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Meng Tian, a famous general sweeping Huns

The impression of general Mengtian of a generation of Qin Dynasty was to strike Xiongnu and repair the martial role of the Great Wall. Is it really such a person in history? Is it just a martial arts man?

1、 From official family

Mengtian, a famous general of Qin Dynasty

Mengtian was born in a very noble family, from the official family and the martial general family. Although his ancestors were from the Qi Dynasty, his grandfather Meng AO and his father Meng Wudu were both senior officials of Qin State and general of Qin state. They all contributed a lot to the six countries of Qin unification. At that time, few families of the Mongolian family could compare with them. It is such a prominent family and martial generals that laid a solid foundation for the development of Mengtian.

Meng Ao, the grandfather of montan, had been the supreme minister when he was in Qin Zhaogong, and he had been worshipping for the general to lead troops to other countries. In 248 BC, Korea was attacked and Chenggao and Yingyang were occupied, and set up as Sanchuan county. In 244 BC, Korea was attacked again, and this time, 13 South Korean city pools were occupied. In 247 BC, Zhao, the same ancestor of Qin, conquered Taiyuan. After the Pingding of Jinyang, which was originally the state of Zhao in 246 BC, it attacked the new city of Zhao and other places, and seized 37 City pools, and was set up as Taiyuan county. In 246 BC, when attacking the Wei state, xinlingjun was attacked by the Allied forces of Wei, Han, Zhao, Chu and Wei, and was defeated by AO. However, Meng Ao used the time of xinlingjun's death to attack the Wei state in 242 BC, occupied Changping, Shanyang and other places, seized 20 city pools, and set it as Dongjun, and reported the Revenge of his last defeat.

Although MengWu, the father of Mengtian, was not as high as his grandfather Meng Ao, he was also relatively high. For example, in the 22nd year of Qin Zhaogong, the Mongolian army attacked Qi (Tianshi Qi) and occupied nine city pools of Qi. In 223 BC, MengWu and General Wang Jian attacked the state of Chu together. As a result, the king of Chu was captured and killed. Xiang Yan, the uncle of Xiangliang, the overlord of Western Chu, was killed by Xiang Yan, the general of Chu who led the army to resist Qin army

2、 The merit of Mengtian

Simaqian's historical records made biographies for Mengtian, but not for his grandfather Meng AO and his father Meng Wu. But to some extent, Meng Tian's fighting skills should be inferior to and no better than his grandfather Meng AO and his father Meng Wu, especially in the war of the unification of the six countries.

Meng Tian was not a great success in the history stage, but a defeat. In 225 BC, Qin Shihuang did not listen to the advice of General Wang Jian, sent Li Xin and Mengtian to attack the state of Chu with 200000 troops. As a result, he was counterattack by Xiang Yan and he failed to cut Chu in an all-round way. In this war, Meng Tian saw Li Xin's defeat, and he withdrew quickly and decisively, reducing the losses of Qin army. However, it can be seen from the other side that Meng Tian is still very able to use the army. Of course, the father who was avenged by MengWu helped him report.

In 221 BC, when Mengtian formally entered people's view, the first emperor of Qin, considering his family life, sent him to attack Qi with Wang Jian, the son of General Wang Jian, and captured Qi Wang Jian and killed Qi. Meng Tian benefited from the war skills of the next annihilation, and was worshipped as the internal history by the first emperor of Qin.

After the unification of the six countries, the northern region was threatened by the Huns of ethnic minorities, which provided an opportunity for the permanent stay of the history of the Qing Dynasty in Mengtian. But it is also interesting. The direct reason why Qin Shihuang sent Mengtian to attack Xiongnu was not because of the Hun invading Qin Dynasty, but in 215 BC, Lu Sheng, the Yan, said "Hu ye who died in Qin Dynasty" in a book he offered to Qinshihuang. (historical records, Qin Shihuang's original discipline) may be that Qinshihuang believed in superstition too much, and had no confidence in himself and his own rule, was angry and scared. So Meng Tian sent 300000 troops to attack Huns in the north. Mengtian was not responsible for the first emperor of Qin, and successfully recovered the south of the Yellow River (Hetao area), defeated Xiongnu. For this reason, Mengtian garrisoned the border to fight against Huns for more than ten years. In order to protect the Central Plains from the Hun plunder, Mengtian took many measures to defend. First, taking the Yellow River natural danger as the fortress barrier, 44 City pools were built along the Yellow River to garrison and defend. Secondly, it is well known that Mengtian built the famous Great Wall of Wanli from Liaodong to Lintao in the west, which was built by Mengtian according to the dangerous terrain and manpower, material resources and financial resources. Although this huge project stopped Hun from going down south, it was one of the factors that led to the great uprising of peasants in the dead Qin Dynasty. The emperor and Mengtian did not expect this. In order to facilitate the Emperor Qin to travel, Mengtian was ordered to build a grand road, which is more than 1000 Li from Xianyang to Jiuyuan, which is equivalent to today's expressway. On the one hand, it is beneficial to the Qin Dynasty to increase troops to the north and consolidate the northern rule, and in fact, it is also one of the measures to defend Huns; on the other hand, it also objectively promotes economic and cultural exchanges with the northern region. Mengtian was the result of Han nationality thought to some extent, because he was selected as a member of the historical records by fighting against Huns.

Mengtian also made great contributions to the inheritance of Chinese culture. It is said that the brush used for calligraphy today is created by Mengtian with rabbit hair and bamboo tube. Of course, it is only a legend, but it should be more likely.

3、 Trusted by the first Emperor Qin

Qinshihuang is an emperor who would rather die by himself than believe in the minister. So what is the relationship between Qinshihuang and Mengtian? It should be said that Mengtian is a special case. Mengtian is trusted by the first emperor of Qin Dynasty. There is the following evidence to prove it.

First, the emperor of Qin made Mengtian take 300000 troops to the county to fight Huns for more than ten years. Mengyi, Mengtian's younger brother, Mengyi (the role played by Jackie Chan in the movie "myth") was close to him, "the first emperor is the highest in position, and he can participate in the journey and enter the front of the imperial court". (Biography of Shi Ji Montan) the brothers, one of them, stationed in one place for more than ten years with 300000 troops outside, and one of them served as the staff in the DPRK. If it is not trusted by the first emperor of Qin, it is hard to imagine that it is easy to rebel because of the situation that "the peaceful foreign affairs are always for internal conspiracy" (Biography of historical records and montan).

Secondly, in 212 BC, Qinshihuang killed more than 460 Confucian students in Xianyang pit. The son Fu Su expressed his opposition and repeatedly admonished the emperor and angered him. But the angry Qin Shihuang's punishment for the future heir Fu Su was to let Fusu go to the county to serve as the supervisor of Mengtian. Some people think it is Qinshihuang's distrust of Mengtian. I think it is the trust of the first Emperor Qin in Mengtian. The first emperor of Qin asked the Fusu army to supervise Mengtian, not to let him monitor and supervise Mengtian, but actually to train and train the Fu Su, to make Fu Su build a successful career, increase political capital, and eliminate the negative effects that Qin Shihuang thought was not conducive to the ruling speech, so as to better inherit the throne.

Finally, during his illness, the emperor "asked Zhao Gao to give his son Fu Su the son of the book and said," to be buried in the army, Mengtian and the funeral meeting Xianyang. " (Biography of Shi Ji Li Si) this is actually the first emperor of Qin, who was asked to help him to govern the country, which fully demonstrated his trust in Mengtian.

Why does the first emperor of Qin trust Mengtian so much? I think there are four reasons: first, Meng AO and MengWu of the Mongolian family are loyal; second, although Meng Tian has high merit, he is not arrogant; third, the brothers Mengtian and Mengyi are very loyal and faithful to Qinshihuang, and they are willing to work and complain for Qin Shihuang after Anshan; Fourth, Mengtian himself has strategy and ability in addition to his war skills.

4、 A distant man

Although born in the martial arts generals, Mengtian is not just a martial arts master like most generals. Mengtian is a very strategic, talented and intelligent general. Why do you say that?

First, we can see from his rivals Zhao Gao and LISS' comments on him. Zhao Gao told Li when he gathered Li Si to support Hu hai to win the power, saying that Li Si's ability, credit, distance seeking, public opinion support rate and the trust degree of being supported by Fusu are not as good as Montan, which is also recognized by Li Si himself.

Secondly, when Hu Hai took power and killed Fu Su and Mengtian in the name of the first emperor of Qin, we can see from the reaction of Fu Su and Mengtian to the imperial edict. When Fu Su received the edict of death, he cried to commit suicide, but Mengtian dissuaded Fusu from committing suicide, and expressed doubt about the authenticity of the edict, and proposed to re verify the truth and then commit suicide. But Fusu did not listen to the dissuasion and committed suicide, while Mengtian refused to commit suicide. If Mengtian had no wisdom, he would never have thought that the imperial edict was false, and Mengtian's suspicion was not Hu Qian, but a judgment made according to the facts. He thought that "his majesty (the first emperor of Qin) lived outside, and did not establish a prince, and made his officials keep 300000 people on the border, and the prince as the supervisor, and the world was also in a heavy task." In fact, Meng Tian had known the mind of the first emperor of Qin, and he should let Fu Su inherit the throne.

So is the wisdom and the distance of Mengtian born? Obviously not. Mengtian's wisdom and vision are cultivated as the vast majority of people. Because of its superior family environment, Mengtian has received good education since childhood, and Mengtian has also been very good at learning. First, Mengtian once "Book prison literature", the second is that the dialogue between Mengtian and the emissary Hu Hai was very level before his death, and he was able to quote scriptures many times. These are enough to prove that Mengtian is a very talented person.

Such a wise loyal minister also has a sad side, failed to oppose the tyranny of the Emperor Qin, like Fu Su, and failed to take care of the sufferings of the people.

5、 A tragic ending

The end of montan and even the whole family of the Mongolian family is quite tragic. After Hu Hai took the position, Mengyi was killed, and Mengtian was forced to take poison to kill himself. His family was killed and became the funeral and victim of Hu Hai's power. Why can such a man with great wisdom and heavy soldiers have such a tragic ending?

First, the tragic ending of Mengtian is the result of Zhao Gao's revenge. Zhaogao, the eunuch who supported Hu Hai, was sentenced to death by Mengyi and almost was beheaded by Meng Yi. This has always made Zhao Gao hate and seek revenge opportunities. First, one of the reasons why Zhao Gao and Li Si and Hu Hai won power is that Zhao Gao "complained about Mengyi's rule of law and not himself." Second, Zhao Gao drew Li Si to help Hu Hai win power by comparing Li Si with Mengtian, saying that Li Si is not as good as Mengtian. Thirdly, after Fusu committed suicide, Hu haiben intended to release Mengtian, who had been imprisoned in Yang Zhou Dynasty, but was strongly opposed by Zhao Gao. Zhao Gao "destroyed the evil Mongolian family day and night, and demanded his guilt and impeachment." (Biography of historical records and montan)

Secondly, the death of Mengtian was the result of Hu Hai's consolidation of the throne. Although the three generations of Mengtian were loyal and loyal to the Da Qin Dynasty, they would not rebel against the Qin Dynasty. But the second Hu Hai was the emperor who was plotting to seize power and succeeded, and he took the throne of Fusu, who was close to Mengtian, and murdered him in the Yang Zhou Dynasty. Hu Hai is very afraid of living Mengtian. In case of releasing Mengtian, and the people supported by the people, Meng Tian led 300000 troops to revenge for the support of the Soviet Union, which seriously threatened the rule of Hu Hai. From this point of view, the tragedy of Mengtian is the necessity of feudal rule. For no emperor would have a general who had a hand in his hand and had contradictions with himself. Meng Tian can only sigh, "why do I sin in the sky, never die?" A generation of frontier soldiers took medicine to the West.

The tragedy of Mengtian is not unique to Mengtian, and it is repeated in the long history. Because in the feudal king Dynasty, autocracy ruled the ruthless cold blooded animals. In their eyes, only power and desire were found. In order to realize their own power and desire, it was no matter what means to sacrifice all costs. The tragedy of montan is not the tragedy of montan, but of history. After all, it is an era of "the king wants to die, and the minister has to die".
