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How far is the Film Confucius from history?

 In 501 BC, Confucius was appointed governor of Zhongdu by Duke Lu Ding. In the second year, he was promoted to Xiao Sikong. Soon after, he was promoted to the rank of grand Sikou, who attached equal importance to the three ministers.

Ji Pingzi, namely Ji sunyiru, died in 505 BC, and his son Ji Sunsi succeeded him as Qing, namely Ji Huanzi. However, the Film Confucius arranged that Ji Pingzi died in 500 BC, five years away from the historical facts.

Ji Huanzi, namely Ji Sunsi, died in 492 BC, and his son Ji sunfei succeeded Ji Kangzi as Qing. However, the Film Confucius arranged for Ji Huanzi to die in 484 BC, eight years away from the historical facts.

After Ji Kangzi took over, he was recommended by Gong Zhiyu, and ran Qiu was appointed manager of Ji's family by Chen Guilu. But the Film Confucius arranged the time of ranqiu's return to Lu in 484 BC, eight years away from the historical facts.

In 484 BC, at the request of Ran Qiu, Ji Kangzi agreed to Confucius' return to Lu, but the movie Confucius arranged for Ji Huanzi, who had been dead for eight years, to return to Lu after his conscience was discovered. How can Ji Kangzi go to the border to worship Confucius? It's credible to go to the border to welcome Confucius. Duke Wei linggong once welcomed Confucius back to Wei outside the city. Confucius wanted to revive the imperial platform when he returned to Lu. How can he give lectures and refuse to ask about political affairs? Is this still Confucius? It's just that Confucius is loyal and patriotic, and Sanhuan doesn't need Confucius's way of strengthening the country! The scene of returning to Lu in the movie "Confucius" is pure fabrication.

Gongshan Bufen, also known as Gongshan fuzang, was a rebel of Fei Yizai of Ren Ji's family because he opposed falling into Sandu. After the failure in 498 BC, he fled to Qi and then to Wu. The movie "Confucius" changed its name to gongshanyu and appeared on the court Hall of Lu Jun. Add what Yang Hu did to Gongshan Buyu. Yang Hu imprisons Ji Huanzi and makes alliance with Lu Jun, and his family officials are in charge of the country.

The falling of the three capitals is to lower the city wall in line with the rules of etiquette. Is it to destroy the city? Is it not to destroy the city? Is it not to bring disaster to the country and the people to Confucius' way of governing the country? It was 500 BC that the Marquis of Fuyi committed treason. The film "Confucius" delayed it for two years and mixed it up with Confucius!

Jiagu alliance, the chariot for the ride, a car four horses for a ride, there is a royal seat, there is a master, there is a car right, there are Jiashi, at least to the museum. The movie "Confucius" has a cart pulled by one horse and a cart pulled by two horses, which is out of order.

The alliance of Jiagu, the alliance of Qi people, says that "Qi Shi leaves the country and does not follow me with 300 times of a car, there is such an alliance". The movie "Confucius" says that 500 times is pure fabrication.

Jiagu League, Confucius back to Yun, Chen, Guiyin three cities. Both Wenyang fields. What is the saying of three cities in Wenchang?

Uncle sun Zhou Qiu, posthumous title Wu, can't call him uncle Sun Wu when he is alive. Uncle Sun Wu and Ji sun Si are of the same generation. How can they be matched with their nephews?

It was Ji's order that Zilu failed to fall into the mountains with Confucius and went into exile with Confucius. In Mencius, there is a record that Confucius did not take off his crown, but in the Film Confucius, there are details of Confucius returning his crown, which is purely against the historical facts.

In 490 B.C., Confucius entered the state of Chen. In 489 B.C., Confucius gave up food between Chen and Cai because Wu defeated Chen and Chu rescued him. Zigong asked Chu army to protect Confucius. When King Zhao of Chu heard that Confucius was between Chen and CAI, a special envoy came to hire him. In the movie Confucius, Zi Gong said that Zilu's wife and brother, Yan Zhuo and Dr. Zou, came to the rescue. The film shows the plot in 484 BC, five years away from the historical facts. Yan Zhuozhou's name was not read correctly.

Wei linggong died in 493 BC. How can he say that he just died in 484 BC. When Confucius lived in Wei, Zilu was appointed as the puyiling of Kong Zhe, the official of Wei state. In 480 BC, in the civil strife of Wei state, Zilu stepped into danger and died in the strife. Gao Chai, the lamb of the word, fled from the state of Wei to the state of Lu. It was Gao Chai who told Confucius. In the movie Confucius, a disciple of Confucius, Qi Sigong, was invented, but Zha didn't know him. The Film Confucius advanced Zilu's death four years.

It was in 493 BC that Marquis Cai Zhaohou moved southward to the state of CAI at the invitation of the state of Wu. The film "Confucius" says in Zigong's mouth that the time is nine years different from the historical facts. How could it be that Chu moved CAI to the south? Chu attacked CAI and Wu helped Cai move to the south.

When Zilu was appointed as puyiling, he was in charge of Confucius. Confucius admonished: "Puduo is a strong man, but it is also difficult to rule. He can awe bravery with respect; he can be lenient with justice; he can accommodate the public; he can be respectful with cleanness, and he can kiss." The movie "Confucius" uses Yan Yuan's words such as "don't see if you are not polite" to prevaricate.

Yan Hui died in 481 BC and died in the state of Lu. Yan Hui died three years ago in the Film Confucius.

Yan Hui was born in 521 B.C. and Zeng Shen was born in 505 B.C.

Yang Hu died in the state of Jin in 486 B.C., how can he join Wei and usurp the throne in 480 B.C.? Zilu is protecting the young monarch of Wei for the wrong reason. Wei state is a struggle between father and son. How can you say that?

Duke Lu Ding died in 495 BC, and Duke Lu AI succeeded him in 495 BC. In the movie Confucius, Ji Huanzi told lies in 484 B.C. It's pure fabrication.

In the Analects of Confucius, Zi said: "it is difficult for a woman to support a villain. If she is near, she is not inferior. If she is far, she is resentful.". It means that children in their childhood should be educated to keep a good balance between intimacy and estrangement. The film "Confucius" shows women and villains at the same time, insulting Chinese culture. Aren't all Chinese women villains? It's disrespectful to put this crime on Confucius.
