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Father, brother and nephew all want to kill him, exile in other countries

Mencius said that "Heaven's great responsibility to this people, we must first work hard, fatigue their muscles and bones, starve their body and skin, empty their body, and act in a disorderly way. Therefore, we are willing to do what we can't do.". He didn't have the ambition to dominate the world, but his time is also powerful and his life is also lucky!

In the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, Chong'er, Duke Wen of Jin Dynasty, could be regarded as the overlord who had experienced many vicissitudes. He practiced what Mencius said: "Heaven's great task is for the people. We must first work hard, fatigue their muscles and bones, starve their bodies, lack their bodies, and disorganize their actions. Therefore, we are willing to do what they can't do.". Chonger, Duke Wen of Jin Dynasty, had no ambition to dominate the world. However, the situation forced him to return to the state of Jin after 19 years of vagrancy. The great task of rejuvenating the state of Jin fell on his shoulders. He chose to shoulder the responsibility. At the same time, he started the legendary road of becoming the overlord.

Born in the family of a marquis, he was hunted down

Jin Xiangong, the father of Jin Wengong, was a master who was only confused in his later years. Originally, Duke Xian of Jin was also a hero when he was young. The famous "Feidao attacking Guo" was done by Duke Xian of Jin. The state of Yu and Guo were destroyed by him, leaving behind the story of "lips lost and teeth cold".

During his reign, Yu, Guo, Huo, Yang, Rui, Wei, Ying, Geng, Ji, Lirong and CHIDI were all conquered by him. He was known as "seventeen states merged and thirty-eight states served". Together with Qi, Chu and Qin, he was also known as "four strong", which can be called the leader of a generation. However, in his later years, Duke Xian of Jin favored Liji, who, like Mei Xi of Xia Dynasty and Daji of Shang Dynasty, was a "demon Princess" who brought disaster to the country and the people. For her own son Xi Qi to inherit the great rule, she persecuted the other three sons of Duke Xian of Jin, Shen Sheng, Chong ER and Yi Wu, which finally caused civil strife in Jin.

Chonger is in such a background to escape, do not escape to die!

Chonger's escape is 19 years. When his father was alive, he listened to the witch's words and wanted to kill him; after his father died, his brother Yiwu also wanted to kill him after he inherited the great rule. It's really hard to run home. It's hard to return home. Born in a royal family, he was hunted down for 19 years, testing Chong er's strong will. Chonger wandered in eight countries, including Di, Zheng, Wei, Qi, song, Cao, Chu and Qin. When it was the most difficult time, the son of a country asked the farmer for food. Instead of giving him food, the farmer humiliated him, gave him a piece of soil and spat at him. His follower Jie Zitui cut off the meat on his thigh and cooked wild vegetables for him to eat in order that Chonger could have a meal, which also led to the origin of "cold food festival".

In the process of traveling around the world, Chong'er also has many "love affairs". The first country he fled to was his mother's country, di. In other words, the first choice of Chonger is Grandma's family. Chonger got the best treatment in her grandmother's house. She not only had no worries about food and clothing, but also gave him two beautiful women captured in the war. Chong ER was not greedy. He gave one of the beauties to Zhao Shuai, his minister, and asked for one. This is his first wife, Ji Kai. Ji Kai is a good wife and mother. He is good-looking, good-natured and has a long-term vision. Ji Kai has lived with Chong er for 12 years, but Chong Er is reluctant to leave Di Guo, let alone his wife.

Chong er's second wife was Duke Huan of Qi, who was in power at that time after he fled to the state of Qi. He knew that Chong ER was a talented person and married Qi Jiang, the daughter of the clan, to Chong er. At this time, Guan Zhong had already died. Duke Huan of Qi was in his later years, but he was a man of great talent. He realized that Chonger's future was limitless, so he made such a decision. Qi Jiang, like Ji Kai, not only looks beautiful, but also acts decisively. Chonger was treated as well as Di in Qi. He lived in gentle village for five years and lost his ambition to recover. Qi Jiang and Chonger's ministers drunk Chonger and forced him to leave Qi.

Chonger's third wife was after he fled to the state of Qin. Like Duke Huan of Qi, Duke mu of Qin also saw that Chonger was a talented person. He married his favorite daughter Wen Ying to Chonger and married five daughters of the imperial clan. Although Chong Er fled, he married six women all at once. It can be said that he was gorgeous and lucky. Chonger's marriage to Wenying is the story of "the friendship between Qin and Jin". The additional advantage he got was that Duke mu of Qin sent soldiers to help him restore his country, and turned from exiled son Chong Er to King Wen of Jin.

With the help of virtuous officials, all the people in the world are harmonious

Although Jin Wengong had been in exile for 19 years, his fate was good. Because of his benevolence, magnanimity and sagacity, all people with wise eyes regard him as a hero. Just as Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun and Zhuge Liang fought with Liu Bei in his downfall, many generals followed him in his downfall for 19 years. Hu Yan, Hu Mao, Xian Fu, Zhao Shuai, Jia Tuo, Wei Yu and Jie Zitui were all great talents at that time. Jie Zitui even cut the meat on his legs for him to eat. They can be called loyal ministers among loyal ministers. It was because of the loyal assistance of these able ministers that Chong'er finally regained its sovereignty.

Duke Wen of Jin Dynasty exiled Chonger

The reason why Chong'er was supported by talents from all over the world and received courteous treatment by the monarchs of Qi, Chu, Qin and song States was that he occupied all the people in the world and his personal charm was enhanced by the eyes of the masters of all countries. Later, Duke Wen of the Jin Dynasty took over the throne and was called "Duke Huan of the Qi Dynasty" together with Duke Huan of the Qi Dynasty.

Revenge and kindness, benevolence and righteousness can also become overlord

There was no righteous war in the spring and Autumn period, but the Duke Wen of Jin was another example. Jin Wengong was a reasonable and faithful monarch. He has revenge, he has kindness. A clear reward and punishment will eventually lead to a great event.

When he was in the state of Chu, King Cheng of Chu treated him with courtesy. He promised that if one day he would return to the state, and Jin and Chu had to fight, he would "retreat.". Later, when Jin and Chu fought for supremacy, Jin Wengong kept his promise and "retreated" in the battle of Chengpu. He occupied the advantage in theory and justice, created an image of integrity, and finally defeated the powerful state of Chu. When he was exiled to the state of Cao, Cao Gonggong insulted him and swore to revenge on the state of Cao. In the end, the state of Jin destroyed the state of Cao by relying on its powerful national power. However, because of the magnanimity of Duke Wen of Jin, he did not kill the Duke of Cao, and let him return to be the monarch of the state of Cao. Therefore, the state of Cao abandoned Chu and returned to Jin. In dealing with the king of Zhou, Duke Wen of Jin imitated Duke Huan of Qi, respected the king and fought against the foreigners, and won the respect of all countries.

By his charisma, Duke Wen of Jin conquered Qi, Qin, song, Zheng, Wei, Lu, Chen, Cai, Ju, Ying and other princes. With the order of the emperor of Zhou, he called together Duke Zhao of Qi, Duke Cheng of song, Duke Lu, Duke Zhuang of CAI, Duke Wen of Zheng, Duke Shu Wu of Wei and other princes, and finally became the second generation overlord of the spring and Autumn period after Duke Huan of Qi!
