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The first monarch of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty: King Ping of Zhou

The first king of Eastern Zhou Dynasty in China. He is the son of Youwang in the Western Zhou Dynasty. Ji's surname is Yi Jiu. 770-720 BC. He was the first king of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. He is the son of king you of Zhou, and his mother is Shen Hou, the chief minister of king you. Empress Shen is the daughter of marquis Shen.

In 771 BC, king you of Zhou Dynasty was killed by dog soldiers, and the capital city of Ho Jing (now southwest of Xi'an, Shaanxi Province) was destroyed by dog soldiers. Prince Yijiu was supported by the princes of Shen, Xu and Lu. He ascended the throne in Shen (now Nanyang north of Henan Province) and was king Ping. In order to avoid dog soldiers, King Ping moved the capital city from Ho Jing to Luoyi (now Luoyang, Henan Province), which is known as the Eastern Zhou Dynasty in history. Relying on the power of Jin, Zheng, Guo and other princes, King Ping of Zhou reluctantly supported the final game. However, with the decline of Zhou Dynasty, the emperor of Zhou Dynasty lost his position as the world's leader, and the annexation among the vassal states developed more and more. From then on, Chinese history entered the spring and Autumn period. After the death of King Ping, because his prince Xiefu died early, he made his grandson Lin the prince of Zhou Huan.

Ji Yijiu, the king of Ping, was originally established as the crown prince during the reign of king you of Zhou. After you king doted on Bao Si, he deposed Yi Jiu and made Bo Fu prince.

One day, Yi Jiu was playing in the garden. The king of you released the tiger from the cage, intending to let the tiger bite Yi Jiu to death. Yi Jiu is very courageous. When the tiger comes at him, instead of panicking and escaping, he goes forward and suddenly roars, which makes the tiger startled. He steps back and falls on the ground to observe the movement. Yi Jiu left calmly. Knowing that his father intended to harm him, he and his mother Shen Hou fled from the capital city and went to his grandfather Shen Hou.

Hourong conquered the capital of Ho and retreated after killing you Wang. Wei, Jin, Qin, Zheng, Shen, Lu, Xu and other vassal states established Yijiu as king and ascended to the throne in 770 BC in Shen (now North of Nanyang City, Henan Province). Soon after, because the capital of Ho had been destroyed by the war, Yi Jiu was escorted by the state of Qin and moved eastward to Luoyi. The Zhou Dynasty after moving eastward is called the Eastern Zhou Dynasty in history. The year of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty is the beginning of the spring and Autumn period.

At the same time when Yi Jiu ascended the throne, the Duke of Guo Han appointed Yu Chen, the other son of you king, as the emperor, and called him the king with you, which resulted in the juxtaposition of two weeks. More than ten years later, Wen Hou of Jin Dynasty, who supported Yi Jiu, attacked and killed Dai Wang, and the Zhou Dynasty was reunified. When Yijiu moved to the East, he was promoted to be a vassal because of the meritorious service of Qin Xianggong's escort, and promised to say, "Rong people have captured the areas of Haojing and Qishan (now Fengxiang County in Shaanxi Province). Go and attack them. Wherever you fight, they will be owned by Qin." Soon, the area to the west of Qishan was occupied by Qin, and the state of Qin began to develop. As a result of the loss of a large area of native land, the Eastern Zhou Dynasty only had a corner in the northwest of Henan Province. It did not cross Xingyang in the East, Tongguan in the west, Rushui in the south, and the South Bank of Qinshui in the north. The Zhou Dynasty declined greatly. Zheng, Jin, Qi, Lu, Yan, song, Chu and other big powers in order to fight for land, population and control of other vassal states, they constantly carried out merger wars, forming a chaotic situation of vassal hegemony, and China's history has entered a turbulent period of great changes.

During Yijiu's reign, because his grandfather, marquis Shen, supported him and made great contributions, he granted Marquis Shen a fief and sent people in his own capital to defend him. This made the people leave their hometown and resent very much.

Ji Yijiu once appointed Zheng Zhuang Gong gasheng as a minister of the imperial court. Later, because of the strength of the state of Zheng, Ji Yijiu was wary of Zheng zhuanggong. He did not want to be manipulated by Zheng zhuanggong. Taking advantage of Zheng's many affairs, Zheng zhuanggong did not have the opportunity to take office and wanted to remove him. Hearing this, Zheng zhuanggong immediately rushed to Luoyang to exert pressure on Ji Yijiu. Ji Yijiu repeatedly made amends, but Zheng zhuanggong refused. Ji Yijiu had no choice but to ask the prince Ji Hu to go to Zheng as a hostage. However, it was too bad for the emperor's dignity. The officials proposed to exchange hostages with each other. The son of Zheng zhuanggong suddenly came to Luoyi as a hostage, while the prince of Zhou went to Zheng State in the name of learning. It is known as the "Zhou Zheng Jiaozhi" in history. It can be seen from this historical fact that after Ji Yijiu moved to the East, the power of the Zhou royal family had declined, and the king of Zhou was named the son of heaven, which actually depended on the faces of the great princes.

In 720 BC, Ji Yijiu died. Ji Yijiu's temple name after his death was king Ping.
