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The Shang Dynasty from 1300 BC to 1046 BC

Shang Dynasty (1600-1046 BC) is a dynasty following Xia Dynasty in Chinese history. Shang Tang miexia, the leader of Shang tribe, was founded in 1600 BC. The Shang Dynasty experienced 17 generations and 31 kings. After 554 years, it was destroyed by King Wu of Zhou Dynasty on January 20, 1046 BC. Western scholars generally believe that the Xia Dynasty is only a legendary Dynasty in China, and there is no conclusive evidence to prove the existence of the Xia Dynasty in history. Therefore, the first dynasty in China should be the Shang Dynasty. And according to their civilization standards, the history of Chinese civilization can only be calculated from the Shang Dynasty when pan Geng moved to Yin, that is to say, the history of Chinese civilization is only 3000 years, not 5000 years as Chinese scholars say. However, it should be pointed out that before the Yin Ruins were discovered in the first half of the 20th century, these scholars also believed that the Shang Dynasty was just a legendary Dynasty. The oracle bone inscriptions unearthed from Yin Ruins almost completely confirm the genealogy of Shang kings recorded in Sima Qian's historical records, which makes the existence of Shang Dynasty an indisputable fact. Now, no scholars doubt this. The archaeological results of Erlitou culture in Yanshi provide supporting evidence for the existence of Xia Dynasty. In the non central plains areas, which are generally regarded as barbarians, Sanxingdui culture, with Chengdu and Guanghan as the center and famous for its bronzes, has also created a high civilization no less than that of the Shang Dynasty in the Central Plains, 4000 years ago. At the end of the Xia Dynasty, the king of Xia failed to repair his internal politics and suffered from constant foreign aggression. After Jie ascended the throne, he did not want to reform, and was extravagant and licentious, so the four princes betrayed him one after another. Around 1600 BC, Tang, the leader of Shang tribe, united with other tribes to eliminate the Xia Dynasty. The Shang Dynasty was established and its capital was located in Bo. After Shang Tang established the country, he adopted the policy of "ruling the people with Leniency". With the help of the virtuous officials Yi Yin and Zhong Hui, his national strength became stronger and stronger. After the death of Shang Tang, because of his son's early death, Wai Bing, the younger brother of Da Ding, succeeded to the throne; after Wai Bing's death, his younger brother Zhong Ren succeeded to the throne; after Zhong Ren's death, he succeeded to the throne with Tai Jia, the son of Da Ding. Three years after Taijia ascended the throne, he was put in tonggong by Yi Yin because of his cruelty and immorality. Taijia lived in tonggong for three years and repented. Yiyin returned to Taijia and returned to the government.

In the early Shang Dynasty, the capital was moved many times. When pan Geng was in power, the capital was fixed in Yin Dynasty. From then on, Shang Dynasty was also called Yin Dynasty. After pan Geng moved to Yin, the social economy of Shang Dynasty developed further. After Wuding ascended the throne, the Shang Dynasty conquered many small countries and expanded its territory. After Wu Ding died, the Shang Dynasty gradually declined. Zhou, the last king of Shang Dynasty, greatly promoted the development of Southeast China and the economic and cultural exchanges in the Huaihe River Basin and the Yangtze River Basin. However, because of years of wars and large-scale construction of qionggong Yaotai, it greatly consumed social manpower and money, and intensified social conflicts. King Wu of Zhou joined forces with Qiang, Lu and other tribes to attack Zhou, and fought until the Song Dynasty. The slaves didn't want to work for the licentious King Zhou. After the war of Muye, King Zhou burned himself. The Shang Dynasty perished and the Zhou Dynasty was founded.

The Shang Dynasty was a great power in the world at that time, but its main governing area was the Central Plains. The capital of Bo (now south of Caoxian County in Shandong Province) had been moved many times, and later Pangeng moved its capital to Yin (now Xiaotun village in Anyang, Henan Province), so Shang was also known as Yin. Political situation the Shang Dynasty established a relatively complete set of state institutions. There are two organizations in the Central Government: Qing Shiliao, who is in charge of government affairs, and Tai Shiliao, who is in charge of sacrifice. The local government strengthened its rule with Marquis and Bangbo, as well as a large number of court bodyguards. At the same time, the Shang royal family also had a large number of weapons and troops, and the nobles also set up cruel criminal law and prison. In addition, he also used religious ideas to consolidate his dominant position. The king of Shang even claimed to be the representative of "God" in the world, combining theocracy with kingship.

The agriculture of Shang Dynasty was relatively developed. It could use a variety of cereals to brew wine. It could already cast exquisite bronzes and make white pottery. Due to the development of exchange, early cities have emerged. They were the civilized and developed countries in the world at that time. Due to the commercial development of the Shang Dynasty, they had a lot of economic and trade contacts with the neighboring countries. Today's word "merchant" originated from the appellation of the people of the Shang Dynasty in the neighboring countries at that time. Agriculture is the most important economic sector. The farmland has a relatively orderly planning. The crops in the farmland include Li, millet, rice and wheat, which invented the cultivation; there is sericulture management, and the textile industry has developed; in the Shang Dynasty, in addition to six livestock, there are also domesticated elephants, and the animal husbandry is quite developed.

Social life culture and science and technology the Shang Dynasty began to grasp the iron smelting technology, and the pottery industry and commerce were also very prosperous. The excavation of Shang Dynasty oracle bone inscriptions proves that the development of Shang Dynasty characters has gone through a long period. The astronomical calendar is more advanced than that of the Xia Dynasty, and there are new discoveries in astrology. Mars and comets have been discovered. In addition, there are records of mathematics and diseases. Great achievements have been made in music, and musicians specializing in music and dance have emerged. Sculpture is the most outstanding technological achievement of workers and slaves in the Shang Dynasty.
