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Ying Zheng and YAN Dan, from playmates to enemies, have personal feuds besides their different positions?

YAN Dan was so angry that he committed crimes against the Qin Dynasty. He was so careless and resourceful that he made the temple of Zhaogong not worship all kinds of things. What's the crime? How can we say that it's a good man! - (Song Dynasty) Sima Guang's Zi Zhi Tong Jian

The Warring States period is not only the Warring States, but also the pronoun of an era.

Under the appearance of constant disputes and repeated wars, there are great social changes that are about to happen. The process of replacing the old system with the new system is often full of blood and violence. This is because the rulers under the old system will do everything to safeguard their vested interests.

So was the old aristocracy in the Warring States period.

Under the slave system of the old aristocracy, a small number of people mastered almost all the social wealth, which has seriously hindered the development of productive forces, and a new system that can better adapt to the productive forces will emerge as the times require.

This new system is a centralized autocratic monarchy, or feudal system.

The state of Qin is the founder of this new system, because after the unification of the six states, it became the first feudal empire in Chinese history. In the Qin Dynasty, the government of the king of Qin also became the first emperor of all ages, the first emperor of Qin.

But the process of Qin's conquering the six states was not smooth, because they would try every means to resist in order to survive. For example, Prince Dan of Yan came up with a very extreme idea, that is to assassinate Ying Zheng.

But YAN Dan and Ying Zheng were very close playmates when they were hostages to Zhao. So the question comes, why did YAN Dan want to kill Ying Zheng? In fact, it was not only to preserve Yan state, but also to be insulted by his personality.

From childhood playmates to immortality, Ying Zheng and Yandan just have different positions? In fact, there are personal feuds. Ying Zheng's playing with Yandan also makes Prince Dan decide to use Ying Zheng's head to calm down his anger. Let's talk about this slowly.

Prince YAN Dan became a hostage specialist.

King Yan likes a very fatuous monarch. He often wants to stab a black knife in the back of the state of Zhao, but he is beaten black and blue by the state of Zhao. Because he is the last monarch of the state of Yan, he does not even have a posthumous title. Although King Yan likes to be useless, he has a very good son, Prince Dan.

Taizidan's resume can be said to be quite rich, because he was sent to Zhao Guo as a hostage by yanwang Xi in his early years. At this time, he met Ying Yiren, a hostage of Qin Zhizi. But it's strange to say that taizidan and Ying Yiren's son Ying Zheng were very close. Later Ying Yiren returned to China and ascended the throne. When Ying Zheng's mother and son were hiding in Zhao Guo Dong Tibet, Yandan didn't alienate little Ying Zheng .

Later, Ying Zheng's mother and son were taken back to the state of Qin by King Zhuangxiang of Qin, and Yandan was released back to the state of Yan by the state of Zhao. Since then, Yandan and Ying Zheng, two childhood playmates, separated and never met for more than ten years.

After Ying Zheng succeeded to the throne of Qin, calmed down the domestic chaos and regained the power of Empress Dowager Zhao and LV Buwei, the situation of attacking the six states in the East was extremely fierce. In order to get along with the state of Qin, the king of Yan liked to send Yandan to the state of Qin again as a hostage. Yandan seemed to be a hostage specialist.

Ying Zheng made an "oath" that he would never separate from Yandan.

When YAN Dan became a hostage in the state of Qin, he thought that his childhood would be kind to him. After all, the purest friendship in his childhood was not mixed with any impurities. This was obviously YAN Dan's self righteous idea, because Ying Zheng, the king of Qin, didn't think so. He was full of how to unify China.

Ying Zheng also knows that his playmate has a passion for serving his country, which is far more difficult to deal with than King Yan. How can he let Prince Dan go easily? However, in the face of his playmate's repeated requests to return to the state of Yan, Ying Zheng is embarrassed to refuse directly, so he thinks of a way.

He said to Prince Dan, if you want to go back to the state of Yan, you can, but only if you have the conditions, that is, you have to let the afternoon sun return to the middle of the day. After that, if it doesn't rain, it will rain corn directly, let the horse grow a horn on its head, or let the wooden elephant grow meat feet.

At first glance, this is an invincible confession between lovers. However, when YAN Dan heard Ying Zheng's "oath", he felt that his personality was insulted, because these things were impossible. That is to say, Ying Zheng wanted to be trapped in the state of Qin and wanted to return to the state of Yan. It was impossible for him to be a hostage to the state of Qin.

YAN Dan failed to assassinate Ying Zheng and got burned.

After listening to the "confession" of his childhood playmate, YAN Dan was angry. He watched the constant attack of Qin Kingdom, and the trend of unifying the six countries almost became a foregone conclusion. YAN Dan thought that he could not continue to wait for his death, because once Qin Kingdom destroyed Zhao Kingdom, Yan Kingdom would be in danger. So he ran away from Qin Kingdom when Qin King Zheng focused on Korea and Zhao kingdom.

With Prince Dan running back to Yan, the news that South Korea and Zhao were annexed by Qin also spread to Yan. YAN Dan decided to plan a major event to stop Ying Zheng's annexation of the six countries and calm his anger. Therefore, under Tian Guang's advice, an assassination of Ying Zheng came into being.

This action is very famous in history, that is, Jing Ke assassinated the king of Qin. We will have a lot of time to describe this assassination in the later period. No matter the details, we will only say one result. The result is that Jing Ke failed to assassinate the king of Qin, and Prince Dan was also involved, so we have to avoid the attack.

But Ying Zheng's anger is not easy to calm down. He orders Wang Jian to attack the state of Yan and break Ji City, the capital of the state of Yan. Yan Wang Xi and taizidan flee to Liaodong, but the Qin army still pursues them fiercely. Yan Wang Xi thinks it's his good son who assassinated the king of Qin, so he kills taizidan and gives the head of YAN Dan to Ying Zheng to calm down his anger.

Why does Yandan want to kill Ying Zheng? It's not only to preserve the state of Yan, but also to be insulted by his personality. There is a saying that "a man can be killed but not insulted". Ying Zheng doesn't let go of his former playmate Yandan, and teases him verbally, which makes Yandan feel very angry and gnash his teeth at Ying Zheng.

From childhood playmates to immortality, Ying Zheng and YAN Dan only have different standpoints. In fact, they have personal feuds. The two people who had good personal relations became immortality in the face of the conflict of interests between Qin and Yan. In fact, they are both right in their own standpoints, but their friendship has become the victim of national interests.

But then again, King Yan likes to give his son's head to Ying Zheng. Does it really block the iron hoof of the state of Qin? In fact, it doesn't. Even without the assassination planned by Yandan, the state of Qin still wants to destroy the state of Yan. It's just a matter of time.

Yan king likes to put Qin State's destruction on taizidan's assassination, which also shows how foolish Yan state is. It's reasonable that Yan state will be destroyed under the rule of Yan king. How can the fatuous King prevent Qin from merging?
