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King Zhao of Qin was crazy in his old age. Who was the culprit?

Qin Zhaowang, the grandson of Qin, who has been the grandson of Qin for 42 years, is depressed and oppressed. He can hardly survive until Mi Yue, his mother, died. He raised his eyebrows and made great efforts to show his fist and told people all over the world to see. The oligarchs were the wise masters.

The characteristic of smart people is to see who is smarter than themselves, and the characteristics of fools are to see who is more stupid than themselves. Qin Zhaowang is to see who is more stupid than himself. You see how stupid King Chu Huai is. If he was deceived by the oligarchs to visit the Qin state, he came stupidly, and he was imprisoned by the oligarchs. Zhao Shengduo is stupid. The oligarchs deceive him to come to Qin state to drink. He is stupid. He is caught by the oligarchs and he wants Wei Qi. He sends it to the oligarchs. Against these fools, the oligarchs are not so strong as the roll? So King Zhao Qin wants to make a great effort to destroy the Korean Zhao state, so that his parents and uncles are dwarfed, so that the princes and other countries are frightened.

But it was contrary to the wish. Changping thought that it would kill 450000 enemies in the future, but it turned out to be a false report of the war. Handan campaign thought that Zhao could be easily destroyed, but did not want to fight two years. Qin army even failed to encircle Handan, so that Zhaosheng, plain monarch, could lead a huge mission to visit Chu state. Maosuizui is the first to stand out in this visit, so that people all know that the king of Qin Zhao is stupid and is in the duty of his subordinates. The biggest blow to people, the deepest harm is the betrayal of relatives. Fan Ju is shameful and asks him to go to the good words to persuade Bai Qi to clean up the wreckage. However, he is not flattered by the fire. His grandson Ying Zichu also adds chaos. He talks about zhaoguobing's strong horse Zhuang everywhere, lest the ministers and the people don't know that the oligarchs are foolishly on the white duty. Finally, the deadly strike came. The Qin army was in a great collapse in Handan, and countless casualties were caused. Wang Ji, the governor of Hedong, fled in abandoned place. Zhenganping, the deputy commander in chief of the Qin army, led 20000 Qin troops to the enemy. Hanoi County, Hedong County, Taiyuan County, Shangdang County, Hanoi county were all lost.

Like a large household to fry stocks, for decades, it has been feared, bought and sold, and it is difficult to accumulate millions of property. Once a big drop, 90% of the assets become gray, not only lost all his life, but also paid nearly clean for the legacy left by his aunt. Qin Zhaowang could not bear the series of heavy blows, most importantly, the 70 year old face, and then he was mentally broken and crazy. "Qin Dynasty" recorded the crazy words of the king of Qin Zhao: "in 54 years, Wang Jiao saw God in Yong."

Who is the culprit of forcing the king of Qin Zhao crazy? On the surface, it is Baiqi, whose false report of the crime of bullying the king in the war, thus misleading the king of Qin to fight against Zhao and riding tigers, which eventually led to a great collapse and the state of Qin suffered a lot of losses. Not really. The ground is frozen three feet away from a day of cold. The courage to lie and do evil is always practiced a little. Bai Qi dare to tell such a big lie, saying that killing 400000 people in one stone pit will never be a first offence.

When he was 14 years old, he lied about his war skills. In the early days of the 13th year, King Zhao of Qin came out of the road, and led the army to attack the new town with the rank of the left commoner, and finally returned to the army. But then in the next 14 years, he led the army to attack yique again, and he said that he beheaded 240000. It is said that such lies are obviously broken and not difficult to be exposed. The total force of the war between Han Wei and yique was only 240000 (Qin general Bai Qi defeated yique 240000). Did you start to cut all the enemies in vain and escape? Wei Ran often led soldiers to fight, and should know that it was impossible. You attack yique in vain. You kill all the enemies. Why didn't you occupy it? Mi Yue is not stupid. This flaw should be clear at a glance. But Bai Qi told such a big lie, beheading 240000 in the time unprecedented, unprecedented, and this is such a burst of flaws, back to Xianyang not only was not punished, but added the rank of the Lord, even three levels of Baron to Daliang made.

Why? There are two reasons.

First, Bai Qi is mi Yue and Wei Ran. My aunt is to reward slaves and not to reward talents. Tell me that they will die against me. If you don't do it, you can do nothing good, and you can't do it. You are Sima wrong. King Qin Zhaowang beat Qianzhong county and Hanoi County as soon as he was born. This is more than that of Bai Qi. However, you Sima wrong doesn't sell his trust, and he doesn't be a grandson in front of her. She won't reward you for beating many places. So Sima was wrong to death is only a 12 level left, lower than Daliang made 4 levels, lower than later Wu An Lun Hou 7. On the contrary, from scratch, he defeated the new city in 13 years, but returned to the city and went to the Lord to upgrade two levels. The LORD went to the left even more, which was the same as the mistake. It is a common strategy for kings to reward slaves and not to reward talents, but it is the most shameless one. But if there are leaders, such as the style, it can be concluded that it is not a good person.

Second, MI Yue and Wei Ran need such a victory. Even if they lie about their war skills, they can serve the officials and consolidate their status. Qin Zhaowang was on the throne only by foreign armed intervention and collusion inside and outside. When King Qin Wu died, he did not appoint who would inherit the throne, and the king of Qin Zhao was not the younger brother of the king of Qin Wu. Therefore, the successor to the throne should be decided by the minister, Queen Qin Hui, the empress of the state, and the queen Qin Wu. However, MI Yue used his younger brother Wei Ran to control the military power, colluded with the armed forces of Yan and Zhao States, and the army started to escort the king of Qin Zhaowang back to China and made it a king of Qin. For this reason, MI Yue also killed many ministers and princes, and even killed queen Qin Hui, the empress of China. Because the throne of his son king Qin Zhao was not correct, in order to consolidate the throne and suppress the opposition, he urgently needed to prove his great wisdom, so he lied that his war was in the middle of his mind. It is possible that MI Yue and Wei Ran even hinted and encouraged Bai Qi to falsely report the war skills, so as to prove that the armed usurped power, established a silly son as king of Qin, killed the prince, killed the minister and killed the empress prince with the right wisdom.

Mi Yue and Wei Ran, however, did not expect that they connived and encouraged Bai Qi to lie about their war skills and finally to their son king Qin Zhao. In the Qin Zhaowang, the biggest pain in life is not to have money and no right, no woman has no flatter, but disgrace, failure, being played by others, and nothing has been achieved. This is like the stock market big family finally jump to commit suicide, not because of poor as a wash, but because busy life results in failure. King Qin Zhao was insane in his mental breakdown, which was a reward for his uncle and his aunt.
