her as "Mu Xin" and "Hou Mu Xin". Fuhao tomb was discovered in 1976 at Yin Ruins in Anyang, Henan Province. The mysteries in the tomb are being explored.

Life of the characters

Fuhao is the earliest female statesman and militarist in China's history, and the first documented heroine in Chinese history. One of the more than 60 wives of King Wuding of Shang [5], the mother of zujiyin, lived in the first half of the 12th century BC when Wuding reorganized the Shang Dynasty.

From the excavation of her tomb, it is inferred that her surname should be "Hao", while "Fu" is a kinship term, which is also called "stepmother Xin" in the bronze inscriptions. The word "Hao" of Fuhao is written in oracle inscriptions or left son and right daughter. There is also a very complicated writing method on the utensils unearthed from the tomb of Fuhao (such as the Gu No. 827). There is a "Zi" in the middle and a "every (mother) on the left and right, which should be a complex structure of" Hao ".

She is a famous militarist in Chinese history, and a woman general who is good at fighting. The oracle bone inscriptions in Yin Ruins record that she conquered many neighboring countries, which is rare in history. However, the Yue unearthed from Fuhao's tomb should be a guard of honor, which should be held by a specially assigned person on the chariot. It is worth mentioning that the role of Yue as a guard of honor was often found in the tombs of early China.

Fuhao is the wife of King Wuding of Shang Dynasty. A large number of oracle bone inscriptions unearthed show that Fuhao was ordered to fight many times and made great contributions to the expansion of the territory of Shang Dynasty. She was also often ordered to preside over various kinds of ceremonies such as offering sacrifices to heaven, ancestors and holy springs, and was also appointed as an official of divination. However, Fuhao unfortunately died in her forties, but it was not an early death in the Shang Dynasty. However, compared with Wuding, who had been in power for 59 years, it was an early death. Wuding was very sad. Fuhao had a huge tomb to be buried alone, and there was a long ceremony to worship. This was very rare in the Shang Dynasty.

In 1976, a complete tomb was found in the northwest of Xiaotun, Anyang, Henan Province. Her name appears frequently in the existing oracle bone inscriptions. Only among the more than 10000 pieces of Oracle Bones unearthed in the Yin Ruins of Anyang, her name is mentioned more than 200 times. She was the queen of King Wuding more than 3000 years ago.

The martial arts of Shang Dynasty was the most powerful in the era of Wuding, Emperor Gaozong of Shang Dynasty. Wuding expanded the territory of Shang Dynasty several times through a series of wars, and the general who led the army to fight for war was his queen. According to Oracle Bone Inscriptions: one summer, there was a war on the northern border, and the two sides were at loggerheads. The women's Heroes volunteered to lead their troops. Wu Ding hesitated. After divination, he decided to send the women's heroes to fight. In the end, he won the battle. After that, Wu Ding made her commander in chief. From then on, she fought in the East and West, and defeated more than 20 small independent countries around her. At that time, the number of troops dispatched was not large, generally thousands, which was similar to large-scale fighting. But according to the records, when Fuhao attacked the Qiang, she led more than 13000 troops at a time, that is to say, half of the troops of the Shang Dynasty were handed over to her.

There were three queens before and after Wuding of Emperor Gaozong of Shang Dynasty. The wife of the king of Shang was not only his spouse, but also his generals and officials. However, Wuding had more than 60 wives, and the good wife was only one of them. It is worth noting that Fuhao does not live with Wuding, but often stays in her own fiefdom. It has its own fiefdom and property. This phenomenon never appeared in the later Chinese history. But it seemed to be a common phenomenon at that time. At least several of Wuding's wives and concubines and female generals were in addition to Fuhao. There was also a Fuyu whose name was recorded. She was second only to Fuhao. She also led many expeditions and managed agriculture and internal affairs for Wuding. She was sealed in Jingfang, which is now Xingtai, Hebei Province.

3000 years later, in two unexpected discoveries 40 years apart, she appeared in front of modern people as the most specific image of Shang Dynasty.

The king of Shang managed the ghost marriage for his beloved wife. However, people still wonder, why does the woman marry so many kings? Did the queen have the right to marry many times in Shang Dynasty? Zhao Cheng, an old expert of Zhonghua Book Company, has retired for many years, but he is still infatuated with the study of oracle bone inscriptions. He has his own unique opinion on the 2636 edition of the collection of Oracle Bone Inscriptions: Wuding is the longest reigning king among the known Shang kings. He has been in power for 59 years, and his beloved queen Fuhao died before him. People in Shang Dynasty were superstitious in ghosts and gods and worshipped destiny. They believe that everything in the world depends on heaven, gods and ancestors. Wuding's feelings for Fuhao are very special. Maybe he loves each other deeply, maybe he respects each other like a guest. He is always hard to let go of Fuhao. Therefore, the enlightened monarch betrothed his cherished wife to the long dead king. Maybe he thought that these dead ancestors would protect his wife in the underworld, or he thought that the excellence of women's kindness could be compared with that of a great emperor. The oracle inscriptions in oracle bone inscriptions are exactly Wuding's urgent inquiry to his ancestors.


In 1976, Fuhao was excavated by archaeologists Zheng Zhenxiang and Chen Zhida of the Shang Dynasty. It was listed as one of the top ten archaeological achievements in China.

Fuhao tomb, located in the southwest of group C site, is one of the most important archaeological discoveries in the palace and temple area of Yin Ruins since 1928. It is also the only well preserved royal family member Tomb of Shang Dynasty discovered since the scientific excavation of Yin Ruins. The tomb is 5.6 meters long from north to south, 4 meters wide from east to west and 7.5 meters deep. On the tomb, there is a hall called "muxinzong" in oracle bone inscriptions.

There are more than 200 records about women's happiness in oracle bone inscriptions. She once led more than 13000 troops to attack Gui Fang who came to invade, and returned home after a great victory. Because of her outstanding service, she was deeply loved by the soldiers, ministers and the people. The Emperor Wu Ding buried the woman and built a hall to commemorate her death.

The Fuhao tomb, discovered in 1976, is a royal tomb with a clear owner and no theft. A total of 1928 burial objects were unearthed from the tomb, including more than 440 bronzes, 590 jades and 560 bone artifacts. In addition, there are stone tools, ivory products, pottery and more than 6000 shells. The artifacts unearthed from Fuhao tomb are extremely exquisite, such as exquisite jade figurines and ivory cups inlaid with turquoise. Among the large number of bronzes unearthed, there are many with the inscription of "Fuhao" on them. In particular, a weapon "Yue" with the inscription of "Fu Hao" is generally considered as a symbol of the power of women Hao to lead the war. There is a restored Tomb of Fuhao in Anyang Yin Ruins Museum for visitors to visit.

Fuhao Xiangtang (muxinzong) is a temple built by King Wuding on the tomb after the death of Fuhao. Good women - the temple name "Xin". The hall of enjoyment on the tomb is called "muxinzong" in oracle inscriptions. This building is a scientific restoration of the remains of muxinzong.

The white jade statue of Fuhao standing in front of Fuhao hall is carved according to relevant materials. You see, it has bright eyes, not angry but powerful, strong and resolute, majestic, which shows the heroism and elegant demeanor of the earliest women generals in China. The dragon pattern large copper Tomahawk she was holding was the weapon she had used before, weighing 8.5Kg. The other one weighs 9 kg. If you use such heavy weapons, you can see that you have excellent martial arts skills and great strength. In ancient times, the axe and Yue were mainly used to manage the army, and the Yue was once a symbol of military command, that is, royal power.

Yin Ruins were the capital of the late Shang Dynasty. According to the records, it took eight dynasties and 12 kings from Pan Geng's moving to Yin to the fall of emperor Xin. According to the chronology of Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties listed in the project of Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties, it is confirmed that Pan Geng moved to Yin in 1300 BC, and Wang Wu conquered Shang in 1046 BC, with a total of more than 200 years. It is indisputable that the Shang Dynasty lived in Yin for the longest time.

It is the 75th anniversary since Mr. Dong Zuobin first excavated Yin Ruins in 1928 (2013). The Yin Ruins have long been well-known at home and abroad. This paper reviews the discovery and excavation of Fuhao tomb.

Excavation process

Fuhao tomb was located in the northwest of Xiaotun village at that time. It used to be a hillock higher than the surrounding farmland. In the winter of 1975, there was a wave of "agriculture learning from Dazhai" to level the construction site, and this hillock became the target of leveling. In order to protect this site, it is necessary to put forward sufficient reasons. Since no excavation work has been done in this area in the past and little is known about the connotation of the site, the staff of Anyang work station of the Institute of Archaeology at that time decided to drill the important site. The author is responsible for the drilling work of Xiaotun site. The cotton pole on the hillock has not been pulled out, so it can only be drilled at the edge. From November 20, drilling revealed that the cultural layer of Yin appeared under the cultivated soil layer, and the rammed earth about 70 meters long from east to West in the East was thicker than that in the West. To the south of the hillock was a cliff formed by soil sampling, and to the south of the cliff was an open space. I think if the southern cliff is cleared out, the observed phenomenon is more reliable. So on November 23, Chen Zhida began to clean up the cliff. After cleaning for three days, he scraped out a section about 140 meters long. Dense rammed earth foundations are exposed in the East, and the terrain is lower in the west, but there is still rammed earth. The discovery of rammed earth foundation provides an important basis for the protection of this site. After contacting the responsible cadres in the village and asking them to see the scene, they all agreed to protect it and said that they would not take soil here in the future. The problem of site protection has been satisfactorily solved, and it is decided to excavate in the next year.

After going through the procedures of declaration and approval, the excavation of the northwest part of Xiaotun village was carried out in the spring of 1976. Zheng Zhenxiang and Chen Zhida participated in the excavation, and Professor Zhang Zhiheng of History Department of Nanjing University also participated in the excavation for a period of time. In order to find out the scope and nature of rammed earth under the foundation, No.1 foundation was excavated. After the foundation soil was removed, a rectangular pit filled with rammed earth appeared below. The south side of the pit was dug out. However, it was found that there was still rammed earth down. The southern edge of the pit was found, which was rectangular, much like a tomb. But when drilling, one rod could not reach the bottom, so the tether went down It is said that there are few tombs in Xiaotun, which are full of "dead rammed earth" (referring to the foundation soil), affecting the mood of migrant workers. So we first dig the part down, and stop when it is 3 meters deep from the surface. I discussed with experienced technicians that we still have to drill. If we can't reach the end of one rod, we can add a connecting rod and tighten it with screws. If it's more than 6 meters deep, it's close to underground water, and it's not easy to explore when rammed earth becomes wet mud. We need to add a connecting rod (the connecting rod is horizontally inserted at the top of the connecting rod). An old worker said that we need two people to push the connecting rod. I said that it's easy to do. On Sunday, we stopped work and left the drilling personnel to work hard all day. The purpose is to find out whether the tomb is safe or not. People present agreed.

Stepmother Xin Fangding

May 16 is a Sunday. It's sunny. I said to you that our task is to probe to the bottom and drill a few more holes. As long as we probe to the bottom, no matter what happens, we can finish the task. The workers are very energetic and start to probe at the edge. Several holes meet hard things like stones at different depths and can't go down. Finally, I decided to drill a hole in the center. I think if it's a tomb, there should be a phenomenon. A young man said that this was a crucial shoveling, which made people present a little nervous. From 3m to 6m from the surface, the progress is relatively fast. It is known from the well that the water level here is 6.5m. So the earth is rammed down and turned into mud. The mud on the probe shovel often slides down when it is lifted up. At this time, the screw rod is used to drill down with the force of rotation. The speed of a shovel is very slow. Every shovel comes up and carefully looks at whether the soil has changed. The workers are very hard. It took more than half an hour to probe from 6 meters to 7 meters deep. While pushing the screw rod downward, the probe rod suddenly sank about 70 cm, and the rod was pushed downward He Baoguo, one of the workers, grasped the probe rod tightly and made it fall down with all his strength. The probe rod sank about 50 cm again and a hard bottom appeared. At this time, none of the people on the scene made a sound. They slowly pulled up the shovel carefully. The shovel was full of bright red paint. The atmosphere suddenly became active. Everyone said it was a tomb. Master he Zhenrong, who had a keen eye, found something in the shovel. He grabbed it and ran to the side of the canal to wash it. It turned out to be a jade pendant, and a tomb was presented to everyone In front of you.

We concentrated our efforts on excavating the tomb. The base of the tomb is 5.6 meters long, 4 meters wide and 8 meters deep. At that time, there was no high hope for a vertical cave tomb with an area of only more than 20 square meters, but surprisingly, relics constantly appeared in the filling of the excavated tomb. The remains are buried in layers, which can be divided into six layers. The first one found is a remnant pottery Jue, which is about 3 meters deep from the earth's surface. In the northeast of the tomb, a marble mortar appeared. When it was unearthed, the bottom was up. When you turn it over, the mortar hole was full of cinnabar and bright color. The discovery of this mortar raised everyone's enthusiasm, and several layers of cultural relics were unearthed one after another. The relics of each layer are not explained in detail. This layer is 5.6 meters deep from the entrance of the tomb. In the middle of the tomb, there are three Ivory cups and a large number of bone hairpins stacked together, probably originally placed in wooden boxes. In the south, there are many funerary objects of different materials, such as stone beans, paired stone birds, exquisite bone carving knives, a bronze mirror, and scattered bone hairpins. After taking out the relics of the upper layer, the relics below are exposed, including two bronze mirrors, a large stone cicada, small stone pots, stone barriers, stone pots and other "tricks" for enjoyment, as well as jade tubes and agate beads. When unearthed, it is bright in color. The sixth floor is close to the surface of the water after cleaning, but remains are still found, among which the most important are the stone ox engraved with the word "houxin", the skeleton of martyrs and the skeleton of dogs found by the tomb wall. Due to new discoveries, the atmosphere of the construction site is very active, especially when young people ask about this and that, and some ask whether there will be a "tiger head Yi" (referring to Gong). Teacher Fu said, maybe a tiger head Yi will make you open your eyes, and the people next to you will laugh. After cleaning up this layer of relics, it is close to the surface of the water and no longer digs down. The excavation above the surface of the water is over.

Jade man with wide handle
From June 4 to 5, preparation work for underwater excavation was carried out. The excavation was originally scheduled to start on June 6, but the power supply bureau did not deliver power. The workers were very anxious. An old master suggested that the underwater excavation could be carried out by using a windlass. They knew more about the situation below, and the workers who had arranged the launching agreed. So it was agreed that only a small part of the northern end and the middle of the tomb should be excavated. After a while, two jade stones and one stone man appeared in the middle of the tomb. In the north, large-scale bronze vessels gradually emerged, and Dafang Ding was the first one to emerge. Ding ear out, rectangular mouth is also very obvious, onlookers shout, "copper furnace"! The big fish also came out of the water. The appearance of large bronze ware was a surprise, but considering the safety, we stopped digging and contacted the power supply bureau to solve the problem of power supply so as to pump water. The comrades of the power supply bureau looked at the scene and agreed to supply power all day the next day.

On the morning of the 7th, the accumulated water in the pit was removed first, and the temperature rose after 9 o'clock. The workers went into the water in turn. The coffin was filled with jade articles. One was taken out and one was passed up. Jade dagger and jade man were constantly sent up. However, there were too many remains in the tomb and the transmission was too slow. So the jade articles were put into buckets, and the residual copper articles were put into baskets and sent to the ground. After the baskets of copper articles were taken up, they were sent to the work station by flat cars, and the jade articles in the buckets were carried back by two people Go, Chen Zhida and the staff of the workstation will wrap one jade piece in paper and put it into the carton. On the construction site, the personnel in and out of the grave are working hard. At about 1:00 p.m., the jades in the coffin and the small bronzes in the coffin were basically taken out. Just at this time, the water yield is less. Therefore, we seized this favorable opportunity to clean up the large-scale bronzes placed around the tomb. The large-scale bronzes could not be put in baskets, but could only be tied tightly with ropes. Then the strong workers slowly pulled them up along the pit wall, and I recorded the unearthed position and order of the bronzes. The people who took part in the excavation were in intense labor, and the crowd of onlookers was bustling. Some of them knew how to use antiques. Every time they took one, someone yelled. Another one, the tripod was pulled up. Some people said, six legs, what is it? The people nearby said, I haven't seen them. Even when the body of Yi's utensil is taken up, a child shouts. It's like a pig trough. The people in charge of safety are trying their best to maintain order, asking everyone not to crowd and let them see in the future, but the onlookers are still interested and talking about it. At about 3 p.m., the relic was removed, and finally the water dyed red by cinnabar and lacquer was pumped out, revealing the waist pit and the bottom of raw soil. People who operate underwater are very proud. Some say that the tomb has been dug cleanly. Master Hou Delong says that the bottom is bright. Don't worry, you won't leave anything behind.

At the end of the excavation, Dai Zhongxian and Qu ruzhong took out the wine they hadn't drunk during the excavation and said, "drink the bar.". The workers were drinking and talking. Some said that it was unexpected that there were so many villains, several Hutou Yi. Some said that they had never seen such a pit. Soon after, we held a small exhibition at Anyang work station. After seeing the exhibition, the villagers and relevant units in Anyang City expressed their satisfaction and pride for their hometown.

The funerary objects

In the last century, the Yin Ruins of Xiaotun village in Anyang were excavated one after another. However, only 11 empty tombs were left in the tombs of 11 Shang kings who once settled in Anyang, which had been stolen for 3000 years. No one thought that the tomb of Fuhao was well preserved. On May 17, 1976, Zheng Zhenxiang, a female archaeologist, presided over the excavation of the tomb of another woman, Queen Shang and general Fuhao. Four bronze mirrors, four bronze tomahawks and 130 bronze weapons were unearthed from the tomb. In addition to more than 200 bronze ritual vessels headed by a pair of stepmother Xin Dafang Ding, there are 15 kinds of 156 wine vessels, 755 jade ornaments from Xinjiang and other places, more than 7000 seashells from Taiwan, Hainan and even beyond, and 47 gem products of various colors. And all kinds of pottery, stone tools, conch and so on. In addition, there were 16 martyrs and 6 dogs who died for Fuhao.

Although the chamber of Fuhao tomb is not large, it is well preserved. There are 1928 pieces of funerary objects of different materials unearthed, including bronzes, jades, gems, ivory, bone and clam. The bronzes and jades can best reflect the cultural development level of Yin Ruins.

There are 468 bronzes in total, mainly ceremonial vessels and weapons. There are a wide range of ceremonial vessels, including cookers, food vessels, wine vessels, water vessels, etc. Most of them are in pairs or groups. There are a pair of owl Zun, Gu and Xiao Fang Ding in the inscription of Fuhao. There are 12 round Ding, 6 in each group, and 8 copper Dou, 4 in each group. The inscription of stepmother Xin has a pair of Dafang Ding and a pair of four legged Gong. In other inscriptions, there are pairs of square pots, square zuns, round cups, etc., and most of them are equipped with 10 Gu and 10 Jue. There are 190 bronze ritual vessels with inscriptions, including 109 with "Fuhao" inscriptions, accounting for more than half of the bronze vessels with inscriptions. Such as owl Zun and round foot Gong, they have beautiful shapes and complicated patterns. At the same time, "Fuhao" owl Zun is the earliest bird shaped wine Zun found so far. Its shape and exquisite decoration have the solemn atmosphere and unique charm of Shang Dynasty bronze ware. As the embodiment of material civilization and spiritual civilization in Shang Dynasty, the "good woman" owl is not only the material carrier of "national event, sacrifice and military", but also proves the peak of the development of China's Bronze Age.

Bronze owl statue of Fuhao

It is the first time that sanlianyu and oufangyi appeared. Triple steamer is a combination of stove and steamer. It can steam the same or different food in three steamers at the same time. It can also move its position and is convenient to use. It is an innovation of cooking utensils. Steam column steamer is actually a steam pot. It's a delicious food to steam chicken in Kunming. The same cooker appeared more than 3000 years ago, which is enough to show that the people of Yin Dynasty also deliberately sought for perfection in food.

The bronze wares in the tomb are not only exquisite works of art, but also the embodiment of the ritual system of the Shang Dynasty. The bronzes inscribed on "Fuhao" are a relatively complete group of ritual vessels. The bronze sacrificial utensils in the inscription of "stepmother Xin" should be the sacrificial utensils made by the offspring for the sake of women. Most of the other bronze sacrificial utensils with different inscriptions are wine utensils. Large wine utensils are equipped with 10 Gu and 10 Jue. It is probably the sacrificial utensils offered by nobles or Fangguo to the famous Queen. These are also important materials for studying the etiquette system of Yin Dynasty.

The weapons include Ge, Yue and arrowhead. Two large bronze Yue with inscription of "Fuhao" are most eye-catching. One is decorated with two tigers to capture the head. The tiger is like a little tiger and vivid. Similar patterns have been seen on the ears of the "houmuwu" tripod. It seems to have a deterrent effect.

Many jades were unearthed in the tomb, most of which were complete or slightly incomplete. Mainly in different shades of green, but also brown, few white jade. When the staff of Anyang jade carving factory saw the jade, it was suggested that Xinjiang jade was the main jade in the tomb. We were very concerned about this view. After verification by many experienced people, it was confirmed that Xinjiang jade was the main jade in Fuhao tomb. After scientific identification, most of them are tremolite, but also actinolite. Tremolite is consistent with Xinjiang jade, and the hardness of the specimen is 6 degree Mohr. The discovery of Xinjiang jade in Yin Ruins is of great significance.

There are many types of jades, such as Cong, Bi, Huang, Ge, Yue, spear, tools and decorations. Jade ritual vessels are very important for the study of ritual system. Cong and Bi are the main ritual jade. Zhou Li Da Da Bo: "cangbi Li Tian, huangcong Li Di". Although this is a reflection of the concept of the Zhou Dynasty, the use of jade for sacrifice appeared in the Neolithic age, and Liangzhu culture is the most systematic. In spite of different times and archaeological cultures, Cong and Bi are in the same line.

There are more than 420 ornaments, most of which are jade ornaments, a few are inlaid jade ornaments, and a few are ornaments. Jade man is the material material for studying people's hair style, headdress, dress and so on. All kinds of animal shaped jades are decorated with mythical dragons and phoenixes, strange birds and beasts with animal heads and bird bodies, and a large number of bionic animal images, such as wild animals, livestock and birds, such as tigers, bears, elephants, monkeys, deer, horses, cows, sheep, rabbits, geese, parrots, as well as fish, frogs and insects. Jade carving artists are good at grasping the ecological characteristics and habits of different animals. The carved animal images are full of life flavor, such as a looking back deer, showing an alert look, while the mantis with its head tilted to one side is leisurely and vivid. Besides jade, there are turquoise, malachite, green crystal works of art and Manau beads. Three Ivory cups, two in pairs, are beautiful in shape and exquisite in carving, which can be called the national treasure. It should also be said that more than 6800 seashells unearthed from the tomb were identified as cargo seashells, one Arabian scallop (also known as Arabian scallop) and two red snails. Seashells were produced in Taiwan and the South China Sea (Guangdong coast, Hainan Island, and the south of Dongshan mountain in Xiamen, Fujian). It reflects that the Shang Dynasty had direct and indirect links with the East China Sea and the South China Sea.

Discover meaning

The name of "Fu Hao" can be found in the oracle bone inscriptions of Wuding period. During his lifetime, he once presided over sacrificial ceremonies and engaged in military campaigns, with a prominent position. Fuhao tomb belongs to the early Yin Ruins, which coincides with the Wuding period. The housewife of the tomb should be the spouse of the Wuding. Its importance lies in the good preservation of the tomb and the clear age and identity of the owner. It is a queen's tomb in the late Shang Dynasty. In the 1930s, large tombs excavated in the royal mausoleum area around houjiazhuang were all robbed, so little is known about the complete picture of the royal tombs of the Shang Dynasty. The excavation of Fuhao tomb made up for this defect to some extent. The bronze ritual group and weapons, as well as a large number of jades and so on in the tomb generally reflect the types and combinations of the ritual group of the Shang Dynasty before and after Wuding, which is an important material for studying the ritual system of the Shang Dynasty. Large bronze ritual vessels, weapons and a large number of jade and ivory vessels also showed the prosperity of Shang Dynasty and the development level of handicraft industry. Shang culture is formed after a long period of development. From the jade ware, we can see that in the process of development, it has absorbed some advanced factors of Neolithic culture, such as jade dragon and pig dragon of Hongshan culture, Cong and Bi of Liangzhu culture, etc. it has been continuously developed and innovated, enriching the connotation of Shang culture and adding luster to the culture of the motherland. The cultural relics of Fuhao tomb, shellfish, conch and so on, need to be studied from many aspects and perspectives.
