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Ying Zheng calls himself "first emperor"! Can the six countries be unified without him?

Ying Zheng is the first emperor of Qin Dynasty, who unified the six countries. Because his achievements are incomparable with those of his predecessors, he chose Huang He Di from the "Three Emperors" and "Five Emperors" and called himself the first emperor, which means that the three emperors and five emperors are under him.

In history, there was a time when Ying Zheng was very close to death, that is, the famous Jing Ke assassinated King Qin.

Why did Jing Ke assassinate the king of Qin? At that time, Wang Jian, the general of the state of Qin, defeated the state of Zhao, captured the king of Zhao, occupied all the land of the state of Zhao, marched northward, occupied the land, and reached the southern border of the state of Yan. Prince Dan of Yan was very afraid, so he went to ask Jing Ke about the way, and said: "Qin soldiers will cross Yishui sooner or later, so although I want to serve you for a long time, how can I do it?" Jing Ke said: "even if you don't say, I will ask for action. If there is nothing to believe in, you can't get close to the king of Qin. Now general fan, the king of Qin, used a thousand jin of gold to seal the capital of ten thousand households. If you can get the head of general fan and the map of the governor Kang of Yan state for the king of Qin, the king of Qin will be happy to call me, and I will have a way to repay the prince.

Therefore, when Jing Ke and Qin Wuyang went to the state of Qin, Ying Zheng welcomed their two envoys to the state of Zhao, because this was the surrender ceremony of the state of Yan. Jing Ke and Qin Wuyang offered fan Yuqi's head and the map of the state of Yan under the pretext of surrender.

At that time, the state of Qin had just defeated Zhao and Wei, and the momentum was like a tiger. The front of the army was facing the state of Yan, so the state of Yan presented its general's head and map. Ying Zheng was very happy. It was the best thing for him not to fight. Therefore, Ying Zheng was in a very good mood that day. It was very pleasant to see Jing Ke and Qin Wuyang. According to the laws of the state of Qin, his ministers stood on the palace, They can't carry any weapons; those palace guards holding weapons are arranged under the steps of the palace. They can't go to the palace without the king's orders.

So Ying Zheng was in a good mood that day, so he didn't have to be on guard. Two apostles with their generals' heads and maps, I was also on guard that this would make the world laugh at him. So Ying Zheng was very relieved to let Jing Ke open the map for him to enjoy, and then something happened.

This is the historical allusion behind. Jing Ke slowly unfolds the map, and Ying Zheng is satisfied with it. Unexpectedly, at the end of the map, the dagger appears. Ying Zheng doesn't know what's going on, so he is scared. Jing Ke grabs Ying Zheng's sleeve and greets Ying Zheng with a dagger, because all the soldiers are outside the hall, and all the officials have no weapons. For a moment, everyone is happy Fortunately, Ying Zheng was in a hurry to hide around the pillars of the palace and Jing Ke. This is the famous King of Qin who walked around the pillars. Later, the ministers threw objects to stop Jing Ke. The sword leader of the king of Qin found an opportunity to cut off Jing Ke's thigh, and the soldiers came forward to kill him.

Before Jing Ke died, he said, "the reason why things didn't succeed is that I want to hijack you alive. I must get a contract to repay Prince Yan." after hearing this, Ying Zheng felt dizzy.

This is the most recent time that Ying Zheng left death. His life was controlled by his hands. He didn't die because Jing Ke wanted the king of Qin to sign a contract with Yan.

So, if there was no Ying Zheng in history, could Qin unify the six states.

First of all, we must understand the strength of Qin state at that time.

After Shang Yang's reform, we should understand that the Qin state is different from the six states. The Qin Dynasty has a very significant feature of centralization.

This is the most different place between the state of Qin and the six states. The power of the state of Qin is the most standard centralization. The power of the state is in the hands of the king of Qin alone. The generals under him do not have much power. For example, Baiqi would not say that he would raise his troops to rebel against the gods, because the laws of Qin are very strict. What can and can't be done is clearly written.

Therefore, in the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, among so many powerful vassal states, only the state of Qin basically had no big aristocratic infighting, even if there were small-scale palace killing.


"Biographies of Shang Jun" in historical records records records: "in the ten years of Qin Dynasty, Shang Jun was the Prime Minister of Qin Dynasty, and his family members were full of resentment."

Shang Jun Xiang Qin, taste Linwei on prison, Wei River is red.

What do you mean, in the ten years when Shang Yang was Prime Minister of Qin, Zongshi Dagui had a grudge against Shang Yang.

Shang Yang used to execute prisoners in Weishui, and he knew that the whole Weishui was dyed red.

Qin ruled the country by law. Legalists said that the emperor and the common people were guilty of the same crime. Therefore, most of the criminals killed by Shang Yang were the powerful class. This is also the reason why the state of Qin never fought with the nobility. Those who had problems died long ago. No one can accept the punishment of failure, which is the reason why the ministers of Qin Dynasty seldom betrayed when Qin II died.

So why did king Huiwen of Qin kill Shang Yang? Because Shang Yang's reform was too popular. The state of Qin was centralized. At this time, there were two people in the state of Qin who could be above the law, one was king Huiwen of Qin, the other was Shang Yang.

King Huiwen of Qin took office as a new king. Shang Yang has been in charge of the court for 20 years. Naturally, no one will be allowed to have authority over him. Killing Shang Yang is a very simple logic. Power can't be held in other people's hands. It's just that simple. As for the powerful people who resent Shang Yang, it's by the way, easing the resentment of the powerful people.

The first time that Qin Dynasty became a overlord was in the position of Qin Mu Gong. After Qin Mu Gong succeeded to the throne, he appointed bailixi, Jianshu and Youyu as counsellors, defeated Jin State, captured Jin Hui Gong, destroyed Liang state, Rui state and Hua state. Duke mu of Qin once assisted Duke Wen of Jin to return to the state of Jin and seize the throne in order to realize the friendship between Qin and Jin. After the death of Duke Wen of Jin Dynasty, the alliance collapsed and the Qin and Jin Dynasties confronted each other.

Later, he was defeated by Jin army twice in the battle of Gu in 627 and the battle of Peng Ya in 625, and the three generals were captured. The whole army of Qin army was destroyed, and the road of Qin's eastward advance was firmly held by Jin.

Qin Mugong then turned around and developed westward. He used a plan to recruit Yu, who had defected from Jin to Rong, to be a counselor. According to Yu Yu's plan, the state of Qin gradually destroyed 12 countries (20 countries) established by the Western Rong people. The king of Zhou congratulated the Duke of Qin on his victory over the Rong people, and gave him a golden drum. He hoped that he would continue to attack the Rong people by beating the drum. The Duke of Qin sent troops to attack Shu and other countries to the west of Hangu pass, opening up a territory of more than 1000 Li. Therefore, the king of Zhou appointed him as the uncle of the Western princes, so he dominated Xirong and laid the foundation for the unification of China in the future.

The foundation of Qin Dynasty was laid down in the hands of Qin Mugong. From then on, Qin dominated Xirong, and could move eastward and touch the Central Plains at any time.

After Shang Yang's reform, Qin had the power to unify the six states.

King Hui of Qin had many grievances with his clan, and his clan destroyed Shang Yang. In 325 BC, he called himself the king of Qin and became the first king of Qin. During the reign of Qin Dynasty, Zhang Yi was a member of the six kingdoms, Gongsun Yan, chulizi and simacuo were members of the military, Yiqu was attacked in the north, Bashu was leveled in the west, Hangu was sent out in the East, and Shangyang was sent to the south, which laid a solid foundation for the unification of China by Qin Dynasty.

King Huiwen of Qin used Zhang Yi to break through the vertical and horizontal, which was the biggest bright spot in his life. For Zhang Yi, Ying Si asked, tried, accepted and believed. In the complicated diplomatic struggle between Qin and other countries, he reversed the dangerous situation many times and defeated the soldiers of the five countries. After Shang Yang, he wrote another colorful chapter about the combination of monarch and minister. From then on, until the first emperor of Qin unified China, "not only Qin people" became the invariable line.

Here we will talk about the second place that the state of Qin is different from the six countries. Regardless of the origin of the people in the state of Qin, whether you are Zhao, Yan or Chu, as long as you have the ability, you will have the opportunity. This is different from the other six countries. Qin has no regional exclusivity, because Qin is a country ruled by law. Only the king of Qin can be above the law.

So by the time of King Zhaoxiang of Qin, it was the father's attitude to fight against the other six countries. This was the famous battle of Changping. The first battle of Qin killed 400000 troops of Zhao. From then on, no one of the six countries dared to face Qin's soldiers.

And this incident also led to a famous thing, xinlingjun stealing Fu to save Zhao.

After Qin's victory over Changping, Qin took advantage of his victory to encircle the capital of Zhao state, Handan, in an attempt to destroy Zhao at one stroke, and then to further annex Han, Wei, Chu, Yan, Qi and other countries to complete the plan of unifying China. At that time, the situation was very tense, especially when the capital of the state of Zhao was besieged, and the princes were frightened by the military power of the state of Qin and did not dare to help. The state of Wei was a close neighbor of the state of Zhao and also a country of in laws, so the state of Zhao had to ask for help from the state of Wei. As far as the state of Wei is concerned, saving one's neighbor is self-help, saving Zhao is saving Wei, and Zhao will perish with it. Knowing this, xinlingjun did not hesitate to take risks, steal amulets to save Zhao and fight against Qin soldiers. Finally, xinlingjun defeated the enemy's plot and ensured the security of the two countries.

Therefore, at the time of King Zhaoxiang of Qin, Qin had the chance to unify the six states. The troops of Qin had the potential to defeat the state of Zhao by 400000 a soldiers, and all the other six states were trembling, while the emperor Xinling took the 100000 troops of Wei to solve the disaster of Zhao's subjugation.

Why did Qin unify the six states,

One day, when the world was in chaos and war, the common people were suffering. The general trend of the world was that the division of time was bound to come together, and the division of time was bound to come. Naturally, it was time for people to end the war.

Qin Mu Gong's domination of Xirong laid a solid foundation for the Qin state. From then on, Qin became the center of Guanzhong to see the Warring States fighting, and became a powerful and rich soldier through political reform.

Sanrenhe, Qin's personnel are not confined to one pattern. We look at Qin's powerful officials, bailixi, Shangyang, Zhangyi, Fanju, lvbuwei. Qin's personnel never look at where you are, but only see if you can. Therefore, Qin can absorb capable people from all over the world. These capable people can effectively reduce the resistance of the six countries in the process of Qin's unification. Everyone will see that he can be a high official, and so can I Therefore, it's not the same who is king. In this way, the resistance becomes much smaller.

Therefore, without winning politics, Qin could not reunite six countries, only eight or nine or ten. After Shang Yang's reform, Qin was already the only one on top of six countries. All the Qin and Yi has the final say. Under such circumstances, the six countries are careless and perish. Qin failed and went back to Guanzhong to recuperate and continue to wait for opportunities. Just as there was no emperor Xinling stealing the talisman to save Zhao, the six states could be unified when King Zhaoxiang of Qin Dynasty was in power.

How can the six countries unite to guard against the state of Qin at all times when they are fighting against each other? This is the result of cooperation.

The six countries all know that Qin is the biggest opponent, but in this world, there is no way to guard against thieves for thousands of days. A thief is not a thief before he starts. Who can know who is a thief.

Qin destroyed the six states by providence. Without Ying Zheng, there would be others to accomplish it. Because Qin was centralized, the state itself had the nature of unification, and the rights of the other six states were scattered among the literati and bureaucrats. In essence, there was no concept of unification.
