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Prime Minister of Qin Dynasty: Li Si

The famous statesmen, writers and calligraphers of Qin Dynasty helped the emperor unify the world. Later, the Prime Minister of Qin Dynasty, participated in the formulation of laws, unified vehicle track, text, measurement and balance system. After the death of the first emperor of Qin Dynasty, Hu Hai, the son of zhaogaoli, was Emperor II, which was taboo by Zhao Gao and was cut off in the city.

Born in the late Warring States period, Li Si was a member of Shangcai (now southwest of Shangcai County, Henan Province), and was a minor official in charge of documents when he was young. Simaqian recorded in the biography of Shi Ji lisley that once he saw mice eating human feces in the toilet, and the rats were scared away as soon as he saw people and dogs. Later, he saw mice in the warehouse eating food at ease, and no one was going to take care of it. So he sent out such a feeling: "the virtuous people do not care, such as mice, in their own ears!" That is to say, if one wants to be a leader in society, he should be like a rat who steals food in the grain warehouse, so as to do what he wants and enjoy. It can be seen that in the Warring States period, everyone was competing for fame and profits, and LISS was also reluctant to be lonely, and wanted to do some career. In order to achieve the goal of flying yellow, Li Shi resigned from the petty officials, went to the state of Qi to study, and worshipped Xunqing as a teacher. Xunqing was a famous Confucian master at that time. He spoke under the banner of Confucius. However, he did not follow the rules and regulations of Mencius, but started from the political situation at that time, and made full use of and reformed Confucius' Confucianism, which was very suitable for the needs of the new landlord class. Xunzi's thought is close to the legalist idea, and also the study of how to govern the country, namely the so-called "King's skill". After Li Si finished his studies, he thought over and over where he should be before he could show his talents and get rich and prosperous? After analyzing and comparing the situation of different countries, he thought that King Chu did nothing, and other countries were also on the downhill road and decided to go to Qin.

Before his visit, Xunqing asked why Li Si was going to the Qin state. Li replied: "there is a chance to do business. Now all countries are competing for power, which is a good opportunity to make a good achievement.". The Qin state is ambitious and wants to work hard to dominate the world, and can do a big job there. In the world, humble is the greatest shame, poverty is a great sorrow. It would be ridicule that a person is always in a humble and poor position. Not loving fame and profit, doing nothing is not the idea of a reader. So, I'm going to the Qin state. " Li said goodbye to his teacher and went to Qin to realize his wish.

The admonition of the guest and the envy of Han Fei

After arriving in Qin, Li Si soon got the attention of Lu Buwei, the Qin Dynasty. He became a small official of Qin State and had the chance to approach the king of Qin. Once, he told the king of Qin that anyone who has done his career must seize the opportunity. In the past, Qin Mugong was very strong, but failed to complete the reunification, because the time was not mature. Since Qin Xiaogong, the power of Zhou Tianzi has declined. Only after years of war between the various princes, Qin took advantage of the opportunity to be powerful. Now Qin is powerful, king and virtuous, so it is as easy to eliminate dust from the stove as the elimination of the six countries. Now it is the best time to complete the imperial industry and unify the world. We must not miss it. Li Si's opinion is correct, and he was praised by the king of Qin, and was promoted to be a chief official. Li advised the king of Qin to send Jinyu to buy and bribe all over the country. The officials and ministers who left the six countries had also received the effect. He was also named Keqing.

When the king of Qin made up his mind to unify the six countries, Korea was afraid to be destroyed by the Qin state, and sent Zheng State, a hydraulic engineer, to Qin to encourage the construction of the water channel, aiming to weaken the manpower and material resources of the Qin State and control the East advance of Qin. Later, Zheng Guoxiu canal purpose exposed. At this time, Eastern countries also sent spies to the Qin state as guests. The ministers spoke to the foreign guest Qing greatly, and said to the king of Qin, "the people from all countries come to Qin state to do damage work for the benefit of their own country. Please order the king to expel all visitors." The king of Qin ordered the emperor to be driven by the order, and LISS was also among them.

Li wrote a letter to the king of Qin, urging him not to go away from the guests. This is the famous book of admonishing and pursuing guests. "I heard that the ministers were talking about the guest, which was wrong," he said. In the past, Qin Mugong asked for the virtuous, and from the Western army, Yu, and bailixi from the eastern Chu state. He welcomed Jian Shu from the Song Dynasty and appointed PI Bao and Gongsun branch from Jin. Qin Mugong appointed these five people, merged 20 countries and dominated Xirong. Qin Xiaogong used Shangyang to implement new laws, changed customs and customs, and the country was rich and strong, defeated Chu and Wei, and expanded the land for thousands of miles, and the Qin state was strong. With Zhang Yi's plan, the king of Qin Huiwang broke down the six countries' collusion against Qin and forced all countries to obey the Qin state. The king of Qin Zhao got fan Ju, weakened the power of the noble and Qi, strengthened the power of the king, devoured the princes, and became the emperor of Qin Dynasty. All the four generations of Wang made contributions to the Qin state only because of the appointment of Keqing. What is Keqing sorry for Qin? If the four kings also ordered the guests to be expelled, it would only make the country without the rich and profitable reality, and the Qin state would not have a strong name. "

Li also said that the Pearl and jade of the king of Qin are not produced in the Qin state, and that beauty, good horses and treasures are all from the eastern countries. If only the Qin state-owned things were needed, then many good things would not be. Li also asked in his letter: why these things are available and the guests are going to be chased. It seems that the king only valued something, but he could not reuse talents. The result was that he strengthened the strength of all countries, but was not conducive to the reunification of the Qin state. Li Shi's last book not only reflects the truth of Qin history and current situation, but also represents the opinions of the people who have learned at that time. Therefore, this book "remonstrating and chasing guests" has become a famous historical work.

The king of Qin discriminated between right and wrong, decisively adopted Li Si's suggestion, and immediately cancelled the order of expelling guests. Li Si was still highly valued and was granted the title of Ting Wei.

At this time, the state of Zheng, who was about to be killed, also spoke to the king of Qin: the original purpose of South Korea was to consume the strength of Qin, but after the completion of the canal, it was also beneficial to Qin. Although the construction of water conservancy alleviated the pressure of Qin State on Eastern countries and made Korea exist for several more years, the construction of canals "contributed to the construction of ten thousand generations of Qin Dynasty". The king of Qin thought that Zheng's words were reasonable, so he decided not to kill Zheng, and let him continue to lead the construction of canals. This was Zheng's canals, which later became famous in history. It played a certain role in the development and prosperity of Qin's economy.

After this repetition, Qin still insisted on the tradition of recruiting and reusing foreign guests, who played an important role in the process of Qin's unification of China.

Shortly after the cancellation of the expulsion order, Wei Liao, a native of the state of Wei, also came to the state of Qin. At that time, the situation was that the king of Qin had removed the internal opposition, such as LV Buwei, and so on. His power was further concentrated and actively expanded to the outside. All the eastern countries were in danger. Wei Liao suggested to the king of Qin: at present, there is no problem in destroying the eastern countries with the power of Qin. However, if all the vassal states united to fight against Qin, the result would be hard to say. Therefore, we should not be stingy of property, bribe the "powerful ministers" of various countries, destroy their alliance, and achieve the goal of annexing various vassal states with only 300000 gold. The king of Qin adopted Wei Liao's stratagem and won many victories in his struggle with other countries. Of course, Qin's Anti Japanese strategy was backed by force. As Li Si said, "those who refuse will be stabbed with a sharp sword.".

Qin insisted on the policy of accepting and using Keqing, and made positive contributions to its rapid economic, political, military and cultural development. For example, in the time of the first emperor of Qin Dynasty, there were Wang Qi, Mao Jiao, Wei Liao, Wang Jian, Li Si, Wang Ben, Li Xin, Wang Li, Meng Tian, etc. Li Si's admonishment and chasing guest book has made great contribution to Qin Dynasty's attracting talents from all over the world.

While Lisi was rising, the king of Qin loved Han Fei's talent very much. Han Fei and Li Si are classmates. He inherited Xunzi's theory, and on this basis, he combined Shendao's "Shi", Shangyang's "Fa" and shenbuhui's "Shu", enriched and developed them, forming a complete set of autocratic monarchy theory. Han Fei was a great thinker at the end of the Warring States period. Han Fei is not good at arguing because of his stuttering, but he is good at writing. After returning to South Korea, Han Fei saw that South Korea was too weak and wrote many times to offer suggestions, but they were not adopted. So Han Fei was angry and wrote Gu Fen, Wu Gu, Shuonan and so on. When his book came to the state of Qin, the king of Qin highly appreciated Han Fei's talent and said, "if I could see this man and associate with him, I would die without hatred." Soon, because of Qin's attack on Korea, Han Wang had to employ Han Fei and sent him to Qin. The king of Qin liked Han Fei very much, but he didn't decide whether to keep it. Li Si knew that Han Fei's ability was greater than his own, and he was afraid that the king of Qin would reuse him, which would be detrimental to his future, so he spoke ill of Han Fei to the king of Qin. He said: "Han Fei is a member of Han Wang's family. The king wants to destroy all countries. Han Fei loves Han but does not love Qin. This is human nature. If the king decides not to use Han Fei and let him go, it's not good for us. It's better to kill him. " King Qin believed Li Si's words and arrested Han Fei. According to the law of the state of Qin, the prisoners in prison have no right to plead. After Han Fei came to the state of Qin, he offended Yao Jia again. Yao Jia had made great contributions to the state of Qin, and was highly valued by the king of Qin. Han Fei told the king of Qin that Yao Jia was not of noble birth. He had been a thief and was driven away when he was an official in the state of Zhao. He thought that it was inappropriate to use such a person, which made the king of Qin very disappointed. Later, the king of Qin asked Yao Jia about Han Fei. Of course, Yao Jia would not say anything good about Han Fei. Under the collusion of Li Si and Yao Jia, Han Fei had no choice but to take the poison Li Si sent and commit suicide. From then on, Lisi had no rival, and he could give full play to his talents and give advice for the king of Qin to unify the six kingdoms. County system and burning books in the 16th year of the reign of the king of Qin (221 BC), the king of Qin put an end to the long-term separatist situation, unified China, and established an unprecedented feudal unified country with the sea in the East, Lingnan in the south, Gansu Qinghai Plateau in the west, and Inner Mongolia and Liaodong in the north. The king of Qin was called the first emperor of Qin. In order to consolidate the feudal unified country, Lisi also made some contributions.

(another said, Li Si always wanted to leave Han Fei in Qin state, and then it would be used by Qin after Qin destroyed Korea. However, because of the thorough analysis of the techniques of emperor and the technique of rule in Hanfei's book Hanfeizi, Zhao Zheng, the king of Qin, was afraid of his talent. In addition, three suggestions of Han Fei that were not conducive to the development of Qin State and the frame up of Yaojia made him tortured in prison. Li Shi wanted to save Han Fei. He helped Han Fei to present Han Fei's masterpiece "seeing Qin at first" in Zhao Zheng, the king of Qin, but Zhao Zheng, the king of Qin, was eager to remove Han Fei. Zhao Zheng, the late Qin king, applied the technique of "Yin adultery" in the three middle schools of the eight classics in Hanfei's book: he asked Li to deal with Hanfei (in combination with the previous words, he asked him to kill Hanfei), and was dowry to Lise, so as not to be scolded. Li Si was helpless, but had to poison Hanfei's diet from his life, and he died in a violent way.)

The custom issuing method of power barge seal

After the unification of Qin Dynasty, Wang Wan, prime minister, first proposed that the whole country was too large to manage, and asked that the princes of the first emperor of Qin should be king, as in the Zhou Dynasty. The first emperor of Qin held a group of Ministers' meeting to discuss, and all the officials agreed with Wang Wan, only Li Si put forward different opinions. He said: there were many children who were granted by Zhou Wenwang and Zhou Wu King. Later, they were alienated and regarded as enemies. There were frequent wars, and the son of Zhou could not forbid them. Now the world is unified, and counties should be implemented, so that the world can be peaceful. Qin Shihuang also believed that the world had been unified and that it was not conducive to reunification and that peace was not guaranteed. Therefore, he supported Lise's opinion. So he divided the whole country into 36 counties, and the counties below them. County system is a progress compared with the system of separation, which is conducive to the unity of the country.

In the thirty fourth year of Qin Shihuang (213 years ago), when the officials gathered in Xianyang palace to praise the emperor, the doctor Chunyu Yue was very uninteresting, and told Qinshihuang that the reason why the Yan Zhou Dynasty existed for thousands of years was that it divided the world into children and officials. Now the world is so big that the clans and children have no land seal. Like the people, who will come to rescue in case of the change of Tian Chang and Liuqing? No one has ever heard of the world that can last without taking ancient as a teacher. Chunyu is a Confucian view of the Qin Dynasty politics, which is not in line with the Qin Shihuang's thought and action, which makes Qin Shihuang greatly dissatisfied, and gives Chunyu Yue to Prime Minister Li Si for treatment. Li Si disagreed with Chun Yu Yue, and he explained his own point to the Emperor Qin Shihuang. He thinks: due to the changes of the times, the governance methods of the five emperors and the three generations are different. The practice of the three generations is not worth following. At that time, the princes were in parallel and competing for each other. Now the world is unified. The situation is totally different, so it is unnecessary to follow the ancient times. Some scholars now always talk about how to be good in ancient times. This is to disturb people's hearts by the ancient times and not today. For the rumors and confusion, the words and deeds that are not conducive to the unification of the world must be prohibited, otherwise, it will affect the stability of the political situation and damage the authority of the emperor. Finally, he blamed all of these for reading, and suggested that the first Emperor Qin ordered the burning of the book.

According to the decree made by Lise, it was quite harsh. All historical books other than Qin records are not poems, books and hundreds of languages that doctors (the officials who direct ancient and modern literary and historical records) should be burned out, only the books of medicine, divination and tree planting must be left. After that, if anyone dared to talk about the poem "abandoning the market" (referring to the execution of death penalty in downtown areas and exposing the body to the streets, it is called "abandoning the city"); "the people who are ancient and modern (refer to one person guilty, both parents, brothers and wives are punished, called the family)"; if the official knows and fails to report the case, he will be guilty of the same crime; if he still does not burn the city within 30 days after the order, Tsing (which means cutting forehead and cheek with a knife) will be scrawled again Shangmo is "city Dan" (a penalty, four years of building the Great Wall along the border). If you want to learn the law, you should take the officials as the teacher.

The reason for burning the book was caused by the discussion of whether the separation of the books was concerned. Whether the ministers who advocated or opposed the separation of the seal were all for the purpose of the Emperor Qin's long-term rule that they had no fundamental interests opposition. It is not for no reason that Lise made use of the questions to play the final result of burning books.

Since Shang Yang changed the law, Qin has been taking the legalist theory as the guiding ideology of governing the country. After the unification of the world, the first emperor of Qin also ruled the country by Legalists. In his nine years as emperor, his main energy was to establish the central autocratic regime, delimit the national territory, unify the measurement of words, build the Great Wall, etc., and pay little attention to cultural thoughts. Chunyu Yue made suggestions for the first emperor of Qin with Confucianism, which was not conducive to the centralized rule of Qin. Therefore, Li Si, who is good at understanding the intention of Qinshihuang, put forward the above proposals for burning books in order to combat the Confucian forces and consolidate the unified regime, and got the approval and approval of the emperor. Therefore, Qin Shihuang ordered burning books, many ancient documents of the pre Qin Dynasty were burned, which caused great loss of Chinese culture.

In the second year of burning books, the thirty fifth year of the first emperor of Qin (212 BC), two warlocks secretly slandered him and died. Qin Shihuang learned of the matter, was furious, sent imperial history investigation, heard down, more than 400 people were killed by the pit. This is the "pit Confucianism" event in history. Although later generations called this "pit Confucianism", but actually was killed by the warlock, and it has nothing to do with Confucianism. Simaqian has already made clear in the biography of historical records and the biography of Confucianism: "in the Qin Dynasty, the book of poetry was burned and the warlock was burned." So, there is nothing Confucian at all. But from the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Mei Yi offered the ancient books of Shangshu, with the preface of the Shangshu written by kong'an state, which includes the following: "and the first emperor of Qin destroyed the first generation of classics, burned books and potholes in Confucianism, and the world bachelor, and fled to disband. My forefathers used to hide their books in the walls of the house. " At this time, the pit warlock was first transformed into a pothead. Later, with the ancient book of the Shang was designated as official book, the theory of "pitching Confucianism" followed, and became a conclusion. There are many doubts about the ancient texts and the preface of the books by kong'an state, which was presented by Meiyi. In Qing Dynasty, the identity of the fake books had been settled. The forger changed the kenwarlock to a pit Confucianist, but only to draw out the following sentence: "I used to hide his family books in the wall of the house", thus indicating that the ancient Shangshu came from. The original intention of the test, probably just want to sell its fake, and inadvertently pour dirty water on Zhao Zheng. Later generations, however, decided that the case of "kenru" was a case of iron, which was unexpectedly unexpected.

(there are all the ancient books in the Qin Dynasty. As for the burned down, it should be thanked for Xiangyu's fire, not to blame Liz all the time.)

The second Gang cuts his back and kills the family

Thanks to the appreciation of the first emperor of Qin, Li not only had a prosperous official fortune, but also his children were all followed by Zhanguang. Li, the eldest son of Lisi, was the governor of Sanchuan, and he had certain military and political power. Other children also married emperor Shi. Once, Li returned to Xianyang, and Li set up a family banquet, and all officials came to the banquet to celebrate. At this warm banquet, LISS remembered his teacher Xunqing's saying that he was "too prosperous for material Taboos", and said with emotion: "I am a common people, but I am a prime minister today, which can be said to be extremely rich and precious. However, the prosperity of things is declining. I don't know what kind of ending will be in the future. Therefore, Lise is not completely intoxicated in the high officials and rich Lu. His understanding of reality is still sober.

Since the establishment of Qin Dynasty, the resistance of the people in all regions has never stopped because of the brutal rule of the emperor. In addition to the form of armed struggle, the people also curse Qin Shihuang in the form of ballads, such as: "a Fang a Fang, the dead first emperor". The dissatisfaction and resistance of the people have made the landlord class very worried. Therefore, the emperor of Qin has carried out five long-distance tours in more than ten years after the reunification. Its purpose is to spread out the power and strengthen the control of the whole country.

Although Qinshihuang visited all over the country and brutally suppressed the people, resistance continued to occur. If someone intercepted the Royal emissary, some people publicly cursed Qin Shihuang: "this year, ZuLong (Qinshihuang) died." Therefore, in the thirty seventh year (the first 210 years), Qinshihuang decided to make a fifth tour.

This time, Prime Minister Li Si and the beloved son of the first emperor of Qin, Hu Hai, went together. The route of the tour is: starting from Xianyang, leaving Wuguan, along Danshui and Hanshui River basins to Yunmeng, and then down the Yangtze River to Huiji (now south of Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province). Mount Jishan was mounted, Dayu was sacrificed and stone engraved for memory. When he returned to the north, Qinshihuang suffered from serious illness and died in dunes (now Southeast of Julu County, Hebei Province).

After the death of the emperor, Lisi was afraid of causing chaos in the world. He was always asked to send water to serve rice everyday, and he did not let the foreign people know the news of the death. According to the Convention, the eldest son of Qinshihuang should help Su to take the place. The thought of Fu Su was inclined to Confucianism, and disagreed with Qin Shihuang's burning books and pitching Confucianism. He raised his opinions in person, and provoked Qin Shihuang to anger and sent him to Mengtian, the northwest general. At this time, the eunuch Zhao Gao is also engaged in conspiracy activities. He was a teacher of Hu Hai, and he tried to make Hu Hai emperor, and he could have great power. The only thing to be noticed is that Lise, so he tries to get Lise to agree with Hu Hai. Zhao Gao is excellent in eloquence and eloquence. He has such a dialogue with Li Si.

Zhao Gao said: "before the emperor died, he called Fu Su to attend the funeral. He died without waiting to send it out. No one knows about it. Now, Hu Hai has it. Who decides who will take the place; Hu Hai and I decide Ding. What do you think? " It's a sounding tone.

"This is the speech of the undead, not the argument of the officials," said Li It reflects Li's dissatisfaction with Zhao Gao. But Zhao Gao has long known Li Si as a person. He asked Li Si and Mengtian to compare them. Li Si is not as conscious as Mengtian. So Zhao Gao took the opportunity to say: Fu Su is brave and good at fighting. After his succession, he will appoint Mengtian as prime minister. This can catch Li Si's mood at that time. Zhao Gao then threatened that the world is actually in the hands of Hu Hai and his, and the fate of Fusu, Mengtian and Lisi are all in our hands. When Li Si saw the situation was not good, he was only good at listening to the dispatch from Zhao Gao. Hu Hai and Zhao Gao changed the letter from the Emperor Qin Shihuang to help Su to send his funeral in Xianyang, instead of rebuking the letter of "no merit and unfiliality" of Fu Su, which made him commit suicide; at the same time, they blamed Mengtian for "unfaithfulness" and also made him commit suicide. Results Fu Su obediently committed suicide, Mengtian refused to commit suicide, and was imprisoned, or died of poison.

In the first year of Qin II (209 BC), Hu Hai inherited the throne and began to rule cruelly than the first emperor of Qin. The combination of Li Si and Hu Hai and Zhao Gao is to make use of each other. So they later engage in each other, that is, natural things.

Li Si is a politician who wants to gain fame at all costs, much more brilliant than the incompetent Hu Hai. He saw the crisis of the Qin Dynasty, and he dared not persuade Hu hai to preserve his vested interests. Once, Hu Hai asked Li Si: Han Fei once said that ancient kings were very hard-working. Did kings manage the world for suffering and suffering? It's because they can't. If the virtuous have the world, they should adapt themselves to the world. If they can not satisfy themselves, how to govern the world? I want to be free and rule the world forever. What do you have for LISS? At this time, Li, the son of Lisi, was not good at suppressing the peasant uprising. General Zhang Han wanted to trace Li Yu's responsibility and ridiculed his incompetence. In order to gain the trust of Hu Hai, Li Si proposed a set of "the skill of supervising responsibility".

In the last book, Li said: if the virtuous Lord can perform the skill of supervising and punishing the responsibility, the officials dare not serve the king wholeheartedly; those who cannot perform the technique of supervision and responsibility, such as Yao and Shun, are still hard-working than the common people, which is simply a crime.

What is the skill of supervision and responsibility? In fact, it is the strict punishment of cool law and the autocracy of the monarch. "The only thing that the Lord of the Biweiming is to be able to supervise the misdemeanor, and the husband is less guilty and the more serious is the punishment?" said Li? So the people dare not make it. " It is to punish the subordinates and the people with "serious punishment of light crimes", so that everyone dare not to act lightly. The monarch should exercise autocracy on his subordinates, control the officials and not be influenced by his subordinates. Only such a monarch can do whatever he wants and do whatever he wants, according to Liz. The implementation of the "technique of supervision and responsibility" will prevent the officials and the people from rebelling. Only when the position of the king can be reliable.

His view on the technique of supervision and responsibility has both the favor of Qin II and his inheritance of legalist thought. In the previous book, he also repeatedly extended the words of "no harm", Han Fei, to confirm his views. But Lise said more openly. The confused and ridiculous Qin II, despite the resistance of the people in the world, adopted Lise's "technique of supervising responsibility". Since then, the murderers are "loyal officials", and the disabled Ninja are "Ming officials", which makes the world complain.

Under the encouragement of Li Si and Zhao Gao, Hu Hai, the second Qin Dynasty, was more extravagant and corrupt and acted recklessly. In order to suppress the peasant uprising and constantly solicit the people from the Guanzhong to fight, it has caused great burden to the people. Hu Hai, the second Qin Dynasty, in order to repair the house of a Fang, to solicit corvee, push the people to the abyss of suffering. At that time, the anti Qin uprising of the whole country had already been in full swing. In order to the common interests of the ruling class, Li Si went to the disease with the right prime minister, and general Feng Jie urged Hu hai to stop the construction of the a Fang palace and reduce some corvee. At that time, Qin II was having fun with the palace women. When he saw Li Si and others writing, he was very angry and ordered them to be arrested and jailed. Li Shi has been in prison for many times, and he is detained by Zhao Gao. Zhao Gao took the opportunity to say that Li Si and his son Li were rebellious, tortured and tortured Li Si and tortured him for confession. LISS was forced to admit rebellion and was killed in July of the second year of Qin (208 BC).

Main works

Remonstrating and expelling guest book: protesting the law of expelling immigrants of Qin state.

Admonishing and writing to Li Si

All the ministers of the Qin clan said that the king of Qin said, "if the princes come to visit Qin, they will only travel to Qin's ears for their master's sake. Please chase all the guests. Lee is also in the middle of the battle.

Sinai wrote, "when I heard that the officials talked about expelling the guests, I thought it was too much to steal.". In the past, Mu Gong sought for a scholar. He took Yu Yurong in the west, Baili in the East, Xi Yuwan in the East, Jian Shu in the Song Dynasty, PI Bao in the west, and Gongsun in the Jin Dynasty. These five sons were not born in Qin Dynasty,

And mu gongzhi, and 20, then hegemony Xirong. Filial piety is the common law of Shang Yang. It changes the customs. The people are prosperous in Yin Dynasty, the country is rich and strong, the people are happy to use it, and the princes are obedient to it. It is the teacher of Chu and Wei Dynasty. It has been strong for thousands of miles. With Zhang Yi's plan, King Hui took the land of Sanchuan to the west, Bashu to the west, Shangjun to the north, Hanzhong to the south, baojiuyi to the south, Yanying to the East, Chenggao to the East, and Gaoyu to the East. So he scattered the followers of the six countries, and made them serve Qin in the West. The king of Zhao got fan Ju, abandoned the Marquis, chased Huayang, strengthened the official office and the private door, and encroached on the Marquis, making Qin an emperor. These four monarchs all take the service of guests. From this point of view, how can the guest lose to Qin! To the four envoys but not to the inside, sparing scholars but not to the inside, is to make the country without wealth and profit, and Qin has no strong name.

Today, your majesty has sent Kunshan jade, which is a kind treasure, a pearl of the moon, a sword of tai'a, a horse of Xianli, a flag of Cuifeng and a drum of alligator. This number of treasures, Qin not a Yan, and his majesty said, what also? Born in the Qin state, then can be seen as the wall of night light, not decorated with the imperial court; rhinoceros and elephant tools, not for playing well; Zheng Wei's daughter, not as a post official; while the horse Cuan Cuan, not real stables; Jiangnan gold and tin are not used; western Shu Danqing is not used. Therefore, those who decorate the empress officials and fill the Chen to amuse the mind and ears must come from the Qin Dynasty. They are the Zan of Wan Zhu, the Er of Fu Ji, the Yi of Ao, and the ornaments of brocade. They do not go ahead. However, they are refined and refined in accordance with the customs, and they are graceful and graceful, while the female of Zhao does not stand on the side. The music of the Qin Dynasty can be heard when the husband knocks on the jar and fou, and the music of the Zheng beats his legs. The music of the Qin Dynasty can also be heard when the song is singing, while the music of the Tang Dynasty can be heard when the Zheng Wei sang and the Shao Yu Wu Xiang. Today, he abandoned the percussion urn and fou to Zheng Wei, and retreated to Zheng to Shao Yu. What would he do? It's just a matter of being happy. Today's selection of people is not the case. No matter whether it's Quzhi or not, those who are not from the Qin Dynasty will go and those who are guests will be chased. However, the most important ones care about sele pearls and jade, while the less important ones care about the people. This is not the way to cross the sea and control the princes.

There are many officials who have heard about the vast territory, many people who are big in the country, and brave soldiers who are strong in the army. Because Mount Tai does not allow scholars to live in the land, it can become large; rivers and seas do not choose small streams, so it can be deep; kings do not allow common people, so they can understand their virtue. The reason why the five emperors and three kings are invincible is that the earth has no four sides, the people have no foreign countries, the four seasons are full of beauty, and the ghosts and gods are blessed. Now he abandoned the head of Guizhou to invest in the enemy country, but his guests became princes, which made the people in the world retreat and dare not go to the west, so that they could not enter the Qin Dynasty. There are many things that can be treasured and many people who are willing to be loyal.

Today, the enemy is driven by the enemy and the people are harmed by the enemy. The enemy is driven from the enemy and the enemy is harmed by the enemy. The enemy is driven from the enemy and the enemy is harmed by the people. "The king of Qin removed the order of expelling the guests and restored Li Si Guan.

Later evaluation

LISS' philosophy of life is "philosophy of mice". Man is a mouse, and it is also a mouse, but there are granary mice and street mice. "I" is going to be a rat in a barn. For this purpose, Lise has been fighting for his whole life. "The higher the hamster, the farther it falls," he sighed at the time of dying

When he was young, Li Si was too poor, and then he worshipped Xunzi as a teacher, and learned the skills of emperors and the way of running the country. After finishing his studies, he analyzed the situation at that time, and thought that "the Chu state is short of things, and the six countries are weak". Only Qin has the conditions to unify the world and establish the imperial industry, so he decided to go to Qin to show his talents and aspirations.

In 247 BC, Li Si came to the Qin state, and first served under Lu Buwei, the Qin Dynasty, and gained Lu's trust, and then became the near servant of the Qin King (Zhao Zheng, namely the first emperor of Qin). Li Shi Li used the opportunity to approach the king of Qin, and put on the book of unity to the king of Qin, urging him to seize the opportunity of "one of the world" to "destroy the princes and become Emperors" and realize "unification of the world". The Qin king government accepted Li Si's suggestion, appointed him as a long history, then worshipped as Keqing, and ordered him to formulate the strategy and deployment of annexing the six countries and unifying the world.

In 237 BC, the royal family of Qin State made use of the water conservancy project (zhengguoqu) to weaken the national strength of Qin under the pretext of the South Korean hydraulic engineering Zheng state to engage in espionage in Qin, and asked the king of Qin to order the expulsion of the guest Qing of the six countries, and Lisi was also in the ranks of the exile. On his way to be banished from Qin, Li wrote the book of remonstrating and chasing guests, urging the king to take back his life. In his book of remonstration and guest chasing, he lists a large number of historical facts, explains the contribution of Ke Qing to Qin, and tries to drive Chen away from the guest. He urges the king of Qin to achieve a unified cause, or to speak about country, region and wide range of talents. Qin Wang was deeply moved by his reading of the book of remonstrance and guest removal, and immediately cancelled the order of removal, and restored his official position, and soon promoted him to be a tinwei. "Remonstrating and chasing customers" is not only an important historical document, but also a generation show article with a hot population. Lu Xun once said, "in Qin's article, Lise is just one."

After being reused by the Qin king, Li Shi, with excellent political ability and vision, complied with the trend of historical development, helped the king of Qin to formulate the strategy and deployment of annexing the six countries, and made great efforts to organize and implement them. The results showed that only ten years later, six countries were destroyed. In 221 BC, the first unified and centralized feudal country in China's history was established, and the first time the reunification was completed. After the establishment of Qin Dynasty, Li Shi was appointed prime minister. He continued to assist the first Emperor Qin in consolidating the Qin Dynasty regime, maintaining national unity, promoting economic and cultural development and other aspects. He suggested that the first emperor of Qin should abolish the system of separation and separation of the feudal lords and the long-term mixed war, and implement the system of counties and counties. The whole country is divided into 36 counties (later increased to 41 counties), and counties and townships are set up under the county, which are directly under the jurisdiction of the central government, and the Palace officials are appointed and removed by the Central Committee. The central government has three public officials and nine ministers, which are divided into state affairs. This whole system of feudal centralization fundamentally eliminated the root of the separation and separation of the kingdoms, and played a positive role in consolidating the unity of the state and promoting social development. Therefore, this system has been used for nearly 2000 years in the feudal society after Qin Dynasty. After the unification of Qin Dynasty, due to the long-term separation and separation of the various kingdoms, there were great differences in language and writing, which was extremely unfavorable for the unification of the country and the development of economy and culture. Li and Li Shi put forward the suggestion of unified characters to the Emperor Qin, and presided over the work himself. Based on the Qin characters, he abolished the variant characters, simplified the characters, organized the radicals, and formed the small seal characters (also known as Qin seal and Si seal characters) which are simple in shape and easy to write, as the standard characters. He also wrote a "Cangjie" in Xiaozhuan as a model to promote the whole country. The appearance of Xiaozhuan is a great progress in the history of Chinese characters development. Lu Xun said that Lise has "great honor" in the history of Chinese literature. Unfortunately, the book of script has been lost mostly in flood. Now, the Chinese history museum also has the Langya carved stones of Li Si's relative books. There are fragments of the imperial edict of Qin II of Lishan seal script in Daishan temple, Shandong Province. Although these inscriptions have been seriously damaged, they are the earliest inscriptions found in China, which is a rare treasure. Li also made great efforts to unify laws, currencies, scales and tracks.

In addition, the well-known "burning books and pitching Confucians" is also a very important measure that Li suggested to take to combat the anti-corruption of Confucianism students' actions against the ancient and modern, defamation of the government of the Dynasty and to consolidate the centralization of power. This was a great disaster in the history of Chinese culture, which was very serious to the destruction of the cultural classics before Qin Dynasty.

In 210 BC, after the death of the first emperor of Qin Dynasty, Li Shi, in order to protect his vested interests, attached Zhao Gao to forge the imperial edict, and made Hu Hai the emperor, the son of Shao, and Zhao Gao usurped power and then made conspiracy to falsely frame Lisi's "conspiracy", and punished him with five kinds of torture: tsingy (stabbing words on his face), killing (cutting off his nose), breaking his tongue, cutting his toe and then cutting his back to the city, and exterminating the three ethnic groups.

Most of his life, LISS has practiced legalist thought. After being reused by Zhao Zheng, the king of Qin, with excellent political ability and vision, he assisted the king to complete the great cause of unification of the six countries, which was in line with the trend of historical development. After the establishment of Qin Dynasty, Li Shi was appointed prime minister. He continued to assist the first Emperor Qin, and made outstanding contributions in consolidating the Qin Dynasty regime, maintaining the national unity and promoting the development of economy and culture. He suggested that the first emperor of Qin should abolish the system of separation of the seal and implement the system of counties and counties. Then, it puts forward the suggestion of unified text, and then makes great efforts in the unification of law, currency, measurement scale and vehicle track. These measures are guided by the strengthening of centralization and autocracy of the monarchy by the Legalists. In the later period of his life, although Li Shi pushed the legalist thought to extremes, he was only a proposer, not a complete executor. Moreover, at this time, Lisi has completely changed. He wrote the book of supervision and responsibility, which is largely due to "a II intention, desire to accept". At this time, Li Si has no "rule of law" ambition. He is no longer a legalist. Therefore, it is worth discussing whether the later thoughts of LISS should be included in the legalist system. So, in the end, Lise was the most complete executor of a legalist.

The calligrapher of Qin Dynasty -- Lisi

Lisi advocated taking Xiaozhuan as the standard style. Xiao Zhuan, also known as Qin Zhuan, is the symmetry of Da Zhuan. It gives people the feeling of hardness and softness, roundness and vigor, and plays a great role in the standardization of Chinese characters. The appearance of Xiaozhuan is a great progress in the development history of Li Si's Xiaozhuan characters. According to the records of Mengtian Bijing quoted from Taiping Guangji, it was sorted out by Li Si, a CAI person in the state of Chu.

Before the unification of the Qin Dynasty, because of the long-term separatism and division of the vassal states, the situation of abnormal language and characters was formed. Qin Shihuang had been looking forward to having a standard font to replace the previously popular variant characters, so he found out that Lisi was good at calligraphy and gave him the task. Lisi simplified the big seal script, and sorted out a set of characters with simple strokes and neat shape, which is called Qin seal script. Qin Shihuang was very satisfied with the new style, so he made it a standard font and ordered the whole country to use it.

At that time, people were not familiar with the structure of Xiaozhuan, so it was difficult to write satisfactorily. Li Si, Zhao Gao, Hu Wujing and others wrote the "Cangjie chapter", "Yuanli chapter" and "erudite chapter" for you to copy.

One year before the death of the first emperor of Qin, fearing the dangerous waves of the Qianjiang River, he went down to Kuaiji (Shaoxing today), worshipped Dayu mausoleum, and climbed Tianzhu peak (later called qinwangshan). After overlooking the tide in the East China Sea, he ordered Prime Minister Lisi to write Kuaiji inscriptions in calligraphy. The next day after Li Si was ordered to write overnight, he picked the stone foot carving from the ridge, and then stood on the top of the EBI mountain in Kuaiji (later called the carved stone mountain), which is the famous "Kuaiji carved stone" in history.

It is said that the stone inscriptions written by Li Sishu include the stone inscriptions of Mount Tai, Langya, Yishan and Kuaiji.
