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If the first emperor of Qin lived ten more years, could the Qin Dynasty have driven the Huns to Europe 400 years earlier?


Qinshihuang (the third year of the first December of the lunar calendar in the first 259-210 years ago), Ying surname, Zhao family, name and government, famous politician, strategist and reformer in Chinese history.

In 221 BC, Qin unified the six countries and established the central dynasty.

Through North strike Hun, South to Wu Yue, Qin Dynasty territory reached an unprecedented level.

Construction of gallop

The second year after the unification of the whole country (220 years ago), the emperor ordered the construction of the Chi Dao, which centered on Xianyang, leading to all parts of the country. There are 9 famous Chi roads, which are from Gaoling to Shangxian (Northern Shaanxi), Jindao passing through the Yellow River to Shanxi, and the Eastern Road in Henan, Hebei and Shandong through hangiguuan.

Qin Zhidao, also known as Zhidao, is one of Qinchi Road, which is a military transportation project built in Qin Dynasty, which began to be built in 35 years by the first emperor of Qin Dynasty, which lasted for two and a half years. From Xianyang (starting from Chunhua County of Xianyang) to Jiuyuan county (near Baotou). All of them are compacted with loess, with a total length of 736 km. In order to fight Huns, the first emperor of Qin ordered Mengtian to lead 100000 workers to build.

Strike Huns in the North

In order to relieve the threat of Huns to Qin, the first emperor ordered the troops of 300000 troops to strike Huns in the north. In the spring of the thirty-three years of the first emperor of Qin Dynasty (214 BC), the main forces of the Montan group attacked the east of the Great Wall from Shangjun (the county governs skin and the south of Yulin City in Shaanxi Province), and yangwengzi was the most important part of the group, who was sent from Xiaoguan (southeast Guyuan of Ningxia) to attack the west of the Great Wall. Huns fled. Qin took Henan (south of Wujia River and YIKEZHAO League, Inner Mongolia). 44 counties are set along the river, and the immigrants are cultivated and guarded.

As Xiongnu came to attack constantly, the next autumn, the emperor of Qin Shihuang ordered the Mengtian army to cross the Yellow River in the north, taking gaoque (Qilan mountain pass in the middle of Langshan Mountain in Inner Mongolia), occupying Yangshan (Langshan and Yinshan in Wujia Hebei, Inner Mongolia), and beifake (Jiashan belt river area south of Wujia River). Huns are invincible and move north. In order to consolidate Henan, Qin set Jiuyuan county (county governs Jiuyuan, Inner Mongolia Baotou City Northwest).

In order to prevent Hun from going down south, Mengtian was ordered to recruit a large number of migrant workers to build the great wall of Yanzhao and Qin, which played an important role in consolidating the northern part of Qin Dynasty. The Qin Dynasty's victory against Hun was the first and most severe attack on the influence of the Hun aristocrats. Huns were forced to move north for more than ten years.

Fusu and Mengtian

Fu Su is the eldest son of the first emperor of Qin and Mi family. Fu Su was a man with political vision among the rulers of Qin Dynasty, and Qin Shihuang gave him great hope.

Ying Fusu believed that the world was set up at first, the people were not safe, and opposed to the implementation of severe policies such as burning books and pitching Confucianism, so he was angry with Qinshihuang. He sent him to the upper county to supervise the army of montan, and helped build the great wall and resist Huns.

Mengtian, a famous general of Qin Dynasty. In 221 BC, Mengtian was named general, broke the Qi State, worshipped as the internal history, and was deeply respected by the first emperor of Qin. At that time, Mengyi, his brother, was called "loyal letter".

After the unification of Qin Dynasty, Mengtian sent 300000 troops to the north to attack Huns. In order to recover Henan (in the area of Ordos City in Hetao City, Inner Mongolia), the great wall and Jiuzhou straight road were built by the army, which overcame the difficulties of domestic traffic block. Mengtian had been stationed in nine counties for more than ten years, and was honored as "the first warrior in China" for its powerful Huns.

The accidental death of the first Emperor Qin

In 218 BC, the first emperor of Qin visited for the fifth time. The following personnel of this trip are Zhao Gao, Li Si, Hu Hai, etc., and Mengyi of Shangqing is also on the list of the following. Meng Yi is Mengtian's brother and the relative letter of Fu Su. However, when the Emperor Qin Shihuang was seriously ill on the way, Meng Yi was sent back to the border.

From the point of view of sudden personnel changes, this seems to be Zhao Gao and other people's plan. Because Mengtian led 300000 soldiers with his son to garrison the county, he sent Meng Yi away from the side of the emperor, which means that he had removed his ears; in addition, Zhao Gao was sentenced to death for his punishment. After that, Zhao Gaocai recovered his official and then he hated Meng Yi and vowed to kill the Mongolian family. Zhao Gao sent Meng Yi when the emperor sent him serious illness, and he also cleared a block for his later plan.

After that, Hu Hai became emperor, which was Qin II, and Fu Su and Mengtian were forced to commit suicide.

If history is repeated

Qin Shihuang was 51 years old when he died, and the cause of death was a bit strange. Before his death, Qin Shihuang wanted to send an imperial edict to recall Fusu, apparently to pass on to Fusu, but was concealed by Zhao Gao and others.

If the emperor lived for more than 10 years, the son Fu Su would surely be emperor. The war preparations have been made in terms of the experience of defeat of Huns in the early Qin Dynasty, the construction of the great wall and the construction of the gallop road to the northern border.

Mengtian and Mengyi brothers are all famous generals in the world. It should be no problem to defeat Xiongnu. Huns had to flee to the West.

The plot of Zhao gaohuhai and others in Qin Dynasty led to the destruction of Qin Dynasty. Daze Township Chen Shengwu Guang uprising also played the name of the son Fu Su, can be seen in the hearts of the people at that time.

The war in the late Qin Dynasty led to the decline of the Central Plains national power, while Huns took the opportunity to rise and beat the Han Dynasty. After the Han Dynasty gathered their national strength, Huns were forced to flee to Europe, which was 500 years since Qin Dynasty.
