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Meng Tian, the earliest developer in Northwest China and the first warrior in China

Mengtian? - in the first 210 years), the famous general of the first emperor of Qin Dynasty was known as "the first warrior in China". He was born in Qi and Shandong. It is said that he had improved his brush, was the earliest developer in Northwest China and the first person to develop Ningxia in ancient times.

Mengtian was born in Qi. His grandfather Meng Ao came to serve Qin Zhao king from Qi State, and his official was supreme Qing. In the first year of the reign of Qin Zhuangxiang (249 BC), Meng Ao, as the general of Qin, cut South Korea, took Chenggao and Yingyang to establish Sanchuan county (now Luoyang, Henan Province). In two years, Meng Ao took 37 City pools with one more breath. In the third year of Qin Shihuang (244 BC), Meng Ao attacked Korea and captured 13 cities. In five years, Qin Shihuang led the army to attack Wei, and obtained 20 cities and established Dongjun. In the seventh year of the first Emperor Qin (240 BC), Meng Ao died.

Mengao's son is MengWu, and he is the father of montan. Meng Tian once studied the prison law as a prison officer and was responsible for the relevant documents and the files of the case. Mengtian also had a younger brother named Meng Yi. Later, the official supreme Qing was the powerful assistant of the first emperor of Qin Dynasty and became a great Minister of Qin Dynasty. Brothers and two men are good at one weapon.

In the 22nd year of the first emperor of Qin (225 BC), Li Xin, the general of the Qin King's school, led 200000 troops to attack the state of Chu, taking Mongolian military as the deputy general. Li Xinfeng Pingyu (now North of Pingyu County, Henan Province), MengWu attacked the bedqiu (Linquan County, Anhui Province), and defeated the Chu army. After breaking Yan (Yanling County in Henan Province), Li Xin led troops to the West and the Mongolian Martial Arts Association Master Yu Fu Yi (now the east of Baofeng County, Henan Province), and was defeated by the Chu army.

In the twenty third year of the first emperor of Qin Dynasty (224 BC), the Mongolian military, with Wang Jian, led the army of Chu, defeated the Chu army and pursued to Qinan (now northwest of Qichun, Hubei Province), killing Xiangyan, and returning to the victory. In the twenty-four years of the first emperor of Qin Dynasty (223 BC), the return of Mongolian military forces attacked the state of Chu, captured the king of Chu and took the ruminant and settled the Chu land. In the 25th year (222 BC), the Mongol military troops conquered the Baiyue (now Zhejiang, Fujian and Guangdong), and the Yue monarch surrendered. Qin thus set up Huiji county (governing Wu County, Suzhou City in Jiangsu Province).

In the great cause of the unification of China, Meng Ao, Mengtian's grandfather and his father MengWu, were all famous generals of Qin. It has made great contributions to the development of the territory of Qin and the unification of China for the first emperor. Therefore, the Emperor Qin attached great importance to the Mongolian family.

Defeat of Qi army tiger vision Hun

To the Mengtian generation is more blue than blue. When the first emperor of Qin was out, Meng Yi, Mengtian's younger brother, accompanied him in a car, and then served the emperor in the dynasty. The two brothers of montan, one responsible for foreign military affairs, one planning domestic affairs, have the reputation of loyalty and trust as the country. The other generals of Qin could not compete with his brothers. A portrait of Mengtian

Thus, the Mongolian family has been the general for generations, and has achieved a remarkable battle and reached the peak of the cause. In 221 BC, Meng Tian, born as a general of Qin, broke the capital of Qi by the army, and realized the national unity that Qin Shihuang dreamed of. He was given the official post of his internal history. In fact, although Mengtian did not make achievements in the battle of the six countries, he accumulated enough war experience and his talents were recognized by the first Emperor Qin.

When it comes to the relationship between Mengtian and Hun, it seems that heaven is doomed to be in a position of inextricably. In the period of Mengtian life, the border was often plundered by the Huns who gradually strengthened, and the Qin regime was threatened. Moreover, before the six countries were unified in Qin Dynasty, Huns often plundered the livestock and property of the people in the mainland, and their neighboring countries, such as Yan, Zhao and Qin, were deeply affected. Especially, in the last stage of the Qin expedition, Huns took the opportunity to occupy Hetao area, known as "Henan region".

This gives the loyal monarch patriotic ambition of Mengtian with a great space for the exhibition. In the subsequent battle of Hetao, the first Chinese warrior made Xiongnu taste the defeat and defeat.

The battle of Huns by blood

In the last years of the Warring States period, there were four beacon smoke. Qin swept the six Central Plains with the power of one country, and built the first feudal empire in Chinese history. In the middle plains, the Huns, a fierce race in the north of China, were active in the northern China. They used the opportunity of war and chaos in the Central Plains to harass the countries in the north. While the central plains were unified by Qin, they took the opportunity to cross the Yellow River, occupying a large area of land south of the Hetao, which directly threatened the security of Xianyang, the capital of Qin Dynasty. To be the last heart of the Empire. At this time, the first emperor sent a general to the north to attack Hun, which is the famous general Mengtian.

In 215 BC, the first emperor of Qin took Mengtian as his commander, and led 300000 Qin troops to attack Huns in the north. On the Yellow River, Qin army, mainly infantry, and Hun cavalry fought a battle of life and death. With the irresistible breaking of bamboo, the army led by Mengtian defeated the Huns' forces in the upper reaches of the Yellow River (now Ningxia and Hetao area of Inner Mongolia), forcing them to flee and go to the north of the desert for 700 miles. In Han Dynasty, Jia Yi commented on the status of Huns at that time and said, "dare not to herd horses in the south." Mengtian only in the first world war will be fierce Xiongnu, so that it broke into a military, four wolves run. Huns dare not enter Han for decades, and Mengtian has achieved the highest level of work. Mengtian, who is in charge of the heavy soldiers, is in Shangjun (now in Yulin City, Shaanxi Province). In order to strengthen the defense line in Hetao area, the pavilion barrier and castle building are built in the north of the Yellow River (now in Wula mountain area of Inner Mongolia), which serves as the outpost position of the Yellow River line. After entering this battle, it brought a stable social environment for more than ten years in the north, and created conditions for the development of Hetao area. Mengtian bravely fought, won by surprise and defeated Hun, which was the biggest achievement in his life. People praised him as "the first warrior in China".

The myth of one step sand field breaking invincible

When the unification of China was just founded, Mengtian did not have the opportunity to enjoy the glory and glory of a founding minister, but shouldered a more arduous mission - the Huns in the north. In 221 BC, the army of Mengtian broke the capital of Qi and realized the national unity that Qin Shihuang dreamed of. When Xianyang city celebrated the victory, the north border of Qin Dynasty was reported that Huns harassed and invaded the south. The Hun army killed people and set fire and robbed livestock and property, and the people in the border areas were suffering. At this time, Qin just unified, people think of the fixed, military and civilian weariness of war. Despite the years of war, Montan accepted the order "north to pursue Rongdi" and recover the Hetao area.

Facing the provocation of Huns, the first emperor of Qin chose to lead the troops of Mengtian to March. There are two reasons: first, Mengtian, a young man, was guarding the northern border for a long time, and was very familiar with the Xiongnu's fighting methods. This is something that the old generals who have been fighting for the Central Plains for a long time can't compare. Secondly, Mengtian was the most offensive and field capable general in the Qin army. Other generals in Qin Dynasty fought mainly the key battles in Central Plains, and had little experience in the field war with Huns on the grasslands of northern Saibei.

In 215 BC, Meng Tian led 30 army of all-purpose and good war, and rushed to border border day and night. After he got down the camp, he sent someone to spy on the enemy and went over the mountains and looked at the terrain. The first time of fighting, the Huns were killed and the grassland was broken. In the spring of 214 BC, the most decisive war broke out. Mengtian and Huns fought several wars north of the Yellow River, and the main force of Huns was severely damaged. Finally, Huns were defeated completely and fled to the north. Historical records: Huns fled North (escape) more than 700 miles.

Mengtian did not live up to the expectations of the people, the first World War fixed the river, hit Xiongnu soul. Jia Yi also described "Hu people dare not to go south and herd horses", which is just a praise for the success of Hetao campaign. Later, when the Central Plains was in a great turmoil, Huns dared not go into the Han Dynasty, which was not to say that it had a great relationship with the war.

In the twenty sixth year of the first emperor (221 BC), Mengtian was appointed as general, attacked Qi, and was worshipped as the top executive of Qin Dynasty capital due to his outstanding merits. Meng Yi, his brother, was also the supreme minister. Mengtian was a foreign affairs, and Meng Yi was often a conspiracy, and was called "faithful". All the other generals dare not compete with them.

After the unification of the six countries in Qin Dynasty, Mengtian was ordered to attack Huns in the north by 300000 troops. Henan (now in the area of YIKEZHAO League in Hetao, Inner Mongolia) is recovered, from Yuzhong (to the north of the Yijinholo banner in Inner Mongolia) to Yinshan, and 34 counties are set up. He crossed the Yellow River, occupied Yangshan, and the migrants enriched the border counties. Later, Lintao (Minxian County, Gansu Province) in the west of Longxi was built, and the great wall of Wanli (now in Liaoning) in the east of Liaoning was built to connect the great wall of yuanyan, Zhao and Qin into one. The Great Wall, with its topography, built a fortress with natural danger, effectively curbed the Hun's southward advance. Later, he was sent to visit the world to open a straight road. From Jiuyuan county (now southwest of Baotou City, Inner Mongolia) to Ganquan palace, the mountain range was cut off and the deep valley was filled. The total length was 18000 Li. Unfortunately, the project was not completed. Mengtian fought for more than ten years in Northern Xinjiang, and Weizhen Hun.

In the winter of the 37th year of the first emperor (210 BC), Qinshihuang was ill on his way to the meeting. Meng Yi was sent to sacrifice to the mountains and rivers to pray for blessings. Soon, he died in the sand dunes and the death was blocked. The central car mansion made Zhao Gao favor with his son Hu Hai. He wanted to establish the son Hu Hai. He then secretly planned a coup with Prime Minister Li Si and his son Hu Hai, and made Hu Hai the prince. Because Zhao Gao violated the law earlier, Meng Yi was ordered to enforce the law fairly, which caused Zhao Gao's resentment against Mengshi. Hu Hai was appointed to the throne, and sent envoys to Fu Su and Mengtian to death, the son of the court, on the basis of fabricated charges. Fu Su committed suicide, Meng Tian had doubts and asked for a reply. The emissary handed over Mengtian to the officials, sent Lishen to replace the soldiers in charge of Mengtian, and imprisoned Mengtian in the Yang Zhou Dynasty. After Hu Hai killed Fu Su, he wanted to release Mengtian. But Zhao Gaoshen feared that Meng family would be used again, which was not good for himself and insisted on eliminating Mengshi. He was spread over the issue of Prince Li, and Meng Yi once slandered Hu Hai before the first emperor, and Hu Hai imprisoned him again. Son and baby force admonition, think can not kill the Mongolian brothers. Hu Hai didn't listen to him and killed Mengyi. And then they went to Yang Zhou to kill Mengtian.

The messenger said to Montan, "you have sinned too much, and Meng Yi should die, and sit on you." "I have been born and died for Qin for three generations, from my ancestors to our descendants," said Mengtian. I command 300000 troops. "Although I am imprisoned, my power is enough to betray. But I know I should die in righteousness. I dare not insult the teachings of my forefathers and forget the kindness of the forerunner. In the past, Zhou became king at the beginning of his early years. He was born to the king on the back of the emperor. He swore to be loyal and finally settled down the world. And King Cheng grew up, but listened to rumors, Zhou GongDan was falsely accused of escaping to Chu. Later, Wang finally realized that he killed the slanderer and asked Zhou GongDan. Therefore, the book of Zhou said: "the king should consider his affairs repeatedly." my family of the Mongolian family was killed without any loyalty to the king. This must be due to the evil officials' rebellious and internal overthrow. Zhou Chengwang made mistakes and could change his own ideas and finally made Zhou prosperous; Xia Jie killed Guan Longfeng, and Shang Zhou killed Prince than did not regret, and died in the country. So I think that if I make a mistake, I can correct it and I can wake up by following the advice. Repeated consideration is the rule of the sovereign. My words are not to be exempted from sin, but to sacrifice for remonstration. I hope your majesty will think for all the people in the world and consider following the correct rule. " The messenger said, "I was just summoned to kill you, and I dare not report the general's words to the emperor." "How did I offend God?" said Meng Tian? "And was executed without guilty?" Silence for a long time said: "my sin should have been dead, from Lintao, to build the Great Wall in Liaodong, dig more than 10000 miles of ditch, this time can not be broken, this is my crime!" So he swallowed medicine and killed himself.

Simaqian sighed in the historical records: "Qin General of the Mongolian family, loyal and virtuous in the history. The Great Wall is built first, and it is set aside in Wanli. " "When the princes were destroyed in the early days of Fu Qin, the world was uncertain, the people who were devastated were not destroyed, and Tian was a famous general. He did not strongly admonish at this time, aroused the urgency of the people, kept the old and kept his loneliness, and he was responsible for the sum of the common people, and he was willing to make contributions." The great achievements of Mengtian to the Qin Dynasty are impressive.

The battle of man and arrow together sets the heaven and earth

After this battle, the Qin army at that time was no longer invincible, and Mengtian also jumped to become the most outstanding general of the Qin Empire. But Mengtian is not only a general in history, but many of his talents are incomparable to other generals at that time. In fact, Mengtian is the top priority in the whole Qin state. No one can catch up with him. Even Li Si, the Prime Minister of Qin, sighs: "general Mengtian is far beyond me in many ways."

From the perspective of pure military, we believe that it must be a different method from the Han Dynasty to counterattack Huns. Because Qin Dynasty did not have as many horses as Han Dynasty, the number of cavalry was far less than that of Han Dynasty. This is destined to attack the Qin state or to the combination of the foot riding and chariot based on the war. The historical records once recorded that Qin opened the road with chariots, and the arrows were like locusts, and then they were killed by the army, and the Huns were defeated. It can be seen that this is a method of war mainly for refitting chariots.

Qin had a core weapon in the campaign, namely crossbow. Crossbow was a special weapon of the Central Plains people, and Huns did not have crossbow. Because crossbow actually represents the peak of military strength at that time, Qin's heavy loaded chariot is tall, carrying various crossbow and arrows, and launching them densely like rain. The movie hero has clearly reproduced this process. Its effect is like today's tank, how can Huns of a single army not be defeated.

Han Dynasty fought against Huns for 20 years, and only by the north of the country, did they release the threat. But Qin only through this war, the Hun will be severely damaged. Of course, they are not equal. The Hun control area in Qin Dynasty was only one third of that of Han Dynasty, and its strength was much weaker than that of the yiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyishi.

Another important reason to win Hun is Mengtian's personal military command ability. From the personal perspective of Mengtian, he was born in the gate of general, and he was strongly influenced by the patriotic thought of loyal monarch since he was a child. In addition, his grandfather and father were all general of the Qin state, so it was common for us to fight for the loyalty and military. Therefore, he has bound his destiny with the security of the country in his mind. It is conceivable that such spirit and strength can fight for their own goals.

In addition, he was very familiar with the Xiongnu's fighting methods when he was stationed at the border, and he developed the tactics to deal with them. These all laid a good foundation for his World War I, which made "Hu people dare not to herd horses south, and the scholars dare not bow and complain".

Here is also a story that happened during this period, which made Zhao Gao group more firm in its determination to murder general Mengtian. After the unification of the whole country, the emperor of Qin carried out severe tyranny in order to consolidate his political rule. A disaster of the world's readers swept the whole country. Qin Shihuang burned books and potholes. His eldest son Fu Su tried to stop him. Instead of listening to it, Qin Shihuang demoted him to the border and let him supervise the Mongolian Tian to guard the border.

Since then, Fu Su and Mengtian have been bound up. When Fu Su arrived at the border, he was very depressed. Meng Tian advised him that it was important to keep the border and stay safe when he came. Fu Su felt that Meng Tian was sincere and enthusiastic to him, so he settled down to help him train the army. They were very speculative, and they became friends without saying anything, which laid an ambush for the death of Mengtian's unjust death.

Brave men

Some people say that a moment of history may change the trajectory of the whole history. So what would the death of an ancient famous general change? As a famous general of the Qin Empire, Mengtian, in his lifetime, not only helped the Empire complete the reunification in the battlefield, but also defeated the Huns who constantly harassed the Central Plains. Under his supervision, he built the Great Wall in our eyes and opened up the Qin straight road with unprecedented scale at that time.

Such a brilliant and talented general, but did not expect that behind him there was always a group against him. After the death of Emperor Qin, Meng Tian died innocent and tragic under their plot. The group usurped the regime of the Qin Empire and rewritten the history of the whole Chinese nation.

Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty, on a certain day in Zhenguan, said to his officials, "I want to compare Yao and Shun, and I will not make the case present in this dynasty. You may as well say, which general in ancient times died the most unjust? " At that time, there were Prime Minister Fang Xuanling, the admonished doctor Wei Zheng and others, or answered "Bai Qi" (general Qin in Warring States period); or "Wu Zixu" (general Wu in spring and Autumn period). After hearing the comments of the officials, Taizong shook his head and said, "the most unjust thing about my view is Mengtian."

To build Qin road with danger system

After Mengtian defeated Hun and refused to resist enemies for thousands of miles, he led troops to keep on to the border. According to the tactics of "making a fortress with danger", Mengtian mobilized hundreds of thousands of troops and people to build the Great Wall, connected the protective walls in the north of Qin, Zhao and Yan in the Warring States period, and rebuilt and strengthened them again.

The Great Wall, which is more than 5000 kilometers long, has been built from Lintao in the West and east to Liaodong, which is used to protect the agricultural area in the north and avoid the invasion of nomadic Hun cavalry. In the great wall building, Mengtian played a major role. The Great Wall, which lasted for more than ten thousand miles, left a great cultural treasure for later generations.

Meanwhile, 44 counties, all of which belong to Jiuyuan County, are set up along the Yellow River. A set of administrative bodies for border control have also been established. In 211 BC, more than 30000 criminals were sent to Zhaohe and Yuzhong to cultivate, develop economy and strengthen military reserve forces. These measures have played a positive role in strengthening border defense.

In addition, Mengtian sent people and horses, from Xianyang, the capital of Qin to Jiuyuan, built a wide straight road, overcoming the difficulties of the traffic block in Jiuyuan. This not only strengthens the economic and cultural exchanges and integration of the people of all ethnic groups in the north, but also has important strategic significance for mobilizing the army and transporting the grain and grass equipment and materials. With the wind, rain and the cold and cold sun, general Montan stayed in Jiuxian for more than ten years. He was praised and trusted by the first emperor.

Mengtian makes a pen

It is said that in 223 BC, general Mengtian of the Qin state led troops to fight outside. He would write war reports regularly and submit them to the king of Qin.

At that time, people write with bamboo swabs, which is very inconvenient. They dip in ink and do not write a few times and dip them. One day, when hunting, Mengtian saw a rabbit tail dragging blood on the ground, and his heart was not inspired.

He cut off some rabbit tail hair immediately, put it on the bamboo tube, and tried to write with it. But rabbit hair is light and does not suck ink. Mengtian tried again several times, the effect was still not good, so he threw the rabbit hair pen into the stone pit in front of the door. One day, he accidentally saw the brush that he had thrown away. When he picked up, he found that the wet rabbit hair became whiter.

He dipped rabbit hair pen into the ink pan, and the rabbit tail became very "obedient", and the writing was very smooth. Originally, the water in the pit contains calcareous matter. After soaking in alkaline water, the grease of rabbit hair is removed and becomes smooth, which is the first brush in legend.

The small people usurp power for ages

Mengtian not only showed his heroic general and unusual strategic and tactical command ability, but also a good hand in the management of border fortress and strengthening national defense. But there are always various kinds of small people behind heroes, which makes many heroes not die in the sand field, but hate can not end well. The death of Mengtian can be said to be with sadness, helplessness and sigh.

Mengtian's younger brother, that is, Meng Yi, as we said earlier, is favored by the first emperor of Qin and is the supreme Qing (Senior governor). Mengyi is strict in the rule of law, never takes care of the power and the noble. No one dare to fight with the people in the whole dynasty. One day, Zhao Gao, the servant of Zhao, was convicted of a major crime, and Meng Yi sentenced him to death according to law, but was pardoned by the first emperor of Qin. Since then, the Mengshi brothers have become Zhao Gao's heart disease.

In the winter of 210 BC, Zhao Zhengyou of the first emperor of Qin was ill during the meeting. Meng Yi was sent to sacrifice to Shanchuan for blessing. Soon, he died in the sand dunes and the death was blocked. The central car mansion made Zhao Gao want to establish the son Hu Hai, so he secretly planned a coup with Prime Minister Li Si and his son Hu Hai, and made Hu Hai the prince. Because Zhao Gao violated the law earlier, Meng Yi was ordered to enforce the law fairly, which caused Zhao Gao's resentment against Mengshi. Therefore, the black hand reached the Mongolian first.

After the death of the first emperor of Qin Dynasty, Zhao Gao worried about supporting the Soviet Union to succeed. Meng Tian was reused and was not good for himself. He stopped the imperial edict and usurped the throne with Hu Hai conspiracy. He also forced the lures, and forced Liz to conspire with them and make false edicts. "The imperial edict" accused Fu Su of not being able to make contributions outside, but resented his father and emperor, and sent envoys to Fu Su and Mengtian to die on the pretentious charges. Fu Su committed suicide, Meng Tian had doubts and asked for a reply.

The emissary handed over Mengtian to the officials, sent Li Si and others to replace the soldiers in charge of Mengtian, and imprisoned Mengtian in the Yang Zhou Dynasty. After Hu Hai killed Fu Su, he wanted to release Mengtian. But Zhao Gaoshen feared that Meng family would be used again, which was not good for himself and insisted on eliminating Mengshi. He was spread over the issue of Prince Li, who once slandered Hu Hai before the first emperor. Hu Hai was imprisoned and killed Meng Yi, and sent for the killing of Mengtian in Yangzhou.

The messenger said to Montan, "you have sinned too much, and Meng Yi should die, and sit on you." "The tomb of Mengtian, Suide, was said by Mengtian:" the ancestors of self, until their descendants, have been born and died for the Qin State for three generations. I command 300000 troops, although I am imprisoned, my power is enough to betray. But I know I should die in righteousness. I dare not insult the teachings of my forefathers and forget the kindness of the Lord. "

The messenger said, "I was just summoned to kill you, and I dare not report the general's words to the emperor." "How did I offend God?" monttian sighed? "And was executed without guilty?" "My sin should have been dead, and he began to build the Great Wall in Liaodong and dug more than 10000 miles of ditches. It was my fault that I could not have broken the earth vein during this period." So he swallowed medicine and killed himself.
