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King Wu of the Qin Dynasty passed away. After his death, why did someone get promoted, but someone exterminated his family

What is this? Why are the two people treated so differently?

After the Qin Dynasty experienced, it became the strongest country in the seven male powers of the Warring States period. When the throne of the emperor was transferred to the king of Qin Wu, the state of Qin reached its peak, and then the king of Qin Wu had the idea of taking the "Zhou" as the substitute.

In the fourth year of the king of Qin Dynasty, 307 BC, the Qin army attacked Luoyang, and the king of Qin Wu entered the capital of "Eastern Zhou Dynasty" in a great swing. In the palace of the royal family of Zhou Dynasty, the king of Qin saw the nine tripods, which symbolized the power of the world, which was made by Dayu, which engraved the population and tax status of Jiuzhou. In order to show his own martial arts and to announce the heaven of Qin Dynasty and Zhou Dynasty, the king of Qin Wu had the idea of holding tripod.

The king of Wu ordered mengcardia, a close minister around him, to lift the tripod first, and mengcardia responded to the sound and tried it. The big Ding only moved several times. King Wu of Qin was about to make his own horse. Ren despicable, the minister around him, immediately advised him that the risk was great. The king and your body could not commit the risk themselves. Qin Wu Wang can hear? Then he went up to lift the tripod, but the bronze tripod was too heavy. The king of Qin Wu couldn't hold on to a stagger, almost fell to the ground, and when the tripod fell, he hit his patella directly. He was angry on the spot. At night, he didn't know if he had lost too much blood or bacterial infection. He died quickly.

After the news of the accidental death of the King Wu of Qin was sent to the Qin state, the Qin Dynasty was shocked by the up and down dynasties. At that time, the right Prime Minister of Qin state was Chuli disease, and immediately began to prepare for the funeral of the king of Qin Wu. The princes and sons of Qin state began to fight with each other. But finally, the prince Qin Zhaoxiang, the son of empress Qin Xuan, won the throne, which was a stable state of Qin, which was almost in disorder.

Such a major event, of course, Aili disease should be investigated for the responsibility of the relevant responsible persons, leading to the death of the king of Qin Wu holding the ding. It needs to be checked by two people, one is mengcardia and the other is despicable.

When the king of Qin Wu raised the tripod, mengcardia once held the tripod with the king of Wu of Qin. In fact, the king of Wu of Qin was only a young man in his 20s. It was just when he was in a very strong mood. At this time, mengcardia not only did not dissuade him, but also went to play with the king of Wu of Qin. This undoubtedly contributed to the tragedy of the death of the king of Qin Wu who was killed by Ding.

Chuli disease is very decisive in dealing with Mencius. It is called "the extinction of the family" by quoting a word in the historical records, in other words, the extinction of the clan.

Of course, there is another responsible person who is responsible for Ren despicable, and he is also responsible for the death of the king Qin Wu. When the king of Wu of Qin Dynasty was trying to hold the tripod, Ren contemptible practice was the opposite of mengcardia. He urged the king to be reckless and dissuaded on the basis of "respecting the person without risk", and fully fulfilled his subjects' responsibilities.

Chuli Ji thought that he was loyal to protect the Lord, so he made him a prefectural guard in the Han Dynasty, which was a reward for his loyalty and direct advice.

Since ancient times, there has been a saying called "Wen death admonition, martial death war", which means that Wen Chen died of admonition, while the martial general died in the sand field. The monarch is not a saint. When facing some things, there will be some extreme and misunderstandings. Therefore, it is necessary for the ministers to correct and persuade them to make the monarch go on the right track.

When the king is facing danger, he who does things along the words and deeds of the king is at least a favorite minister. He may be promoted to the LORD by flattering the horse, and may also be regarded as a disaster and lost his life.

But loyal officials will certainly be frank to advise, even if it is likely to provoke the king because of the excessive speech, but this is absolutely the loyal minister should do.

From the fate of the two officials of the king of Qin, this is the same as the modern workplace. Not every leader is smart and strong, many leaders like to be foolishly. But the people who follow the leaders are not going to get off the game. Only those who work in their own parts are really good employees.
