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Why is Qin Xiangong not as famous as Qin Xiaogong? What contribution did Qin Xiangong make to the rise of Qin State?

What Qin Xiangong took over was a rotten mess. After more than 20 years of hard work, Qin's national strength recovered slowly. After Qin Xiaogong took over, after Shang Yang's reform, Qin's national strength changed dramatically. Just like a seed, from planting to rooting, Qin Xiangong's period is equivalent to nuzui'er slowly after planting, just out of the ground, Qin Xiaogong's period is equivalent to rapid growth of seedlings.

Qin Xiangong laid a good foundation and Qin Xiaogong grew up healthily

Qin Xiangong turned the tide and laid a good foundation

When Qin Xiangong succeeded to the throne, the people were poor and the national strength was weak. Hexi was occupied by the state of Wei for decades. Qin Xiangong made great efforts to abolish the system of human sacrifice, which had been popular for hundreds of years. He moved the capital to the front line of Liyang, encouraged people to have children, attracted foreign people to Qin, recognized the private ownership of land, allowed land trading, and initially carried out the reform. The national strength recovered quickly, which laid the foundation for Shang Yang's reform.

In the 19th year of Qin Xiangong, Qin began to expand. First, he defeated the Han Wei allied army in Luoyang, then beheaded the Wei army 60000 in Shimen, and later captured the Wei Prime Minister gongshucuo. However, due to its small scale and late start, it could not be compared with the later wars.

Qin Xiangong spent more time and energy on the domestic reform when he was in power, which belonged to the stage of laying a good foundation.

Qin Xiangong reorganizes internal affairs

Through Shang Yang's reform, Qin Xiaogong's national strength increased greatly

After Qin Xiaogong took over, the state of Qin began to intervene in the affairs of the Central Plains, and its influence increased greatly. Shortly after his accession to the throne, Qin Xiaogong issued a famous recruitment order, which had far-reaching influence in later generations. After Shang Yang arrived in Qin, the monarch and his officials cooperated with each other tacitly and began to carry out the most thorough reform in the Warring States period. Qin's national strength grew with each passing day. It took only more than 20 years for him to develop from an abandoned wasteland to the first powerful country in the world!

Qin Xiaogong and Shang Yang

In the 10th year of emperor Xiaogong of Qin, he appointed Shang Yang as daliangzao and led his troops to encircle the state of Wei and occupy Anyi, the old capital of the state of Wei. In the 21st year of emperor Xiaogong of Qin, the state of Qin united with the states of Qi and Zhao to attack the state of Wei, captured the general of Wei and completely recovered the land lost in Hexi.

During the period of emperor Xiaogong of Qin, the state of Wei was defeated in the battle of Guiling and the battle of Maling, and fell down from the position of the Central Plains hegemony. However, the state of Qin thrived and became the first power in the world.

To sum up, in the period of Qin Xiangong, the focus was on reforming the bad government and reversing the declining situation, which belonged to the foundation stage, with weak national strength and less influence; in the period of Qin Xiaogong, through the reform of Shang Yang, the country changed rapidly and flew thousands of miles, with great influence and a strong sense of existence.
