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What absurd decisions did the Duke mu of Qin, the founder of the state of Qin, make in his later years?

Speaking of the state of Qin, everyone's first impression is that Qin Shihuang swept the Six Harmonies and established a unified autocratic Dynasty. Before the first emperor of Qin Dynasty, there were many brilliant monarchs in the Qin Dynasty, which laid a solid foundation for the unification of Qin. Today I'm going to talk about the man who made the state of Qin establish its hegemony in the spring and Autumn period. Mugong can be said to be a great talent. He devoted his whole life to the power of the Qin state. Through a series of policies and the assistance of a group of literati and military generals, the Qin state was also strong, and was regarded as one of the five tyrants in the spring and Autumn period. But when he was dying, Mugong made a backward, ancient and bloody thing.

Know people clearly, Mu Gong do a good job, ambition, monarch and Minister construction hegemony Qin

The spring and Autumn period is a time of great controversy. All countries strive to develop their military, hoping to annex the territory of other countries and expand their territory, so as to dominate the world. Mu Gong, who inherited Qin Jun at the beginning, is also ambitious and eager to make achievements and seek hegemony among the vassals. At that time, Qin was not so strong and in a poor geographical position. Therefore, Mu Gong, who was ambitious, capable and broad-minded, began to recruit talents, He took advantage of the talents of other countries. He admired the talents of bailixi, so he used five pieces of sheepskin to buy bailixi, who was raising cattle for King Cheng of Chu, to redeem him and help himself. Then he appointed uncle Jian on bailixi's recommendation. Bailixi was the son of Yu, and uncle Jian was from Song Dynasty. Duke mu of Qin was also very talented in military affairs. He thought that cavalry was the most dominant force in the army at that time, and the Qin people were semi nomadic. Therefore, he insisted on developing cavalry. Bole and jiufanggao, who were good at horse matching, were highly valued by Duke mu of Qin. Because Duke mu of Qin mostly valued people from other countries, these people would only support Duke Mu's actions in Qin, but they were not The aristocracy in the interior was less valued, and the policy of Mu Gong was less hindered. Therefore, the Qin international gradually improved, and the military strength was also rising.

Seeking the country and helping Chong'er to win the favor of Qin and Jin, the western expedition to zhurong achieved the name of overlord

As for state affairs, Duke mu of Qin put national interests first and laid the foundation for Qin to be the overlord. Duke Mu married the powerful state of Jin at that time. Then Duke Xian of Jin died. The internal state of Jin was in chaos, and power minister Rick killed Xi Qi. With the support of the state of Qin, Yiwu, who fled abroad, returned to the state of Jin and ascended the position of national army. In order to ascend the throne, Yiwu and Duke Mu agreed to cede eight cities in Hexi to the state of Qin Yiwu of the Yellow River repented. Instead of thanking Qin, he attacked Qin. Yiwu was captured in the war. Then his son ziyao ascended the throne. As a result, he had sons for whatever father he had. Yiwu ziyao and his son didn't appreciate Qin all the way, so they became the king of Jin in Chonger, who was supported by Mu Gong. Chonger was also a wise king with great mind and talent His daughter married him, and then Qin and Jin had a good relationship. After Chong er's death, the new monarch didn't like Qin again, so Qin gave up expanding its territory to the East and turned to the West. Under Mu Gong's measures, Qin conquered dozens of Xirong countries to the west, and opened up territory for thousands of miles, which made Qin a dominant country at that time.

Why did the shrewd and self disciplined Mu Gong repeat the old system

Under a series of policies of recruiting talents, developing military power, dominating Xirong and supporting Jin State, Qin state became a hegemonic state in the spring and Autumn period. However, in the interim, Qin Mu Gong made a bad move. He followed the ancient system and buried 177 people alive. Among them, three of them were Ziche's sages. After they were buried, it was said that the people of Qin state had died Sing "yellow bird" poetry to commemorate them, feel sorry for them. Mu Gong used this ancient and bloody funeral to make hundreds of people die with him. No matter what kind of consideration he took, it would make the officials who worked for the state of Qin feel cold. It has to be said that the funeral was a reason for the decline of the state of Qin after Mu Gong
