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The cruelty of Hu Hai, the second Qin Dynasty: killing 12 Princesses for the right

The "second generation of rich" in Chinese history should appear in the Qin Dynasty. The sons of the first Emperor Qin, represented by Hu Hai, were typical representatives of the "second generation of rich" in that era. Because, Qin Shihuang not only created a unified feudal empire, but also took the wealth of the world in his arms.

Hu Hai, Qin II

Hu Hai (picture from game: New World Championship)

At the beginning, Qin Shihuang named himself the first emperor, which was originally intended to let his children and grandchildren inherit their great achievements and wealth. The second, third and even the world will continue forever. If we use economic point of view, Qin Shihuang actually means "fu I", and Qin II is "rich II". Although the desire of the first Emperor Qin was very good, it was the creation of people. His great idea was not only not realized, but he was even poorer here by "Fu II". Hu Hai mixed up to the end and even his head was confused. To summarize the life experience of Hu Hai, the second generation of rich people can be covered by the word "muddle" or his surname Hu is called Hulai.

He believed Zhao Gao's words and got on the boat of seizing power

Although Hu Hai was the son of the first emperor of Qin, he was not the eldest. From the perspective of rights and wealth inheritance, he can not inherit the throne and property of his father. In this regard, not only did the father Qinshihuang not give him this special care, Hu Hai himself also did not have this ability, and also did not have the idea. It is also good to say that after his father died, he lived in accordance with the will of the old man, and it was also good to live a life in a safe and safe way. However, all the changes were due to his trusting of a person.

This man is Zhao Gao. Zhao gaoben is a Castrator, but he is also a man of extreme insidious and cunning. On his way to the south, the first emperor of Qin was ill. He left a will before his death. He wanted the eldest son to take the soldiers back to Xianyang, wait for funeral, inherit his family property and throne, and send the letter to Fusu at the speed of Zhao expressway. However, Zhao Gao, who was ill, intercepted this important letter. After the death of the first emperor of Qin, Zhao Gaoxian was in collusion with Li Si, and then found Hu Hai, and gave him a new life guidance.

On this day, Zhao Gao took the imperial book to find Hu Hai and said to Hu Hai, "the Lord died, and no imperial edict was issued to separate the sons as king, but only to give the eldest son the book. When the eldest son Fusu arrived, he was the emperor, and the son had no place to defend himself. What was the answer? " It means that your father and emperor have died, but did not make your brothers king, nor gave you any property, but left Jiangshan and his family property to the eldest Fu Su. Once Fusu arrived, he became emperor, and you had nothing. What should you do?

Obviously, Zhao Gao is trying to induce Hu hai to change the result. At this time, Hu Hai, realistically speaking, really has no such idea and plan. "I know that the emperor knows his minister the most, and his father is the most familiar with his son. Since he made such a decision, he had his own ideas and reasons. I only had to abide by it when I was a son, and there was nothing to discuss." I have no money and no land. It's the arrangement of my father. It's nothing to do with you. You can't worry about it again.

Seeing that Hu Hai was so stupid, Zhao Gao didn't give up. He continued to give in-depth guidance: "otherwise, you, me and the prime minister are the three people who are in power today. I hope you will make your own plan as soon as possible. The situation is very different between what I make for myself and what I make for myself. " It means, young master, it's not like what you said. It's up to you, me and the prime minister who owns the wealth and power in the world today. I hope you have planned for yourself. There is a big difference between controlling others with power and money in hand and being controlled by others without power and money in hand.

Hu Hai understood this, but he was still hesitating, because he was still sticking to his formed outlook on life and values. He said: "it is unjust to abolish the elder brother and establish the younger brother; it is unfilial not to obey the father's edict; it is impossible to ask yourself if you have no talent and seek honor for others. If they act rashly, they will be in danger. The country will be in danger, and the country will be in danger. " What a good saying that is. If Hu Hai sticks to this saying, even if he is harmed by Zhao Gao, he will still have a great reputation. Unfortunately, he didn't stick to it and was finally convinced by Zhao Gao.

In this regard, Zhao Gao was not moved by his remarks, and continued to urge Hu Hai: "when I heard that Tang Wu killed his master, the world was righteous, not disloyal; when Wei Jun killed his father, all the people of China obeyed him, and Confucius acquiesced, not unfilial. I have never been careful in my career. I have never been modest in my career. How can I stick to it? If you look after the small and forget the big, it will be harmful. If you doubt and hesitate, you will regret. May you make a quick decision and succeed. "

Zhao Gao's words, which seemed to consider for him, made Hu Hai waver. "How can we go and ask the Prime Minister for this before the funeral is over?" When Zhao Gao saw this, he was very happy. He said immediately that you don't have to worry about it. It's all on me. He immediately went to the Prime Minister Li Si to discuss it.

Since then, Hu Hai has been on Zhao Gao's planned ship to seize power. This is the first fatal mistake he made in his life. If you want to have power in your hands and do some business, of course you can. But why do you have to go against your father's orders and rob the class? You want to build an alliance and run your life. Of course, it's OK. But why do you become partners with people like Zhao Gao?

Weaving charges, killing innocent people indiscriminately and losing the bottom line of life

If it is said that Hu Hai and Zhao Gao conspired to seize power is the first mistake he made in his life, then, with Zhao Gao's help, he committed the second mistake of making accusations and killing meritorious officials and innocent people indiscriminately. This mistake made him lose the most basic requirement of being a man.

After Hu Hai's acquiescence, Zhao Gao, with Li Si's consent, hid the imperial edict of the first emperor of Qin. Then he forged a fake letter and sent someone to deliver it to Fu Su, the son who should have succeeded to the throne. The suicide note reads:

I visit the world, longevity Temple famous mountain gods to extend life. Today, Fu Su and general Meng Tian have been stationed in the border area for more than ten years. They can't go any further. The soldiers have spent too much money and have not made any contribution. This is due to the above-mentioned bluntly slandering my actions. So they can't give up and return to the crown prince, complaining day and night. Fu Su is unfilial for his son. He gives his sword to himself! General Meng Tian and Fu Su were not in the right position. He should know his plan and be unfaithful to his officials. He gave his life to Wang Li.

Such a nonsense and black-and-white suicide note comes from the conspiracy of Hu Hai, Zhao Gao and Li Si. It can be seen that at this time, Hu Hai had already thrown his so-called "not to be unjust, unfilial, not to be" into the air.

In the face of this fake letter, Meng Tian once advised Fu Su not to be credulous, but Fu Su said: "if the father wants his son to die, he has to die. Besides, you and I all know the temper of the father and the emperor. It's useless to ask for what he has decided." With that, he drew his sword to commit suicide, and his blood gushed out. A man who should have succeeded to the throne was plotted by his younger brother. What a pity!

When the news of Fusu's death spread to the capital, Hu Hai not only felt no sense of guilt and compassion, but also felt a stone fell to the ground and was glad to win the first battle. It can be seen that the so-called brotherhood in that era was thinner than paper.

Later, Hu Hai and Zhao Gao used almost the same tactics to kill the other two opponents and the biggest threat, one is Meng Tian, the other is Meng Yi, so they went further and further on the evil road.

If Hu Hai and Zhao Gao designed to murder Fusu, Mengtian and Mengyi out of the overall consideration of seizing the throne, and there is still a little conscience left, then what happened later completely changed the nature of killing and became a kind of initiative and self-consciousness.

One day, Hu Hai said to Zhao Gao, "after I ascended the throne, the minister was not satisfied, and the princes wanted to compete with me for the throne. What do you think to do about this?" In fact, Hu Hai's words are purely groundless worries, and a manifestation of his own lack of ability. However, it is this sentence that makes Zhao Gao have the sword to continue to do evil. They collude with each other and start an unprecedented big action to eradicate dissidents. There were countless relatives and meritorious officials, such as arrest and beheading. Among them, as many as 12 princesses and 10 princesses were killed. In this regard, Hu Hai was not heartbroken at all, but very happy.

Zhao Gaodeng nose to heaven, Hu Hai blindly open one eye closed one eye

With the escalation of the massacre, Zhao Gao became more and more powerful, and became a man under one person and above ten thousand people. Unfortunately, Hu Hai seems to be born dull, did not see the essence of Zhao Gao, and obeyed him. It doesn't matter if you can't see clearly. When others remind you, you are still stubborn.

When Lisi discovered Zhao Gao's meanness and viciousness, he submitted a memorial to Hu Hai, counted Zhao Gao's crimes, and demanded that Zhao Gao be impeached. Hu Hai did not expect to see the memorial, shaking his head and said: "official minister Zhao Gao, who has been in the palace for many years, is clean and honest. He is in line with my will and knows the world. You should not doubt him any more." This kind of intelligence quotient and judgment, how can be emperor.

In this case, Zhao Gao's "thunder man" story, which refers to deer as horse, becomes a very natural thing. The problem with this story is not that Zhao Gao dares to do it, but why he does it. Why does Zhao Gao have to call a deer a horse? Obviously, it's not because he wants to be a zoologist or engage in species variation research. Personally, he wants to challenge the limits of his life, and at the same time reconfirm Hu Hai's leadership and work level.

Hu Hai was not the later Kangxi. He didn't have the same skill and method that Kangxi used to deal with aobai. Although he clearly knows that it is not a horse, he must admit that it is a horse, because he has no ability to correct the "muddle headed" problem. If Zhao Gao met Kangxi, not huhai, he would be dead, and there would be no place to die. It can be seen from this incident that the skill and ability of a person, especially a leader, are very important. No ability, that is a decoration, is a fool.

Compared with Hu Hai, Zhao Gao has the ability, but it's all the ability to do bad things, not the ability to be serious. If he really has the ability, when the rebel army is in full swing, he can lead the troops to fight and defeat the opponent, it's the ability. However, he only lacks the ability to do serious things.

It is clear that he is dying and still has many flukes in his heart

With the development of the situation, Zhao Gao felt more and more necessary to get rid of Hu Hai and go to the front desk directly. So he carefully designed a palace coup. Hu Hai was not aware of this. In this coup, Zhao Gao asked Hu hai to disappear unconditionally, but Hu Hai wanted to keep the minimum living standard.

That night, Zhao Gaoming ordered Yan le to fight in the palace, shouting to catch the thief. After the imperial bodyguard was killed, Hu Hai directly faced Yan Le's sword. Hu Hai asked in a loud voice, "where are the thieves in the palace? What kind of thief are you going to catch? " Yan Le replied, "are you the biggest thief?" Hu Hai asked in a trembling voice, "how can I say that?" Yan Le pointed to his nose and said, "because you have usurped the throne that should belong to Prince Fusu."

Hu Hai did not know yet: "who asked you to come?" "Prime minister!" Yan Le told him It seems that it's time for Hu hai to understand.

Hu Hai said: "it must be the prime minister who asked me to abdicate the throne. OK, I just want to be a princess instead of the emperor. Is that ok?" Yan Le said, "no way!" "Don't allow me to be king, just be a marquis?" Yan Le still said: "no way!" "Just ask the prime minister to let me live and be an ordinary citizen with his wife!" At this time, Hu Hai still had a fantasy. He was so confused.

Yan Le finally said: "in front of you, there is only one way: death!" Hu Hai finally understood everything, desperate to draw sword and commit suicide. A 23-year-old, after three years of emperor, was so confused that he died.

Hu Hai, Qin II:

The original name was Hu, which was called Hulai

At this time, I thought

The first emperor of Qin, who is a powerful man with a great influence on the world and thousands of miles in the Golden City

Trying to "the world one system"

Why did "II die"?

——Ludian looking at beautiful women's grave
