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Shang Tang (1670-1587 BC), surnamed Zi, surnamed Cheng, was born in Shang state (now Shangqiu City, Henan Province). The founder of the Shang Dynasty, the 15th grandson of DIHE, the 14th grandson of Qi, and the son of Zhugui.
He was the monarch of Shang state, a subsidiary state of Xia Dynasty. With the assistance of Yi Yin and Zhong Hui, he successively destroyed Ge state (now Nanning County of he), Wei state (now Hua county of Henan Province), Gu state (now fan County of Henan Province) and Kun Wu (now Xuchang city of Henan Province) and became a powerful country at that time. In the face of Xia Jie's tyranny, Tang Shi was issued to fight against Xia Jie in mingtiao (now Henan Province is fengqiudong), and finally the Xia Dynasty was destroyed. He organized a meeting of 3000 princes to recommend him as the emperor. His capital was located in Boyi (now Gushu Town, Shangqiu City, Henan Province), and his national name was "Shang". Learning from the lessons of the fall of the Xia Dynasty, Tang Gao was issued, which required the officials to "make contributions to the people, diligence is the matter", otherwise "punish you severely". We should pay attention to "governing the people with Leniency", and allow the adherents of Xia state to retain "Xia society" and canonize the descendants of Dayu. During the reign, class contradictions eased, the regime was relatively stable, and the national strength became increasingly strong. According to the book of songs, Shang song and Yin Wu, "in the past, there was a great deal of soup. Since the Diqiang people were there, they must not come to enjoy it or to be king.".
In 1587 B.C., he died at the age of 100. His temple name was Taizu and his posthumous title was Wu.

Life of the characters

Family background

The Shang nationality rose in Shangqiu in the lower reaches of the old Yellow River. The history of Shang tribe can be traced back to the period of matriarchal clan commune. The ancestor of this tribe is Qi. It is said that Jiandi, Qi's mother, took a bath and suddenly found that the swallow had laid an egg. After eating it, she became pregnant and gave birth to Qi. So in ancient times, there was a legend that "the mysterious bird of heaven's destiny came down to give birth to business".
Since Kong Jia became king of Xia Dynasty, Xia Dynasty ignored the government, superstitious in ghosts and gods, and specialized in hunting and playing, which made the people resent and the princes rebel. Because of the weakness of national strength, it was unable to control the development of the power of the vassal states.
In the Xia Dynasty, the Shang Kingdom gradually developed and strengthened after SHANG Jia destroyed Youyi. The development of agriculture and animal husbandry and the increase of social wealth promoted the transition from clan system to slavery. In order to expand its power and plunder more slaves and property, the Shang state was already a great vassal state with king power by the time of Zhu GUI.
Leading the state of Shang
After the death of Zhu GUI, Tang, his son, became the Marquis of Shang Dynasty and still built the capital of Shangqiu. The state of Shang moved the capital eight times from the time of Qi to Tang. When Shang Tang succeeded Kui as a vassal, the ruler of Xia Dynasty was Jie. He was arrogant, extravagant, spoiled and abusive. He cruelly oppressed and enslaved the people and their tribes, causing widespread hatred and opposition. The rule of Xia Dynasty was in a precarious state, and the power of the country declined gradually. In order to destroy Xia, Shang Tang moved the capital of Shang from Shangqiu (now southwest of Suiyang District in Shangqiu, Henan Province) to Bo (now southwest of Gushu town in Yucheng County in Shangqiu, Henan Province) in the 15th year of Xia Jie.
Tang built a new capital here, accumulated food and grass, recruited troops and trained troops, creating favorable conditions for the war against Xia. Originally, the Shang Kingdom was granted the power of "Dezhuan expedition" by the Xia Dynasty (Shiji, yinbenji, Jijie). He wanted to expedition who could have the right to send troops without the approval of the king of Xia. However, Tang was not preparing to invade the general Marquis, but the Xia Dynasty ruling the country. In order to weaken the influence of the Xia Dynasty, remove the obstacles to the destruction of the Xia Dynasty, and strive for more princes to fight against the Xia Dynasty, he first started from the neighboring state Ge, which was the eye and ear of Xia Jie, and close to the western part of the Shang state, which was the first obstacle to the western invasion of the Xia Dynasty.

Undercover agent

After the marriage of Shang Tang and Youshen, he used the virtuous officials Yi Yin and Zhong Hui as the left and right sides, and took Bo (now southwest of Gushu Town, Shangqiu City, Henan Province) as the advancing base to actively govern the country and prepare to destroy the summer.
Shangtang first adopted the policy of fighting for the people and the country, and launched a political offensive to expose Xia Jie's tyranny crimes, which laid a political foundation for the victory of the war. In terms of military strategy, he skillfully planned with the powerful assistance of the virtuous officials Yi Yin and Zhong Hui.
Yi Yin conspired with Tang, and he went to live in the capital of the Xia Dynasty (now Yanshi, Luoyang, Henan Province) to observe the situation of the Xia Dynasty. Tang prepared the local products and tributes, and sent Yiyin to pay tribute to the king of Xia. Yi Yin came to the capital of Xia with his entourage, carriage, and tribute. Yi Yin was in the capital of Xia, and won the favor of Princess Xia. One day three years later, Mei Xi told Yi Yin that Jie had a dream of two days in the sky, fighting against each other, winning one day and losing one day. Yi Yin thought that it was time to destroy Xia. He quickly returned to Bo, the capital of Shang state (now southwest of Gushu town in Shangqiu, Henan Province), and told Shang Tang.
Yi Yin offered advice to Tang: "since the founding of the people's Republic of China, Xia Yu has gone through more than 400 years, and the king of Xia is the common master respected by the world. Although Jie was tyrannical and the people resented him, he still had prestige among the vassals, so he could not be defeated quickly. He had to wait for the right time to act again. " After discussing with Zhong Hui, Yi Yin offered Tang a strategy, that is, he should not rush to send troops to attack Jie, but also accumulate more strength, continue to weaken the support of Xia Dynasty, and wait for the opportunity. Tang accepted Yi Yin's proposal and made positive preparations.

Send troops to be captured

During the worst drought in a hundred years, Shangtang decided to send troops. Xia Jie held a league meeting, but some states did not arrive, and there was an open rebellion. Xia Jie decided to destroy Youluo first, and then Shang. Xia Jie lost all his excellent teachers because of the war with you.
Since Xia Jie exterminated Youluo, the contradictions within the ruling class became more intense. Although there were many defectors in the princes and Fangzhong of the Xia Dynasty, there were still many who supported the Xia Dynasty and were loyal to Xia Jie. In the eastern region, there are three vassal states loyal to Xia Jie: one is Wei (now Huaxian East, Henan Province), one is Gu (now northeast of juancheng, Shandong Province), and the other is Kunwu (now Henan Province). The influence of these three Xia vassal states is not small, and their areas are close to Shang. After Tang exterminated Ge, he conquered some vassals and Fangguo who did not submit to the Shang Dynasty. However, the three states insisted on Shang as their enemy. They monitored Shang Tang's activities and often reported to Xia Jie.
Tang, Yi Yin and Zhong Hui are determined to get rid of the three Xia Jie's wings. In the 22nd year of Xia Jie, when he was preparing to march into Wei, Xia Jie learned that Tang was still fighting against the princes and expanding the power of Shang, so he sent envoys to Shang state to summon Tang into the court. Tang did not refuse, so he led his entourage to the capital of Xia. Knowing that Tang had arrived, Xia Jie ordered Tang to be imprisoned in xiatai.

Xia Jie Shi Tang

In the 23rd year of Xia Jie, when Yi Yin and Zhong Hui learned that Xia Jie had imprisoned Tang, they collected many treasures, toys and beauties for Xia Jie to ask for Tang's release. Xia Jie was a greedy and lustful man. He was very happy to see many treasures, playthings and beauties sent by Shang, so he ordered Tang to be released back to Shang. The fact that Xia Jie imprisoned Tang caused more panic among the princes and the local governments. They went to the merchants one after another and were willing to help Tang destroy Xia. On the same day, 500 princes went to Tang to take office. After Tang returned to Shang, the painful experience of being imprisoned made Shang Tang more determined to destroy Xia.

March westward

Seeing that more and more people rebelled against Xia and returned to Shang, Shang Tang discussed with his important ministers Yi Yin and Zhong Hui about conquering Wei and Gu. After a lot of planning and preparation, Shang Tang and Yi Yin led the United forces of the countries that helped Shang to attack Fang Wei of Xia. Shang Tang led the army to the border, and Wei Guo didn't even have time to ask for help, so he was soon destroyed by the Shang army. When Wei state was destroyed, Gu state was single, then Tang moved eastward, and took advantage of the victory to destroy Gu state. The land, property and people of Wei and Gu are owned by merchants.

Business destroyed Kunwu

Xia Jie ordered a strike against Shang, but a year later, Xia Bo of Kunwu, relying on his ability, led the army to attack Shang. Seeing that Kunwu was loyal to Xia Jie wholeheartedly, Yi Yin asked Tang to lead his army against Kunwu. He defeated Kunwu army in the first World War, killed Xiabo in the Second World War, destroyed Kunwu, and entered Kunwu's land, people and business. Tang also adopted Yi Yin's suggestion and stopped paying tribute to Xia Dynasty to test Xia Jie's strength. When the news reached Xiadu, Jie called Jiuyi's troops to attack Shang. Shangtang saw that Jie could mobilize Jiuyi's troops, and knew that Xia was still very powerful.
Knowing that the time was not coming, Shangtang immediately pleaded guilty to Jie, humbly expressed his submission, resumed paying tribute, removed Jie's mustard and won the time to wait for the time. A year later, because Jie was fickle, Kunwu helped him to abuse him and became the enemy of Shang. The leaders of Jiuyi also saw that Xia Jie would not last long, so they did not listen to the dispatch. The Jiuyi people couldn't bear Jie's cruel rule, and they rebelled one after another, which greatly weakened Jie's power.

Xingbing for summer

Guan Longfeng, the virtuous Minister of Xia Jie, remonstrated many times. Jie was very angry and executed Guan Longfeng. Taishi asked Zhonggu to send the omen of divination to Jie weeping, but Jie ignored it. When he fled to the Shang state, Shangtang was very happy and told all the princes about it. Shangtang chose this favorable time and began to prepare for the destruction of summer.
In 1666 BC, Shangtang swore in Jingbo (now Liangyuan District, Shangqiu City, Henan Province), declaring the crime of Xia Jie. Shangtang formally launched an army to attack Xia. Tang He, Zhong Hui and Yi Yin led an army of 70 chariots and 5000 soldiers to attack Xia Jie. Xia Jie mobilized the army of Xia Dynasty and opened the capital. The two armies of Xia and Shang met in the field of mingtiao and launched a general battle.
Before the beginning of the battle, Tang summoned the Shang troops who participated in the battle and the princes and Fangguo's troops who came to help the Shang invade the Xia Dynasty to boost their morale, and read out an oath to invade the Xia Dynasty, which is called "Tang oath". After Tang's mobilization, the Shang army's morale was greatly boosted, and they all expressed their willingness to fight to the death with the Xia army. On the day of the battle between the two armies, it was a thunderstorm. The Shang army did not avoid the thunderstorm and fought bravely, but the Xia army was defeated. Seeing that the defeat was out of control, Xia Jie led 500 remnant soldiers to escape eastward to Sanhe (now Dingtao north, Shandong Province). Sanhe was a Fang state of Xia Dynasty. Seeing that xiajie was defeated and fled, Sanhe immediately set up his troops to protect him and threatened to fight Tang to the death. Tang and Yi Yin saw Xia Jie go to San *, that is, Moshi moved eastward. The Shang army fought with the San * army in (Chenger) (today's wenshangbei, Shandong Province). As a result, the Shang army defeated the San * army and killed San Bo. Tang exiled Xia Jie in Tingshan, Nanchao. In the third year after the establishment of the Shang Dynasty, Xia Jie died in Tingshan.
Tang and Yiyin led the army westward in order to completely eliminate the remaining forces of Xia Dynasty. Because Wei, Gu, Kunwu and San * were all defeated by Shang Tang, the Shang army did not encounter great resistance on the way to the west, and soon occupied the capital of Xia. The pro noble ministers of Xia Dynasty expressed their willingness to take care of Tang. After appeasing the Xia Dynasty's subjects, Tang and Yiyin held a ceremony of worshiping the heaven in Zhen (searching for the ear) to show the Xia Dynasty's subjects that they killed the guilty Jie according to the will of heaven, and the "calendar" of Xia Hou's family (the successive generations of emperors) had ended. This officially declared the demise of the Xia Dynasty. Tang first conquered Wei and Gu, then destroyed Kunwu and xiajie.
Tang and Yiyin led their troops back to Bo (now southwest of Gushu Town, Shangqiu City, Henan Province) after the king of Xia told him to sacrifice to heaven and earth. By this time, the prestige of the Shang Dynasty had reached all directions, and the princes, Fangbo, and the chiefs of clans and tribes of all sizes had brought Fangwu and tribute to haolailanghe to show their submission to Tang. Within a few months, there was a meeting of "three thousand Princes" in Bo (yizhoushu Yinzhu).

The establishment of the Shang Dynasty

After 20 years of war, Tang destroyed the Xia Dynasty, unified the turbulent Central Plains since the end of the Xia Dynasty, and controlled the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River. His influence far exceeded that of the Xia Dynasty. Tang laid the foundation for the territory of the Shang Dynasty after the extermination of the Xia Dynasty. Since Shang Tang destroyed the Xia Dynasty by force, which broke the saying that the king was immortal, all the dynasties in China have changed in this way, so it is called "Shang Tang revolution" in history.
Tang treated all the princes who came to pay homage with courtesy, and Tang himself was only in the position of princes, showing humility. "So the princes finished their clothes, and Tang Naijian was the son of heaven" (Shiji · yinbenji). In other words, with the support of "three thousand Princes", Tang became the emperor and declared the establishment of Shang Dynasty.
After the establishment of Shang Dynasty, Tang Dynasty reduced the internal levy, encouraged production and appeased the people, thus expanding the ruling area. Even living far away in the upper reaches of the Yellow River, Di and Qiang tribes came to pay tribute.

Die at the age of 100

Memorial tombs of Shang Tang King
In the 25th year of Tang Dynasty, Shang Tang ordered Yi Yin to write Da Hong Yue. At the beginning of the expedition, the order of offering was made. In the 27th year of Tang Dynasty, Shang Tang moved nine tripods to Shangyi (now Shangqiu, Henan Province). In the 29th year of Tang Dynasty, Shang Tang collapsed at the age of 100.

Political initiatives

Attack and destroy Ge state

The state of Ge (now Ningling County, Shangqiu, Henan Province) is a square country to the west of Bo (now southwest of Gushu Town, Shangqiu). Ge Bo's loyalty to Xia Jie was one of Xia Jie's eyes and ears in the eastern vassal states. Fearing that Gebo would hinder him from exterminating Xia, Tang reported his activities to Xia Jie, so he wanted to fight for Gebo to stop working for Xia Jie and help Shang exterminate Xia.
Under the rule of Gebo, a fatuous king, the people of Ge Kingdom lived a very miserable life. They could not afford food and clothing. Of course, they could not provide food and clothing for the people of Shang Kingdom. Tang sent people from the border of the Shang Kingdom to ge kingdom to deliver food and wine to the people of the Shang Kingdom who helped with farming. The people who delivered food and wine were all old, weak and children. Every time Gerber sent someone to wait for the people to come, he robbed them and threatened to be killed if he didn't give them. Once, a child went to deliver wine and meat, but was killed by Gerber's people for resisting robbery. Tang saw that Gebo was determined to be the enemy of the Shang state, and could not fight for it by helping. He led his troops to the kingdom of Ge and killed him. Because Gebo was not benevolent, the people of Geguo had long resented him. Seeing Tang killed Gebo, they expressed their willingness to submit to the Shang state.
Tang's action against Ge was not opposed by any of the vassals. He also accused Ge Bo of being unkind and was killed by himself. People in some Fang countries resented Xia Jie's tyranny and hoped that Shangtang would go to battle. They were willing to extricate themselves from the rule of Xia Dynasty and submit to Shangtang. There are also some Fang States who voluntarily submit to Tang. Tang granted them jade strings and jade guises with jade beads as crowns. Obviously, he was in the position of an alliance leader and exercised the power of the king. Shang Tang began to cut off the wings of Xia Dynasty.

Appointment of talents

Shangtang is also a king of talent. Zhonghui was a slave owner who had been an official in the Xia Dynasty since his ancestors. Yiyin is a slave. He has lived a vagrant life since his youth, and became a cook when he grew up. They were all very talented. Seeing Xia Jie's tyranny and cruelty to the people, they didn't care about production, but only knew about pornography, which caused people's curse and princes' betrayal. They knew that the fall of Xia Dynasty was not far away. They wanted to save the people's suffering, only by supporting a powerful vassal and overthrowing Xia Jie's rule. They saw that the power of Shang was the most powerful among the vassal states in the eastern region, and thought that Shangtang was an ideal vassal, so they came to Shangtang in different ways. Shangtang appointed two people as prime ministers and entrusted them with the task of destroying Xia.
With the help of Zhonghui and Yiyin, Shangtang first managed its internal affairs and encouraged the people in the Shang ruling areas to farm and raise livestock. At the same time, we should unite the princes and Fangguo who are friendly with business. Encouraged by Zhonghui and Yiyin, some princes rebelled against Xia and became obedient to Shang.

Expedition to Fangguo

After Xia Jie exterminated Youluo, the contradictions within the ruling class became more intense. In the Xia Dynasty, although there were many defectors, there were still many who supported the Xia Dynasty. In the eastern region, there were three vassal states loyal to Xia Jie: Wei (now Huaxian East, Henan), Gu (now northeast of juancheng, Shandong), and Kunwu (now Puyang, Henan, or Xuchang, Henan). The influence of these three Xia vassal states is not small, and their areas are close to Shang. After Tang exterminated Ge, he conquered some vassals and Fangguo who did not submit to the Shang Dynasty. However, the three states insisted on Shang as their enemy. They monitored Shang Tang's activities and often reported to Xia Jie.
Tang, Yi Yin and Zhong Hui are determined to get rid of the three Xia Jie's wings. Just as he was preparing to march into Wei, Xia Jie learned that Tang was still fighting against the vassals, so he sent envoys to Shang to call Tang into the court. Tang was ordered to be imprisoned in xiatai (that is, Juntai). In Yuzhou, Henan Province, it is said in ancient books that "the three kings were jailed. Xia said xiatai, Duan said Chuli, and Zhou said prison." After that, he was released. After Tang returned to the Shang Dynasty, after some planning and preparation, Tang and Yi Yin led a joint army of all parties helping the Shang Dynasty to attack Wei first. Tang led his troops to the border, but Wei didn't have time to ask for help, so he was soon destroyed by the Shang army. Wei was destroyed, Gu was single, and then Tang moved eastward to destroy Gu. The land, property and people of Wei and Gu belong to the merchants.
Destroy the summer builders
In ancient books, it is called "Tang Wu revolution, which follows heaven and corresponds to man". The original meaning of "leather" is to change the meaning of leather and animal skin by removing its hair. "Tang Wu revolution" refers to the revolution of Shang and Tang Dynasties. "Obedience to heaven" is a superstition of Shang Dynasty. Everything is said to be the will of heaven, so it is obedience to heaven. "Depending on people" is an action to win people's hearts. The Shang Tang revolution was the life of the general representative of one slave owner in the slave society of China. Although it was not the tyranny of Xia Jie, it was still the rule of the slave owner class. So later generations are also called "aristocratic revolution". The second slavery Dynasty in Chinese history was established after Tang changed Xia Jie's order.
After 20 years of war, Tang defeated the Xia Dynasty, unified the turbulent Central Plains since the end of the Xia Dynasty, and controlled the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River. His influence far exceeded that of the Xia Dynasty. Tang laid the foundation of the territory of the Shang Dynasty.

Anecdotes and allusions

There are seven of them

Tang, also known as Lu, has seven names in ancient books. The records are: Tang, Cheng Tang, Wu Tang, Shang Tang, Tian Yi, Tian Yi Tang. Oracle bone inscriptions are called Tang, Cheng, Dayi and Tianyi. The inscriptions on bronze and the oracle bone inscriptions of Zhouyuan are called Chengtang. Tianyi, Dayi and gaozuyi are the temple names that the descendants of Shang people called when they offered sacrifices to Tang. In ancient books, he was also honored as King Wu.

Tang Jian Yi Yin

Shang Tang goes to see Yi Yin and asks Peng's son to drive for him. On the way, Peng's son asked Shangtang, "where are you going?" Shangtang replied, "I'm going to see Yiyin." Peng's son said, "Yiyin is just a slave in the world. If you want to see him, just order to see him and ask him, for he has already been gracious! " Shangtang said, "this is not what you know. If there is a kind of medicine here now, after taking it, the ears will be more sensitive and the eyes will be brighter, then I will definitely like it and try my best to take it. Now Yi Yin is like a good doctor and medicine to Shang state, but you don't want me to see Yi Yin. You don't want me to be good! " So he asked Peng's son to go down and not let him drive.

Untie the net and show mercy

Shangtang once went out and saw a farmer hanging a net to catch birds in a lush forest. There were nets hanging on all sides of the forest. After the net was hung, the farmer bowed to the sky for a few days, then knelt down on the ground and prayed, "God bless you. The net has been hung. May all the birds and animals flying down from the sky, running out from the ground and coming from all directions come into the net." After hearing this, Tang said with great emotion: "only Xia Jie can do this! If such a net, it will be completely caught ah! It's cruel to do so. " He asked the slave to remove three sides of the net, leaving only one side. Shangtang also knelt down and prayed to the net: "those who fly in the sky, those who walk underground, those who want to run to the left, those who want to run to the right, those who want to run to the right, and those who are not obedient, drill into the net." After that, he told the farmer and followers that they should be kind to animals. They can't catch all of them. There are still a few who don't listen to the destiny. What we want to catch is those who don't listen to the destiny. When the princes heard about it, they all praised and said: Tang is really a virtuous king. The farmer was also deeply moved, so he took the net from three sides and left only one side. This is the idiom story that spread to later generations.

The virtuous Prime Minister

The left Prime Minister Zhonghui and the right Prime Minister Yiyin of Shangtang are two people with completely different life experiences.
Zhonghui was a slave owner who had been an official in the Xia Dynasty since his ancestors. Yiyin was a slave. He lived a vagrant life from his youth, and later became a slave to Shangtang's wife.
Tang is the king of knowledge, appointed two people around phase. With the help of Zhonghui and Yiyin, Shangtang first managed its internal affairs and encouraged the people in the Shang ruling areas to farm and raise livestock. At the same time, we should unite the princes and Fangguo who are friendly with business. Under the encouragement of Shang Tang's benevolence and righteousness, Zhong Hui and Yi Yin, some princes rebelled against Xia and turned to Shang one after another. The number of princes who returned to Shang soon increased to 40, and Shang Tang's power became more and more powerful.

Mulberry forest prays for rain

From the 19th year to the 24th year of Tang Dynasty, there were five consecutive years of severe drought and no grain harvest. Tang's relatives prayed in the mulberry forest in the east of Bo (now Shangqiu), the capital of the country. They sacrificed themselves to pray for rain, cut their hair and claws, and cleaned themselves. They prepared to burn themselves on firewood to sacrifice to heaven. The fire will come, that is, it will rain heavily. It is also said that the song king prayed for rain. Zhuangzi is quoted in Volume 66 of Yiwenleiju as saying: "in the past, when Jinggong of the Song Dynasty suffered a severe drought, he would take the rain as his ancestral temple. Jinggong went down and said," so I pray for rain for the people. Now I will take the rain as my ancestral temple. " It rained heavily before he died. " Yang Kuan thinks that the ancient sound of "Shangtang" is similar to that of "Songjing", which may be an error in the process of oral transmission. (in the seventh volume of Ancient History)

Character evaluation

Overall evaluation

Shang Tang led the Shang tribe and other allied tribes who resisted the cruel rule of the Xia Dynasty. By means of war, they overthrew the dying and decadent Xia Dynasty and established a new ruling order. What he did objectively promoted the development of history and met the wishes of the people, so he was affirmed and praised by later generations.
The Shang Tang revolution is a progressive move in politics, and the battle of mingtiao is a brilliant masterpiece in Chinese military history. It is the earliest successful example of quick victory in ancient China through the comprehensive use of "cutting strategy", "cutting diplomatic relations", "cutting troops" and "using the room". It has had a far-reaching impact on the development of later wars and the construction of event theory.

Historical evaluation

Zhou Yi · Ge · Jian CI: Tang Wu's revolution was in accordance with heaven and man.
Yizhoushu: in Shang and Tang Dynasties, he used his teacher in summer, eliminated the calamities of the people, followed the revolution of heaven, changed zhengshuo, changed his name, and showed that he was not consistent with each other. He took the idea of building ugliness as the right, and changed the view of the people.
Zhou GongDan: Ke is the house, Ke is the Jun, Ming De sympathizes with the sacrifice.
Song Xianggong: first, the ancient emperor ordered Wu Tang, which was in all directions. After Fang Ming Jue, there are nine. There are four seas in the world. ② Once upon a time, there was a great deal of soup. Since the Diqiang people, they dare not come here to enjoy it. They dare not come to the king. They say that Shang is a constant.
Lu's spring and Autumn Annals: when Yin tangliang rode 70 chariots, he would die of 6000 people. He fought Yu Ying with Wu Zi, so he was killed and killed. He ascended to the gate of nest, and then there was Xia. Since Jie ran away, he was merciful, compassionate to the head of Guizhou, and rebelled against Jie. Therefore, he was virtuous, obedient to the people, and returned far and near, so he was king.
Cao Zhi: in Tang Dynasty of Yin Dynasty, the princes raised their admiration and released Jie mingtiao. In the south, they prayed to the king, sang Lin, Yan disaster conquered, and Yi Yin assisted him.
Liu Xie: in the past, Emperor Xuan engraved a few Yu's words in order to disobey the emperor's wishes, and Da Yu called for remonstrance. It is a new rule to make a bowl of soup, and it is necessary to admonish the king of Wu.
Li Shimin: Shang Tang was not ashamed of Ding Zu, Ji Wen was not ashamed of Tu Diao, so he was able to offer Jing Bo to enlighten the Yin Dynasty.
Fang Xuanling: Shangtang, the empress of philosophy, is a business founded on the tripod.
Ma duanlin: Shang Tang was ordered to survive in more than 3000 countries. It is also a Kyushu, which is divided into the whole world and contains 600 sacrificial rites.
Li Zhi: in ancient times, Tang Wushu was the only one. However, he was appointed at the end of Wu Dynasty. If he was not the Duke of Zhou, he could not be a loyal minister of Yin. Tang was appointed too late. If it wasn't Yi Yin, he would never be immune from the subversion of Tai Jia.
Zhang Tingyu: Xia WangYan Fangli, Shang Tang Yuanse sound. The sage shows deep caution, and the name is given in the spring.